adding a menu tab? - css

I am making a top menu, and it looks like this:
The contact tab will remain in its place and the home tab has to be first.
IF the user wants to add another tab, they can in the cms editior (DNN) they would just create the link and wrap the div tag about the link etc..
im stuck to how i can get the css to add the menu tab and push the home tab to the left as the menu grows?

If sounds like you are trying to manually build the menu using HTML. What you need to do is ensure that you have the DNN navigation control as part of your skin and it will handle adding the menu items for you. You'll be able to modify the menu to look however you like using CSS.
The best way to learn DNN skinning is to look at one of the existing skins (found in /Portals/_default/skins/) and then copy one of the skins and start making changes to change it to your desired look.
The DNN skinning architecture is very well done and easy to pick up for anyone who knows ASP.NET (though it is different from Master Pages). The hardest part is picking and learning to work with the various navigation providers. Most people work with DNNMenu which is more complicated than it needs to be on the CSS Side. The DDR Menu which will be the default provider for DNN 6+ should be easier to work with. But the documentation for it isn't complete yet so it takes some learning to get started with it.


Orchard multiple language change for whole page but not content only

I'm building a site with Orchard which need to support two languages. I've installed Culture Picker Module which allowed me to separately input 2 languages for the same content. It looks pretty nice actually. However, when I click on the translations button, it only change the content, but for other elements like menu, it still remains in English. Is there any way to change completely for the whole page? Or how to make a global button of changing the language? Thanks a lot!
Click on Manage Content in Administration. You have to search for widgets and then add a part. After that, you search for Localization.
Then, go to the widgets area. You can select a widget like the menu, and then you can just simply add a translation and add the translated version of your menu as the other answer proposed.
Have you created the Localized version of your menu?

Sitefinity CSS classes for basic vertical navigation with sub-pages

I am having such a difficult time trying to figure out how to style my basic vertical navigation with drop-down sub-pages in Sitefinity.
I cannot find a simple tutorial or explanation for what CSS classes I need to target in order to change the style of my navigation, the documentation provided is SO UNCLEAR, and I haven't found much help in the forums.
All I can find so far is that I need to create a main.css file which I use to create a customized skin, but I can't get a straightforward answer about what to target for this specific look.
Any help would be much appreciated from this Sitefinity newcomer!
The Navigation Widget is using the Telerik RadControls to generate the menu's. This could be:
Based on the Navigation mode you choose, one of these is rendered. Probably you are using the Simple Vertical Menu?
You could override the classes that are generated, or define a Skin.
Goto the designer of your Navigation Widget
Add a name (e.g. CustomSKin) into the 'Wrapper CSS' field.
Check your markup using e.g. Firebug or Chrome Extensions. You will see this prefix added to the markup of your navigation section.
Then you can declare the classes you want to style like this:
.RadPanelBar_CustomSkin .rpRootGroup {
// Your css
You could always take a look at the documentation of the RadControls that Telerik offers:
Kind regards,
Daniel Plomp
The easiest way to me seems to go to the Sitefinity Template builder, then follow the steps bellow:
Go to the
Go to Navigation and drag a vertical menu.
Go to appearance, choose a skin for the navigation from the Navigation Skin dropdown.
Export the template (save it to your had disk).
Unzip it and go to the \css folder.
Now change the Menu.SkinName.css.
Hope this helps. I guess the folks at Telerik didn't put more info on styling menus as there is a template builder that gets some of the work done.

Flex navigate to another Mxml page?

I am having difficulty navigating to different MXML pages in my Flex application. I checked some other questions on SO about it but they seemed to be to do with tab navigation.
I am trying to navigate from one MXML page to another via Actionscript code. How is this possible?
I am a real beginner in Flex and I worked out that I actually needed to use States, and have now discovered how to use them. Thanks for your help.
You don't navigate between MXML pages. MXMLs are not pages to begin with. Instead they are components, that are displayed in the application. So if you want to change the current display, then you need to remove the already added components, and add others that should be displayed now.
There are different approaches to do this. The very raw way of manually removing elements is rarely used, instead there are two main methods: ViewStacks and display states. Display states should be used when there are not many different changes in a view, for example when you click a checkbox that adds new options to an existing formular. If you want to change the whole displayed content (this does not have to be the whole application content though, think in components instead), you can use ViewStacks.
ViewStacks are like a stack of paper, where each paper reflects a single view. So if you want to display something else, you move the new view to the top, hiding all others below. Many components, including TabNavigators, are just ViewStacks with an additional menu to select the view that should be displayed. But you can also just use a ViewStack and manually change to what you want to show.
Flex is not sidebased like html.
You have to instantiate or remove classes, components or all this stuff.
i would use the states.
You can register handler to buttons and swap the state.
Then you are able to instatiate or remove components via the tsates.
Which flex version dou you use? The management of the states are changing between flex3 and flex4
Assume, you have one app with two content areas, home and gallery. First you have to create these two areas with project->new->component and named there related.
After that, you instanciate both components in your app.
Define two states, home and gallery and swap these with a button or two.
set the propert excludefrom or include with the name of the states. finally, you have an app with two content areas, but you never swap pages, you instanciate or remove components in runtime.

Limiting menu management

I am creating a website with Drupal 6.x that will have several content editors and several menus. I would like to somehow lock down their ability to add a piece of content as a top level navigation item. Is there a way to accomplish this?
Additionally, are there any modules that make the menu drop down in the content creation page a bit more user friendly?
The menu settings per content type module allows you to determine which content types may be added to each of your menus.
Are you sure you want to use the menu system? It's possible that you can use the views module to get something more flexible.
I have found several modules which look helpful for enhancing the menu system:

How can I disable DHTML menu on one of my drupal menus?

I am new to drupal so forgive me. I made a menu and it was automatically created as a DHTML menu. I wanted to style the menu myself and just simply want the '' tree to be printed. Instead, it's doing some javascript and unnecessary CSS. can i disable DHTML menu for this particular menu?
If you are using DHTML Menus module, and are asking how to disable it for certain menus, then it should be possible via the configuration in Administrator > Site Configuration > DHTML Menus (as suggested by this and this discussion). Looks like they had this feature in v2.2, then lost after switch to 3.x, and re-included around 3.2 or so.
But you didn't specify whether you use this module or not, so my answer may be completely off due to lack of information.
