Visual Studio 2008, Why is App_code missing from .NET folders -

New to working with Visual Studio Solutions.
I normally place my Site Class file with basic functions in a folder called App_code
But noticed I created a website project in visual studio and only have options for .net folders :
Should I instead put my customer class files in one of these ?

Website project can use App_Code.
Web Application project doesnt use App_Code. You can just add a class. Everythign compiles as code and makes a dll file.


How to open a .publishproj file in Visual Studio 2017?

I just simple know that is a published project, but how to open that file as a project? Here is the story, I got a file from a contractor with all the project and the pages and I would like to check the code and run the project from Visual Studio 2017.
Sorry about my ignorance and thanks in advance.
You can't.
What you can do though is create an ASP.Net Project (e.g. .csproj) and then right-click on a folder or the root of that Project and select "Add Existing Web Site...". This adds your site to that solution.
Note that .publishproj projects ("Web Site" Projects, aka "Web Applications") are not really compiled/built. (Though they can be pre-compiled, but that's not the same thing).
Web Sites are "published" not "built". Note that publish profiles (.pubxml) files are stored in /App_Data/PublishProfiles folder and work very much the same as .csProj files. In fact MSBuild will recognize some of the same elements, such as <task> and <using>. You just have to manually add them.

visual studio 2005 compile website

How can I compile website (not web project) using visual studio 2005?
Whenever I compile, those dll for the website app_code is not found in my website bin folder, but instead, in a temporary dll folder (C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files).
Is there anyway for me to have the compiled dll in the bin folder?
you can use publish web site feature:
In the publish Properties, check "Use fixed naming and single page assemblies".

What's a bin.net3.5 file

What's a 'bin.net3.5' file that gets created in the same folder as the VS2012 solution that contains an website?
I would like to mention that this is a file and I am not referring to the project's 'bin' directory where projects' compiled dlls will be placed after a build.
As discussed it seems that this is something related to your project specific file. There is no such standard file created by Visual Studio 2012
Bin Folder
ASP.NET recognizes the Bin folder of a website as a special folder for
specific types of content. A Bin folder is meant to contain compiled
assemblies (.dll files) for custom ASP.NET controls, components, or
other code that you want to reference in your ASP.NET web application.
You can store compiled assemblies in the Bin folder, and other code
anywhere in the web application (such as code for pages) automatically
references it. A typical example is that you have the compiled code
for a custom class. You can copy the compiled assembly to the Bin
folder of your Web application and the class is then available to all
Some DLL's are kept in different folder names to determine the version, you'll notice when using nuget, the dll's will go into a packages folder, and are often split as net40, net45 etc
When you build the project, your Dll's will go into the Bin directory. website to web application project (Old_App_Code folder)

I am converting a website (Visual studio 2010) to web application project (Visual studio 2010). Once I convert it I see a 'Old_App_Code' folder. How to convert the class files in that folder to WAP? Do I need create a seperate class library for those?
thanks in advance
after reading a ton about it and reading suggestions of using the Razor Generator et cetera, I couldn't figure it out. so I just renamed the Old_App_Code folder back to App_Code and my application just works

How to reference external assemblies from an ASP.NET web site

I need to reference external assemblies from a dozen web sites. These assemblies won't be in the GAC, but will be located in a location relative to the web site ("..\..\dlls\release").
From what I understand, Visual studio doesn't have an explicit assembly reference, or way to link a web site to an external .csproj or .dll library. (Unlike a web project).
These sites are sample projects for the open-source image-resizing HttpModule
I don't want to make users run a .bat file to copy the dlls into each /bin folder.
Is there some secret hints file I can use to let visual studio know where to look?
I'm working on dynamic assembly resolution, but that won't help visual studio at all, just hosted versions of the site.
Add the assemblies' full names to the <compilation> element of Web.config, and put them in the GAC on your dev machine.
