I'm considering writing a computer adaptation of a semi-popular card game. I'd like to make it function without a central server, and I'm trying to come up with a scheme that will make cheating impossible without having to trust the client.
The basic problem as I see it is that each player has a several piles of cards (draw deck, current hand and discard deck). It must be impossible for either player to alter the composition of these piles except when allowed by the game rules (ie drawing or discarding cards), nor should players be able to know what is in their or their oppponent's piles.
I feel like there should be some way to use something like public-key cryptography to accomplish this, but I keep finding holes in my schemes. Can anyone suggest a protocol or point me to some resources on this topic?
Ok, so I've been thinking about this a bit more, and here's an idea I've come up with. If you can poke any holes in it please let me know.
At shuffle time, a player has a stack of cards whose value is known to them. They take these values, concatenate a random salt to each, then hash them. They record the salts, and pass the hashes to their opponent.
The opponent concatenates a salt of their own, hashes again, then shuffles the hashes and passes the deck back to the original player.
I believe at this point, the deck has been randomized and neither player can have any knowledge of the values. However, when a card is drawn, the opponent can reveal their salt, allowing the first player to determine what the original value is, and when the card is played the player reveals their own salt, allowing the opponent to verify the card value.
Your problem is the famous Mental Poker Problem in cryptography (this was one of my favorite parts of crypto-class in college). It is possible, and it has been solved (in part, like all things crypto, by Ron Rivest), as long as you don't mind a huge performance hit.
Check the wiki page for more details.
I want to describe one idea which came into my mind rather quickly. I don't know if it serves all your needs, so please feel free to comment on this.
Assume player A has cards A1, A2, A3, ... from a set represented by numbers 0, 1, ... N-1. These cards might be also separated into piles but this does not change the following.
Instead of handling these cards with a single list [A1, A2, A3, ...] you can instead use two of them [A1_a, A2_a, A3_a, ...] and [A1_b, A2_b, A3_b, ...] where one is with player A and the other with player B. They are generated in such a way, that each one is random (in range 0...N-1) but both are correlated such that A1_a + A1_b = A1, A2_a + A2_b = A2, ... (all operations modulo N).
Thus no player actually knows the cards without access to the complementary pile (i.e. he cannot reasonably change his cards)
Whenever you need to know a card both players show their corrresponding value and you add those modulo N
you can implement things like "draw a card" quite easily, both piles just have to be treated the same way
The traditional Mental Poker scheme is overkill. Your situation is actually much easier since there is no shared deck. You could do something like this:
Player A takes his cards and encrypts them with key Ka. He sends them to B who shuffles them, encrypts them with key Kb. Each time A wants to play a card, he asks B for the (Kb) decryption of the next one. A decrypts this to find what card he drew. At the end, A and B reveal Ka and Kb and compares them with the game log, which should prevent cheating.
Updated: On reflection, here's a simpler solution: As above, player A encrypts his cards and sends them to B. B shuffles them. Whenever A wants a card, he tells B which deck he's drawing from. B returns the (encrypted) card from the appropriate pile.
While a central server would probably be the easiest way, if you want to avoid it you could use a distributed system, wherein everybody playing the game is a storage host for other players' decks (not for himself or his opponent, but anybody else). I believe Limewire and Bittorrent both work this way, so you might gain some ideas by studying those sources.
Maybe the players could exchange hashes of their piles at the start of the game.
Then when the game is complete, the players exchange the actual composition that their piles had at the beginning of the game. Now the player's client can check that it matches the hash they got before and then check that all the moves that were made would work with those decks.
The only problem is how the decks are shuffled initially. You would need to make sure the player cannot just start his deck in any order he chooses.
Maybe have the players generate their initial deck order by getting randomness from some specific source.. but in a way that the other player cannot work out what the other player's deck orders are until the end of the game, but can still check that the player didn't fiddle their decks. Not sure how you could accomplish that.
Another idea. Maybe instead of generating the random decks at the beginning of the game, they could be generated as the game goes on.
Each time a player needs to take a new card from the pile, their opponent sends them some random seed that is used to choose what the next card will be.
That way the user has no way of knowing in what order the cards will follow in their decks.
I'm not sure how you would stop the other player from being able to tell what card they would be picking for their opponent. If the seed was used to select a card from some kind of randomly ordered list of the cards that the opponent had a hash of to verify.. they could check all the possible combinations of cards and find out which one matched the hash, thereby being able to dictate which card they wanted the other player to draw by sending them a seed that would cause that card to be selected.
this is an adaption of Acorns approach:
each player has their deck (totally ordered set(s) of cards) ... those decks are public and are in natural order
each player needs a asymetric (signing) keypair, public keys exchanged
now to the randomness problem:
since a player may not be able to see in advance what cards they will draw, the opponent will be the source of our randomness:
when we need some random value, we ask our opponent ... random values are stored along with the moves to be checked later
since our opponent may not be able to manipulate the order of our cards, we take that received random value and sign it with our private key ... the value of that signature will be our RNG seed (unpredictable for the opponent), and later the opponent may verify the signature against the random number he/she generated (so we store the signatures too, and exchange them after the game)
since we can do this random number exchange every round, the random values are not known to the player in advance -> no peeking at the order of our stack
and since we now have a seeded RNG we can get random values derived from that "shared" random value ...
that way we can draw "random" (completely deterministic, with repeateable verifiable results) cards from our deck ... the deck/pile won't need to be shuffled, since we can get random positions from our RNG
since we have all exchanged random values, the signatures, the initial decks (in total order), and all moves, we can replay the whole game afterwards and check for irregularities
I have read the series "Purely Functional Retrogames"
It discusses some interesting techniques to build a (semi-)pure game world update loop.
However, I have the following side remark, that I cannot seem to get my head around:
Suppose you have a system, where every enemy, and every player are separate actors, or separate pure functions.
Suppose they all get a "WorldState" as input, and output a New WorldState (or, if you're thinking in actor terms, send the new WorldState to the next actor, ending with for instance a "Game Render" actor).
Then, there's two ways to go with this:
Either you start with one actor, (f.i. the player), and feed him the "current world".
Then, you feed the new world, to the next enemy, and so on, until all actors have converted the worlds. Then, the last world is the new world you can feed to the render loop. (or, if you followed the above article, you end up with a list of events that have occurred in the world, which can be processed).
A second way, is to just give all actors the current WorldState at the same time. They generate any changes, which may conflict (for instance, two enemies and the player can take a coin in the same animation frame) -> it is up to the game system to solve these conflicts by processing the events. By processing all events, the Game actor creates the new world, to be used in the next update frame.
I have a feeling I'm just confronted with the exact same "race condition" problem I wished to avoid by using pure functions with immutable data.
Any advice here?
I didn't read the article, but with the coin example you are creating a kind of global variable: you give a copy of the world state to all actors and you suppose that each actor will evaluate the game, take decision and expect that their action will succeed, regardless of the last phase which is the conflict solving. I would not call this a race condition but rather a "blind condition", and yes, this will not work.
I imagine that you came to this solution in order to allow parallelism, not available in solution 1. In my opinion, the problem is about responsibility.
The coin must belong to an actor (a server acting as resource manager) as anything in the application. This actor is the only responsible to decide what will happen to the coin.
All requests (is there something to grab, grab it, drop something...) should be sent to this actor (one actor per cell, or per map, level or any split that make sense for the game).
The way you will manage it is then up to you: serve all requests in the receive order, buffer them until a synchro message comes and make a random decision or priority decision... In any case the server will be able to reply to all actors with success or failure without any risk of race condition since the server process is run (at least in erlang) on a single core and proceed one message at a time.
In addition to Pascal answer, you can solve parallelization by splitting (i assume huge map) to smaller chunks which depend on last state (or part of it, like an edge) of its neighbours. This allows you to distribute this game among many nodes.
I have an application whereby users have their own IDs.
The IDs are unique.
The IDs are GUIDs, so they include letters and numbers.
I want a formulae whereby if I have both IDs I can find their combined GUID, regardless of which order I use them in.
These GUIDs are 16 digits long, for the example below I will pretend they are 4.
user A: x43y
user B: f29a
If I use formula X which takes two arguments: X(a,b) I want the produced code to give the same result regardless whether a = UserA or UserB's GUID.
I do not require a method to find either users IDs, given one, from this formulae - ie it is a one way method.
Thank you for any answers or direction
So I'll turn my comment into an answer. Then this question can get answered, the answer accepted (if it is good enough) and we can all move on.
Sort the GUIDs lexicographically and append the second to the first. The result is unique, and has all the other characteristics you've asked for.
Can you compress it (I know you wrote shorten but bear with me) down to 16 characters ? No you can't; not, that is, if you want to be able to decompress it again and recover the original bits. (You've written that you don't need to be able to recover the original GUIDs, skip the next paragraph if you want to.)
A GUID is, essentially, a random sequence of 128 bits. Random sequences can't, by definition, be compressed. If a sequence of 128 bits is compressible it can't be random, there would have to be some algorithm for inflating the compressed version back to 128 bits. I know that since GUIDs are generated algorithmically they're not truly random. However, in practice there is almost no point in regarding them as anything other than truly random; I certainly don't think you should waste your time trying to compress them.
Given that the total population of possible GUIDs is large, you might be satisfied by a method which takes the first half of each individual GUID and assembles a pseudo-GUID from them. Depending on how many GUIDs your system is likely to be working with, and your appetite for risk, this might satisfy your practical needs.
Suppose I have a network of N nodes, each with a unique identity (e.g. public key) communicating with a central-server-less protocol (e.g. DHT, Kad). Each node stores a variable V. With reference to e-voting as an easy example, that variable could be the name of a candidate.
Now I want to execute an "aggregation" function on all V variables available in the network. With reference to e-voting example, I want to count votes.
My question is completely theoretical (I have to prove a statement, details at the end of the question), so please don't focus on the e-voting and all of its security aspects. Do I have to say it again? Don't answer me that "a node may have any number identities by generating more keys", "IPs can be traced back" etc. because that's another matter.
Let's see the distributed aggregation only from the privacy point of view.
THE question
Is it possible, in a general case, for a node to compute a function of variables stored at other nodes without getting their value associated to the node's identity? Did researchers design such a privacy-aware distributed algorithm?
I'm only dealing with privacy aspects, not general security!
Current thoughts
My current answer is no, so I say that a central server, obtaining all Vs and processes them without storing, is necessary and there are more legal than technical means to assure that no individual node's data is either stored or retransmitted by the central server. I'm asking to prove that my previous statement is false :)
In the e-voting example, I think it's impossible to count how many people voted for Alice and Bob without asking all the nodes, one by one "Hey, who do you vote for?"
Real case
I'm doing research in the Personal Data Store field. Suppose you store your call log in the PDS and somebody wants to find statistical values about the phone calls (i.e. mean duration, number of calls per day, variance, st-dev) without being revealed neither aggregated nor punctual data about an individual (that is, nobody must know neither whom do I call, nor my own mean call duration).
If a trusted broker exists, and everybody trusts it, that node can expose a double getMeanCallDuration() API that first invokes CallRecord[] getCalls() on every PDS in the network and then operates statistics on all rows. Without the central trusted broker, each PDS exposing double getMyMeanCallDuration() isn't statistically usable (the mean of the means shouldn't be the mean of all...) and most importantly reveals the identity of the single user.
Yes, it is possible. There is work that actually answers your question solving the problem, given some assumptions. Check the following paper: Privacy, efficiency & fault tolerance in aggregate computations on massive star networks.
You can do some computation (for example summing) of a group of nodes at another node without having the participants nodes to reveal any data between themselves and not even the node that is computing. After the computation, everyone learns the result (but no one learns any individual data besides their own which they knew already anyways). The paper describes the protocol and proves its security (and the protocol itself gives you the privacy level I just described).
As for protecting the identity of the nodes to unlink their value from their identity, that would be another problem. You could use anonymous credentials (check this: https://idemix.wordpress.com/2009/08/18/quick-intro-to-credentials/) or something alike to show that you are who you are without revealing your identity (in a distributed scenario).
The catch of this protocol is that you need a semi-trusted node to do the computation. A fully distributed protocol (for example, in a P2P network scenario) is not that easy though. Not because of a lack of a storage (you can have a DHT, for example) but rather you need to replace that trusted or semi-trusted node by the network, and that is when you find your issues, who does it? Why that one and not another one? And what if there is a collusion? Etc...
How about when each node publishes two sets of data x and y, such that
x - y = v
Assuming that I can emit x and y independently, you can correctly compute the overall mean and sum, while every single message is largely worthless.
So for the voting example and candidates X, Y, Z, I might have one identity publishing the vote
+2 -1 +3
and my second identity publishes the vote:
-2 +2 -3
But of course you cannot verify that I didn't vote multiple times anymore.
I try to found the best method to do this, considering a turn by turn cross-plateform game on mobile (3G bandwidth) with projectile and falling blocks.
I wonder if one device (the current player turn = server role) can run the physics and send some "key frames" data (position, orientation of blocks) to the other device, which just interpolate from the current state to the "keyframes" received.
With this method I'm quite afraid about the huge amount of data to guarantee the same visual on the other player's device.
Another method should be to send the physics data (force, acceleration ...) and run physics on the other device too, but I'm afraid to never have the same result at all.
My current implementation works like this:
Server manages physics simulation
On any major collision of any object, the object's absolute position, rotation, AND velocity/acceleration/forces are sent to each client.
Client sets each object at the position along with their velocity and applies the necessary forces.
Client calculates latency and advances the physics system to accommodate for the lag time by that amount.
This, for me, works quite well. I have the physics system running over dozens of sub-systems (maps).
Some key things about my implementation:
Completely ignore any object that isn't flagged as "necessary". For instance, dirt and dust particles that respond to player movement or grass and water as it responds to player movement. Basically non-essential stuff.
All of this is sent through UDP by the way. This would be horrendous on TCP.
You will want to send absolute positions and rotations.
You're right, that if you send just forces, it won't work. It's possible to make this work, but it's much harder than just sending positions. You need both devices to do their calculations the same way, so before each frame, you need to wait for the input from the other device, you need to use the same time step, scripts need to either run in the same order or be commutative, and you can only use CPU instructions guaranteed to give the same result on both machines.
that last one is one that makes it particularly problematic, because it means you can't use floating-point numbers (floats/singles, or doubles). you have to use integers, or roll your own number format, so you can't take advantage of many existing tools.
Many games use a client-server model with client-side prediction. if your game is turn based, you might be able to get away with not using client-side prediction. instead, you could have the client lag behind by some amount of time, so that you can be fairly sure that the server's input will already be there when you go to render. client-side prediction is only important if the client can make changes that the server cares about (such as moving).
I know there is a minute possibility of a clash but if I generated a batch of 1000 GUIDs (for example), would it be safe to assume they're all unique to save testing each one?
Bonus question
An optimal way to test a GUID for uniqueness? Bloom filter maybe?
Yes, you can. Since GUIDs are 128 bits long, there is admittedly a minute possibility of a clash—but the word "minute" is nowhere near strong enough. There are so many GUIDs that if you generate several trillion of them randomly, you're still more likely to get hit by a meteorite than to have even one collision (from Wikipedia). And if you aren't generating them randomly, but are e.g. using the MAC-address-and-time-stamp algorithm, then they're also going to be unique, as MAC addresses are unique among computers and time stamps are unique on your computer.
Edit 1: To answer your bonus question, the optimal way to test a set of GUIDs for uniqueness is to just assume that they are all are unique. Why? Because, given the number of GUIDs you're generating, the odds of a GUID collision are smaller than the odds of a cosmic ray flipping a bit in your computer's memory and screwing up the answer given by any "accurate" algorithm you'd care to run. (See this StackOverflow answer for the math.)
There are an enormous number of GUIDs out there. To quote Douglas Adams's Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
"Space," it says, "is big. Really big. You just won't believe how vastly hugely mindbogglingly big it is. I mean you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist, but that's just peanuts to space, listen…"
And since there are about 7×1022 stars in the universe, and just under 2128 GUIDs, then there are approximately 4.86×1015—almost five quadrillion—GUIDs for every single star. If every one of those stars had a world with a thriving population like ours, then around each and every star, every human or alien who had ever lived would be entitled to over forty-five thousand GUIDs. For every person in history at every star in the universe. The GUID space is at the same level of hugeness as the size of the entire universe. You do not need to worry.
(Edit 2: Reflecting on this: wow. I hadn't realized myself what this meant. The GUID space is incomprehensibly massive. I'm sort of in awe of it.)
Short answer: for practical purposes, yes.
However, you have to consider the birthday paradox!
I have calculated a few representative collision probabilities. With 122-bit UUIDs as specified in the Wikipedia article, the probability of collision is 1/2 if you generate at least 2.71492e18 UUIDs. With 10^19 UUIDs, the probability is 0.999918. With 10^17 UUIDs, 0.000939953.
Some numbers for comparison can be found on Wikipedia. So you can safely assign a UUID for each human that has lived, each galaxy in the observable universe, each fish in the ocean, and each individual ant on Earth. However, collisions are almost certain if you generate a UUID for each transistor humanity produces in a year, each insect on Earth, each grain of sand on Earth, each star in the observable universe, or anything larger.
If you generate 1 billion UUIDs per second, it would take about 36 years to get a collision probability of 10%.
Eventually, there will probably be a collision among the set of UUIDs generated over the course of human history. Still, the probability that collided UUIDs will be used for the same purpose is vanishingly small, so there's no problem in practice.
An analysis of the possibility of collision is available on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uuid#Random_UUID_probability_of_duplicates
As mentioned in the link, this will be affected by the properties of the random number generator.
There is also the possibility of a bug in GUID generator code; while the chances are low, they are probably higher than the chances of a collision based on the mathematics.
A Bloom filter might be appropriate; it can quickly tell you if a GUID is unique, but there's a chance for a false indication of a collision. An alternate method if you're testing a batch at a time is to sort the batch and compare each successive element.
In general, yes it is safe to assume.
If your GUID generator is truly random, the possibilities of a clash within a 1000 GUIDs is extraordinarily small.
Of course, that assumes a good GUID generator. So the question is really about how much you trust the tool you're using to generate GUID and does it have its own tests?
This topic reminds me of the Deck of cards scenario. That is to say that there are so many ways a deck of 52 cards can be arranged, that its pretty much certain that no 2 properly shuffled decks of cards that have ever existed, have been in the same order.
If you take a deck now and shuffle it, that sequence will be unique, and will probably never be seen again in all of humanity. Indeed the potential number of ways to arrange 52 of anything is so unimaginably vast that the chances of any 2 decks happening to be the same order are close to zero.
In this example of having 40 shuffled decks and wanting to know for sure they are all unique, it's not impossible 2 of them are the same but its something that most likely would not occur if you were able to shuffle all the decks once every 10th of a second and you started at the birth of the universe.
While a collision is possible, it is HIGHLY unlikely. (Math here.) It is safe to assume they are in fact distinct.
Usually it is a pretty safe assumption.
Is a GUID unique 100% of the time?