R boot package: not enough memory to get confidence intervals - r

I have run a rather large bootstrap in R with the boot package.
When I first ran boot() I got this:
Error: cannot allocate vector of size 2.8 Gb
So, to get the boot object I had to use 'simple=TRUE', which tells boot() to not allocate all the memory at the beginning (according to ?boot). This worked fine, though it took a few minutes.
Now I need to get confidence intervals:
> boot.ci(vpe.bt, type="bca", simple=TRUE)
Error: cannot allocate vector of size 2.8 Gb
Same problem! but according to ?boot.ci, there is no 'simple=TRUE' flag that you can use with this function (I've tried it).
So, is there any way around this using boot.ci()?
And, if not, what can I do to increase the amount of memory it can use?

Calculating bca (adjusted bootstrap percentile) confidence intervals in R requires the creation of an 'importance array' which has dimensions (number of observations) x (number of reps). If you don't have enough memory to handle at least two copies of such a matrix, the function will not work.
However, normal based (type='normal') and percentile based confidence intervals (type='percent') should work.

I don't know about the boot.ci but the I've had similar problems with large vectors in my 32-bit Ubuntu system. The 32-bit systems have a limited address space which is resolved in 64-bit system.
There are some downsides with 64-bits, the main one being that it still isn't standard and that not every software provider has a 64-bit compiled version of their software, the Flash player has the last I've heard only a beta-version for 64-bit. This is usually amendable though through installing a library that allows you to run 32-bit software on a 64-bit system (although with a performance penalty).
These resources might perhaps add shed some more light on the issue:


protection from stack overflow in R with a lot of free RAM

I apologize in advance since this post will not have any reproducible example.
I am using R x64 3.4.2 to run some cross-validated analyses on quite big matrices (number of columns ~ 80000, number of rows between 40 and 180). The analyses involve several features selection steps (performed with in-house functions or with functions from the CORElearnpackage, which is written in C++), as well as some clustering of the features and the fitting of a SVM model (by means of the package RWeka, that is written in Java).
I am working on a DELL Precision T7910 machine, with 2 processors Intel Xeon E5-2695 v3 2.30 GHz, 192 Gb RAM and Windows 7 x64 operating system.
To speed up the running time of my analysis I thought to use the doParallel package in combination with foreach. I would set up the cluster as follow
cl <- makeCluster(number_of_cores, type='PSOCK')
with number_of_clusterset to various numbers between 2 and 10 (detectCore() tells me that I have 56 cores in total).
My problem is that even if only setting number_of_cluster to 2, I got a protection from stack overflowerror message. The thing is that I monitor the RAM usage while the script is running and not even 20 Gb of my 192 Gb RAM are being used.
If I run the script in a sequential way it takes its sweet time (~ 3 hours with 42 rows and ~ 80000 columns), but it does run until the end.
I have tried (almost) every trick in the book for good memory management in R:
I am loading and removing big variables as needed in order to reduce memory usage
I am breaking down the steps with functions rather than scripting them directly, to take advantage of scoping
I am calling gc()every time I delete a big object in order to prompt R to return memory to the operating system
But I am still unable to run the script in parallel.
Do someone have any suggestion about this ? Should I just give up and wait > 3 hours every time I run the analyses ? And more generally: how is it possible to have a stack overflow problem when having a lot of free RAM ?
I have now tried to "pseudo-parallelize" the work using the same machine: since I am running a 10-fold cross-validation scheme, I am opening 5 different instances of Rgui and running 2 folds in each instances. Proceeding in this way, everything run smoothly, and the process indeed take 10 times less than running it in a single instance of R. What makes me wonder is that if 10 instances of Rgui can run at the same time and get the job done, this means that the machine has the computational resources needed. Hence I can not really get my head around the fact that %dopar% with 10 clusters does not work.
The "protection stack overflow" means that you have run out of the "protection stack", that is too many pointers have been PROTECTed but not (yet) UNPROTECTed. This could be because of a bug or inefficiency in the code you are running (in native code of a package or in native code of R, but not a bug in R source code).
This problem has nothing to do with the amount of available memory on the heap, so calling gc() will have no impact, and it is not important how much physical memory the machine has. Please do not call gc() explicitly at all, even if there was a problem with the heap usage, it just makes the program run slower but does not help: if there is not enough heap space but it could be obtained by garbage collection, the garbage collector will run automatically. As the problem is the protection stack, neither restructuring the R code nor removing dead variables explicitly will help. In principle, structuring the code into (relatively small) functions is a good thing for maintainability/readability and it also indirectly reduces scope of variables, so removing variables explicitly should become unnecessary.
It might help to increase the pointer protection stack size, which can be done at R startup from the command line using --max-ppsize.

Numerical method produces platform dependent results

I have a rather complicated issue with my small package. Basically, I'm building a GARCH(1,1) model with rugarch package that is designed exactly for this purpose. It uses a chain of solvers (provided by Rsolnp and nloptr, general-purpose nonlinear optimization) and works fine. I'm testing my method with testthat by providing a benchmark solution, which was obtained previously by manually running the code under Windows (which is the main platform for the package to be used in).
Now, I initially had some issues when the solution was not consistent across several consecutive runs. The difference was within the tolerance I specified for the solver (default solver = 'hybrid', as recommended by the documentation), so my guess was it uses some sort of randomization. So I took away both random seed and parallelization ("legitimate" reasons) and the issue was solved, I'm getting identical results every time under Windows, so I run R CMD CHECK and testthat succeeds.
After that I decided to automate a little bit and now the build process is controlled by travis. To my surprise, the result under Linux is different from my benchmark, the log states that
read_sequence(file_out) not equal to read_sequence(file_benchmark)
Mean relative difference: 0.00000014688
Rebuilding several times yields the same result, and the difference is always the same, which means that under Linux the solution is also consistent. As a temporary fix, I'm setting a tolerance limit depending on the platform, and the test passes (see latest builds).
So, to sum up:
A numeric procedure produces identical output on both Windows and Linux platforms separately;
However, these outputs are different and are not caused by random seeds and/or parallelization;
I generally only care about supporting under Windows and do not plan to make a public release, so this is not a big deal for my package per se. But I'm bringing this to attention as there may be an issue with one of the solvers that are being used quite widely.
And no, I'm not asking to fix my code: platform dependent tolerance is quite ugly, but it does the job so far. The questions are:
Is there anything else that can "legitimately" (or "naturally") lead to the described difference?
Are low-level numeric routines required to produce identical results on all platforms? Can it happen I'm expecting too much?
Should I care a lot about this? Is this a common situation?

R becomes unresponsive while running randomforest on huge data. Does this mean it is still running or it has stopped working?

My data contains 229907 rows and 200 columns. I am training randomforest on it. I know it will take time. But do not know how much. While running randomforest on this data, R becomes unresponsive. "R Console (64 Bit) (Not Responding)". I just want to know what does it mean? Is R still working or it has stopped working and I should close it and start again?
It's common for RGui to be unresponsive during a long calculation. If you wait long enough, it will usually come back.
The running time won't scale linearly with your data size. With the default parameters, more data means both more observations to process and more nodes per tree. Try building some small forests with ntree=1, different values of the maxnodes parameter and different amounts of data, to get a feel for how long it should take. Have the Windows task manager or similar open at the same time so that you can monitor CPU and RAM usage.
Another thing you can try is making some small forests (small values of ntree) and then using the combine function to make a big forest.
You should check your CPU usage and memory usage. If the CPU is still showing a high usage with the R process, R is probably still going strong.
Consider switching to R 32 bit. For some reason, it seems more stable for me - even when my system is perfectly capable of 64 bit support.

Cannot allocate vector in R despite being in 64-bit version

I am trying to do a dcast in R to generate a matrix as seen in another question I asked
However, I am getting an error:
Error: cannot allocate vector of size 2.8Gb.
My desktop has 8GB of RAM and I am running ubuntu 11.10 64-bit version. Am I perhaps using the wrong version of R? How would I know, is there a way to determine it while running R? I surely must have the necessary space to allocate this vector.
The error message means that R needs to allocate another 2.8Gb of memory to complete whatever operation you were trying to perform. It doesn't mean it needed to allocate 2.8Gb maximum. Run top in a shell whilst you run that R code and watch how R uses up memory until it hist a point where the extra 2.8Gb of address space is not available.
Do you have a large swap space on the box. I can easily see how what you are doing uses all 8Gb of RAM plus all your swap space and so there is no other place for R to get memory space from and thus throws the error.
Perhaps you could try doing the dcast in chunks, or try an alternative approach than using dcast. Post another Q if you want help with that.

Parallelize Solve() for Ax=b?

Crossposted with STATS.se since this problem could straddle both STATs.se/SO
I have some extremely large sparse matrices created using spMatrix function from the matrix package.
Using the solve() function works for my Ax=b issue, but it takes a very long time. Several days.
I noticed that http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/RScaLAPACK/RScaLAPACK.pdf
appears to have a function that can parallelize the solve function, however, it can take several weeks to get new packages installed on this particular server.
The server already has the snow package installed it.
Is there a way of using snow to parallelize this operation?
If not, are there other ways to speed up this type of operation?
Are there other packages like RScaLAPACK? My search on RScaLAPACK seemed to suggest people had a lot of issues with it.
[EDIT] -- Additional details
The matrices are about 370,000 x 370,000.
I'm using it to solve for alpha centrality, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpha_centrality. I was originally using the alpha centrality function in the igraph package, but it would crash R.
More details
This is on a single machine with 12 cores and 96 gigs of memory (I believe)
It's a directed graph along the lines of paper citation relationships.
Calculating condition number and density will take awhile. Will post as it comes available.
Will crosspost on stat.SE and will add a link back to here
[Update 1: For those just tuning in: The original question involved parallelizing computations to solving a regression problem; given that the underlying problem is related to alpha centrality, some of the issues, such as bagging and regularized regression may not be as immediately applicable, though that leads down the path of further statistical discussions.]
There are a bundle of issues to address here, from the infrastructural to the statistical.
[Updated - also see Update #2 below.]
Regarding parallelized linear solvers, you can replace R's BLAS / LAPACK library with one that supports multithreaded computations, such as ATLAS, Goto BLAS, Intel's MKL, or AMD's ACML. Personally, I use AMD's version. ATLAS is irritating, because one fixes the number of cores at compilation, not at run-time. MKL is commercial. Goto is not well supported anymore, but is often the fastest, but only by a slight margin. It's under the BSD license. You can also look at Revolution Analytics's R, which includes, I think, the Intel libraries.
So, you can start using all of the cores right away, with a simple back-end change. This could give you a 12X speedup (b/c of the number of cores) or potentially much more (b/c of better implementation). If that brings down the time to an acceptable range, then you're done. :) But, changing the statistical methods could be even better.
You've not mentioned the amount of RAM available (or the distribution of it per core or machine), but A sparse solver should be pretty smart about managing RAM accesses and not try to chew on too much data at once. Nonetheless, if it is on one machine and if things are being done naively, then you may encounter a lot of swapping. In that case, take a look at packages like biglm, bigmemory, ff, and others. The former addresses solving linear equations (or GLMs, rather) in limited memory, the latter two address shared memory (i.e. memory mapping and file-based storage), which is handy for very large objects. More packages (e.g. speedglm and others) can be found at the CRAN Task View for HPC.
A semi-statistical, semi-computational issue is to address visualization of your matrix. Try sorting by the support per row & column (identical if graph is undirected, else do one then the other, or try a reordering method like reverse Cuthill-McKee), and then use image() to plot the matrix. It would be interesting to see how this is shaped, and that affects which computational and statistical methods one could try.
Another suggestion: Can you migrate to Amazon's EC2? It is inexpensive, and you can manage your own installation. If nothing else, you can prototype what you need and migrate it in-house once you have tested the speedups. JD Long has a package called segue that apparently makes life easier for distributing jobs on Amazon's Elastic MapReduce infrastructure. No need to migrate to EC2 if you have 96GB of RAM and 12 cores - distributing it could speed things up, but that's not the issue here. Just getting 100% utilization on this machine would be a good improvement.
Next up are multiple simple statistical issues:
BAGGING You could consider sampling subsets of your data in order to fit the models and then bag your models. This can give you a speedup. This can allow you to distribute your computations on as many machines & cores as you have available. You can use SNOW, along with foreach.
REGULARIZATION The glmnet supports sparse matrices and is very fast. You would be wise to test it out. Be careful about ill-conditioned matrices and very small values of lambda.
RANK Your matrices are sparse: are they full rank? If they are not, that could be part of the issue you're facing. When matrices are either singular or very nearly so (check your estimated condition number, or at least look at how your 1st and Nth eigenvalues compare - if there's a steep drop off, you're in trouble - you might check eval1 versus ev2,...,ev10,...). Again, if you have nearly singular matrices, then you need to go back to something like glmnet to shrink out the variables are either collinear or have very low support.
BOUNDING Can you reduce the bandwidth of your matrix? If you can block diagonalize it, that's great, but you'll likely have cliques and members of multiple cliques. If you can trim the most poorly connected members, then you may be able to estimate their alpha centrality as being upper bounded by the lowest value in the same clique. There are some packages in R that are good for this sort of thing (check out Reverse Cuthill-McKee; or simply look to see how you'd convert it into rectangles, often relating to cliques or much smaller groups). If you have multiple disconnected components, then, by all means, separate the data into separate matrices.
ALTERNATIVES Are you wedded to the Alpha Centrality? There may be other measures that are monotonically correlated (i.e. have high rank correlation) with the same value that could be calculated more cheaply or at least implemented quite efficiently. If those will work, then your analyses could proceed with a lot less effort. I have a few ideas, but SO isn't really the place to go about that discussion.
For more statistical perspectives, appropriate Q&A should occur on the stats.stackexchange.com, Cross-Validated.
Update 2: I was a bit too quick in answering and didn't address this from the long-term perspective. If you are planning to do research on such systems for the long-term, you should look at other solvers that may be more applicable to your type of data and computing infrastructure. Here is a very nice directory of the options for both solvers and pre-conditioners. It seems this doesn't include IBM's "Watson" solver suite. Although it may take weeks to get software installed, it's quite possible that one of the packages is already installed if you have a good HPC administrator.
Also, keep in mind that R packages can be installed to the user directory - you need not have a package installed in the general directory. If you need to execute something as a user other than yourself, you could also download a package to the scratch or temporary space (if you're running within just 1 R instance, but using multiple cores, check out tempdir).
