Adding Wcf Service does not allow namespace access -

I have created a wcf service called ServiceIRE. I add a service reference to my project by right clicking on th eproject in solution explorer and clicking add Service Reference. I am able to discover my created service and click ok after specifying the namespace ServiceReference1. All files seem to be generated properly.
I then go to the codebehind and try to add a using statment "using ServiceReference1;". This is unrecognized by the file even though the namespace apparently exists in the same project.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
namespace FakeIREServiceLibrary
[AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Allowed)]
public class ServiceIRE : IServiceIRE
public string GetData()
Random rnd = new Random();
var randomNumber = rnd.Next(10);
Random rndID = new Random();
var randomNumberID = rnd.Next(10000);
return string.Format("Thread # {0} returned in {1} nanoseconds", randomNumberID, rnd.Next());
namespace FakeIREServiceLibrary
public interface IServiceIRE
string GetData();
using ServiceReference1; //THIS IS NOT RECOGNIZED
Thank you in advance :)

What's the default namespace for your project?
I believe you have to do something like "using DefaultNamespaceForProject.ServiceReference1;"
You can find the default namespace by right clicking your project.. clicking Properties, and then going to the Application tab.

You can find the namespace of the service client generated by Visual Studio by looking at the Reference.cs file within the Service Reference after you show all files for that project. The default is [Project namespace].[Namespace specified].
It's possible that it did NOT generate the file because of an error. That may be the behavior you're seeing.
I would also encourage you to NOT use Add Service Reference, but to instead use a ChannelFactory or build a reusable service client.


Is it possible to referencing the specific Xamarin.IOS into Xamarin Form

We are trying to combine the Xamarin code that one is created using Xamarin Form (non XAML) and the other one is purely Xamarin.IOS.
We look at the library of Xamarin.Essential and it looks it doesn't have CoreMotion.CMPedometer (iOS) as we need to count the steps.
Is it possible to run the code within the Xamarin Form (shared) to handle specific OS?
Yes, you need to use a Dependency Service.
All of the doco can be found here ...
An example is shown here in relation to device information (which has been cut down for simplicity reasons)
Firstly, you create an interface in your .NET standard/PCL project (if you're not using shared that is, which is likely the case).
using System;
namespace MyApplication.Interfaces
public interface IDeviceInfo
String GetDeviceModel();
String GetDeviceVersion();
Then down in your platform specific project, create a Dependency Service that implements that interface and directs the compiler to recognise the class as a Dependency Service.
using System;
using MyApplication.Interfaces;
using UIKit;
[assembly: Xamarin.Forms.Dependency(typeof(MyApplication.iOS.DeviceInfo))]
Namespace MyApplication.iOS
public class DeviceInfo : IDeviceInfo
UIDevice _device;
Public DeviceInfo()
_device = new UIDevice();
public string GetDeviceModel()
return _device.Model;
public string GetDeviceVersion()
return _device.SystemVersion;
Now from your .NET standard/PCL project, you can call the dependency service as required.
var deviceModel = DependencyService.Get<IDeviceInfo>().GetDeviceModel();
The above is specific for iOS which means you'd then need to implement the same concept for Android and UWP (or whatever is applicable).
See if that helps you.

Event not working

I am new to Tridion Event System. I have written a small code.
public class EH : TcmExtension
public EH()
public void Subscribe()
//EventSystem.Subscribe<Component, DeleteEventArgs>(HandlerForInitiated, EventPhases.Initiated);
EventSystem.Subscribe<Tridion.ContentManager.CommunicationManagement.Page, Tridion.ContentManager.Extensibility.Events.PublishOrUnPublishEventArgs>(HandlerForCommitted, EventPhases.All);
private void HandlerForCommitted(IdentifiableObject subject, PublishOrUnPublishEventArgs args, EventPhases phase)
TDSE obj = new TDSE();
Tridion.ContentManager.Interop.TDS.Publication pub = obj.GetPublication("tcm:0-150-1");
Tridion.ContentManager.Interop.TDS.Page pubPage = obj.GetPage("tcm:150-12374-64", pub);
pubPage.Publish("tcm:0-1-65538", false, true, false, default(DateTime), default(DateTime), default(DateTime));
using this code i wanted to publish a page everytime when a publish and unpublish event occur.
I build this code and register its path in tridion config file .
But its not working.Please Help
Ok, first of all remove all your TDSE code, you should use TOM.NET. You can get session as subject.Session
Then make sure you have registered this extension in Tridion.ContentManager.config and restarted your system
And finally - if something doesn't work, just add simple code that will create a file in your HandlerForCommitted whenever event occurs, this way you will be able to see if your extension get executed.
The 2011 Event System uses the TOM.NET API and not the TOM API. Please do not create new TDSE objects in the 2011 Event System. Even though you can reference the old Interop libraries, there is no reason to do so with 2011. Using the TOM.NET libraries you should see better performance and also the code is future-proof.
Mihai Cadariu has a nice example where he uses TOM.NET to Publish a page from a Tridion Template. Adjusting the code to check for previewmode or publish mode and setting your own user and priority (instead of reading it from the current transaction) should work well.
Below code from
public void Publish(Engine engine, String tcmUri, User user, PublishPriority priority)
Session session = new Session(user.Title);
PublishInstruction publishInstruction = new PublishInstruction(session);
RenderInstruction renderInstruction = new RenderInstruction(session);
renderInstruction.RenderMode = RenderMode.Publish; // work around. needs to be specified for binaries.
publishInstruction.RenderInstruction = renderInstruction;
List<IdentifiableObject> items = new List<IdentifiableObject>() { session.GetObject(tcmUri) };
List<PublicationTarget> targets = new List<PublicationTarget>() { engine.PublishingContext.PublicationTarget };
PublishEngine.Publish(items, publishInstruction, targets, priority);
// called with
PublishTransaction currentTransaction = TemplateUtils.GetPublishTransaction(engine);
TemplateUtils.Publish(engine, itemUri, currentTransaction.Creator, currentTransaction.Priority);
Your code seems to have the three things I "normally" forget:
the class is public
it extends TcmExtension
it has a TcmExtension attribute
If you've registered the class correctly in the configuration file, it should just be a matter of restarting the relevant module(s). In this case I'd expect those to be the Publisher and TcmServiceHost services.
After restarting those modules and triggering a publish action, you should see an event being logged (in the Windows event viewer) that your extension is being loaded.
If that even shows, it means your assembly is being loaded into the relevant Tridion process and the class is being recognized and instantiated.
If at this stage your handler doesn't fire you may have to consider listening to a different event. Whenever I want to interact with the publishing, I end up listening for the SaveEventArgs of a PublishTransaction, instead of the PublishOrUnPublishEventArgs on the Page.

Initialize ResourceManager dynamically

I have this function and it works fine to get a translated value from this specific resource file called OkayMessages.
public static string GetResourceString(string resourceKey){
ResourceManager resourceManager = Resources.OkayMessages.ResourceManager;
return resourceManager.GetString(resourceKey);
But i have more than 1 resource file and i want this function to get values from those files as well.. Only, i'm having trouble with dynamically/programmatically selecting the right resource(manager).
I have tried to use the code below, and some variants to that, but i always get an error.
public static string GetResourceString(string resourceFile, string resourceKey){
ResourceManager resourceManager = new System.Resources.ResourceManager("Resources." + resourceFile, Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly());
return resourceManager.GetString(resourceKey);
The error i got most of the times was: Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture or the neutral culture. Make sure "Resources.OkayMessages.resources" was correctly embedded or linked into assembly..
Update: I'm using the \App_GlobalResources\ folder for my resource files, and it seems that this is the problem. When i place a resource file in the root of my project, i can initialize a ResourceManager without problems.
After searching in the wrong direction for a while, I just found the most simple answer to this problem. It turns out that there is a method called GetGlobalResourceObject.
So in my case I'm now using this line of code which does all:
GetGlobalResourceObject("OkayMessages", "PasswordChanged").ToString();
Read carefully this article and you'll find that you need to specify correct namespace of the resource. That's your problem. Here is working example if OkayResources.resx resides in project root folder:
using System.Reflection;
using System.Resources;
using System.Web.UI;
namespace WebApplication1
public partial class _Default : Page
public _Default()
var result = GetResourceString("OkayResources", "SomeKey");
private static string GetResourceString(string resourceFileName, string key)
var resourceName = "WebApplication1." + resourceFileName;
var resourceManager = new ResourceManager(resourceName, Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly());
return resourceManager.GetString(key);
If you put your resource file into Resources folder you'll have to update resource namespace:
var resourceName = "WebApplication1.Resources." + resourceFileName;

Can't get entity models working in MVC3

I seem to cannot be able to get entities to work in MVC3, I cannot access them in my controller anywhere. I created UserDataModel.edmx from my Users table and generated a context file with UserDataModel.cs, but I cannot reference that at all in my controller. Am I missing something? I have followed this tutorial to no success:
Expand (after compile), in there you will see your generated classes. Look in there and open up a class. You should see the namespace the class is in.
Reference that entire namespace in your controller (ie if its MyProject.MyEntities.Customer.cs have a
using MyProject.MyEntities;
public ActionResult Index()
using(var context = new YourContextClassName())
return View( context.Customers.ToList());
As a basic basic example.

Override a resource from standard assembly in ASP.NET

I want to override a string from a System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations for an ASP.NET project. Do I need to make a satellite assembly, messing with custom build tasks, al.exe etc.? Even if yes, I couldn't find how to convert .resx to .resources to feed it to al.exe. And if no, where to put the .resx. and how to name it?
UPD: To make it clear: I wanted to use a custom resource string instead of one from the default resource from the assembly. I didn't want to make changes in the every place that uses that string. After all, the resources exist just for overriding them.
Phil Haack has an excellent article Localizing ASP.Net MVC Validation which specifically guides you through overriding your strings. This article applies more to DataAnnotations than it does MVC. So, this will help however your are using DataAnnotattions.
Below I have listed the simplest steps to add Localized Resources in Visual Studio.
Open the Project Properties dialog.
Select the Resources tab.
Click to create a new default
resources file.
This will create two files in your Properties folder.
When Resources.resx has
opened, change it's Access Modifier
to Public.
Add your strings.
To add additional resource files for specific cultures you will need to.
Right click your Project in the
Solution Explorer.
Select Add -> New Item -> Resource
Name it Resources.en-us.resx.
(replace 'en-us' with appropriate
Click Add
Drag it into the Properties folder.
Open Resources.en-us.resx and change it's Access Modifier
to Public.
Add your strings.
Repeat for each Culture you need to
During the build VS will convert the .resx files to .resource files and build wrapper classes for you. You can then access via the namespace YourAssembly.Properties.Resources.
With this using statement.
using YourAssembly.Properties;
You can decorate with attributes like this:
[Required(ErrorMessageResourceType = typeof(Resources), ErrorMessageResourceName = "MyStringName")]
Note: I used the Properties folder for consistency. To use the App_GlobalResources move your .resx files there and change your using statement to match the directory name. Like this:
using YourAssembly.App_GlobalResources;
Edit: The closest that you can get to Strongly Typed resource names would be to do something like this:
public class ResourceNames
public const string EmailRequired = "EmailRequired";
You can then decorate with attributes like this.
[Required(ErrorMessageResourceType = typeof(Resources), ErrorMessageResourceName = ResourceNames.EmailRequired)]
To enable automatic client culture detection add the globalizationsection to the web.config file.
<globalization enableClientBasedCulture="true" culture="auto:en-us" uiCulture="auto:en-us"/>
Here I have enabled a client based culture and set the culture and the uiculture to "auto" with a default of "en-us".
Creating Separate Satellite Assemblies:
The MSDN Creating Satellite Assemblies article will help as well.
If you are new to satellite assemblies make sure you read Packaging and Deploying Resources.
When creating satellite assemblies in the past, I have found it useful to use VS build events. These are the steps I would take.
Create a separate Class Library project in my solution.
Create or Add my .resx files to this project.
Add a Post-Build Event to the Project Properties dialog. (Like the one below)
Sample VS Post-Build Script:
set RESGEN="C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\bin\resgen.exe"
set LINKER="C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\bin\al.exe"
set ASSEMBLY=$(TargetName)
set SOURCEDIR=$(ProjectDir)
Set OUTDIR=$(TargetDir)
REM Build Default Culture Resources (en)
REM Embed Default Culture
%LINKER% /t:lib /embed:%SOURCEDIR%en\%ASSEMBLY%.resources /culture:en /out:%OUTDIR%%ASSEMBLY%.resources.dll
REM Embed English Culture
%LINKER% /t:lib /embed:%SOURCEDIR%en\%ASSEMBLY%.resources /culture:en /out:%OUTDIR%en\%ASSEMBLY%.resources.dll
REM These are just a byproduct of using the project build event to run the resource build script
If you would prefer not to use ResGen.exe to convert your .resx files, you could do something like this.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using System.Resources;
namespace ResXConverter
public class ResxToResource
public void Convert(string resxPath, string resourcePath)
using (ResXResourceReader resxReader = new ResXResourceReader(resxPath))
using (IResourceWriter resWriter = new ResourceWriter(
new FileStream(resourcePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)))
foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in resxReader)
resWriter.AddResource(entry.Key.ToString(), entry.Value);
One of the potential draw backs to doing the conversion this way is the need to reference the System.Windows.Forms.dll. You will still need to use Assembly Linker.
Edit: As wRAR has reminded us if you are signing your assemblies your keys must match.
While this is strange, especially for people familiar with open source localization technologies, one cannot build a satellite assembly for any system assembly or even a 3rd-party signed one:
If your main assembly uses strong
naming, satellite assemblies must be
signed with the same private key as
the main assembly. If the
public/private key pair does not match
between the main and satellite
assemblies, your resources will not be
Whether the same is possible automatically, but without a satellite assembly, is unknown, though I doubt that.
If the server doesn't have .NET language packs installed then no matter what CurrentUICulture is set to, you'll always get English in DataAnnotations validation messages. This epic hack works for us.
Go to "Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1 Language Pack" download page
Select language and download
Extract NDP461-KB3102436-x86-x64-AllOS-{LANG}.exe with 7-Zip
Extract CAB file with 7-Zip
Locate "msil_system.componentmod..notations.resources_...."
... in which you'll find "system.componentmodel.dataannotations.resources.dll"
Open .resources.dll with ILSpy, locate Resources and click Save button above String Table to save as System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Resources.DataAnnotationsResources.{LANGUAGE}.resources
Add to your project under say a "Resources"
Ensure the files Build Action property of the resources files is set to "Embedded Resource"
Then in a PreStart method of your project you overwrite the System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Resources.DataAnnotationsResources.resourceMan private static field (told you it was a hack) with the ones you have in your project.
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Resources;
[assembly: WebActivator.PreApplicationStartMethod(typeof(ResourceManagerUtil), nameof(ResourceManagerUtil.PreStart))]
class ResourceManagerUtil
public static void PreStart()
/// <summary>
/// If the server doesn't have .NET language packs installed then no matter what CurrentUICulture is set to, you'll always get English in
/// DataAnnotations validation messages. Here we override DataAnnotationsResources to use a ResourceManager that uses language .resources
/// files embedded in this assembly.
/// </summary>
static void initDataAnnotationsResourceManager()
var embeddedResourceNamespace = "<YourProjectDefaultNamespace>.<FolderYouSavedResourcesFilesIn>";
var dataAnnotationsResourcesName = "System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Resources.DataAnnotationsResources";
var thisAssembly = typeof(ResourceManagerUtil).Assembly;
var dataAnnotationsAssembly = typeof(System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.ValidationAttribute).Assembly;
var resourceManager = new ResourceManager(embeddedResourceNamespace + "." + dataAnnotationsResourcesName, thisAssembly);
// Set internal field `DataAnnotationsResources.resourceMan`
var dataAnnotationsResourcesType = dataAnnotationsAssembly.GetType(dataAnnotationsResourcesName);
var resmanProp = dataAnnotationsResourcesType.GetField("resourceMan", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
resmanProp.SetValue(null, resourceManager);
Assuming that you want to override the default error message strings in the validation attributes, you can do that by setting the ErrorMessageResourceName and the ErrorMessageResourceType properties like this:
[Required(ErrorMessageResourceName = "Required_Username", ErrorMessageResourceType = typeof(MyResourceFile)]
public string Username { get; set; }
You can create a resource file called MyResourceFile.resx that contains Required_Username with the error message you want.
Hope this helps.
I want to provide an answer with the same idea as by Duncan Smart, but for .NET Core 2.2 instead of .NET Framework 4.x.
Here it is.
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Resources;
public static class ResourceManagerHack
/// <summary>
/// If the server doesn't have .NET language packs installed then no matter what CurrentUICulture is set to, you'll always get English in
/// DataAnnotations validation messages. Here we override DataAnnotationsResources to use a ResourceManager that uses language .resources
/// files embedded in this assembly.
/// </summary>
public static void OverrideComponentModelAnnotationsResourceManager()
FieldInfo resourceManagerFieldInfo = GetResourceManagerFieldInfo();
ResourceManager resourceManager = GetNewResourceManager();
resourceManagerFieldInfo.SetValue(null, resourceManager);
private static FieldInfo GetResourceManagerFieldInfo()
var srAssembly = AppDomain.CurrentDomain
.First(assembly => assembly.FullName.StartsWith("System.ComponentModel.Annotations,"));
var srType = srAssembly.GetType("System.SR");
return srType.GetField("s_resourceManager", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
internal static ResourceManager GetNewResourceManager()
return new ResourceManager($"{typeof(<YourResource>).Namespace}.Strings", typeof(<YourResource>).Assembly);
private static void EnsureAssemblyIsLoaded()
var _ = typeof(System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.RequiredAttribute);
And I call this like so:
public static void Main(string[] args)
Furthermore, I created a ~/Resources/<YourResource>.resx file and populated it with the default values and changed them at will. Lastly I created a public empty class <YourResource>.
