updated pages compilation -

I need to ensure that when some individual pages are updated/modified, the time required to load the other pages to the Web site remains unaffected.
A. Create the application as a Web site project.
Copy the entire application to the deployment server.
Copy only the updated files to the deployment server when a page is updated.
B. Create the application as a Web site project.
Pre-compile the application by using the update able option.
Copy only the updated files to the deployment server when a page is updated.
is Pre-compile option available for web site or its available for web app?

I can simplify this question by some ifs that contains your answer.
If you update just the ASPX files and rarely you change the code files : then
Use Website and publish it using
Allow this precompiled site to be updatable
Using this option you can change ASPX files
Use fixed naming and single page assemblies
Using this option you can change code files, and replace them with their friendly name
Update required published dlls and ASPX files when ever you need.
Note: any changes to bin folder contents may cause application restart and that means all sessions will be lost, so in this case you must consider using other session state modes like SQLServer and StateServer and once you do you need to annotate all your session classes with Serializable attribute
If you will update just the ASPX files : then
Use Website and publish it using
Allow this precompiled site to be updatable
Using this option you can change ASPX files
Else if you just need to update the ASPX HTML content : then
You might reconsider your application scenario
because you need to use data-base to rectify the update problem as any body else do
And finally if you will update web-site code-files very rarely or your changes are at application level rather than page level : then
Use web-application build or publish it if you like.
Using this option you still have the ability to change the ASPX files


ASP.NET become very slow when add or remove dll in bin folder

I have an ASP.NET site (.NET 4.0) with ~1200 dlls files
Every time I change dll in bin folder (add, remove or replace), my site became to very slow and need to wait about 10 minutes to connect again, sometime need to reset IIS
Is there any way to settings ASP.NET or IIS just load new dll, do not reload all dll?
Thank all!
ASP.NET dynamic compilation enables you to modify your source code without having to explicitly compile your code before you deploy your Web application. If you modify a source file, ASP.NET automatically recompiles the file and updates all linked resources. By default, ASP.NET Web pages and code files are compiled dynamically when users first request a resource, such as an ASP.NET page (.aspx file), from a Web site. After pages and code files have been compiled the first time, the compiled resources are cached, so that subsequent requests to the same page are extremely efficient.
You can retrieve more information about ASP.NET dynamic compilation:

making changes to an site without reuploading the whole thing

I'm building a site and for the moment, when I want to put it on the web server, I to go Build > Publish WebSite to a local directory and then on the FTP, I delete the whole existing content and then upload the new fresh content that's on my local directory. In the Publish Web Site popup, I see that there's an option for "Allow this precompiled site to be updatable".
If I make changes to some files in my AppCode directory, how do I update the server WITHOUT essentially shutting it down?
Unless you're using a precompiled site or a web application, all "regular" websites are updateable -- App_Code as well as content.
Precompiled sites can be made to be updateable, but I believe only for web pages, not for code files.
If you have a busy site with lots of updates it's possible that updates can break things until they're complete. You can work around that by creating a file called app_offline.htm at the top level of your site. That will effectively take your site offline as long as it's there. The contents of the file are sent to users instead of your active content, such as *.aspx files. When the update is complete, then remove the file.
Try to take a look here:
All that you need is a Synchronization between VS and server.

How do I deploy an web application to a Sharepoint 2010 site using WSP

Suppose I created a custom web application that consists of:
several assembly DLLs: web app, business logic, data services
multiple aspx pages and ascx custom controls that use them
custom configuration section
custom HTTP module
More or less the usual stuff.
I would like to deploy it to a particular sharepoint site under a certain subfolder. So if I access my sharepoint site via http://myserver:90/ (because I'm not using sites/some_site) I'd like my application to be available under http://myserver:90/webapp
I could manually add a virtual folder (not application because I would need to access some Sharepoint site's data) to my sharepoint site in IIS and manually edit site's web.config file to register my HTTP module and add my custom configuration section as well either putting my DLLs into GAC or put them in the _app_bin (so I don't have problems with CAS), but I don't think that's a good thing to do, because this web application may get deployed in an environment where this shouldn't/couldn't be possible.
So I figured I could build a WSP using Visual Studio 2010 and deploy it that way. But I don't have enough experience doing that.
I created a new sharepoint 2010 project. Is there a way I could add all non-executable application files (aspx, ascx) at once? I've seen the advanced tab of the WSP package where I can add my DLLs either to bin folder or GAC. I don't know whether I would also have to add any safe control and register certain classes?
So I suppose I need some pretty detailed and explanatory guidance here.
The only real way to do this would be to use the layouts folder to deploy your application via the wsp. This will let you depot any files that you would normally deploy with a.web application.
There are couple of problems however. The URL for your application will be http://SharePoint/somesite/_layouts/yourapp
This is a blessing and a curse. Your urls will be ugly but they will work under every SharePoint site. If your application depends on SharePoint context to function, that context will automatically be available based on the requesting URL.
To add a layouts folder under your share point project right click on the project and add a mapped folder to layouts. I would also recommend adding a sub folder under layouts for your application so that your application files don't conflict with the default files directly in the layouts folder.
For the http module, or any web.config modifications, you can use the spwebconfigmodification class.
Heres a walkthru: dynamic compilation

With web sites and ASMX web services, can some explain what can change once an application has been deployed.
For web sites, I can see that the you can change the aspx files but for web services, I am not sure what can be changed. Any real-world examples of where changing files and dynamic compilation is useful?.
After deploying the application you can change anything you want to in there. You can change .aspx pages, you can add / remove dlls from the bin folder, you can add / remove code files from the app_code folder, you can add remove stuff from the app_data folder, you can obviously add remove the .asmx files for the web service. I don't see any reason why you cant change anything. go ahead and try changing these things. When you run the code after changes the website will compile again automatically. The things i wrote are written considering that you have deployed the whole code for the website and not a published site !

Add pages into sharepoint

How to add or open the pages from inside sharepoint?
I found many info on the web about that, but they all fail or they are not clear. I appreciate your help :)
Your question is not clear, but if you want to customize look'n'feel of SharePoint page you should use SharePoint Designer.
In case you want to create some additional functionality from scratch the easiest way is to create a custom web part and then add it to a SharePoint page.
I think you want to include an aspx page to call either using an AJAX include or to be able to use the MOSS Object Model without having to add references etc?
if so then the following steps are necessary:
navigate to 12\layouts\
create a folder for the files
put the inline code files in
From sharepoint you can add a page viewer web part and reference it with the following url _Layouts//Filename.aspx
This technique will only work with inline code, if you wish to compile your code then you would create the site as normal and then add an application folder within the virtual directory of that particular site for example my site is called intranet:
navigate to c:\inetpub\wwwroot\wss\intranet
add your folder to this as a sub folder
in inetmgr right click the folder and create an application for it (use the same app pool as the sharepoint site)
ensure ALL DLLs from the sharepoint site bin folder exist within the apps bin folder or it will throw an error.
However, I would only ever use these methods as proof of concept and would ultimately use web parts, custom features and workflows to carry out the same functions.
