ASP/VB Byte arrays, iframes, parents, children and variables -

I have an aspx page which houses an iframe. When a button is clicked, a WCF is called to produce a PDF which is read into a byte array. I was storing the byte array in a Globals.vb file like this:
Public Shared PDF_Data as Byte()
The global was loaded from the parent aspx page like this:
PDF_Data = MyWCF.Create_PDF_File(SomeVariable)
After that, the iFrame's src was set to a blank aspx page, which had the following code in the page_load event:
'Write the PDF binary data to the screen (viewer)
Response.Buffer = True
Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"
However, realizing that this application will have several users who will get different PDF documents, I have learned that this is not the way to go. My shared variable would be accessible to all users, a big no-no.
However, I am stumped as to how I'm going to store the byte array and make it available to a child aspx page from it's parent.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

The shared variable is definitely not the way to go. I took over a project that used that technique and there were slews of issues with one user getting another users data. You should either use Session, which in itself can be an issue.
One suggestion that I've used saving the byte data to a database with a key and passing that key to the iframe within the URL with the query string. In that case, you should have a way to clear out the past records from the db before it takes up too much space. Depending on if this PDF document is supposed to be secure, this will open up so that the PDF would be accessible by people fiddling with the query string.
Another suggestion, passing it as B64 encoded POST data. Those are a couple suggestions.


Pass value WinForm =>(page.html?query123)=> HTML =>(page.aspx?query123)=> //esle?

The problem here is the middle of the line (HTML).
The chain:
I have WinForm program that uses awesomium (alternative to native webBrowser) to view Html page that has a part of page in it's iframe.
The problem:
The problem is that I need to pass value to page, it is easily achieved without middle of the chain (Html iframe) by sending hashed and crypted querystring.
How it works:
WinForm do some thing, then use few-step-crypt to code all the needed values into 1 string.
Then it should send this string to page through the iframe (and that's the problem, it is easy to receive query string in page, but firstly I need to receive it in Html and send to
Acceptable answers:
1) Probably the most easily one - using JavaScript. I have heard it is possible to be done in that way.
How I imagine this - I send query string from WinForm to Html page as http:\\HtmlPage.html?AspNet.aspx?CryptedString
Then Html receive it with JavaScript and put querystring "AspNet.aspx?CryptedString" into iframe's "src=http:\\" resulting in "src=http:\\AspNet.aspx?CryptedString"
And then I easily get it in page.
2) Somehow create >>>VIRTUAL<<<(NOTE: Virtual, I don't want querystring to be saved on the HDD, even don't suggest) or html page with iframe source taken directly from WinForm string.
Probably that is possible with awesomium, but I'm new to it and don't know how to (if it is possible ofc).
3) Some web service with which I can communicate between and WinForm through the existing HTML iframe.
4) Another way that replace one of 3 previous, that doesn't save "values" in querystring/else on HDD nor is visible for the user, doesn't use page's server to create iframe-page on it. On HTML page's server HTML is only allowed, PhP isn't.
5) If you don't know any of 4 above - suggest free PhP hosting without ads (if such exists, what I highly doubt).
The best one would be #3, then #2, then #1, then #5 (#4 is excluded as it is unknown).
And in the end:
Thanks in advance for your help.
P.S.Currently at work, so I'll check/try all answers later on and will report tomorrow if any suits my needs. Thanks again.
Answering my own question. I have found 2 ways that can do what I did want.
The first one:
Creating a RAM file System.IO.MemoryStream or another method (google c# create a file in ram).
The second one:
Creating a hidden+encrypted+system+custom-readable-only-by-program-crypt file somewhere in the far away folder via File.SetAttributes Method and System.IO.StreamWriter/Reader or System.IO.FileStream or System.IO.TextWriter, etc. depending on what it should be.
Once this file was used for needs delete it + delete on exit + delete on start using
if (File.Exists(path)
(Need more reputation to post few links -_-, and I don't want to post only part of them, either all or no at all, so use google if you'll need anything from here).
If you'll need to store "Small temp file" and not for a long time use first one, if "Heavy" use second one, unless you badly need to use RAM for it.

Render multiple PDF to browser with Report VIewer - ASP.NET

Current situation
I have ASP.NET web application that render PDF for users using MS Report Viewer. The PDF is rendered with this method:
Byte pdfByte = Byte();
pdfByte = ReportViewer.LocalReport.Render("PDF", Nothing, mimeType, encoding, extensions, stream, warning)
And send to browser as an attachment with response object:
Response.ContentType = mimeType
Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=myfile." + extension)
This work great! The user browser will get the PDF as download-able attachment.
What I am trying to achieve
Render multiple PDF and send all of them separately to user's browser. User will get separate PDF documents. It doesn't matter whether they will get them all at once or one by one.
The problem
The problem is after Response.End() the next line of code is not executed. I have tried to store the pdfByte object in session, looping through it and send them to user's browser with Response object but after the first PDF get sent then it stop.
I have also tried removing Response.End() thinking the code will keep running but still it stop after the first PDF get sent.
Please advice any workaround or tips. Thanks!
You cannot send multiple files (as separate entities) in a single HTTP response (the protocol does not support it. However, what you can do is to archive all files together and send the that single zip (or whatever format you want) to the client.
You can use libraries such as DotNetZip/SharpZipLib to combine (and compress) files together. Based on library API, you may need to save PDF files to disk before adding to zip file. Also do not forget to change your content type appropriate while sending the zip file to client.
Yet another alternative is to provide user with a page having multiple links to download files. It may mean that you either have to store your PDFs for some time so that they can served later (via links) or make link point to a handler that will re-run the report again to get the PDF out of it.
Admittedly the method I'm using doesn't feel very elegant, but here's what I'm doing:
create one IFRAME on the page for each document you want to send to the client (maybe create the IFRAMEs dynamically in server-side code if the number of documents is variable);
create a HttpHandler that generates the PDF documents, depending on a parameter you're passing in through the QueryString, just like you're doing above;
set the src on all IFRAMES to the URL of the HttpHandler with the appropriate parameters attached.
Of course the HttpHandler needs to do implement security logic, if required.
This works quite beautifully: If I want to send 3 documents, I create 3 IFRAMEs, set their src, and the user will see 3 "Save As..." dialogs pop up.

File upload and read from database

I am using file upload mechanism to upload file for an employee and converting it into byte[] and passing it to varBinary(Max) to store into database.
Now I what I have to do is, if any file is already uploaded for employee, simply read it from table and show file name. I have only one column to store a file and which is of type VarBinary.
Is it possible to get all file information from VarBinary field?
Any other way around, please let me know.
If you're not storing the filename, you can't retrieve it.
(Unless the file itself contains its filename in which case you'd need to parse the blob's contents.)
If the name of the file (and any other data about the file that's not part of the file's byte data) needs to be used later, then you need to save that data as well. I'd recommend adding a column for the file name, perhaps one for its type (mime type or something like that for properly sending it back to the client's browser, etc.) and maybe even one for size so you don't have to calculate that on the fly for each file (useful when displaying a grid of files and not wanting to touch the large blob field in the query that populates the grid).
Try to stay away from using the file name for system-internal identity purposes. It's fine for allowing the users to search for a file by name, select it, etc. But when actually making the request to the server to display the file it's better to use a simple integer primary key from the table to actually identify it. (On a side note, it's probably a good idea to put a unique constraint on the file name column.)
If you also need help displaying the file to the user, you'll probably want to take the approach that's tried and true for displaying images from a database. Basically it involves having a resource (generally an .aspx page, but could just as well be an HttpHandler instead) which accepts the file ID as a query string parameter and outputs the file.
This resource would have no UI (remove everything from the .aspx except the Page directive) and would manually manipulate the response headers (this is where you'd set the content type from the file's type), write the byte stream to the client, and end the response. From the client's perspective, something like ~/MyContent/MyFile.aspx?fileID=123 would be the file. (You can suggest a file name to the browser for saving purposes in the response headers, which you'd probably want to do with the file's stored name.)
There's no shortage of quick tutorials (some several years old, it's been around for a while) on how to do this with images. Just remember that there's essentially no difference from the server's perspective if it's an image or any other kind of file. All the server needs to do is send the type in the response headers and write the file's bytes to the client. How the client handles the file is up to the browser. In the vast majority of cases, the browser will know what to do (display an image, display via a plugin a PDF, save a .doc, etc.). dynamic HTML form

I want to create an html page inside a page using c# and then request that html page. The flow is, I'll be creating a request that will give me a response with some values. Those values will be stored in hidden fields in the html page I'm creating on the fly and then requesting. I figure it would be something like below but I'm not sure if it would work, I've also received some "Thread Aborting" errors. So, does anyone know the proper way to do this or at least direct me to a nice article or something?
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.Append("<body onload=\"document.aButton.submit();\">");
builder.Append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"something\" value=\"" + aValue + "\">");
... end response
This is a very common request and is almost never a good idea. What are you trying to do?
That said: you write out a file with a temporary name and redirect to that file. Later you have to figure out when it's safe to delete the file.
Edit That method points out one of the problems: you have to do your own garbage collection, deciding how long files must be kept around and deleting them appropriately.

Downloading >10,000 rows from database table in

How should I go about providing download functionality on an page to download a series of rows from a database table represented as a linq2sql class that only has primitive types for members (ideally into a format that can be easily read by Excel)?
public class Customer
public int CustomerID;
public string FirstName;
public string LastName;
What I have tried so far.
Initially I created a DataTable, added all the Customer data to this table and bound it to a DataGrid, then had a download button that called DataGrid1.RenderControl to an HtmlTextWriter that was then written to the response (with content type "application/") and that worked fine for a small number of customers.
However, now the number of rows in this table is >10,000 and is expected to reach upwards of 100,000, so it is becoming prohibitive to display all this data on the page before the user can click the download button.
So the question is, how can I provide the ability to download all this data without having to display it all on a DataGrid first?
After the user requests the download, you could write the data to a file (.CSV, Excel, XML, etc.) on the server, then send a redirect to the file URL.
I have used the following method on Matt Berseth blog for large record sets.
Export GridView to Excel
If you have issues with the request timing out try increasing the http request time in the web.config
Besides the reasonable suggestion to save the data on server first to a file in one of the answers here, I would like to also point out that there is no reason to use a DataGrid (it’s one of you questions as well). DataGrid is overkill for almost anything. You can just iterate over the records, and save them directly using HtmlTextWriter, TextWriter (or just Response.Write or similar) to the server file or to a client output stream. It seems to me like an obvious answer, so I must be missing something.
Given the number of records, you may run into a number of problems. If you write directly to the client output stream, and buffer all data on server first, it may be a strain on the server. But maybe not; it depends on the amount of memory on the serer, the actual data size and how often people will be downloading the data. This method has the advantage of not blocking a database connection for too long. Alternatively, you can write directly to the client output stream as you iterate. This may block the database connection for too long as it depends on the download speed of the client. But again; it your application is of a small or medium size (in audience) then anything is fine.
You should definitely check out the FileHelpers library. It's a freeware, excellent utility set of classes to handle just this situation - import and export of data, from text files; either delimited (like CSV), or fixed width.
It offer a gazillion of options and ways of doing things, and it's FREE, and it works really well in various projects that I'm using it in. You can export a DataSet, an array, a list of objects - whatever it is you have.
It even has import/export for Excel files, too - so you really get a bunch of choices.
Just start using FileHelpers - it'll save you so much boring typing and stuff, you won't believe it :-)
Just a word of warning, Excel has a limitation on the number of rows of data - ~65k. CSV will be fine, but if your customers are importing the file into Excel they will encounter that limitation.
Why not allow them to page through the data, perhaps sorting it before paging, and then give them a button to just get everything as a cvs file.
This seems like something that DLinq would do well, both the paging, and writing it out, as it can just fetch one row at a time, so you don't read in all 100k rows before processing them.
So, for cvs, you just need to use a different LINQ query to get all of the rows, then start to save them, separating each cell by a separator, generally a comma or tab. That could be something picked by the user, perhaps.
OK, I think you are talking too many rows to do a DataReader and then loop thru to create the cvs file. The only workable way will be to run:
SQLCMD -S MyInstance -E -d MyDB -i MySelect.sql -o MyOutput.csv -s
For how to run this from ASP.Net code see here. Then once that is done, your ASP.Net page will continue with:
string fileName = "MyOutput.csv";
string filePath = Server.MapPath("~/"+fileName);
"attachment; filename=" + fileName);
Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream";
This will give the user the popup to save the file. If you think more than one of these will happen at a time you will have to adjust this.
So after a bit of research, the solution I ended up trying first was to use a slightly modified version of the code sample from and format each row value in my DataTable for CSV using the following code to try to avoid potentially problematic text:
private static string FormatForCsv(object value)
var stringValue = value == null ? string.Empty : value.ToString();
if (stringValue.Contains("\"")) { stringValue = stringValue.Replace("\"", "\"\""); }
return "\"" + stringValue + "\"";
For anyone who is curious about the above, I'm basically surrounding each value in quotes and also escaping any existing quotes by making them double quotes. I.e.
My Dog => "My Dog"
My "Happy" Dog => "My ""Happy"" Dog"
This appears to be doing the trick for now for small numbers of records. I will try it soon with the >10,000 records and see how it goes.
Edit: This solution has worked well in production for thousands of records.
