Making a single row of an aspxGridView flash -

Is there any way of making a single row within an AspxGridView flash different colours based on a value within a cell. E.g. continually changing the background colour of the row between red and green if a value in a cell is 5 so that it stands out on the page?
I have found one article that says it cant be done, but this was in 2008..

With a css class added to row as advised in the previous answer you can apply following script and style:
$(function () {
setInterval(flashRow, 500);
function flashRow() {
Css style:
background-color: Green;
background-color: Red;
Where blink - css style that you add to the row in the RowDataBound method.
See demo here

Take a look at the E3324 Code Central example.
You can use the described approach as a starting point.

<dx:ASPxTimer ID="ASPxTimer2" runat="server" Interval="250"
var table = document.getElementById(;
for (i = 0; i <= table.rows.length; i++)
var tableRow = document.getElementById( + '_DXDataRow' + i);
if (tableRow.getAttribute('flicker') != '1')
if ( == '' || == 'white') = 'red';
else = 'white';

you can do that on the event rowdatabount
check the current row is it with the value you want to highlight
then change the color of the current row by adding css attributes to it or assigning a cssclass


Make table row behave like an accordion

I'm using a table to display assignments. The table row has an initial height value of 300px. When the table is loaded, the table row height is reduced to 50px so that some of the details are hidden and this is done by adding a style.
.hidedetails {
max-height: 50px;
To show the hidden details, the user needs to click on the down-arrow. By doing that, the .hidedetails style is removed and the following is added, at the same time the down-arrow changes to an up-arrow.
.showdetails {
min-height: 300px;
To hide the details again, the user simply clicks on the up-arrow, which then changes again to the down-arrow. The result is the following:
I would like to know how can I hide the details of the table row that is showing them if I click on the down-arrow of the table row that is not selected. I have tried with JQuery but it won't work.
In case anyone is interested, I was able to achieve what I wanted by adding this to the onClick event of the arrow icon which is a button widget.
var tableRow = widget.parent.parent;
var rows = tableRow.parent.children._values;
if (widget.text === ("keyboard_arrow_down") ) {
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
if (rows[i].name.indexOf('Table2Row') > -1) {
rows[i].styles = ['hidedetails'];
rows[i].descendants.Button3.text = "keyboard_arrow_down";
tableRow.styles = ['showdetails'];
widget.text = "keyboard_arrow_right";
} else if (widget.text === ("keyboard_arrow_right")){
tableRow.styles = ["hidedetails"];
widget.text = "keyboard_arrow_down";

CSS hover "through" element without blocking click

note: I do not have access to the HTML or javascript code
I am using the excellent Chrome plugin, Web Override, to improve usability on a vendor site my company uses. I am only looking for CSS solutions (or possibly js/jq scripts I can sideload).
I'm trying to set table rows to highlight on hover, which is easy enough:
#task-list-main-table tr:hover {
background-color: lightyellow;
The problem is that there is a little button that appears on each row when you hover over it. This means if I hover over the button, the corresponding row is not highlighted.
I know I could use pointer-events:none but then I can no longer click on the button, which I need to be able to do.
So, is there any way in CSS to "pass through" hover events without affecting click events?
This is a pretty convoluted method, but if you have the ability to inject javascript, this function will check if your mouse is overlapping whatever element you supply as the selector.
//Change this value to desired element
var hoverElement = "td";
//Change this value to the class you'd like to add when hovering
var addClass = "hover";
function getOffset( el ) {
var _x = 0;
var _y = 0;
while( el && !isNaN( el.offsetLeft ) && !isNaN( el.offsetTop ) ) {
_x += el.offsetLeft - el.scrollLeft;
_y += el.offsetTop - el.scrollTop;
el = el.offsetParent;
return { top: _y, left: _x };
function hasClass(element, cls) {
return (' ' + element.className + ' ').indexOf(' ' + cls + ' ') > -1;
function overlapListener(element, x, y, classToAdd) {
var eTop = getOffset(element).top;
var eLeft = getOffset(element).left;
var eBottom = eTop + element.clientHeight;
var eRight = eLeft + element.clientWidth;
if (x <= eRight && x >= eLeft && y <= eBottom && y >= eTop) {
if (!hasClass(element, classToAdd)) {
element.className = classToAdd;
} else {
if (hasClass(element, classToAdd)) {
element.className = "";
var elementList = document.querySelectorAll(hoverElement);
[], function(b) {
overlapListener(b, e.clientX, e.clientY, addClass)
I'm sure there are some JS gurus around here that could write you something a bit less obfuscated, however I found this to be a good practice exercise for myself. I chose to write it in vanilla JS as I'm unsure of what your limitations are, although JQuery could substantially reduce the amount of needed code.

How to strike a perticular row in extjs on click of button

I have a grid with row. I want to give a strike on click of particular button. Here is my code.
xtype: 'button',
text: 'Exclude',
handler : function(){
var cohartgrid = Ext.getCmp('abc');
var cohartstore = cohartgrid.getStore();
var record = Ext.getCmp('abc').getSelectionModel().getSelected();
var st = cohartstore.getRange();
if (record) {'row-deleted');// This line is not working.
if( == "No"){
What css I have to put. Thanks for help.
I answered same kind of question in other post. Here you need to get the index of your row and then place strike css by using addClass. remember extjs 3 is not supporting addCls
var selection = grid.getSelectionModel();
for(var i=0;i<;i++){
var test = grid.getView().getRow(i);
dsd.addClass('StrikeCSS'); // Placing css to that perticular row.
In answer grid is your grid. In selection you getting row index and placing Strike
.StrikeCSS {
text-decoration: line-through !important;
color : BLACK !important;
Use code to add class in selected row :
rowIndex = cohartgrid.getStore().indexOf(selectedRecord);
cohartgrid.getView().addRowCls(rowIndex, 'row-deleted');

How does one set the background colour of individual cells rather than of events?

Rather than create events for Christmas and Easter and the like, I'd like to be able colour the date cells affected, and even perhaps have a grey translucent text for each event. Is there any easy way to do this in FullCalendar?
It's been pointed out to me that fc-state-highlight is used to highlight fc-today, so perhaps a similar thing could be done, applying a css class to cells and defining it as "public holiday colour". A thought. The problem is how does one apply this class to the relevant dates such that it works within FC without breaking anything.
This could be done using eventAfterAllRender. Make a separate ajax call to find all of the holidays then change the color of the td. Example for month and holiday being June 1st, done with FC 2.0.1:
eventAfterAllRender: function (view) {
//Use view.intervalStart and view.intervalEnd to find date range of holidays
//Make ajax call to find holidays in range.
var fourthOfJuly = moment('2014-07-04','YYYY-MM-DD');
var holidays = [fourthOfJuly];
var holidayMoment;
for(var i = 0; i < holidays.length; i++) {
holidayMoment = holidays[i];
if ( == 'month') {
$("td[data-date=" + holidayMoment.format('YYYY-MM-DD') + "]").addClass('holiday');
} else if ( =='agendaWeek') {
var classNames = $("th:contains(' " + holidayMoment.format('M/D') + "')").attr("class");
if (classNames != null) {
var classNamesArray = classNames.split(" ");
for(var i = 0; i < classNamesArray.length; i++) {
if(classNamesArray[i].indexOf('fc-col') > -1) {
$("td." + classNamesArray[i]).addClass('holiday');
} else if ( == 'agendaDay') {
if(holidayMoment.format('YYYY-MM-DD') == $('#calendar').fullCalendar('getDate').format('YYYY-MM-DD')) {
when doc ready, have a js function to select all TDs, with data-date the ones you want, and add CSS class to them. I don't know if it works, just an idea.

ng-grid How to set separate style for last row

I am trying to display some aggregate value (like total) in the last row of an ng-grid. The style and css class of the last row needs to be different than the other cells in that column. How to acheive this?
The cellTemplate in a column definition applies to all cells in that column, but in my case I need to have a different style for the last row in that column. Can anyone please suggest me a solution.
I was able to add a class to the last row through a plugin:
function ngGridAddClassToLastRow(className) {
var self = this;
self.grid = null;
self.scope = null;
self.init = function (scope, grid, services) {
self.domUtilityService = services.DomUtilityService;
self.grid = grid;
self.scope = scope;
var addClass = function () {
var lastRow = self.scope.renderedRows[self.scope.renderedRows.length - 1];
lastRow.elm[0].className = lastRow.elm[0].className + ' ' + className;
self.scope.$watch(, addClass);
And with this added to the gridOptions:
plugins: [new ngGridAddClassToLastRow('<some class name>'),
And of course add some css, e.g. in my case:
.lastRow {
border-bottom: 0px;
That worked for me. I cannot say for certain that is the way to go since, needless to say, i'm a noob with Angular and ngGrid. I've constructed the plugin from flexible height plugin.
You can set a special property "isLast" (or however you like to name it) of the item that should be displayed in the last row. This item can be accessed through row.entity.isLast.
... somewhere in your controller ....
$scope.getRowClass = function(row) {
return row.entity.isLast === true ? 'lastRow' : '';
... somewhere inside the gridOptions ...
rowTemplate: '<div ng-style="{ \'cursor\': row.cursor }" ng-repeat="col in renderedColumns" ng-class="[col.colIndex(), getRowClass(row)]" class="ngCell {{col.cellClass}}">....</div>'
Based on the .lastRow class you could define a custom style for the last grid row.
