maximum http request in a page - http

How many http request does a browser can handle in a single html page.
Their is a popular saying that browser can handle only a certain http request from a single domain and so its better to create static domain(cdn). so that http request can be shared between the 2 domains.
q1)How many http request can a browser handle in a single html page or atleast the saturation point(say 1000 requests)?
q2)How many http request from a single domain name can a browser render(say 100 from the same domain name)?
also any suggestions for best practices!!!

Section 8.1.4 of the HTTP/1.1 RFC says a "single-user client SHOULD NOT maintain more than 2 connections with any server or proxy."
However, the key word is "should"; most browsers use a different number. See this blog for a table of max connections per browser.

In theory there is no limit. But as the number of requests required to construct a page grows, the time taken for the page to be rendered increases. The relationship is not linear at low counts. Typically latency has a far bigger effect than bandwidth on actual throughput and there are mechanisms in HTTP to minimise the effect of this - such as keepalives and parallel requests. As Jon Grant says, there are limits on the number of concurrent requests.
A full answer to this question would fill a book - here's a good one.


Should There Be a Max HTTP Request Size - What's the Standard?

I'm been building a NodeJS application with a team. A team member limited the server request size to 8Kb - if it's bigger than that, the request will be rejected on the server. The idea is that we don't want to process requests that are too big to avoid a potential DoS.
This brings up the issue that what if we wanted to make generally big requests (batch a couple of small requests together, since according to this, it's better than sending a bunch of small requests). And example would be for a TODO list, if I edit 100 TODOs at the same time (I send the UUIDs of each of the todo items back to the server along with the updates); this request could exceed 8Kb in size. I couldn't find if there are standards for max HTTP request sizes.
What would be the solution for wanting to send back larger HTTP requests from the client to the server? Should I:
Increase the HTTP request size on the server? What's the standard? I could 100x it and that would solve much of the problem
Limit the request size on the client. For example, limit it so the user could only edit 100 TODOs at max! Anymore, and the request won't send.
A combination of 1 and 2?
Thank you!

HTTP Keep-Alive for <1KB calls every 1 second

I am optimizing my web server settings to handle large number of concurrent users and one of the problems I'm running into is deciding whether or not to disable HTTP Keep-Alive.
I am using CDN for all the images on the site so when my HTML page is requested I am downloading approximately 5 files (js, css, etc) on first load... and then only HTML on each successive load.
Other then that, the only thing I have is HTTP POST update invoke on every second (resulting JSON is typically less than 1KB).
So, with these constrains - would you think that disabling HTTP Keep-Alive on the server would be a good idea? Would that improve the number of concurrent users server can handle?
(By the way, I've reduced KeepAliveTimeout/ConnectionTimeout to 15 seconds in the IIS 7.5 settings)
From what you are describing, you are making a call per client per second. So all boils down to how much it takes to serve the request. If let's say, it takes 100ms to serve the request. So what that means is Http Keep-Alive of 15 seconds will be have 15 calls accommodated w/o re-establishing connection but connection was actual active (or being used) only for 1.5 seconds - rest of the time, you are actually blocking some client/connection (assuming there is any client). W/o keep alive, you can probably accommodate 8-9 times more concurrent clients.
However all said, you have to look at actual parameters to make decision. How many concurrent clients you are likely to have and what is the response time etc. The best way is to do simulation/load testing to measure the performance. Because if your server is going to handle the anticipated max concurrent user load with keep-alive, you can very well keep keep alive.
BTW, also see this related question on SO: http keep-alive in the modern age

counting HTTP packets

What is relation between number of HTTP packets and number of objects in a web page?
What is relation between number of HTTP packets and number of objects in a web page?
The short answer is there is obviously some relation, but there is no way you can accurately predict one from the other.
For a longer answer, we first need to correct some misconceptions in the question:
There is no such thing as an "HTTP packet". HTTP is a message oriented application protocol with one request message and one response message per "resource" fetched). This sits on top of a reliable byte stream protocol (with flow control, etc) called TCP. This in turn sits on top of a packet switching protocol called IP. An HTTP request/response exchange takes an unpredictable number of IP packets ... depending on message sizes AND network conditions. Other HTTP features such as compression, keeping connections alive, caching and so on make things even more complicated.
The idea of an "object" is ill-defined. An "object" could have a one-to-one correspondence between HTTP request / response pairs (i.e. a "resource" in the above) then that part is simple. OTOH, a "resource" could be a rendering of multiple "objects" in the application domain of the webserver.
On top of that, you've also got to account for the fact that a typical HTML resource has references to other resources (Scripts, CSS, images, etc) and may even involve Ajax callbacks. Each of these is a "resource", that may or may not need to be fetched ... depending on caching, etc.
Finally, there is an implicit assumption that all "objects" are the same size. This might be true in some application domains, but it is not true in general.
So to summarize, there are far to many variables and unknowns for it to be feasible to predict the number of network packets required to fetch a certain number of "objects".
A more practical approach is to attach a packet-level network analyser to your network and get it to count the number of packets sent and received.
If you make the following assumptions:
"HTTP packets" are HTTP messages,
"objects" are resources,
a resource doesn't require other resources (Scripts, CSS, images, etc) to render,
there is no caching,
the server is not doing redirects.
then one "object" requires two "HTTP packets".
But frankly, you've simplified the problem to a point where the answer is next to useless for predicting actual performance of real web-servers. (For instance, any one of those "objects" could be tiny ... or huge. And if you allow for arbitrary javascript, or content such as links to video streams, then the number of "packets" of one kind or another is potentially unbounded.)
A GET request is issued for every file referred in a HTML page, all of which, usually, fit in one TCP stream segment. HTTP is a state machine, so, many requests/response can be pipelined in one request/response.
The number of packets sent in response vary in the size of the objects and in caching parameters. For example, if a file is already in the browser cache, it will make a conditional get and will receive a HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified response code, which does not contain any data. Moreover, many HTTP/1.1 304 can be issued in one segment, as this response is very tiny compared to segments' maximum size. Another example, if a file is bigger than the maximum segment size, the file may (and it probably will) be divided in many segments.
Is this what you wish to know?

The number of HTTP requests need to be made for downing a webpage?

Are all assets (html files, js files, css files, images) in one webpage transmitted through a single HTTP request/response, or through multiple HTTP requests/responses, one for each asset?
Assumed no XHR in that webpage.
All the digital assets on a web document are transmitted on separate HTTP requests. However modern web servers and browsers are able to use the same TCP connection with HTTP keep-alive.
Conceptually, each asset is a separate request. In practise, most servers allow the browser to re-use the same physical socket connection for multiple requests (but they are still issued one after the other) and this can significantly improve performance (because you need extra round-trips to establish a connection, and subsequent requests can piggy-back on the ACKs for the previous request: you cut down on a lot of round-trips).
But yes, there is always one request/response per asset on the page.
On connections with high latency (e.g. Australia -> U.S.) the number of round-trips can be a significant bottleneck, and that's why things like CSS sprites are widely used.
It's one request per asset, but you can use multiple TCP connections to send multiple HTTP requests in parallel. In fact all browser do exactly that.
I'd recommend downloading Firebug for Firefox, then watching its 'Net' tab while you browser some sites. It would answer this question and so many more.

Why can HTTP handle only one pending request per socket?

Being curious, I wonder why HTTP, by design, can only handle one pending request per socket.
I understand that this limitation is because there is no 'Id' to associate a request to its response, so the only way to match a response with its request is to send the response on the same socket that sent the request. There would be no way to match a response to its request if there was more than one pending request on the socket because we may not receive the responses in the same order requests were sent.
If the protocol had been designed to have a matching 'Id' for requests and responses, there could be multiple pending requests on only one socket. This could greatly reduce the number of socket used by internet browsers and applications using web services.
Was HTTP designed like this for simplicity even if it's less efficient or am I missing something and this is the best approach?
Not true. Read about HTTP1.1 pipelining. Apache implements it and Firefox implements it. Although Firefox disables it by default.
To turn it on in Firefox use about:config and write 'pipelining' in the filter.
It's basically for simplicity; various proposals have been made over the years that multiplex on the same connection (e.g. SPDY) but none have taken off yet.
One problem with sending multiple requests on a single socket is that it would cause inefficient queuing.
For instance, lets say you are in a store and there are 2 cashiers, and 10 people waiting to be checked out. The ideal way to make the line is to have a single queue of 10 people and the next person in line goes to a cashier when they become available. However, if you sent all the requests at once you would probably send 5 people to cashier A and 5 to cashier B. However, what if you sent the 5 people with the largest shopping carts to the same cashier? That's bad queuing and what could happen if you queued a bunch of requests on a single socket.
NOTE: I'm not saying that you couldn't use queuing well, but it keeps it simple to do it right if there is no queuing on a single socket.
There are a few concidertaions I would review.
The first is related to the nature of TCP itself. TCP suffers from 'head-of-line' blocking issue where there can only be a single outstanding (unacknowledged) request (connection/TCP level) in flight. Given traditional latencies this can be a problem from a load time user experience perspective compared to results of parallel connection scheme browsers employ today. The higher the latency of the link the larger the impact of this fundemental limitation.
There is also a concurrency issue in that sometimes you really want to load multiple resources incrementally / in parallel. Back in the day one of the greatest features mozilla had over mosaic was that it would load images and objects incrementally so you could begin to see what was going on and use a resource without having to wait for it to load. With fewer connections there is a risk in that for example loading a large image on page before a style sheet can be catastrophic from an experience point of view. Expecting some kind of mitigating intelligence or explicit configuration to optimally order requests may not be a realistic or ideal solution.
There are proposals such as HTTP over SCTP that will more or less totally correct the issue you raise at the transport level.
Also realize that HTTP doesn't necessarily mandate a Content-Length header to serve data. Even if each HTTP response was ID'd, how would you manage streaming binary content with no content length (HTTP/1.0 style)? or if the client sent the Connection: close header to have the client close due to non-known lengths?
To manage this you would have to HTTP chunk (already present) in multiplex (I don't think anyone implements this) and add some non-trivial work to many programs.
