Asmx request - how to get all POSTed params -

is there a way to get all params that were posted to ASMX in ASP.NET . Request.Form/QueryString/Params - all do not contain keys that were submitted to the page.

Unless your ASMX gets invokes as HTTP POST with content type as "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", you will not get those parameters from HttpRequest object.
This is simply because request body can be of any content type - for example, in script services (ASP.NET AJAX), the request body will have JSON data. If ASMX has been accessed as a SOAP web service then the request body will be an xml (the actual SOAP envelope).
Typically, ASP.NET run-time based on the configuration, attempts to parse the request body and tries to convert it into an method call along with actual method parameters. So the correct way would be to check your method parameters in the method code. A convoluted approach would be to refer request content type and parse (by your self) the request body (HttpRequest.InputStream) accordingly.


Overriding HTTP request headers via query string

We have a client of a ServiceStack service that cannot easily send the correct value for some request headers (such as Accept or Accept-Encoding).
Is there any mechanism in ServiceStack (or ASP.NET) that can allow the client to use query string parameters to override the value of request headers, in a generic way?
The format URL param recognized by ServiceStack is close, but it seems to not help in this specific case (the client needs to send Accept: image/png, which seems to be ignored by the format param).
Or another way to look at this, is there a way to name or annotate the properties of a GET request DTO so that ServiceStack will populate those properties with the values of request headers during deserialization? This could provide an alternative approach for solving this problem.

How to access query string, headers and other information in a ASP.NET Web API action method?

I am writing a Web API to handle some request. The request url schema is fixed. I cannot modify it.
So I have to collect all the necessary info from places like:
query string
web form post data
How can I access all these locations within a Web API action method?
The Query String and Post Data information can be received as Web API Method parameters (preferred way, since Web API will do the necessary binding for you)
Use the FromBody or FromUri attributes on the method parameters)
you could access it using the old fashioned way of Request object. you have access to the http request using the Request object in your Web API Action method. you can get all the information using..

Url Not Working in My Webservice

I am calling webservice which takes two parameters like category and salt then provide the json output with constructed url but url is not working. PFA url
Service Url:
constructed URL:
Looking at the error message on your constructed URL, the Service needs to be called using a POST and not a GET Request.
Responding to your comments: it's not the URL which is the problem but how it is called. When you follow a link, such as the one you posted - the browser sends it as a GET request. The service is expecting the JSON arguments as part of the "body" of a POST request. This must be done programmatically.

encoding a POST request

I want to encode a URL such that it sends a POST request to a server. is that possible? and if so, how? I have searched around and mostly found that appending parameters to a url only sends them as parameters for GET request. is there a way to do that for POST request?
basically, i am trying to implement a CSRF (not for malicious but testing purposes) and i want to be able to send a POST request to a server by encoding my url.
GET and POST are HTTP methods. In GET the request parameters are taken as query string in the request URL. In POST the request parameters are taken as query string in the request body.
So you need to instruct whatever tool you're using to pass the parameters through the request body instead of the request URL along with a HTTP method of POST instead of (usually the default) GET.
Either way, the parameters just needs to be URL encoded anyway. There's no difference for POST or GET, unless you're setting the content encoding to multipart/form-data instead of (usually the default) application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
If you give more details about what programming language and/or library and/or framework you're using, then we may be able to give a more detailed answer how to invoke a HTTP POST request.
The method is not part of the Url. You'd have to make the request in such a way that it uses the post method.
You didn't mention any details, but if it's from inside a document in the browser, you can either use a form:
<FORM action="someUrl.htm" method="post">
You can make a link that will send the form by javascript:
<form action="" method="post" id="someForm">
or an XmlHttpRequest with javascript:
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", url);

Access Response Headers from ASP.Net PageMethod Call

When using ASP.Net Ajax to call PageMethods, how can I access the Http response headers from the "success" method?
For example:
function successMethod(result){
//------how can I access the Http response headers from here? ------
Thanks for any help
In your example, PageMethods.DoSomething should have a return value equal to WebRequest if it's an web service proxy. This is provided so that you can manipulate the request after you've initiated it (i.e. cancel it etc).
With this class you have an add_completed method which you can use to add a handler for when the web request completes. The signature for the callback is function OnWebRequestCompleted(executor, eventArgs), and the executor parameter in this enables you to get hold of extra response information. For example, you can get hold of the response headers with executor.getAllResponseHeaders(); which should be a map (named collection) of header names and values.
So if you add a handler to the web request's completed event immediately after making the service method call, it should work (there's no web service in the world that can respond faster than two consecutive lines of code!).
The previous hyperlink to WebRequest contains a full example of how wire this up. Notice, however, that this code uses the WebRequest directly.
Asp.Net Ajax Web Service proxy classes use the WebServiceProxy class, and each proxy method ultimately call its invoke method, which returns the WebRequest instance.
A web request has a headers collection
The webrequestmanager is a static object that you may be able to extract this information from:
Hopefully, between the two links, it makes sense :-;
I'm not saying recode to use this necessarily, but page methods is a wrapper and as such I think it would access information from a web request, which can be affected from the WebRequestManager...
