Asterisk initiate call - asterisk

can I initiate an outgoing call with Asterisk by an other way than using callfiles?

a friend called google told me that :

you can also initiate originate command on asterisk cli. or can use dial-plan Dial application for making more interactive

using asterisk-manager node-js module then
var Ami = require('asterisk-manager');
var ami = Ami("5038", "", "admin", "AMIpassword", true);
//call someone and move him to ivr-4
'CallerID': '0123456789',
'async': true,
'Codecs': 'g729'
}, function(err, res) {
the number in channel going to be dialed
The CallerID is the number that should appear to the receiver
the context is where you are sending the receiver after call answered


NServiceBus Router events published on Amazon SQS transport are not handled by an Azure Service Bus transport endpoint

I've been trying to get NServiceBus.Router working to allow endpoints using the AmazonSQS transport and the AzureServiceBus transport to communicate with each other. So far, I am able to get a command sent from the ASB endpoint through the router and handled by the SQS endpoint. However, when I publish an event from the SQS endpoint, it is not handled by the ASB endpoint even though I have registered the SQS endpoint as a publisher. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong, but looking at every example I can find from from the docs, it seems like it should work.
I have already tried adding another forwarding route in the reverse of what is below (SQS to ASB), but that did not solve the issue.
The endpoints and router are each running in .net 5 worker services.
I've made a sample project that reproduces the issue here, but here are some quick at-a-glance snippets that show the relevant setup:
Router Setup
var routerConfig = new RouterConfiguration("ASBToSQS.Router");
var azureInterface = routerConfig.AddInterface<AzureServiceBusTransport>("ASB", t =>
t.SubscriptionRuleNamingConvention((entityType) =>
var entityPathOrName = entityType.Name;
if (entityPathOrName.Length >= 50)
return entityPathOrName.Split('.').Last();
return entityPathOrName;
var sqsInterface = routerConfig.AddInterface<SqsTransport>("SQS", t =>
var settings = t.GetSettings();
// Avoids a missing setting error
bool isMessageType(Type t) => true;
var ctor = typeof(MessageMetadataRegistry).GetConstructor(
BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, null,
new[] {typeof(Func<Type, bool>)}, null);
#pragma warning disable CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete
settings.Set<MessageMetadataRegistry>(ctor.Invoke(new object[] {(Func<Type, bool>) isMessageType}));
#pragma warning restore CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete
var staticRouting = routerConfig.UseStaticRoutingProtocol();
staticRouting.AddForwardRoute("ASB", "SQS");
ASB Endpoint Setup
var endpointConfiguration = new EndpointConfiguration("ASBToSQSRouter.ASBEndpoint");
var transport = endpointConfiguration.UseTransport<AzureServiceBusTransport>();
transport.SubscriptionRuleNamingConvention((entityType) =>
var entityPathOrName = entityType.Name;
if (entityPathOrName.Length >= 50)
return entityPathOrName.Split('.').Last();
return entityPathOrName;
var bridge = transport.Routing().ConnectToRouter("ASBToSQS.Router");
bridge.RouteToEndpoint(typeof(ASBToSQSCommand), "ASBToSQSRouter.SQSEndpoint");
bridge.RegisterPublisher(typeof(ASBToSQSEvent), "ASBToSQSRouter.SQSEndpoint");
SQS Endpoint Setup (nothing special because it doesn't need to know about the router)
var endpointConfiguration = new EndpointConfiguration("ASBToSQSRouter.SQSEndpoint");
var transport = endpointConfiguration.UseTransport<SqsTransport>();
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Unfortunately one of the recent SQS transport releases contains a change that makes the subscription work only by default in the context of a full NServiceBus endpoint. This feature is subscription batching.
In order for the Router to work correctly (Router does not run a full endpoint, just NServiceBus transport), you need to add this magic line to the SQS interface configuration:
settings.Set("NServiceBus.AmazonSQS.DisableSubscribeBatchingOnStart", true);
This is an undocumented flag that disables the subscription batching and allows router to complete the subscribe operations normally.
I am sorry for the inconvenience.

Moving Error message from error queue back to original queue with Rebus

Is it possible to move error message from error queue to its original queue, programmatically or via UI?
Questions below on the code below:
1 Does the code below apply to Publiser or Subscriber or both?
The code below:
.Transport(t => (...)) //< use queue "error" here
.Routing(r =>
r.AddTransportMessageForwarder(async transportMessage =>
var sourceQueue = transportMessage.Headers.TryGetValue(Headers.SourceQueue, out var result)
? result
: throw new ArgumentException($"Could not find '{Headers.SourceQueue}' header");
return ForwardAction.ForwardTo(sourceQueue);
2 Transport method below works for my code. However, the code above suggests using error queue name, will it work?
Where are the Publiser and Subscriber queue name like below specified if the code above is used?
Please provide code for pub sub pattern.
.Transport(t => t.UseAzureServiceBus(Consts.ServiceBusConnectionString, Consts.Publisher))
.Transport(t=>t.UseAzureServiceBus(Consts.ServiceBusConnectionString, Consts.Subscriber1))
Since Rebus uses ordinary queues as its dead-letter queues, it's quite easy to start a bus instance with error as the input queue – then you can e.g. use Rebus' built-in transport message forwarding capability to do that you want to the messages – e.g. forward them to their source queues:
.Transport(t => (...)) //< use queue "error" here
.Routing(r =>
r.AddTransportMessageForwarder(async transportMessage =>
var sourceQueue = transportMessage.Headers.TryGetValue(Headers.SourceQueue, out var result)
? result
: throw new ArgumentException($"Could not find '{Headers.SourceQueue}' header");
return ForwardAction.ForwardTo(sourceQueue);
or whatever you want in there.
There also exists a UI, Fleet Manager, that can do this – it replaces the need for dead-letter queues entirely, as it stores failed messages in its database and makes it possible to return the failed messages to their source queues (or another queue, if that's what you want), but it's only available if you're a Rebus Pro subscriber.
Update (with answers to the questions in your update):
1) AddTransportMessageForwarder is only relevant for an endpoint that receives messages.
2) It's the "queue name" specified as an argument to the .Useblablabla method. For example, with Azure Service Bus it would read
.Transport(t => t.UseAzureServiceBus(Consts.ServiceBusConnectionString, "error"))

Not getting Any Events From Asternet.Ari On FreePbx

I have set up FreePbx and it is working I can make calls into the pbx and out of the pbx. I have enabled the REST API and added a user and password. I cloned the Asternet.Ari
The program runs and I get the connected event:
// Create a new Ari Connection
ActionClient = new AriClient(
new StasisEndpoint("", 8088, "userId", "password"),
// Hook into required events
ActionClient.OnStasisStartEvent += c_OnStasisStartEvent;
ActionClient.OnChannelDtmfReceivedEvent += ActionClientOnChannelDtmfReceivedEvent;
ActionClient.OnConnectionStateChanged += ActionClientOnConnectionStateChanged;
ActionClient.OnChannelCallerIdEvent += ActionClient_OnChannelCallerIdEvent;
private static void ActionClientOnConnectionStateChanged(object sender)
Console.WriteLine("Connection state is now {0}", ActionClient.Connected);
The ActionClient is connected.
I then call in to a extension but nothing happens. I do not get any other events. Should an event fire when any extension is called? Not sure if I have set the pbx up correctly. I do not get any calling events when I call in from soft phone or from outside Lan on a cell phone.
Long time have passed but maybe useful yet.
Just set subscribeAllEvents argument to true.
ActionClient = new AriClient(
new StasisEndpoint("voip", 8088, "root", "password"),
Well your Asterisk Ari is connecting, but to get anything in it, you have to create Extension so your call go to Stasis application.
Please edit your extensions.conf file with following information
exten => _1XX,1,NoOp()
same => n,Stasis(HelloWorld,PJSIP/${EXTEN}, 45)
same => n,Hangup()
This script first check any incoming number which starts with 1 will be forawarded to your ARI script. HelloWorld is name of app so you alread have it in your script. Now any call come it will show whole information on your socket. Now you have to handle this information to any specific task.

How do I handle react-native-meteor DDP connection failure?

In this example you connect to Meteor with code like this
Meteor.connect('ws://192.168.X.X:3000/websocket');//do this only once
This is an asynchronous method and, as result, it returns nothing and it also doesn't accept a callback and Meteor.status() right after it will return connected == false. So the only solution I can see is to wrap this check into setTimeout callback with timeout set to, say 5s. Then, in case Meteor.status().connected is still false to show an error in UI. Is there a better solution?
On react-native-meteor you have access to DDP protocol so you can check for DDP status like this:
Meteor.ddp.on('connected', () => {'Conection con server stablished.');
Meteor.ddp.on('disconnected', () => {'Disconnected from server.');
You can also listen for all DDP events exposed here

Using tinytest to test Meteor client while the server is running

Is it possible to test the Meteor client while the server is running using tinytest? Here's my example testing the client only:
Tinytest.add("Add object to a collection", function(test) {
var people = new Meteor.Collection("people");
people.insert({"name": "Andrew"}, function(error, id) {
For a fraction of a second this passes, but then it goes into the state of "waiting". I'm also positive that error is not null.
Meteor.Error {error: 404, reason: "Method not found", details: undefined}
I know this is happening because their is no server for the client to communicate with. When I try to run this test on the server and client, I continue to get the same issue with the client. Is there a way to test the client while the server is running?
Thanks, Andrew
Use new Meteor.Collection with no argument to create a stub collection that doesn't require the server. See the docs on Collections:
If you pass null as the name, then you're creating a local collection. It's not synchronized anywhere; it's just a local scratchpad that supports Mongo-style find, insert, update, and remove operations.
This is an async test, so you'll have to use addAsync.
Tinytest.addAsync("Add object to a collection", function(test, next) {
var people = new Meteor.Collection("people");
people.insert({"name": "Andrew"}, function(error, id) {
Note the next argument which signals that you are done in the callback.
