From where wp ecommerce is loading plugin theme files? - wordpress

I updated my checkout page by updating mostly the file which was in ....wp-ecommerce/wpsc-theme/wpsc-shopping_cart_page.php
It worked fine for a while, but now some of the changed states reverted to the previous state. Actually, I can even delete the file that I mentioned above, so it means wordpress is loading this file from somewhere else. Any ideas from where and what had happened? Thanks for your help.

Although I don't have a specific answer to your question, if you use an IDE (like Dreamweaver or Eclipse) you could grab a copy of your sites code to your local PC and do a code search for something that is unique to that page.
Ie, if there is a <div class="a_unique_div"> tag somewhere on that page and you know it's only visible on that page, search the code for that and it may give you a clue what file is being used for the output. Even if it's only used on 1 or 2 pages it may bring you closer to working it out.
Alternatively, if you have SSH access you could try and "grep" for the code by SSHing into your server and running a command like:
grep -i -R '<div class="a_unique_div">' /www/your_wp_folder/
(where /www/your_wp_folder/ is the path to your WordPress installation)
Though for this you'll need SSH access, grep installed on the server, etc, so it may not be a viable option.
Good luck!


Codekit 3 - External Server Issue

I've been using codekit for ages now, and now I've been using the version 3 since it came out.
I really like this app, but there's something I never really understood and I decided to post it here (hoping to finally understand how this works and how to make it works like I want).
I have MAMP pro installed, with some hosts.
Let's say I have this list of hosts with (fake) document root:
localhost -> documents/site1/dist
test -> documents/sitetest/dist
and let's assume that test is a wordpress site having the site url set to
http://test/ in the database.
In codekit, when I enable the browser refresh, the bottom options asks me to write down the address I would visit to see my website.
Now, if I navigate to http://test/ my WordPress website loads and I am able to see everything.
In codekit I then setup the browser refreshing options to be the following:
Animation: ticked
Refresh Delay: 0.0 seconds (default)
Preview: empty
Document-Root Subpath: empty
External Server Required: on
External Server Address: http://test/
Then when I click on the green dot (server) to preview my website, I'm expecting codekit to navigate to http://test:5757 and to properly display my website. This, unfortunately, is not the case. When I click on the preview (or server, it doesn't really make any difference for me) codekit navigates to my mac IP and the website is either not loading or loading without any external resource.
I don't think the issue is in the way I load the resource in WordPress (i use enqueue sources properly, and the website without using codekit refresh function works, load and displays as meant to).
So far, I always switched my current project to use the localhost host (changing the document root in MAMP pro) and then telling codekit to use the localhost ip as external server, but now it's a bit more complex, as I have way more projects and I was hoping not to change back and forth the document root to use codekit built in refreshing feature.
Is it possible? am I missing something here?
I read all I was able to find as well as watched the videos on codekit, but this bit here is still a bit unknown to me and any help would be really appreciated.
PS: No need to mention I am on a MAC, right? :)
I don't believe I actually managed to fix this.
I'll leave the answer here in case somebody else is facing the same issue.
The problem I had was that my website http://test/ was using a theme called test.
Codekit, for refreshing the browser, uses a simple string search and replace in the URL, and so everything that looked like "test" in the url was replaced by the internal ip.
Quick example:
and of course no file where loaded successfully, as the path was wrong.
To fix this?
Just change the MAMP pro address to something that won't be present in the URL (in my case, the MAMP pro host called test became dev.test and problem solved.

Script being injected into the top of all my wordpress page

Just noticed ads appearing on one of our Wordpress sites. Nailed it down to these scripts being injected into the top of every page:
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src=""></script><div style="display:none"><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
Been looking at all the files and database for hours and can't figure out what is injecting it or how it got there.
What we found so far:
Some random lines in the function.php that were handling posts /
gets. We removed those but that didn't seem to solve the issue.
We found a wordpress user that no one has apparently created. So we removed that.
Reset all passwords on wordpress and FTP access
When we load a copy of the site on our local setup it doesn't display the ads or load the scripts... Almost like it can detect / target the live site?
But we still can't find where or how the script is being injected.
Any help greatly appreciated.
Someone had a similar issue here but unfortunately removed their post so only the cached remains:
The same thing happened to a client of mine in the last 24 hours or so.
Can you share some information about the plugins you use and wordpress version?
The file influencing this is wp-admin/setup-config.php. It has encrypted bash code. I also found two admin users generated in wp_users. I think it's obvious that it's an automated attack, but it's pretty sophisticated.
I found the code on some random website via google search. You can review it here: - It seems to be a shell file, but I'm not really smart when it comes to websec.
On my client's server I also found crap in a root /tmp/ folder (cPanel) that was being somehow accessed by wp_redirect (referenced in pluggable.php line 1196). These files are holding some MySQL info and WP database queries in JSON format. Not really sure how and why these files exist.
[29-Oct-2015 02:45:59 UTC] PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/xxx/public_html/wp-admin/setup-config.php(514) : eval()'d code(1) : eval()'d code:2) in /home/xxx/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1196
Try to narrow down the injection source.
Disable plugins one at a time
Switch to a different theme
Check .htaccess files
Test against server generated injections
Test against browser generated injections
had the same issue few hours ago.
Finally found at root wordpress "index.php" at first line injected script calling, the script is calling a file at same directory, the name staretd with .xxxxx like a .htaccess, so it's hidden for example in TCMD.
Cleared the line and deleted the file, now all ok.
But how the hell somebody could control index.pho I don't know....

Css files not updating like other files

i am currently hosting my site on justhost (just as a test server), when i save my work on my local computer through aptana the files are automatically uploaded to the hosting server, and they appear fine. However this only works for my actual files like .php and .html
They do not work for my .css files, so if i save them and upload them the changes do not take effect, until like the next day, or if i turn my computer on and off and leave it a couple of hours, i am not sure why they are not taking effect immediately like the rest of the fiels.
I have tried deleting my cache and adding ?ver=1.0 to the end of the file name, but still no luck.
Also, i checked the hosting directly and the css file has updated to the correct version, but just does not show in browser.
Any ideas on what could be wrong, it would make life much easier if i could get them updating like the other files.
I can't be sure what is causing this, but if I'm correct - the files do upload, its not a case of not uploading. It's one of these things
The Cache is holding it (already cleared it though?)
The file is doing some odd cross server transfer, depends what sort of hosting your on, but it may be the file is getting held up somewhere
Try clearing the DNS Cache
Start > type CMD > in the dialog type:
ipconfig /flushdns
That may force the computer to reload the file.
As for an ongoing solution to prevent it in the future I'm out...
I know it has been a while, but as others may find this question the way I did, the solution for me was to enable Cloudflare Developer Mode. Cloudflare was keeping the css files in cache and it drove me crazy to find the solution in another forum. I hope your case may be the same as mine as thus you can solve it as well.

Pattern to find malicious code starting with eval(base64_decode

I've been having issues on my server with the following PHP inserted in all of my Drupal and Wordpress sites.
I have downloaded a full backup of my sites and will clean them all before changing my ftp details and reuploading them again. Hopefully this should clear things up.
My question is:
Using Notepad++ is there a *.* style search criteria I could use to scan my backup files and delete the lines of malicious code without having to do them all individually on my local machine?
This would clearly save me loads of time. Up to now, I've been replacing the following code with blank but the eval code varies on each of my sites.
I would change your FTP details immediately. You don't want them hosting warez or something if they have been able to work out the password.
Then shutdown your site so that your visitors are not subjected to any scripts or hijacks.
As far as searching goes a regex like this should sort it out:
I've also had the same problem with my WordPress blogs, eval base64_decode hack. The php files were being injected with those eval lines. I suggest you reinstall wordpress/drupal, as some other scripts may already be present in your site, then change all passwords.
Try running grep through ssh, eg. grep -r -H "eval base64_decode". It'll show you which files are infected. Then if you have time, automate the process so you will be notified in case it happens again.
And in the future, always update WordPress/Drupal.
It's easier if you can use special tools to remove this malicious code, because it could be tricky to find the actual regex to match all the code and you never know if that worked, or you broken your site. Especially when you've multiple files, you should identify the suspicious files by the following commands:
grep -R eval.*base64_decode .
grep -R return.*base64_decode .
but it could be not enough, so you should consider using these PHP security scanners.
For more details, check: How to get rid of eval-base64_decode like PHP virus files?.
For Drupal, check also: How to remove malicious scripts from admin pages after being hacked?

Help with potential trojan passed through site

So I'm pretty sure my site's been infected with some kind of trojan or virus that attached itself to the scripting within the site. Every time I try and update my Drupal-based site, I get a white screen with this stupid "i'mhere" message. Upon reload, the changes will take affect but I don't know what this is doing once changes are saved. This only pops up while adminstering the site, I.E. posting new content, activating/deactivating modules etc.
Problem is, I haven't the faintest idea how or where to go to remove this. The source code doesn't make reference to any malicious code. It isn't the iFrame link kind of trojan that I've seen brought up through trying to find an answer to this problem.
Things I've tried:
-Scanned computer multiple times for virus (supposedly these things attack insecure FTP data & hijack your client to upload malicious code)
-Changed FTP credentials
-Changed admin user passwords to the backend of the site (Drupal login)
-Updated Drupal
Nothing's worked so far and I'm at my wit's end trying to figure this out. Any tips in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
Assuming the problem is really Drupal, first check to see if there's some code in a module somewhere firing during a form submit. If you have shell access and it's a Unix/Linux/etc.-based server, navigate to the Drupal directory and run:
grep -r "i\'mhere" *
This will tell you if it exists in code and what file contains it. If it's a module (likely), disable it and either see if there's an update or modify it yourself.
If it's not in code, check your database. Create a dump of your database, and run:
cat databasedump.sql | grep "i\'mhere"
Where databasedump.sql is the name of the database dump you just created. This should at least give you a general idea of what table the data exists in. Then, you can decide how you want to proceed: restore from a previous backup, delete the offending data, etc.
If it's not in either, it might be local. Check with others to see if it's occurring for them.
If it's not local, you've got something really nasty and hopefully someone else has some other ideas on what you can check. :)
Here are a list of potentially useful tools which can help you alleviate, reduce or prevent a virus infection:
bdcored chkrootkit clamd drwebd ipfw iptables kav lidsadm
logcheck logwatch ninja nod32 ossec portsentry rkhunter
sav sawmill shieldcc snort sxid sysmask tcplodg tripwire
uvscan wormscan zmbscap
It is coming straight out of an infamous backdoor malicious software, described on this stackoverflow article.
You may want to manually search for other instances of the virus by running this simple command:
[~] grep -r "base64_decode" .
as suggested in this RAT infection article on
