Precedence Level in object oriented Programming(not Operator Precedence) - regexbuddy

In which order is the precedence of the following
Constructor, Static Block and Non Static Block

A non static block will execute when the class is initialized. A static block will only be executed once.
The constructor will execute when the object is instantiated.
A static block will execute when the object is instantiated.
That will depend on your language.
For Java, the static block will always be executed first, followed by the non static block and then by the constructor.
public class Q20 {
static int i;
int j;
static {
System.out.println("static block");
System.out.println("non static block");
public Q20() {
public static void main(String args[]) {
Q20 q = new Q20();
static block
non static block


PowerMockito failing to create an instance of a class which has anonymous block

I just converted our application code into simple classes to express the problem concisely. Our use case contains a class which internally uses some helper classes with static methods which needs to be mocked. So, planned to use PowerMockito. No issues with this part, however we have one class where we have an anonymous block inside one of the methods. When we try to create an instance of this class, PowerMockito fails with a very vague error. Tried spending few hours to resolve the issue without any luck.
public abstract class AbstractClass {
public abstract void methodOne(String arg);
public void methodTwo()
System.out.println("In method two");
public class StaticMethod {
public static String someStaticMethod()
System.out.println("in static method");
return "static";
public class AbstractClassCaller {
public AbstractClassCaller()
// The following piece of code is the problematic block
AbstractClass abstractClassInstance = new AbstractClass(){
public void methodOne(String methodArg)
System.out.println("In Method One");
public class AbstractClassCallerTest {
public void test() throws Exception
// This is the code which triggers the exception
AbstractClassCaller instance = new AbstractClassCaller();
public IObjectFactory getObjectFactory() {
return new org.powermock.modules.testng.PowerMockObjectFactory();
The above junit class fails with the following exception:
org.powermock.reflect.exceptions.ConstructorNotFoundException: Failed to lookup constructor with parameter types [ ] in class$1.
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException:$1.<init>(
// the following anonymous block in AbstractClassCaller is causing the issue:
AbstractClass abstractClassInstance = new AbstractClass(){
public void methodOne(String methodArg)
System.out.println("In Method One");
Any ideas on how to fix this issue?

Static method is thread-safe if new instances are returned allways it gets called?

I have the following classes:
public class SesionPasoProxy
private static EntitySerializer _serializer = EntitySerializer.Create();
public static string Obtener(Guid idSesion, int orden)
SesionPaso item = new SesionPaso();
item.Orden = orden;
item.IdSesion = idSesion;
return _serializer.ToXml(item);
public class EntitySerializer
private EntitySerializer(){}
public static EntitySerializer Create()
return EntitySerializer.Create("Test");
public static EntitySerializer Create(string serializationContextName)
EntitySerializer instance = new EntitySerializer();
instance.Name = serializationContextName;
return instance;
public ToXml(SesionPaso x){ return x.toString();}
Is that code thread-safe? SessionPasoProxy is used inside a ASP.NET WebForms aspx page. So it can get called concurrently.
As you see EntitySerializer is static but is returns new instances (not Singleton)
What do you think?
My unit testing is showing is, but i am not sure at all.
Many thanks
In general static methods aren't more or less thread safe than instance methods.
But if they only use local variables instead of fields it's likely that they are thread-safe(of course it depends on the methods used).
In your case Create is thread-safe because it always returns a new instance and no other (static) field was used which could be accessed from different threads at the same time.
But one thing: you should make EntitySerializer.ToXml static too instead of using the same instance in Obtener. It doesn't need to be an instance method:
public static string ToXml(SesionPaso x){ return x.toString();}
Then you don't need the static field _serializer(at least not for this):
public static string Obtener(Guid idSesion, int orden)
SesionPaso item = new SesionPaso();
item.Orden = orden;
item.IdSesion = idSesion;
return EntitySerializer.ToXml(item);

How to get #Postconstruct with Spring batch in web container?

Currently I am trying to get my script to run on a tomcat server by using the basic web container guidelines for spring-batch-boot from the documentation
The script was working correctly as a jar file before modifications to the main class but when I try converting it to a servlet I am having issues with my #PostConstruct starting only on server startup. This code sets to spring.batch.job.enabled=false and has a controller of
public class JobLauncherController {
JobLauncher jobLauncher;
Job job;
public void handle() throws Exception{, new JobParameters());
With The main Application to start the servlet for tomcat as
public class BatchApplication extends SpringBootServletInitializer{
protected SpringApplicationBuilder configure(SpringApplicationBuilder application) {
return application.sources(BatchApplication.class);
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
The problem is that my job uses custom item readers and writers that initializes it before running it using #PostConstruct. It runs the #PostConstruct at server startup which is what helps initialize the beans for writing.
My item readers/writers look like this
public class CustomReader extends ItemStreamSupport implements ItemReader<Acct>, ResourceAwareItemReaderItemStream<Acct> {
//basic autowiring
private int nextAcctIndex;
private List<Acct> acctsList = new ArrayList();
private void initialize() throws IOException {
//logic to parse files
acctsList = Collections.unmodifiableList(acctsList);
nextAcctIndex = 0;
public Acct read() throws Exception, UnexpectedInputException, ParseException, NonTransientResourceException {
// System.out.println("Start Read");
Acct nextAcct = null;
if (nextAcctIndex < acctsList.size()) {
nextAcct = acctsList.get(nextAcctIndex);
The BatchConfiguration calls everything like most examples as
#Bean public
IteamReader<Acct> CustomReader(){ return new CustomReader();}
My question is am I going about this the wrong way or is there a way to make it so the #PostConstruct is able to be called only when the Controller request for it?
you need to use
public void beforeStep(StepExecution stepExecution) {
#PostConstruct is used to initialize once after applicationContext is loaded.
In your case you want to run this initialization every time job is running (you don't want data to be leaked across different jobs, right?)

Using castle windsor with interceptors and

I'm trying to add logging with aspect orientated programming using castle windsor in plain, i.e. not MVC
I've added a class that implements the IInterceptor interface and an attribute that inherits from Attribute.
public class LogAttribute : Attribute
public Level LogLevel { get; set; }
public LogAttribute(Level level)
LogLevel = level;
public class LoggingInterceptor : IInterceptor
public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation)
MethodInfo mi = invocation.Method;
LogAttribute[] atts = (LogAttribute[])mi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(LogAttribute), true);
// if method not marked with InternalUseRestricted attribute, then pass on call
if (atts.Length == 0)
ISeiLogger log = LoggerFactory.GetLogger(mi.DeclaringType.ToString());
//assume only one logging attribute
//log on entry
//allow code to continue
//log on exit
Now in the global.asax.cs I've added the following:
public partial class Global : System.Web.HttpApplication, IoCProvider
private void InitializeIoC()
container = new WindsorContainer();
container.Install(new Sei.Aspect.AspectInstaller());
public IWindsorContainer Container
get { return container; }
private static Sei.Logging.ISeiLogger log;
private IWindsorContainer container;
public override void Init()
and I've created an installer class:
public class AspectInstaller : IWindsorInstaller
public void Install(IWindsorContainer container, IConfigurationStore store)
//container.Register(AllTypes.FromAssembly(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()).BasedOn<IInterceptor>().Configure(component => component.LifeStyle.PerWebRequest));
I now want to add the attribute to some arbitary page's code behind class and some arbitary virtual method, as in
protected string Login(string username, string password)
This obviously doesn't work. Do I need to change the way I'm instantiating the page (its a page's code-behind class) to use a container? Or is it the way I'm registering the interceptors? I want to be able to use the interceptors on any class going forward and not have to tell the container about each and every class that I have in my application.
Short answer: it's not possible.
Long answer: due to the way ASP.NET Web Forms works, it doesn't let anyone interfere with the page instantiation. Some claim that using a custom PageHandlerFactory lets you do IoC, but this only lets you set properties after the page has been instantiated, which is simply not enough for proxying.
So runtime proxy libraries such as DynamicProxy or LinFu can't do anything about this. But you may be able to use compile-time aspect weavers, such as PostSharp.
Alternatively, make your code-behind as slim as possible, deferring actual logic to Windsor-managed components.

Testable design

I have a java class which has a static member created using Facade (Singleton).
Class A implements InterfaceA {
private static DataStore db = DataStoreFacade.getInstance("BDB"); //singleton instance
public void save(final String key, final String val) {,val);
Here Class A is used as a member variable for webservice (stateless bean).
I can't test this code using EasyMock because there is no way to override the DataStore instance.
There are two options.
Have a constructor taking the instance of DataStore which will set to db member variable. The problem is I don't want webservice class to know which datastore instance has been created.
Provide an additional protected Set Method to override the db object. This is what I have used where I create a Easy Mock object of DataStore and override the member variable. Is it the correct design.
What are the other possibilities?
You're right that is bad for testability. Use dependency injection and don't go for static variable:
public class A implements InterfaceA {
private DataStore db;
public A(DataStore db) {
this.db = db;
to inject or build either use dependency-injection framework (e.g. spring) or build the object somewhere in bootstrap factory code yourself.
production code:
new A(DataStoreFacade.getInstance("...");
public void test_xxx(){
DataStore db = EasyMock.createMock(DataStore.class);
//... do some expectations and replay(db)
InterfaceA a=new A(db);
Well, the original code is already testable. Here is a unit test for it, using JMockit:
public void testSave(final DataStore mockDb)
final String key = "aKey";
final String value = "aValue";
new A().save(aKey, aValue);
new Verifications()
{{, value);
If needed, the DataStoreFacade class could be mocked too.
Why not make the db member protected, and in your test project inherit it and override that member:
Class A
protected static db = ...
public void Save(...) { ... }
Class B : A
protected override static db = ... (create test db)
Class testB
public A a;
public void Setup()
this.a = new B();
public void TearDown()
// delete a
public void TestSaveKey()
// test a
It's still hidden from consumers of the code/library, the test object isn't cluttering the production code, and the behaviour will be tested as if it were the production version.
Beware though, that having a static member for your db object could cause troubles for your tests if it's not cleaned up properly after each test.*
I know that you probably already know this, but I'm saying it for completeness.
Use the Supersede Instance pattern...
