Default Layout Page in ASP.NET Razor Pages -

In MVC 3 with Razor view engine, you could establish the default layout page for all of your views. I can't seem to find a feature like this in ASP.NET razor pages ( web pages with Razor)... anybody know if it exists?

You can choose a MVC View Master page, see here for screenshots:
For the new ASP.Net WebPages stuff, its called _PageStart.cshtml (under ~/Shared/ folder). More info here:

You can use Master pages in regular ASP.NET pages to set a common layout.


I want to use ASP.Net Web form master page in MVC views

I am able to add MVC in my Web form project. From here on wards we have decided to develop new pages in MVC.
Now I want to use master page used in web form into the MVC views.
How I am able to apply web form master page to the MVC view page?
I am using visual studio 2019.
you can use from ~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml
and #RenderBody is Body of your form
_Layou.cshtml is the same with web form master page.

How to apply aspx master web page header and footer into mvc view?

I have a web site built by but now I want one webpage to be redirected to a newly created mvc view. Off course I would not convert the entire site from to mvc but I want only one mvc view embedded into the web site, keeping the original master page setting like heading, footer, etc. How can I achieve it? Thanks!

how to integrate a web forms page in an aspx mvc page?

I want to display the contents of an aspx web forms page inside an aspx mvc partial view.
Both these pages are in different projects.
I have tried including the web forms page inside the web mvc project , but it doesn't work. Please help.
Integrating web forms with MVC is entirely possible. See this blog post by Scott Hanselman for that.
and hers is some stack overflow previous discussion links :
Is it possible to share a masterpage between MVC and webforms?
Launch an ASP MVC project from a normal .aspx page
How to open MVC 4 view page from webform.aspx page?
Must think this : webfornm having controls , but MVC razor view engine
having html (cshtml) controls .
Refer this : Custom controls with ASP.NET MVC Razor
and More Stack overflow answers was here : Search of SO

Link to aspx page from mvc project

I have mvc project with razor views and i have in the same solution another project that is rendering (aspx) pages (reports and stuff) so i don't know how to call that page or show it inside view. i have tryed with render action and link but it just can't be found.
It's just one aspx page inside other project so i have path like: /projectName/page.aspx
Any help would save my day
If you have two web projects I suppose they have two iis mapping.
So calling from a site to another site you use href link, to render a page from another site the only thing I can think of is using iframe.

ASP.Net MVC View within WebForms Application

I am adding functionality to an ASP.Net webforms application and we've decided that new development will be done MVC with a view to move all functionality over eventually.
Obviously, MVC and WebForms play together rather nicely when it comes to accessing an MVC action via a URL. However, I'd like to display the MVC view within an existing tab (telerik) control on a WebForm page. This view will be using js/css file so that will need to be considered also.
Well I'd use jquery/js to load the tab dynamically on page load / select tab. If add a js function to the required handler you can fire an ajaxGet to retrieve the html from your MVC action URL.
If needed I can get some sample code. Are you using jQuery in your ASP.Net app or MSAJAX ??
