How to write regular expressions in CSS - css

How do I use regular expressions in CSS? I found a tutorial here for matching static strings in CSS, but I haven't been able to find one for using regular expressions to match multiple strings in CSS. (I found one here, but I couldn't get it to work. I also looked at the W3C documentation on using regular expressions, but I couldn't make sense of the document.)
I'm want to match a series of <DIV> tags whose ids start at s1 and increase by one (ie. #s1 #s2 #s3...).
I know that div[id^=s], div[id^='s'], and div[id^='s'] each perform the match as I intend it in my CSS. However, each of those also match an id of #section, which I don't want to happen. I believe that "/^s([0-9])+$/" is the equivalent PHP string--I'm just looking for it in CSS version.

There is no way to match elements with a regular expression, even in CSS3. Your best option is probably to simply use a class for your divs.
.s-div {
// stuff specific to each div
<div id="s1" class="s-div"><!-- stuff --></div>
<div id="s2" class="s-div"><!-- stuff --></div>
<div id="s3" class="s-div"><!-- stuff --></div>
<div id="s4" class="s-div"><!-- stuff --></div>
<div id="s5" class="s-div"><!-- stuff --></div>
Also remember that you can separate multiple class names by a space inside a class attribute.
<div class="class1 class2 class3"></div>

/* page scrape the DIV s# id's and generate the style selector */
document . body . innerHTML .
match(re) . join("") .
replace(re,"div[$1], ") + "{ styling details here }" );
("test with <div id=s2 aadf><DIV ID=123> <DIV adf=asf as><Div id='s45'>" +
"<div id=s2a ><DIV ID=s23 > <DIV asdf=as id=S9 ><Div id='x45' >") .
match(re) . join("") .
replace(re,"div[$1], ") + "{ styling details here }"
The test yields
div[id=s2], div[id='s45'], div[ID=s23], div[id=S9], { styling details here }
Note the dangling , and the case preserved S9.

If you don't want or can't use the solution posted by #zneak, you could do that editing the labels with javascript, but i'll advice you: It's a hell of work.

The following CSS will select #s0, #s1, ... , #s9 and not #section, though a browser must implement the CCS3 negation :not().
The final selection is equivalent to:
which says that each id must start with s and a number and end with a number like:
s6, s42, s123, s5xgh7, ...
The :not() line vacuously excludes those ID's that do not start properly using an empty style {}.
div:not([id^=s0]):not([id^=s1]):not([id^=s2]):not ... :not([id^=s9]) {}
div[id^=s][id$=0], div[id^=s][id$=1], div[id^=s][id$=2], ... div[id^=s][id$=9] { ... }
CSS3 does not use regular expressions to define selectors BUT ...
CSS Conditional Rules Module Level 3
defines a very specific function, regexp(<string>), that parses a URL with a regular expression when creating an #document rule.

/* eliminate the alphabet except s - NB some funny characters may be left */
/* HTML id's are case-sensitive - upper case may need exclusion & inclusion */
div[id*=a], div[id*=b], div[id*=c], ..., div[id*=q], div[id*=r] {}
div[id*=t], div[id*=u], div[id*=v], div[id*=w], div[id*=x], div[id*=y], div[id*=z] {}
div[id*='_'], div[id*='-'], div[id*='%'], div[id*='#'] {}
/* s can not be embedded */
div[id*=0s], div[id*=1s], div[id*=2s], ..., div[id*=9s] {}
/* s will be followed by a string of numerals - maybe a funny char or two */
div[id^=s0], div[id^=s1], div[id^=s2], ... div[id^=s9] { ... }


CSS Class (if class start with) [duplicate]

If the HTML has elements like this:
How do I match all of those id's starting with "product"?
I've seen answers that do this exactly using javascript, but how to do it with only CSS?
^= indicates "starts with". Conversely, $= indicates "ends with".
The symbols are actually borrowed from Regex syntax, where ^ and $ mean "start of string" and "end of string" respectively.
See the specs for full information.
I'd do it like this:
[id^="product"] {
Ideally, use a class. This is what classes are for:
<div id="product176" class="product"></div>
<div id="product177" class="product"></div>
<div id="product178" class="product"></div>
And now the selector becomes:
.product {
Use the attribute selector
I want to share this solution too, maybe in the future it could help someone.
As the others said you can write [id^=product] for id
But we can give an example for the class as well:
[class^="product-"] which indicates classes starts with product
and also * like this [class*="product-"]
This is a simple example :
/* Icons */
[class^="icon-"], [class*=" icon-"] {
/* use !important to prevent issues with browser extensions that change fonts */
font-family: 'mk-font' !important;
font-size: 3em;
good luck ...
I noticed that there is another CSS selector that does the same thing .
The syntax is as follows :
This will select all elements ID which begins with the word enclosed in double quotes.

using css empty to hide an element

Using chrome to inspect I see some code like this:
<div class="entry-content">
<p>We .... </p>
<footer class="entry-footer">
Sometimes this footer is empty, and at other's it isn't.
When it is empty I try to hide it with:
footer.entry-footer:empty {
but it doesn't work.
So I am either doing something wrong (or I guess it isn't really empty!)
:empty requires the element to be empty of whitespace too.
Here is an example, and have white space and don't display: none; (without the JS below, where becomes hidden)...
if you want to remove the white space post load, here is some JS to do that:
var empties = document.querySelectorAll( '[selector_here]' );
for ( key in empties ) {
if ( typeof empties[key].innerHTML != "undefined" ) empties[key].innerHTML = empties[key].innerHTML.trim()
The JS above trims the the whitespace from any element matching the given selector, in my example I used the class empty (you can see it working on
But i would recommend removing it from the HTML
I did a quick test for you and it would seem that white space counts as content. Beginning your closing tag on a new line will quietly insert a newline character, so which is why your selector for :empty fails.
As a solution, your html should be look like the following:
<footer class="entry-footer"></footer>
Because there's literally nothing between the start and end tags, the element passes as being :empty

select all ids where the only difference is the number in the ID name

I have all these divs with an identical ID name except for the fact that they all have a different number at the end.
I know I can use a class but it must be an ID.
<div id="myid1">text</div>
<div id="myid2">text</div>
<div id="myid3">text</div>
<div id="myid4">text</div>
<div id="test1">text</div>
<div id="test2">text</div>
My question is using css how can I select them all but shorter than this .
Does this type of thing exist and if so how do you write it?
Just use the prefix attribute selector
[id^="myid"] {
This selector targets any element with an ID attribute that has the prefix "myid" - quotes around the value are optional. This selector works in IE7 & above as well.
you can use begins with this attr selector.
[id^=myid] {
CSS3 should help here:
Yes, there's a way
<div id="myid1" class="foo">text</div>
<div id="myid2" class="foo">text</div>
<div id="myid3" class="foo">text</div>
<div id="myid4" class="foo">text</div>
<div id="test1">text</div>
<div id="test2">text</div>
and css
.foo { color:red; }
If those have to be IDs, try with [id^=myid]
I think it would work a lot better for you to use classes as incremental ids goes against HTML and general programming principles. You could rewrite it like so:
<div class="myid" data-id="1">text</div>
<div class="myid" data-id="2">text</div>
However, if you must keep the ids as they are, you can use the attribute selector:
[id^=myid] {
color: red;
In your case this would do it:
[id=^"myid"] {
//your rules
That selects all elements whose id attribute begins with "myid".
You're not limited to the id attribute though. In fact, you could use any other html element's attribute.
Let's say you wanted to select all <a> tags whose "href" attribute begun with "". The following would do it:
a[href=^""] {}
There's really a ton of options. Instead of pointing them out myself I'll you link to the w3 page where all of it is detailed:
use classes in addition to the ids (if you really need the ids):
<div class="mytext" id="myid1">text</div>
<div class="mytext" id="myid2">text</div>
<div class="mytext" id="myid3">text</div>
<div class="mytext" id="myid4">text</div>
<div id="test1">text</div>
<div id="test2">text</div>
then the CSS is simple:
div.mytext {
color: red;

How to select multiple div by his unique id number

is there a way to select multiple div with css??
div id="text-box4"
div id="text-box5"
div id="text-box7"
Native to ie7,ie8 and any other browser that accepts "substring matching attribute selectors" (cf., you can use the following syntax to select elements with multiple similar ids:
This basically says to the parsing engine, "select all div elements that have an id attribute which begins with 'text-box'
[attribute^='text'] = attributes that STARTS with 'text'
[attribute$='text'] = attributes that END with 'text'
[attribute*='text'] = attributes that CONTAINS 'text'
CSS doesn't have a wildcard for that.
However if you use jQuery you can: or
<div id="text-box4"></div>
<div id="text-box5"></div>
<div id="text-box7"></div>
<script>$("div[id*='text-box']").css("color", "red");</script>
like this?
#text-box7 {
/* your properties here */
CSS classes are designed for selecting multiple elements:
<div id="text-box4" class="my-text-box"/>
<div id="text-box5" class="my-text-box"/>
<div id="text-box7" class="my-text-box"/>
maerics' answer is correct. The CSS selector used to select the divs in that case would be:
.my-text-box {
/* Styles go here */

apply css to nested divs

I use the following code on my page:
<div id="itemstable" class="item_type1">
...other divs here...
And in my CSS file I have this code:
.item_type1 div {
background-image: url(images/type1.giff);
the problem is there are a lot of different item types so I will need to have a lot of lines in my CSS file. I was wondering how to apply the background-image: url(images/type1.giff); style to the nested divs without assigning it to each one. eg. I want to change the code for the "itemstable" div so that it applies a css rule to the nested divs.
Is this possible?
EDIT: I'm looking for something like this:
<div id="itemstable" style="SET BACKGROUND IMG FOR NESTED DIVS HERE">
...other divs here...
(If I'm understanding the question correctly:)
Think about using a different ID/class scheme. I don't know about the further specifics of your structure, but id="itemstable" class="item_type1" seems slightly redundant to me. Can itemstable be anything else than item_type1? Try to apply more generic class names and keep the specific cases for IDs.
Failing that, you can add another class that is responsible for adding the background image: class="item_type1 item_types".
Since it seems sheer mass is the main problem (not applying the style as the title suggests) it's probably best to dynamically insert a style in the page header. Something along the lines of:
<style type="text/css" media="screen">
<?php echo "#$myelement"; ?> div { background: url(<?php echo $image; ?>) ...; }
Inline styles can only apply to the element directly, not one of its children. I.e.:
<div style="background: ...;">
The background only applies to this one div.
You can't use selectors in inline styles like:
<div style="div { background: ...; }">
I think including a little more of your HTML would make your question easier to understand.
You can certainly include multiple rules in a compound selector:
.item_type1 div.a, .item_type1 div.b, .item_type1 div.c {
background-image: url(xyz.gif);
But since you are pulling images from the database dynamically, you will need to either include them in your dynamic code-- in the divs themselves, or dynamically create CSS as suggested above:
<% for $i in $images { echo "div.image$i div { background-image: url(/path/to/$i) }" %>
