I'm trying to run Hudson as a stand alone process on a laptop I will be using to give a demonstration on. The problem is that in the place I will be doing my demo, I won't have access to any network and I am therefore trying to run Hudson while the laptop is diconnected from all networks.
The problem I'm having is that when I explode the .war file with the command:
java -jar hudson.war
I get:
WARNING: UDP Handling Problem
Which means that Hudson cannot find a socket (because I'm not connected to any network).
I've tried running Hudson with the parameters:
java -jar hudson.war --httpPort=9999 httpListenAddress=
But this still gives me the UDP Handling problem.
Does anyone know a way I can work around this to get my demo up and running?
If this is a Windows machine, make sure to switch off your firewall or add a rule to allow the java process to open a socket. Opening a socket doesn't necessarily mean that you need to be connected to a network of any kind. It will open a server socket on your machine which will accept connections.
Open port 9999: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows-vista/Open-a-port-in-Windows-Firewall
java -jar hudson.war --httpPort=9999 --httpListenAddress=localhost
You should now be able to access Hudson locally.
It sounds like is not resolving as localhost. Please check this:
notepad %systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
You should see an uncommented entry of: localhost
SoapBox: Please consider using Jenkins instead. The vast majority of the developer base has moved from Hudson to Jenkins because of some heavy handed tactics by Oracle.
EDIT: OBE - figured it out. Provided in answer for anyone else who has this issue.
I am working in an offline environment and am unable to connect to a kafka broker, on machine 1, from a separate machine, machine 2, on a LAN connection through a single switch.
Machine 1 (where Kafka and ZK are running):
I am starting kafka/ZK from the config files located in kafka_2.12-2.8.0/config and the running the appropritate .bat from kafka_2.12-2.8.0/bin/windows.
On machine 2 I am able to ping <ethernet_IPv4_m1> and get results; however, I fail to get a TCP connection if I run Test-NetConnection <ethernet_IPv4_m1> -p 9092 while kafka is running. In python 3.8.11, using KafkaConsumer from kafka-python, I receive the NoBrokersAvailable error when using <ethernet_IPv4_m1>:9092 as the bootstrap_server. Additionally if I run a python:3.8.12-buster docker container with a '/bin/bash' entrypoint, and follow along with the kafka-listener walkthrough I am unable to connect to the broker. I'm in the exact situation as Scenario 1 provided in the link, but the walkthrough assumes you can connect to the broker. I have also tried opening the 9092 port in my Windows Defender for in/outbound traffic (on both machines) and still have no luck. Neither Kafka, nor networking, are my strong suits and every tutorial/answer I find refers to changing the listener and advertised.listener in the kafka server.properties file - I think I correctly did this, but am unsure. This is everything I have tried so far, any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
For M1, the private network was the active network.
Go to control panel -> Firewall & network protection -> advanced settings (must be admin) -> setup inbound/outbound rules for port 9092 for the active network.
Here is my problem, I am on RedHat7(machine 1) and I need to connect to another RH7 machine (2) where I have to execute web browser automation.
The problem is, after my ssh connection, when I want to use the Selenium Library to Open a browser, it open one on My machine (1)
How can I do to drive web automation through SSH Connection?
Thank you :D
When I am trying to run Apache, it does not run. It tries to access the port 80 but port 80 is listening by a system process having PID 4.
How I can stop the "system" process?
Windows provides an excellent tool called Resource-Monitor (resmon.exe). On the network tab, it gives you a detailed view of what programs are listening on what ports on you computer. Just open that tool to find out the program currently listening on port-80 (whether its IIS or something else). Then all you have to do is end that process and remove it from your startup in case it is sitting there.
Port 80 is by default used by IIS. If you are running IIS on your machine, then you can stop it as explained here.
Skype also use port 80, so you may turn off skype and reload your apache server.
I have an ASP.NET project (VS2008 on Windows 7 with either webforms, MVC1, or MVC2 -- all the same result for me) which is just the File->New hello world web project. It's using the default ASP.NET development server, and when I start the server with F5, the browser never connects and I get a timeout. I tried to debug this by telnetting to the development server's port while it was running, and I got the same result:
C:\Users\farmercs>telnet localhost 54752
Connecting To localhost...Could not open connection to the host, on port 54752:
Connect failed
I can see in the system tray that the server thinks it's running, and a netstat -a -n command shows that there is indeed an active TCP listener on that port.
This worked in the not-too-distant past, and I could work on web projects using the development server. One thing that has changed since then was that I installed the Microsoft Loopback Adapter to accommodate a local development Oracle installation. I'm not sure this is the problem, but it seems a likely culprit.
I also tried to hit the port using the server name itself (http://mycomputername:54752) but with the same result.
So, what could be blocking me from connecting? And if it's the loopback, then what is a good way for me to retain my ability to connect to my development Oracle server while still being able to use the ASP.NET development server?
have you checked your host file?
look if there is any redirection of localhost or to somewhere else rather than your pc
Guys, been knocking my head against the desk (instead of the mac) for hours. I'm running VS 2008 in a parallels VM. I can access the development server in the VM if local host is used, if I use the designated ip for the VM or try to access it externally it does not work. All firewalls are off and I verified that I can access iis externally.
Any Ideas what could be wrong?
I ran into this same problem and am using a TCP tunnel to bypass it. Download this Java app & just tunnel the traffic back. No messing with IIS necessary!
In command prompt, you'd then run the java app like this... Let's assume you want external access on port 80 and your standard debug environment runs on port 1088...
java -jar tunnel.jar 80 localhost 1088
Yes, it is by design. Consider using IIS instead.
The first answer is that you can't do it because the development server is specifically made to just run locally, otherwise it becomes a security risk.
The second answer is that you can get around anything, this hints that there is a way to do it using a reverse-proxy (but the post he links to seems to be dead)
EDIT : After viewing RichardOD's answer, I fear that my answer below is wrong and you can not access it using IP.
But I suggest you to go with deploying it to IIS.
The VS2008 internal web server ( which I guess is cassini ) creates a port for your app and runs a web server for your app on that port. If you want to access it from outside the machine you have to use that port in addition to IP.