Full Singular Value Decomposition in R - r

In most applications (esp. statistical ones) the thin SVD suffices. However, on occasion one needs the full SVD in order to obtain an orthobasis of the null space of a matrix (and its conjugate). It seems that svd() in R only returns the thin version. Is it possible to produce the full version? Are there alternatives?

> findFn("svd NULL space")
found 47 matches; retrieving 3 pages
This looks on point:
MSBVAR null.space Find the null space of a matrix
As does this function in MASS.

R Core uses the routines from Linpack, Lapack, ... that it needs.
If you need something different, you probably need to either get yourself other Linpack etc routines, or connect to a library providing more.
Doug Bates just wrapped the Eigen library in the RcppEigen package which may have something for you. Eigen appear to be both powerful and fairly featureful while being highly optimised.


Is there a LAPACK function for zeroing out the upper / lower corner of a matrix?

Some LAPACK functions (like dgqrf) return a function where the answer is upper triangular but then there's some auxilary information stored below the diagonal. I'm wondering if there's a function that will zero out the below the diagonal entries.
General Problem
No, there is no such function in standard BLAS/LAPACK.
If you are willing to move from using BLAS/LAPACK functions directly (with all potential issues and side effects), you may find linear algebra packages that would make such operations easier. Say, Eigen would provide TriangularViews, while other packages would have their way of doing that.
If you have to use BLAS/LAPACK directly, you would have to zero out it yourself.
I assume that you don't need the Q from the QR decomposition and only care about the R. With that, you want to store it in place and clean and avoid doing a copy into another allocated storage.
Technically, you can do it using dormqr and setting matrix C to be a zero-matrix. However, it is not efficient, as you are actually performing not needed linear algebra operations and storing another dense matrix. You are certainly better off doing a manual loop to clean up if that is actually required or copy R into another place (similar to how it's done here).

Lapack Orthonormalization Function for Rectangular Matrix

I was wondering if there was a function in Lapack for orthonormalizing the columns of a very tall and skinny matrix. A similar previous question asked this question, presumably in the context of a square matrix. My setting is as follows: I have an M by N matrix A that I am trying to orthonormalize the columns of.
So, my first thought was to do a qr decomposition. The functions for doing a qr decomposition in Lapack seem to be dgeqrf and dormqr. Great. However, my problem is as follows: my matrix A is so tall, that I don't want to actually compute all of Q, because it is M by M. In fact, I can't afford to instantiate an M by M matrix at all during any of my computation (it would not fit in memory). I would rather compute just the matrix that wikipedia calls Q1. However, I can't seem to find a way to make this work.
The weird thing is, that I think it is possible. Numpy, in particular, has a function numpy.linalg.qr that appears to do just this. However, even after reading their source code, I can't figure out how they are using lapack calls to get this to work.
Do folks have ideas? I would strongly prefer this to only use lapack functions because I am hoping to port this code to CuSOLVE, which has implemented several lapack functions (including dgeqrf and dormqr) for the GPU.
You want the "thin" or "economy size" version of QR. In matlab, you can do this with:
[Q,R] = qr(A,0);
I haven't used Lapack directly, but I would imagine there's a corresponding call there. It appears that you can do this in python with:
numpy.linalg.qr(a, mode='reduced')

Fast, portable, c++ math library for matrix and vector manipulations

I have my own game engine which is written in opengl and c++. I also have my own math library for matrix and vectors manipulations. I always had doubts about the performance of my math library, so I recently decided to search for some popular math library which is used by many game / graphics developers. I was surprised that I couldn't find anything.
People on stackoverflow suggested GLM and Eigen libraries in similar posts, so I made some performance tests. I multiplied 1000000 times two matrices 4x4, and here are results:
GLM: 4.23 seconds
Eigen: 12.57 seconds
My library: 0.25 seconds
I was surprised by these results, because my implementation of multiplying matrices is taken from wikipedia. I checked the code from glm and eigen and I found, that there is a lot of typedefs, assertions and other type checking, unnecessary code, which decrease performance a lot.
So, my question is:
Do you know any FAST math library with nice API for gamedev / graphics purpose? I need functionality like: creating translation, rotation, projection, matrix * matrix, inverse, look at, matrix * vector, quaternions, etc...
I checked the code from glm and eigen and I found, that there is a lot of typedefs, assertions and other type checking, unnecessary code, which decrease performance a lot.
Are you sure that you have done all this benchmarks using higher compiler optimization ON ?
And not for example using Debug settings ?
Another alternative would be also MathFu from Google.

Is there any Python equivalent of R's biglm?

I have used biglm in R and found it very useful. Now I need the same type of functionality in python. Any ideas? I have seen that patsy/statsmodels has an incremental mode, but have not been able to find any samples to copy/adapt. Any pointers would be much appreciated.
from a related answer of Nathaniel Smith on the statsmodels mailing list
My incremental LS code might be useful here, it's basically the same
The new X'X is the sum of the old X'Xs, then you have to re-do the
scaling and inversion to get the new vcov matrix for the estimates.
Should be doable so long as you know how many data points are in each
and the various sums-of-squares. (The code I linked has some extra
complexity because of handling a particular sort of heteroskedasticity
via FGLS, but it can pretty much be ignored.)
statsmodels doesn't have anything in this area yet.
There is an incremental OLS function in statsmodels, however that was written as helper function for cusum tests (in memory) and hasn't been used or checked for any other purpose:

Most mature sparse matrix package for R?

There are at least two sparse matrix packages for R. I'm looking into these because I'm working with datasets that are too big and sparse to fit in memory with a dense representation. I want basic linear algebra routines, plus the ability to easily write C code to operate on them. Which library is the most mature and best to use?
So far I've found
Matrix which has many reverse dependencies, implying it's the most used one.
SparseM which doesn't have as many reverse deps.
Various graph libraries probably have their own (implicit) versions of this; e.g. igraph and network (the latter is part of statnet). These are too specialized for my needs.
Anyone have experience with this?
From searching around RSeek.org a little bit, the Matrix package seems the most commonly mentioned one. I often think of CRAN Task Views as fairly authoritative, and the Multivariate Task View mentions Matrix and SparseM.
Matrix is the most common and has also just been accepted R standard installation (as of 2.9.0), so should be broadly available.
Matrix in base:
In my experience, Matrix is the best supported and most mature of the packages you mention. Its C architecture should also be fairly well-exposed and relatively straightforward to work with.
log(x) on a sparse matrix is a bad idea since log(0) isn't defined and most elements of a sparse matrix are zero.
If you would just like to get the log of the non-zero elements, try converting to a triplet sparse representation and taking a log of those values.
