ASP.NET MVC 3 Rendering a view "polymorphically" using DisplayFor(TBase o)-like syntax -

Using ASP.NET MVC 3 I would like to render different "templates" (i.e. partial views or whatever you want to call them) to my views based upon the type of the view model (or a property on the view model) supplied at runtime.
I understand the out-of-the-box ASP.NET MVC functionality enables the addition of a UIHint attribute to a property or field on the viewmodel supplied to the view, but as far as I can tell this doesn't meet my needs as I won't know the template required until runtime.
AFAICT ASP.NET doesn't support generic viewmodels of type T either, so my idea is to take the ASP.NET MVC3 source code and write my own DisplayFor method that accepts a viewmodel instance (specified by it's abstract base type in the view), which resolves the actual type at runtime and uses this to find the template name by convention.
Does this sound feasible/worthwhile?
The view would look thus (note specification of base type, a concrete instance would be supplied at runtime):
#model MyViewModelBase
#{ DisplayFor(Model); }
public class MyMagicalViewModel : MyViewModelBase {}
Invocation of this view would look thus:
return View("MyView", MyMagicalViewModel);
...and this would return html corresponding to the MyMagicalViewModelPartialView.cshtml

Have you looked into Html.EditorFor?


Any difference in "return View()" and "return PatialView()" still in MVC 3

So somebody asked me the question:
When would I return View() and when would I return PartialView()?
My immdiate reaction was, if it's a patial use PartialView(). Then I realised that I have quite often returned View() for a partial view with no, apparent, detremental effects?! So what's the point in the return PartialView() call?
I found this question What's the difference between “return View()” and “return PartialView()”. This appears to be particular to MVC2. i.e. talks about .aspx and .ascx control extensions. Using Razor all our views are .cshtml whether they are partial or not.
Which got my thinking is the PartialView() just a hangover from MVC2 and not really relevant in MVC3+ (When using Razor anyway)? Or am I missing some crucial feature of PartialView()?
tl;dr: PartialView() does not use a layout for the view being returned.
You can set a default layout file within _ViewStart.cshtml (located in the Views folder) which will then be used by all views. By doing that, you avoid having to set the Layout property within each view. PartialView() will not include that layout file or any other.
If you want to return a partial view, e.g. in a child action called using #Html.Action(action, controller), use PartialView. If you want to return a "full" view including the layout, use View().
MSDN Reference:
If you contrast the MSDN definition for ViewResult() Object with the MSDN definition for PartialViewResult() Object
you find the only difference is that ViewResult has an extra property:
public string MasterName { get; set; }
Otherwise, both Objects inherit from ViewResultBase and seem to inherit all other properties and methods from the base class.
Unfortunately, the implementation of the abstract method ExecuteResult() is not published, but I have no doubt it uses the MasterName field to find and render the Master Layer.
Our shared experience:
Just like you, I have returned partial views =using View(). I don't recommend it. But the apparent difference isn't big.
It does seem a touch wasteful to have an extra object just for MasterName, but the more important difference is probably the implementation of ExecuteResult().
When you choose View() method and create a ViewResult Object rather than using PartialView() to create a PartialViewResult Object, you are being less efficient; your application is doing the extra work of checking if your MasterName field is assigned.

Declaration of model in Razor View in mvc4

I am new to mvc4 and there is something i don't understand well.
Why do I have to declare the Model using #model at top of the view, if I already pass an object to the View in the controller.
Taking an example :
public ActionResult countryDetails(int id)
Country country = db.Country.Find(id);
return View(country);
#model MvcApplication2.Models.Country
ViewBag.Title = "countryDetails";
The controller returns a View with an object as parameter, so the model should be already known. I'm sorry if it is obvious, but I can't figure out why this is not a "double" declaration.
Thanks for you help !
The declaration at the top will do two things for you:
It will allow intellisence to know what type you are using when you type in #Model or use any of the Html helper extensions.
It will also check at runtime that model passed in can be cast to the type the view expects.
Its not necessarily a "double declaration" as it is analogous to specifying a type to a parameter on a method. Like so
Person Someone = new Person();
void RenderView(Person model) { }
By default your view inherits from System.Web.Mvc.WebViewPage<TModel>
You can optionally override this class, it's default ASP.NET inheritance mechanism:
#inherits System.Web.Mvc.WebViewPage<List<CompanyName.MyProduct.MyCategory>>
Or you can just simplify this since MVC3 like this:
#model List<CompanyName.MyProduct.MyCategory>
This sugar syntax was made to simplify code typing.
This declaration give you some things
View automatically cast object to the preferred type
You receive type-defined 'model' property which allows you to access
to your object methods and properties
Just believe that this is a method which accepts object and cast it to the specified type that you provide
The main reason is type-safety, it allows you to work with strongly typed views with the benefit of intellisense, compiler error hints, invalid casting etc.
Also, another reason is for readability - it acts as a reminder to what sort of model it is you are actually dealing with instead of having to keep referring back to the controller.

Check if curent user has access to specified MVC path

I need to extend asp:Menu to support linking to MVC routes (my project has a mix of MVC and non-MVC pages). My menu is generated using a custom class which determines if a user should be shown a node based on their priveleges to the file it referes to.
MVC pages are restricted using the AuthorizeAttribute. Avoiding mocking (if possible) I want to
Determine if the path refers to an MVC page or a standard page
If MVC, determine if the user has the rights to access it
Here's my method signature inside the menu generation class:
Private Function CanAccessPage(path As String) As Boolean
Here's the algorithm I used for this,
Based on #SLaks answer here, I was able to determine if the path referred to an MVC route.
If it was MVC, I grabbed the controller type (this required knowing what namespace my controller's were in)
Got the action method by controllerType.GetMethods(actionMethodName) (if you have multiple methods with the same name, you must pick the one your link refers to. Probably the one with an HttpGet attribute).
Used actionMethodInfo.GetCustomAttributes(GetType(AuthorizationAttribute), False) to get a collection of all authorization filters for the specified action
Called OnAuthorization with the fake context info I build in step 1 for each attribute.
Check if TypeOf filterContext.Result Is HttpUnauthorizedResult and return accordingly

Downgrading from 4 MVC 2 to 3.5 MVC

I am a bit of beginner with MVC, and built most of my original app while following a book.
I am trying to downgrade a project because of server limitations.
I have resolved a number of errors, but now I am stuck on this on:
If I build it builds ok, but when I press play, I get this error:
Compiler Error Message: CS0246: The type or namespace name 'dynamic' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
It occurs on this line:
Line 142: public class views_rooms_index_aspx : System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage, System.Web.SessionState.IRequiresSessionState, System.Web.IHttpHandler {
Line 143:
Line 144: private static bool #__initialized;
Which I believe probably originates from somewhere like this in my View:
<%# Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Views/Shared/Site.Master" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<dynamic>" %>
Is System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage something that you can only do in 4? What do I need to replace this with for 3.5?
The dynamic keyword was introduced in .NET 4.0, and will not be available in any version earlier than that.
I believe the default base class for an mvc view in MVC with ASP.NET 3.5 was System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage, without any generic type. If you want to add a strongly typed model (which is recommended whenever you want to pass data from the controller to the view) you should create a view model class, and replace dynamic with the namespace qualified name of your view model.
Example: you want to pass a string name that you got from somewhere in your controller, to the Home/Index view. Do the following:
Create a class HomeIndexViewModel (name doesn't matter, but this is a good one ;) ) in the Models folder of your project, and give it a public string Name {get; set;} property.
In your controller, insantiate this class and set the name. Pass it to the view using the return View(model); overload.
Make your view inherit System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<YourProject.Models.HomeIndexViewModel>. You can now access the name using Model.Name in the view.
Your Inherits attribute:
Has the dynamic type as the generic type - change it to the correct ViewModel type.
For example:
Answers above cover it pretty well.
you might consider using:
i have used it to convert my website to web application and it really helps.

Is ASP.NET MVC 1 forwards compatible with ASP.NET MVC 2?

Can I run a MVC 1 application using the MVC 2 assemblies without a hitch? I understand that some 3rd party tools have had stuff broken in MVC 2, but let's assume I'm not using those any other tools.
There have been breaking changes.
If you want a 1.0 project to run on 2.0, it does look for things in different places; so you'd have to migrate the application to 2.0..
Here are the changes that could possibly 'break' (current as of Preview 2):
Changes in Preview 2
Helpers now return an MvcHtmlString object
In order to take advantage of the new HTML-encoding expression syntax in ASP.NET 4, the return type of the HTML helpers is now MvcHtmlString instead of a string. Note that if you use ASP.NET MVC 2 and the new helpers with ASP.NET 3.5, you will not be able to take advantage of the HTML-encoding syntax; the new syntax is available only when you run ASP.NET MVC 2 on ASP.NET 4.
JsonResult now responds only to HTTP POST requests
In order to mitigate JSON hijacking attacks that have the potential for information disclosure, by default, the JsonResult class now responds only to HTTP POST requests. AJAX GET calls to action methods that return a JsonResult object should be changed to use POST instead. If necessary, you can override this behavior by setting the new JsonRequestBehavior property of JsonResult. For more information about the potential exploit, see the blog post JSON Hijacking on Phil Haack’s blog.
Model and ModelType property setters on ModelBindingContext are obsolete
A new settable ModelMetadata property has been added to the ModelBindingContext class. The new property encapsulates both the Model and the ModelType properties. Although the Model and ModelType properties are obsolete, for backward compatibility the property getters still work; they delegate to the ModelMetadata property to retrieve the value.
Changes in Preview 1
DefaultControllerFactory class changes break custom controller factories that derive from it
This change affects custom controller factories that derive from DefaultControllerFactory . The DefaultControllerFactory class was fixed by removing the RequestContext property and instead passing the request context instance to the protected virtual methods GetControllerInstance and GetControllerType.
Custom controller factories are often used to provide dependency injection for ASP.NET MVC applications.
To update the custom controller factories to support ASP.NET MVC 2, change the method signature or signatures to match the new signatures, and use the request context parameter instead of the property.
“Area” is a now a reserved route-value key
The string “area” in Route values now has special meaning in ASP.NET MVC, in the same way that “controller” and “action” do. One implication is that if HTML helpers are supplied with a route-value dictionary containing “area”, the helpers will no longer append “area” in the query string.
If you are using the Areas feature, make sure to not use {area} as part of your route URL.
Known Issues
The Add View dialog box throws a NullReferenceException when the Create strongly-typed view check box is checked, a View Content selection other than “Empty” is selected, and a View data class type name is specified for a type that does exist. When specifying a type name, either use the drop-down list to select the type name or type the fully-qualified type name. For types that do not exist, you must set View Content to “Empty”.
Check out this document. You'll learn about the breaking changes :
One gotcha that has bitten me is that all the fields of a model are now always validated on a post.
The changes is described by Brad Wilson here.
Steve Anderson's blog post describes the issue and my favorite solution (using a custom validator).
