Node.js TCP Client command/response - asynchronous

I have a simple server, you send it a command, it replies back with an \r\n delimited response.
So I tried to get a command( callback ) method on my client. Check out this simplified code snippet:
var net = require('net');
var Client = function() { = ""; = net.createConnection(port, host);'data', function( data ) {
var self = this; += data;
this.process = function() {
var _terminator = /^([^\r\n]*\r\n)/;
while( results = _terminator.exec( ) {
var line = results[1]; =;
this.emit('response', data);
this.sendCommand = function( command, callback ) {
var self = this;
var handler = function( data ) {
self.removeListener('response', handler);
callback && callback(data);
this.addListener('response', handler);;
this.command_1 = function( callback ) {
this.sendCommand( 'test', callback );
this.command_2 = function( callback ) {
this.sendCommand( 'test2', callback );
So I am doing a client.command_1( function() {} ) and then a client.command_2( function() {}) but in the callback of my command_2 I am getting the response from command_1.
Is this the right way to implement such a thing?

When you execute
client.command_1( function() { 1; } );
client.command_2( function() { 2; } );
you add both callbacks as 'result' listeners, and when emit('result') happens for the first time, both callback are called (then first callback removes itself from a list). You need to set callbacks on some kind of request object, not on a client.
simple code on what happens in your client:
var e = new EventEmitter();
e.on('result', function() { console.log(1); });
e.on('result', function() { console.log(2); });
// ...
e.emit('result'); // here we trigger both callbacks which result in printing "1\n2\n"


FullCalendar V4 How to set attribute of calendar event after drop

I'm using FullCalendar V4 callback function drop. I try to pass myID which are generated by server to be Calendar, but I do not know how to do. The following is simple code
var calendar = new Calendar(calendarEl, {
drop: function( dropInfo ) {
$.getJSON( url, myParams, function( data ) {
// try to set data.myID to FullCalendar event id
calendarEvent = { id : data.myID };
eventClick: function( eventClickInfo ) {
var msg = "Are you sure to delete[" + event.title + "]?";
if ( confirm(msg) ) {
// It fails, because I can't get
var params = { method: "deleteEvent", id: };
$.get(url, params, function( data ){
I have tried to putcalendar.refetchEvents(); into the drop: $.getJSON(function(){}) response block, but FullCalendar makes 2 event in UI. One has balnk attribute, the other has right attribute. If I can eliminate the redundancy, it will be a good solution.
Thanks for ADyson's suggestion. Finally, I used callback function eventReceive solving the problem. The following is my simple code
var calendar = new Calendar(calendarEl, {
eventReceive: function( info ) {
var $draggedEl = $( info.draggedEl );
var params = { method: "insert" };
$.ajaxSetup({ cache: false, async: false});
$.getJSON( myURL, params, function( data ){ // insert information into DB
info.event.setProp( "id", );
eventClick: function( info ) {
var event = info.event;
var msg = "Are you sure to delete[" + event.title + "]?";
if ( confirm(msg) ) {
var params = { method: "deleteEvent", id: };
$.get( myURL, params, function( data ){

Modernizr.load Deprecated. Yepnope.js Deprecated. Current Alternatives?

Modernizr.load and yepnope.js have both been deprecated.
How do we conditionally call javascript files now?
Could you give me a example?
This is the javascript that I want to load
var BubbleShoot = window.BubbleShoot || {};
BubbleShoot.Game = (function($){
var Game = function(){
this.init = function(){
$(".but_satart_game").bind("click", startGame);
var startGame = function(){
console.log("dentro de startGame en game.js");
return Game;
And modernizr's code:
load: "_js/game.js",
complete: function(){
var game = new BubbleShoot.Game();
You can dynamically add scripts to a page with document.createElement and adding it to the DOM with .async = true and call your game's init() function from the script's load event-listener:
function addGameScriptToPage() {
const scriptElement = document.createElement('script');
scriptElement.async = true;
scriptElement.addEventListener( 'load', function( e ) { new BubbleShoot.Game().init(); } );
scriptElement.src = '__js/game.js';
document.head.appendChild( scriptElement );
You can make it more generic by passing the script's URL as a parameter and returning a Promise for the load event-listener, so pages using this function can have their own custom load logic:
function addScriptToPage( scriptUrl ) {
return new Promise( ( resolve, reject ) => {
const scriptElement = document.createElement('script');
scriptElement.async = true;
scriptElement.addEventListener( 'load', function( e ) {
resolve( e );
scriptElement.addEventListener( 'error', function( e ) {
reject( e );
scriptElement.src = scriptUrl;
document.head.appendChild( scriptElement );
} );
Used like so:
async function doStuff() {
const shouldLoadGame = prompt( "Would you like to play a game of global thermonuclear war?" );
if( shouldLoadGame ) {
try {
await addScriptToPage( "__js/game.js" );
// This code runs when the 'load' event listener calls `resolve(e)`.
const g = new BubbleShoot.Game();
catch( err ) {
// This code runs when the 'error' event listener calls `reject(e)`.
alert( "Game failed to load." ); //
...and this is pretty much how the require() function for loading modules on-demand works, btw.

Update dynamic data in service-worker.js

I have the below data coming in form of array from a url.
[{"title":"hey hi","body":"hello","url":"","tag":"new"}]
it has the above url in fetch()
'use strict';
console.log('Started', self);
self.addEventListener('install', function(event) {
console.log('Installed new', event);
self.addEventListener('activate', function(event) {
console.log('Activatednew', event);
self.addEventListener('push', function(event) {
console.log('Push message', event);
var ev = event;
return fetch("http://localhost/push-notifications-master/app/json.php").then(function(ev,response) {
response = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(response));
return response;
}).then(function(ev,j) {
// Yay, `j` is a JavaScript object
console.log("j", j);
for(var i in j) {
var _title = j[i].title;
var _body = j[i].body;
var _tag = j[i].tag;
console.log("_body", _body);
self.registration.showNotification("push title", {
body: _body,
icon: 'images/icon.png',
tag: _tag
return Promise.all(response);
catch(e){console.log("e", e)}
I am trying to see the above array data coming from that particular url in console.log("j",j);. but it shows undefined. How can i get dymanic data in sw.js Please Guide.
In your addEventListener('push' .... method, I think it might be better to wait for a response before parsing it.
Also, to be checked, but your php request should be in https (not checked by myself, but my request are on https).
Here how I do this :
fetch('YOUR PHP URL').then(function(response) {
if (response.status !== 200) {
console.log('Problem. Status Code: ' + response.status);
throw new Error();
// Examine the text in the response
return response.json().then(function(data) {
if (data.error || !data.notification) {
console.error('The API returned an error.', data.error);
throw new Error();
var title = data.notification[0].title;
var body = data.notification[0].body;
var icon = data.notification[0].icon;
var notificationTag = data.notification[0].tag;
return self.registration.showNotification(title, {body: body,icon:icon, tag: notificationTag});
The json :
{"notification" : [{"title":"TITLE","body":"BODY","icon":"URL TO ICON","tag":"TAG"}]}
Hope it can be useful.

meteor bindenvironnement issue

getTime: function () {
res= Meteor.bindEnvironment(function(){
var Fiber = Meteor.require('fibers');
var Future = Meteor.require('fibers/future');
var future = new Future();
request(host, function (error, response, body) {
if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
$ = cheerio.load(body);
var $thumbs = $('.thumb');
for (var i = 0, l = $thumbs.length ; i < l ; i++) {
// elements
var $thumb = $($thumbs[i]);
// save info
videothumbs = [$thumb.find('img').attr('src')];
return videos;
else {
return "error";
}) ;
return res;
This is a server side method and returning undefined
Without bindenvironment it is returning error to use bindenvironemnt.
Am I using it properly, can somebody tell m the modifications in my code
You need a future to return the value of inner function:
getTime: function() {
var future = new Future();
Meteor.bindEnvironment(function() {
future.return('Some value');
return future.wait();
Check out this Meteorpad for an example.
If you use suggestion from #saimeunt comment, then your code could be simplified into form:
var site = HTTP.get(url);
console.log("statusCode =\n " , site.statusCode);
console.log("content.length =\n ",site.content.length);
console.log("header =\n ",site.headers);
$ = cheerio.load(content);
CLIENT :"getSite", "");
See how it works

Firebase on() does not return anything

I have this piece of code using on() to get data from Firebase, inside on() I create object which I want to send out of function for future use - using return, but it seems it doesn't return anything.
So question is how can I make it right?
postsRef.on('value', function(snapshot) {
if (snapshot.val() === null) {
var allPosts = false,
numberOfPosts = 0;
else {
var allPosts = snapshot.val(),
numberOfPosts = Object.size(allPosts);
var postsData = {
content: allPosts,
count: numberOfPosts
return postsData;
The callback function is called asynchronously (some time in the future). So by the time it is invoked, postsRef.on(...) has already returned and any code immediately after it will have run.
For example, this might be tempting, but would not work:
var postsData;
postsRef.on('value', function(snapshot) {
postsData = snapshot.val();
console.log(postsData); // postsData hasn't been set yet!
So there are a few different ways to tackle this. The best answer will depend on preference and code structure:
Move the logic accessing postsData into the callback
postsRef.on('value', function(snapshot) {
postsData = snapshot.val();
Call another function when the callback is invoked
function logResults(postsData) {
postsRef.on('value', function(snapshot) {
Trigger an event
function Observable() {
this.listeners = [];
Observable.prototype = {
monitorValue: function( postsRef ) {
var self = this;
postsRef.on('value', function(snapshot) {
listen: function( callback ) {
_notifyListeners: function(data) {
this.listeners.forEach(function(cb) {
function logEvent( data ) {
var observable = new Observable();
observable.listen( logEvent );
observable.monitorValue( /* postsRef goes here */ );
