moz-transform scale decrease div size problem - css

I'm having problems with mozilla moz-transform scale property.
I'm looking for a replacement of the zoom property, which works fine in everything except firefox.
When I want to shrink the div, its "content" does shrink, but the size of the container stays the same, leaving a big gap around other content.
Is there any way I can force the container size to decrease as well?
To clarify I put a simple example here.
Open it in chrome and firefox, you will see the difference.

The only solution I have got so far is to wrap it all in another div container, with fixed height.
Not really what I was looking for, but until someone finds a better solution, I think its the only way to go.

Instead of mixing zoom and -moz-transform, why not use -webkit-transform for Chrome? Then you can adjust the height equally on all browsers.


Unnecessary scrollbars appear in Chrome and IE only

I'm tearing my hair out for a couple of days on a "simple" css case with two nested div.
Basically, I have two div; a container and a content. To reproduce the case, I've attached a jsfiddle link below. The width and the height in pixels of the content are deduced from the container size and you need to input these values by hand by using chrome developer tool for instance. At the end, if you take a look to the size of the content via a developer tool, the container and the content have the same size in pixel. Under Chrome and IE, scrollbars appears whereas the two div have the same size but with FF they don't.
Of course, I could get rid of the overflow: auto but I'd rather like to understand what's wrong and what could be solved my issue.
See an example below.
Link to the example: Scrollbars issue with Chrome&IE
Thanks for your help.
You should use overflow:hidden to hide the scrollbars.
if you want to hide both scroll you should use overflow:hidden .

explorer: remove leftover whitespace after scaling down with transform:scale

This is hard to explain ... If you use css scale (and zoom) to zoom down (less than 1), in explorer 9 and 10, the surrounding elements still treat their content area as if it had its original size. for example
will be treated as 200% wide, even though its displayed 100% wide.
Let me demonstrate this in a fiddle:
I see both horizontal and vertical scrollbars in IE10. Using 'zoom' instead has the same effect.
How can I explain explorer it doesnt need scrollbars beyond the content ? A jquery solution is acceptable, too.
Here's one solution -
Not all that neat, using browser sniffing, it basicly writes a wrapping <div> around the zoomed div, for IE only, using the width() and height() the browser found after rendering the page ...
I changed the overflow:hidden on #scroll and overflow:auto: on #zoomed (ie reversing their overflow basically), making the scrolls function as they should be - is this what you were looking for? Though I have a question on why you would need the to have the scales as you can make it look just as you wanted with css.

Why do floated items in an li wrap in chrome at other zoom levels?

I have a ul with lis inside that I'm using as a tab list. The lis have an image and some text inside of them. For some reason, in chrome, the text doesn't appear on the same line as the image, but wraps to the next line.
I can't understand why this would happen, shouldn't the li expand to give enough space to fit both the image and the text? This problem doesn't happen on Firefox or IE. Testing with Chrome 22, Firefox 16 and IE 9 on Windows 7.
See this fiddle to see the markup (extracted from a longer page - also not the real icons).
It sounds similar to this problem, but the nowrap trick didn't work for me.
Update: I just realized I had a different zoom level set, 144%. At some zoom levels the issue happens, and others it does not. I guess it might have something to do with the ems for some sizes, and px for others? I still don't get why this would happen though, shouldn't it still get the proper amount of room?
Set a minimum width on the header. You also have the issue if you reduce the browser size. Figure out how small it can go before it starts to stack and set the min-width on the header to that size, that fixes it if the browser is zoomed too.

prevent layout breaking in zoom-in/zoom-out of the browser - not the usual div thing

So I did notice that zoom related layout problems are commonly being dealt with, but I couldn't find an answer to my case - I wrote a WEB calc, and the buttons just slide out of place when zooming in and out, in Chrome and Firefox but not in IE. What is the way to fix it?
Give width:220px to your #main div
If you closely look at your CSS you will see that the buttons together(5 in a line) actually have more width than the Main div while resizing. Increasing the width to 220px solves that problem. Another solution could be to give max-width and max-height to all elements, another can be to properly layout your elements and don't just rely on the browser's positioning. Doing the latter is an trivial task.
For the sake of searchers, my solutions was to use a table to make the calculator eventually. I know using tables for layout is considered a bad practice, but considering a calculator shape is not supposed to adjust to new contents or to the size of the end-user's screen (at least in my case) it seemed to be the best implementation. It was the only way to avoid losing the layout shape in zoom-in zoom-out, which is kind of what div's are all about.

CSS: Background image does not fill when scrolling - redux

I am seeking help with trying to fix my background image fill issue. I wanted to have a sticky footer, which I finally figured out, but now if I view my site in a smaller window and then scroll down, my background image disappears. I understand that this is due to my height settings being 100% which makes my image be based off of the initial viewport size, but I can't quite seem to implement any kind of fix.
Here is the site I am working on (still very much under development):
The problem is best viewed when looking at this page in a small window:
I have read many, many posts on various sites trying to figure it out (including this one: CSS: background image does not fill when scrolling), but I am not having any luck. I tried setting all the different properties for background in css that I could think of, including some of the newer ones. Then I experimented with the overflow property, but it just hides all of my text or creates a weird scroll-bar that makes my text scroll up over the header. I also tried moving my page background from body to html and my container background from container to body, but it didn't change anything, so I must be doing something wrong (perhaps the fact that I have the two background images to deal with?).
I'm just a coding newbie and have been teaching myself as I go along, so I would really appreciate specific suggestions on what method of fixing this would be best for my site, and how I can go about implementing it. After spending about 10 hours straight on this one problem, I am at my wits' end.
Thank you so much!
just change min-height:100% to min-height:1092px (the height of the image) and you'll be fine...
previous answer was a bit too quick, after having a second look on the code i noticed the error is caused by the floated columns: if you float an element, the container element will not inherit the height of the floated element - that's why the height was set to 100% of the initial window, and was not expanded if the content column got longer.
This can be fixed by adding an extra element in #container, after #rightcolumn, with clear:both on it - this will force the parent element to take over the height of its contents.
See for a simplified example, including improved fixed footer.
Hope it helps...
