oscommerce and wordpress integrates with joomla - wordpress

Is there any way to combine oscommerce with wordpress.Basically i need to combine joomla, oscommerce and wordpress into a single domain and use a unique template for all.also i want to introduce single sign on for all the applications.is it possible? please help.

You may use wordpress for joomla which integrates wordpress into joomla and installs as a component into joomla. Description from their site:
We’ve combined the most popular blogging platform (WordPress) with the
most popular CMS (Joomla!) to create the most powerful blogging
component ever made for Joomla!.
Introducing WordPress for Joomla!: an exciting new component for
Joomla! that integrates WordPress into your blog!
Packed with all of WordPress’s professional blogging tools (plus a few
surprises of our own!), you can now harness the power of WordPress
without ever leaving Joomla!. It’s a Joomla! blogger’s new best
For oscommerce integration there is this The josC! Project: osCommerce and Joomla Bridge project.Get a copy from here There are plenty enough powerful shop builders for joomla and you may search for them on JED

Wel you can try marvikshop. That's a oscommerce component for joomla. You can download it here


what is the best way to integrate wordpress subdirectory with joomla website?

Sorry for the trouble. I just want to ask is there a way to integrate wordpress subdirectory into joomla website? What i am trying to do is develop a blog site with wordpress subdirectory in joomla's corporate site and everytime that i post an article in wordpress it will display in root joomla website's template. Is there a way to do this?
Simply installing WordPress in a subdirectory of a Joomla site will not automatically display WordPress posts in the Joomla template.
You could develop a WordPress template that matches the Joomla one, or consider a Joomla integrated solution like https://www.corephp.com/joomla-products/wordpress-for-joomla
For what it's worth, it is fairly easy to blog within Joomla. You might consider looking at your specific needs and they to accomplish everything from within Jomla.
In the terms of usability & user friendliness having just one platform is the best solution.
There are plenty of joomla! Blog extensions available in JED directory and, I am sure you will find the most appropriate.
By the way, here is a FREE tool called WordPress to JoomBlog converter, that allows migration, saving all the users, categories and blog comments. Just to let you know

Magento and Wordpress intergration

I've been developing a Wordpress site for the last few months with the aim to make it a e-commerce website. I recently came across Magento and realised It is an extremely powerful e-commerce framework.
I was wondering whether anyone has any advice for Wordpress and Magento integration. Is it better to have Magento at the root as the CMS and use Wordpress for the blogging aspect, or is it just as feasible the other way around?
I was also wondering if it's worth me just creating a Magento theme based around my current Wordpress theme instead?
I think the latter is the best option here. I use Magento for an Ecommerce platform and Wordpress for the associated blog. Each has their strengths and weaknesses. Play to the strongest part of each and use Magento separately from Wordpress. Believe it or not, you'll save time even though you are using both platforms independently. Plus, Wordpress has been known to have minor to major security issues in the past. Plus, I wouldn't put the engine that's going to be providing me with a paycheck in a position that it was never intended to handle --> ecommerce.

Does Joomla or Drupal integrate better with phpBB forum

If it is difficult to integrate or not recommended, I would like to go with Drupal since I am more comfortable with it. But I don't know how difficult it is to customize the look and feel of PHPBB forum to match Drupal website. (I can theme Drupal).
Thanks for your suggestion.
For Joomla! there is RokBridge which does not require code modifications.
RocketThemes also offers matching themes for Joomla!, Drupal and phpBB, but they are not (all) free.
If you can embed the forum in the CMS, check out the Drupal module phpBBforum.
For Joomla there also appears to be an extension, though I haven't worked with this one: Mehdi's Phpbb THREE bridge

How do you install PrestaShop inside a Wordpress install

I'm trying to install Smashing Magazine's free e-commerce wordpress theme that uses PrestaShop and Wordpress together. I've been trying for about a day already and can't figure it out. Anyone willing to help?
this is the link to the file
You should look at these suggestions they are very similar to your problem. You should also install the Prestashop-to-Wordpress plugin and the PrestaShop module for WordPress. I think you have to pay for the PrestaShop module for WordPress though.
It is two separate installs, 1 wp and 2 prestashop! The theme was designed to look the same so one can have both and user can navigate both but seems as they are on one platform, you can't install prestashop inside wordpress, you could possibly add the header & footer as well as a widget inside the blog or use iframe to view parts of it. They are two different platforms and to integrate both fully you would either have to create a module of some sort for prestashop or a plugin for wordpress in either case you would be using one or the other with both installed in your hosting account. If you want a shop in your blog or a blog in your shop the best way to do this would be to have a web designer create you a custom themes that look similar for both wordpress and prestashop, this would also be the case for any other shopping of blog platform. With that said both wordpress and prestashop offer solutions. With wordpress you can add plugins in order to sell products in your blog, with prestashop they offer various blog modules that you can install in your store, so you do have some options, I hope this helps sort it out for you, Good Day!

what the best solution for user driven content on my website

i have created a website for a non profit organization. People on the site want to post stuff . i want to figure out the best way to allow them to do this.
Can i host a wordpress site and somehow embed it into my website
Do i need to install some whole CMS solution?
Other solutions for supporting user driven posts.
to clarify, the functionality of wordpress is all i need (people posting content and pictures).
It's easy to integrate Wordpress into a static html site.
Integrating WordPress with Your Website « WordPress Codex. (You do need mysql, but almost every hosting company out there offers it.)
If you want to convert an existing html site to Wordpress, look at Theme Development « WordPress Codex. Developing Wordpress themes is no more complex than other CMS's, and here are lots of tutorials out there. You divide up your html into header.php, index.php, page.php, footer.php, etc., and css into style.css. If you do a standard Wordpress theme, then plugins will work fine.
Go ahead and do a full install of Wordpress; there's no option for a minimum install. WP is small, anyway.
If you need a finer degree of working with editors, subscribers and contributors than Wordpress offers out of the box, look at different plugins that offer role managing capability, giving administrators the power to give different levels of permissions to users to write, edit and publish. WordPress › Search for roles « WordPress Plugins
You can pull other content into Wordpress via RSS, too, and either have that content appear as an RSS feed, or have it integrated into published posts. FeedWordPress | simple and flexible Atom/RSS syndication for WordPress
You can get a free account at wordpress.com and try out a limited version of Wordpress, limited in that it is hosted by wordpress.com and you have a small number of plugins and css modifications you can make. But once you selfhost Wordpress, then you can do much more with it in terms of plugins and adapting the css to an existing site.
You could use a Wiki.
There are a few popular free Wiki packages out there these days. By far the most popular would be the framework behind Wikipedia - MediaWiki. Wikis' are a proven way to let users create the content, with systems in place to prevent vandalism/spam. MediaWiki also has a whole bunch of great plug-ins for anything you would need.
Another Wiki option is to use the Wordpress-Wiki plug-in for Wordpress. It lets you use Wordpress, but with some features of a Wiki. Not as feature rich as MediaWiki, but a good option if you really like Wordpress.
You do not need to install a whole cms solution, though wordpress can host an entire site, not just blogs.
You could hack it by using a hosted weordpress and displaying it in an iframe (this one might get some flames - but it works and it's easy)
You could also install wordpress on your server. By the sounds of it this is not your expertise, and while setting up wordpress is getting easier every release, for smaller sites I would much rather recommend pivotx
wordpress has a lot of overhead and requires a mysql database. The templated, while there are more available than in pivotx are harder to create. So I'm suggesting the other solution because it does the bulk of what wordpress does, and though it has far far far fewer plugins, it is a lot easier to theme, as it uses smarty.
This problem/scenario is pretty common. And the most common solution is to install a CMS. Our compagny installs Drupal to let end user manage their website easily. They can edit menus, and change content as easily as you write a document in word processor software.
But there is a lot of CMS out there...
Have you tried blogEngine.net?
I have two sites http://www.dotnetscraps.com and http://www.abhyast.com/ that are hosted using blogEngine.net. It is free and has multi user support, and the best part for me is that it supports both XML and SQL hosting. Anything that you post automatically ends up in the App_Data folder which is what you need to backup.
There are a plenty of themes to choose from, and if you wish you can customize your own theme without much effort.
