Simple way to add jar URL as dependency in sbt - jar

Is there any way to get sbt (0.10) to declare a jar at some URL ( as a library dependency?

You can specify an explicit url for a jar. If you use the basic configuration just include it like follows
libraryDependencies += "slinky" % "slinky" % "2.1" from ""
As stated in the sbt wiki on GitHub the url is used as a fallback in case the artifact isn't resolved via ivy. For more details see paragraph Explicit URL


Modify libraryDependcies inside of SBT

I use SBT / Console as a prototyping tool and therefore don't want to start with a pre-defined build.sbt file.
What I want to do is to run the sbt tool and then modify the libraryDependencies setting. then run console and go and use my newly imported library. If I need something more. I can exit the console and import more stuff and then come back in the console.
is this possible? or should I always start with a predefined build.sbt file?
set libraryDependencies += group % art % version
I understand ammonite is good at this as well

Leiningen: how to exclude dependencies when uberjaring?

When using leiningen to build Clojure applications, how can certain dependencies be excluded from being included in the JAR file when using lein uberjar?
Use the provided entry for the leiningen profile.
:profiles {:dev {:dependencies [[ring-mock "0.1.5"]
[prismatic/dommy "0.1.3"]
[org.bouncycastle/bcprov-jdk15on "1.50"]]}
:provided {:dependencies [[org.bouncycastle/bcprov-jdk15on "1.50"]]}}
One common use case is bouncycastle that needs to be excluded from the signed JAR and provided externally using its own jar file in runtime.
Similar to what Guillermo suggested modify your project's :profiles to include something along the lines of:
:provided {:dependencies [[org.bouncycastle/bcprov-jdk15on "1.50"]
[org.bouncycastle/bcpg-jdk15on "1.50"]]}
(The specific versions may vary.)
Trouble is that if you use a Clojure wrapper library (such as clj-pgp or, it forces inclusion of the jar in the uberjar, breaking the process.
My solution was to fork the library and push it to clojars after modifying its project.clj to uses provided dependencies.
More details here:
In the project.clj under :dependencies you can add exclusions for specific jars like this:
[test/test-jar "1.0" :exclusions [sample-exclusion/test-exclusions]]

Handling unmanaged classpath jars in a library using SBT so that a dependent project can access them

I'm writing a library which depends on code (let's call it foo.jar) which is only available as a binary jar. As is standard, I'm putting this in the lib/ directory so SBT will treat is as an unmanaged dependency. This is fine so far.
However, since this is a library, I'd like to be able to publish it so that other projects which depend on it to also have access to the unmanaged code in foo.jar without having to manually locate it. I originally thought I could use a fat jar plugin such as SBT Assembly to create a jar with the dependencies, but that doesn't affect what is actually published using sbt publish-local – it only creates a fat jar when you run sbt assembly. Is there some standard simple way to handle this? It seems like a bad idea for every library which uses unmanaged dependencies to break when used by other projects downstream so I wonder if I'm missing something obvious.
I don't know if that's a good use of sbt-assembly, since other libraries could depend on a different version of foo.jar etc.
One way to work around it is to publish foo.jar in a Maven repository yourself. Some people in Scala and/or sbt community have been talking about bintray. It's still in beta, but looks promising if you want some jars published.
You might be able to get the result you want by manipulating the mappings in (Compile, packageBin) to include the files you want your packaged jar to have (publish uses the output from packageBin). This technique will allow you to include absolutely any file you want within the jar. The official sbt doc is here:
As an example, consider the common case of including a .properties file within your jar. Lets say you need to include "" under the path "com/bigco/" in your packaged jar. And lets say that this file is under src/main/scala/ ... You can add the following to your build.sbt:
mappings in (Compile, packageBin) <+= baseDirectory map { base =>
(base / "src" / "main" / "scala" / "com" / "bigco" / "") -> "com/bigco/"
To attempt to answer your original question, you could unzip foo.jar and add each one of the class files within to the packaged jar, according to their correct package paths. So something similar to
mappings in (Compile, packageBin) <+= baseDirectory map { base =>
(base / path / to / unzipped / file.class) -> ""
Or you might be able to get away with simply including foo.jar at the root of the packaged jar like so:
mappings in (Compile, packageBin) <+= baseDirectory map { base =>
(base / "lib" / "foo.jar") -> "foo.jar"

sbt - copy managed libraries to lib

How can I copy managed libraries to a specific folder with Scala Build Tool?
For example:
All the jars from this managed library, would be put in 'project/lib'
libraryDependencies += "com.miglayout" % "miglayout-swt" % "4.2"
I found the solution. Pretty simple actually.
Add the following to build.sbt
This will copy the jars to project/lib_managed/jars//*.jar
retrieveManaged := true
I'm not sure about how to specify a specific folder, but this is good enough to get the jars under the project folder.

SBT doesn't seem to download transitive dependencies with a custom repository?

I'm new to SBT, using version 1.0 and a custom repository, and I've set the "retrieveManaged" flag mentioned here, but it seems that SBT only downloads the directly requested JARs, but not any of the JARs upon which those JARs depend. And yes, the repository is using the customary default format described in the answers here (though SBT/Ivy doesn't seem capable of retrieving snapshots, either, but that's a separate problem, I expect). The repository does not require any kind of authentication, FYI.
Here's a slightly generified version of my built.sbt file:
name := "MyProject"
organization := "com.myorg"
version := "0.1"
scalaVersion := "2.9.0"
scalacOptions += "-deprecation"
retrieveManaged := true
resolvers += Resolver.url("myorg", url(""))
libraryDependencies += "com.myorg" % "otherproject" % "1.0"
fork in run := true
The requested "otherproject" JAR file loads fine, but SBT/Ivy seems to have no interest in opening up its POM and downloading the other JARs it needs to operate. This seems like it should be a fairly basic function (Maven does it, for example) but I have no idea how to convince SBT/Ivy to do so. (And the documentation assures us that SBT is, in fact, supposed to do this: "By default, these declarations fetch all project dependencies, transitively".)
I believe I must be doing something wrong, but have no idea -- given how simple and vanilla this basic configuration is -- what it could be.
Standard, Maven-style repositories are declared like:
resolvers += "myorg" at ""
More details are at the Library Management page you linked to and on the Resolvers page.
Typically, one only uses Resolver.url when specifying non-standard layouts.
