JBoss Netty getting User IP (Http Request) - ip

I need to log the user ip ady's for every request to our JBoss Netty server. I thought:
MessageEvent e;
was the correct answer, but this always returns and I need the actual client ip. Coming from Rails I checked how they find out the ip, from the docu:
Determines originating IP address.
REMOTE_ADDR is the standard but will
fail if the user is behind a proxy.
proxies so check for these if
REMOTE_ADDR is a proxy.
HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR may be a comma-
delimited list in the case of multiple
chained proxies; the last address
which is not trusted is the
originating IP.
So should I check for all the headers in Netty or is there an easier way?

Ok I have the answer. Using ChannelHandlerContext instead of MessageEvent does the trick.
SocketAddress remoteAddress = ctx.getChannel().getRemoteAddress();


Does internal communication between private servers use DNS and HTTPS?

I would like to know how internal communication links between private internal servers and a reverse proxy look.
When from my client (browser) I make a request to, say https://facebook.com, I hit Facebook's reverse proxy. I have two questions, when that reverse proxy gets a request and needs to forward it to the server that should handle it, does that sever it is forwarding the request to have a domain name or is it just an IP address ((user.facebook.com or useroffacebook.com v.s. (DO NOT GO TO THAT ADDRESS I JUST MADE IT UP!!!)))? Also, does that connection use HTTP or HTTPS?
Like Kshitij Joshi already mentioned, it could be both.
A more detailed perspective for implementation:
reverse proxy should use IP addresses for routing so they are still working even if the DNS fails or is unavailable to the proxy for some reason.
internal traffic should also be encrypted (HTTPS). using plain text, even in internal networks, must be considered dangerous and is not recommended.
from my mindset you can replace the 'should' with a 'must'.

How does cloudlfare (or other CDN) detect direct IP address requests?

So I did a DNS lookup of a website hosted through cloudflare.
I pasted the IP address in my address bar and got a page saying:
Error 1003 Ray ID: 729ca4f4aff82e38 • 2022-07-12 20:49:14 UTC
Direct IP access not allowed
If my browser is doing the same thing i.e. fetching the ip using the url then sending a HTTPS req to the same IP, but when I do it manually I am getting this error - how can cloudflare detect that its a direct IP access attempt?
how can cloudflare detect that its a direct IP access attempt?
Just based on what you (your browser) are sending!
An URL is of the form http://hostname/path considering that hostname can be an IP address.
When you put that in your browser, the browser will split the parts and do an HTTP query.
The HTTP protocol defines an HTTP message to be headers plus an optional body. Among headers, one is called host and the value is exactly what was in URL.
Said differently, between http://www.example.com/ and (if www.example.com was resolving to that IP address):
at the TCP/IP level nothing changes: in both cases, through OS, the browser connects at IP address (because the www.example.com from first URL will be resolved to its IP address)
when it starts the HTTP exchange, the message sent by the client will then have as header either host: www.example.com in the first case or host: in the second case
the webserver sees obviously all headers sent by client, including this host one and hence can do whatever it wants with it, and most importantly select which website was requested if multiple websites resolves to the same IP address (if you understand the text above, you now see why the host header is necessary). If URLs are https:// and not just http:// there is a subtetly because there is another layer between the TCP/IP connection and the HTTP application protocol, which is TLS, and the equivalent of the host header is sent also at the TLS level, through what is called the SNI extension, so that the server can also decide which server certificate it needs to send back to the client, before even the first byte of the HTTP exchange is done.

Usage of 'Host' Header in Web Requests

I am looking at the http-requests in BurpSuite. I see a field named as 'Host'. What is the importance of this field?
What happens if I change this field and then send the request? If I change the host header field to some other IP then would the server respond back to this new modified IP?
A single web server can host multiple websites with different domains and subdomains.
The Host header allows it to distinguish between them.
Given the limited availability of IPv4 addresses, this is important as there are more websites than available IP addresses.
What happens if I change this field and then send the request?
If the server pays attention to it and recognises the hostname, it will respond with that website (otherwise it may fall back to its default website or throw an error).
For an example, see Name-based Virtual Host Support in the Apache HTTPD manual.
If I change the host header field to some other IP then would the server respond back to this new modified IP?
No. The Host header is the host the client is asking for. It has nothing to do with where the response should be sent.
To quote from https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Host :
The Host request header specifies the host and port number of the server to which the request is being sent.
If no port is included, the default port for the service requested (e.g., 443 for an HTTPS URL, and 80 for an HTTP URL) is implied.
A Host header field must be sent in all HTTP/1.1 request messages. A 400 (Bad Request) status code may be sent to any HTTP/1.1 request message that lacks a Host header field or that contains more than one.

Faking an HTTP request header

I have a general networking question but it's related with security aspect.
Here is my case: I have a host which is infected by a malware. The malware creates an http packet to communicate with it's command and control server. While constructing the packet, the IP layer contains the correct IP address of the command and control server. The tcp layer contains the correct port number 80.
Before sending the packet out, the malware modifies the http header to replace the host header with “google.com" instead of it's server address. It then attaches the stolen data with the packet and sends it out.
My understanding is that the packet will get delivered to the correct server because the routing will happen based on the IP.
But can I host a webserver on this IP that would receive all packets with header host google.com and parse it correctly?
Based on my reading on the internet, it is possible but if it is that easy then why have malware authors not adopted this technique to spoof the http headers and bypass traditional domain whitelisting engines.
When you make a request to let's say Apache2 server, what actually Apache does is match your "Host" header with any VirtualHost within server's configuration. Only if it cannot be found / is invalid, Apache will route the request to default virtualhost if it's defined. Basically nothing stops you from changing these headers.
You can simply test it by editing your hosts file and pointing google.com to any other IP - you will be able to handle the google.com domain on your server, but only you will be to use it this way - no one else.
Anything you send inside HTTP headers shouldn't be trusted - it just a guide for your server on how to actually handle the traffic.
The fake host header is just there to trick some deep-inspection firewalls ("it's for Google? you may pass..."). The server on that IP either doesn't care about the host header (default vhost) or is explicitly configured to accept it.
Passing the loot on by using fake headers or just as plain data behind the headers is another trick to fool data loss prevention.
These methods can mislead shallow application-layer inspection but won't pass a decent firewall.

Get client's real IP address on Heroku

On any Heroku stack, I want to get the client's IP. my first attempt might be:
This does not work, of course, because all requests are passed through proxies. So the alternative was to use:
But this is not quite safe, is it?
If it contains only one value, I take this. If it contains more than one value (comma-separated), I could take the first one.
But what if someone manipulates this value? I cannot trust request.headers['X-Forwarded-For'] as I could with request.headers['REMOTE_ADDR']. And there is no list of trusted proxies that I could use, either.
But there must be some way to reliably get the client's IP address, always. Do you know one?
In their docs, Heroku describes that X-Forwarded-For is "the originating IP address of the client connecting to the Heroku router".
This sounds as if Heroku could be overwriting the X-Forwarded-For with the originating remote IP. This would prevent spoofing, right? Can someone verify this?
From Jacob, Heroku's Director of Security at the time:
The router doesn't overwrite X-Forwarded-For, but it does guarantee that the real origin will always be the last item in the list.
This means that, if you access a Heroku app in the normal way, you will just see your IP address in the X-Forwarded-For header:
$ curl http://httpbin.org/ip
"origin": "",
If you try to spoof the IP, your alleged origin is reflected, but - critically - so is your real IP. Obviously, this is all we need, so there's a clear and secure solution for getting the client's IP address on Heroku:
$ curl -H"X-Forwarded-For:" http://httpbin.org/ip
"origin": ","
This is just the opposite of what is described on Wikipedia, by the way.
PHP implementation:
function getIpAddress() {
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) {
$ipAddresses = explode(',', $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']);
return trim(end($ipAddresses));
else {
I work in Heroku's support department and have spent some time discussing this with our routing engineers. I wanted to post some additional information to clarify some things about what's going on here.
The example provided in the answer above just had the client IP displayed last coincidentally and that's not really guaranteed. The reason it wasn't first is because the originating request claimed that it was forwarding for the IP specified in the X-Forwarded-For header. When the Heroku router received the request, it just appended the IP that was directly connecting to the X-Forwarded-For list after the one that had been injected into the request. Our router always adds the IP that connected to the AWS ELB in front of our platform as the last IP in the list. This IP could be the original one (and in the case where there's only one IP, it almost certainly is), but the instant there are multiple IPs chained, all bets are off. Convention is always to add the latest IP in the chain to the end of the list (which is what we do), but at any point along the chain that chain can be altered and different IPs could be inserted. As such, the only IP that's reliable (from the perspective of our platform) is the last IP in the list.
To illustrate, let's say someone initiates a request and arbitrarily adds 3 additional IPs to the X-Forwarded-For header:
curl -H "X-Forwarded-For:,," http://www.google.com
Imagine this machine's IP was and that it had to pass through a proxy (e.g., a university's campus-wide proxy). Let's say that proxy had an IP of Assuming it wasn't configured to strip X-Forwarded-For headers (which it likely wouldn't be), it would just tack the IP to the end of the list and pass the request on to Google. At this point, the header would look like this:
That request will then pass through Google's endpoint, which will append the university proxy's IP of, so the header will finally look like this in Google's logs:
So, which is the client IP? It's impossible to say from Google's standpoint. In reality, the client IP is The last IP listed is though and the first is All Google would know is that the IP is definitely correct because that was the IP that actually connected to their service – but they wouldn't know if that was the initial client for the request or not from the data available. In the same way, when there's just one IP in this header – that is the IP that directly connected to our service, so we know it's reliable.
From a practical standpoint, this IP will likely be reliable most of the time (because most people won't be bothering to spoof their IP). Unfortunately, it's impossible to prevent this sort of spoofing and by the time a request gets to the Heroku router, it's impossible for us to tell if IPs in an X-Forwarded-For chain have been tampered with or not.
All reliability issues aside, these IP chains should always be read from left-to-right. The client IP should always be the left-most IP.
You can never really trust any information coming from the client. It's more of a question of who do you trust and how do you verify it. Even Heroku can possibly be influenced to provide a bad HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR value if they have a bug in their code, or they get hacked somehow. Another option would be some other Heroku machine connecting to your server internally and bypassing their proxy altogether while faking REMOTE_ADDR and/or HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR.
The best answer here would depend on what you're trying to do. If you're trying to verify your clients, a client-side certificate might be a more appropriate solution. If all you need the IP for is geo-location, trusting the input might be good enough. Worst case, someone will fake the location and get the wrong content... If you have a different use case, there are many other solutions in between those two extremes.
If I make a request with multiple X-Forwarded-For headers: curl -s -v -H "X-Forwarded-For:,," -H "X-Forwarded-For:" -H "X-Forwarded-For:" https://foo.herokuapp.com/
> X-Forwarded-For:,,
> X-Forwarded-For:
> X-Forwarded-For:
The X-Forwarded-For header passed along to the app will be:,,, <real client IP>,,
so picking the last from that list does not hold up :/
