codeoutsidehtmlislocked false dreamweaver i can edit this code.? - css

I have to redesign a website in HTML but there is some code which is not editable in dreamviewer "codeoutsidehtmlislocked false dreamweaver" so please tell me how i can edit this.

Open your parent template, and change the false to true. Save your template and update the child pages. Should be good to go from there.

You could use Notepad, Notepad++, Smultron or any simple text editor to remove that part of the code that stops you editing in Dreamweaver.
Save your changes, then it should be ok.
If you're working on remote files, you might need soemthing like Filezilla to open the files in your editor of choice.

Simplest solution: Open those files with Notepad and edit the concerned part.
You can also try Microsoft Expression web.


How to change text in WooCommerce My Account Downloads area?

In the Downloads tab of the My Account area in WooCommerce, by default the text says "No downloads available yet". I need to change this text to something more specific.
I would rather not do this by copying plugin files to my child theme, but would prefer to do it with code snippet.
If anyone can help, it would be massively appreciated.
Many thanks for your time.
If you have access to ftp you can open the folder of Woocommerce plugin into a text editor.
You can find for the string and replace it by a more specific one directly into the code.
I think it's the cleanest way.
Let me know if it works.
You have different ways of doing this:
1- Copy wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/templates/myaccount/downloads.php to your theme folder inside /woocommerce folder and overwrite the part where the string is outputted -> recommended
2- Edit the woocommerce-[LANG_CODE]_[LANG_CODE].po file inside wp-content/languages/plugins but you would lose this if you update the plugin
3- If you have WPML installed you can do it via string-translation feature
4- Edit it via JS, not so clean but hey, it would work! :D auto create html basic structure

Im using for some time now and really like it. there is just one thing im missing. I used to use brackets and sublime before and they both had a feature where you could create the basic structure of a html documents by just typing html.
this would just set the html, head and body tag. created the charset meta, title and link to css file.
I create a lot of html files a day so it would be really helpfull if I know the shortcode or the package which supports this!
You're looking for autocomplete-snippets.
Simply type html and press Enter
Here's a terrible GIF to prove it:
There is a nice Plugin, called emmet:
When you got that, you just have to type ! -> tab in an empty document. You get pretty much the same result as #hatchet GIF.
If you have disabled the autocomplete functionality mentioned in the currently accepted answer, or want more flexibility than that allows, there is a file-templates package:
Here are some basic instructions.
To install the package: edit->preferences->install->file-templates.
To save the template: packages->new template from this file.
To open a new file with that template, just hit ctrl-alt-n and
select it.
Make sure your file has .html added on the end of its name.
Then go back into Atom, type HTML, and press enter. Your boilerplate should appear. Solved my problem instantly!
If we install Emmet package we are not getting the boiler plate code. So I disabled emmet and it is working fine for me.
!tab is the command u seek. But it won't work unless you create a file and save it with the html extension...
So go create a new file in the directory u want, call it index.html and now go type !tab
It should work 100%, if not be sure u have emmet installed.

Where could be inline-css in Wordpress

I am working on this webpage: which runs on Wordpress with this theme If you check source code you can see a lot of inline-css and I want to know in which files are actually defined. Only thing what I know about it they are called by function wp_head() in header.php. I have local copy of all files on this web and I can't find any mention about some of that css rules through unix grep. Anyone suspect where these css rules could be located?
check site and let me know.
Run a search in the source code for
As this appears to be the 'handle' designated as the first variable in the function wp_add_inline_style. The "-css" is added automatically. You'll see this on line 79 of the page source.
You want to check your page back-end site where you put content ,
I think are you using any compose or editor to create page on edit page.
check it edit option it has some inline css.

VS 2010 not opening css files in css editor

I have no idea how to fix this.
VS keeps opening css file in some text editing mode, see the picture below.
I have already tried to set it manually to open using css editor, right-click on css file and select "Open with..."
When I click OK here, it opens my css file in CSS source editor fine,
but every next time it opens again in that text mode, like it completely ignores that it has to open it using css editor :(
Of course I installed and reinstalled Web Standards Update a thousand times.
Nothing helps.
The damn thing keeps opening them in that ugly text mode :(
Hmmm. Have you tried looking under the view menu? It's been a while since I've used it, but I remember different views being under the view menu bar.
If that doesn't work then I'd always try creating a new .css file and copy and pasting all the information; after you copy and paste, overwrite the pre-existing corrupt file.

Wordpress Plug-In for Documents Library

I need a very easy to use plug-in which will help me have this effect in Wordpress. Please note that simple page editing is not working -- add text and set hyperlink (this is not working). We need PDF & PPT files for now, however if there is a solution with wider variety of file type it would be great.
Please see the below reference hyperlink for more visual explanation - TAB "Manuals" (I do not need the tabs, justthe list):-
You can try
