I'm wondering if anyone could answer this question for me, the solution at the bottom didn't work for my situation.
I'm working on a blank canvas at the minute. Haven't got a design for the page yet as the rest of the page's appearance will depend on whether or not I can get this element working.
Any help would be MASSIVELY appreciated. Can't get my head around how to do this.
just put your posts into divs for now
<?php if (have_posts()) ?>
<?php while (have_posts()): the_post(); ?>
<div class="wppost">
<?php the_excerpt(); ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
and then style .wppost (or whatever you name it)
like so .wppost{width:32%; float:left}
that's not perfect, but it'll get you started. check out jQuery Masonry for an easy, slick fx for that.
I have some elements that i hide using css display: none; functions, and most ones i hide using javascript, but when ever a user stripes or disables his browser css and javascript everything i hide will become visible on the front end, though the site may be looking scattered rhen but those hidden elements will still show as html files..
Any idea on how to hide such elements so that if javascript and css are disabled in the viewers browser the hidden elements won't still show.
I was thinking php can be used since there is no way to strip it off.
Maybe you could try this:
HTML code here, flag is true
HTML code here, flag is false
This is not an efficient way to do it, but maybe it can help you.
Anything that is rendered to the DOM might be found even if you have other means beside CSS/JS to hide it (you may simply analyse the entire server's response).
Therefore you may want to prevent entirely the HTML code that should not be shown to be sent through backend logic. An example:
<? $cond=false; if($cond): ?>
<p>I'm shown on <i>$cond === true</i></p>
<? else: ?>
<p>I'm shown when <i>$cond === false</i></p>
<? endif ?>
<p>I'm always shown</p>
<p style="display:<?= $cond ? 'none' : 'block' ?>">
I'm always rendered but hidden/shown through CSS and $cond value
You can modify it here:
https://3v4l.org/pimd5 (press the eye button at the right to check the rendered HTML).
I have a post that's broken up into 2 sections: an intro, and a main list. I'd like each section styled differently. My problem is that I don't know how to create my template file to accommodate multiple sections. For example, this won't work because you can't use the_content() twice like that:
<div class="intro">
<?php the_content(); ?> // intro content only
<div class="main-list">
<?php the_content(); ?> // main list content only
How can I specify that some content belongs to one container, and some content belongs to another container?
I have a Indian Chat Room Website
I am creating a custom theme, and elements behave as they should but when I place the <?php wp_head() ?> tag I get a top margin, at the top of my theme header.
When I remove the <?php wp_head(); ?> the margin goes away. I have been at this for a while any help would be great.
Can you add the <?php wp_head(); ?> so I can take a look at your website.
Also try this in your CSS:
html{ margin-top:0px !important;}
I've a WP site with the Enfold-child theme. For the header, I choose to place the company logo upper left and main menu under the company logo. I would like to add an image on the right of the company logo but I don't try to do this.
Last part of header.php is the following
if(!$blank) //blank templates dont display header nor footer
//fetch the template file that holds the main menu, located in includes/helper-menu-main.php
get_template_part( 'includes/helper', 'main-menu' );
} ?>
<div id='main' class='all_colors' data-scroll-offset='<?php echo avia_header_setting('header_scroll_offset'); ?>'>
if(isset($avia_config['temp_logo_container'])) echo $avia_config['temp_logo_container'];
Have I to modify this file to add the image? Can you help me, please?
try this. It's a Knowledgebase article from Enfold detailing how to add a Widget area to the header for adding custom code, ie an image.
It's what we use to do exactly that.
: http://www.kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/adding-a-widget-area-to-the-header/
if you do not want to touch the header.php you may consider using a css ::after selector
I've run into a small problem coding my own WP theme from scratch (with a static Home page and a separate Blog page). I can't change the font-color of my blog posts (that display after I click them). So I have a two-part question:
Why can't I get the_content to change color on my single.php page? Here's my code:
if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) {
<div class="white">
<div class="container">
<h2 class="black-text light" style="margin:0;">
<?php the_title();?>
<h5 class="black-text" style="margin:0 0 7% 0;">
<?php the_author();?>
<p class="black-text">
<?php the_content();?>
What's happening is on my single.php page (which I'm using to design my individual blog posts), I've put 'the_title();' in an <h2>, 'the_author();' in an <h5>, and 'the_content();' in a <p>. I've also told each of those elements to show as black text. However, only the <h2> and <h5> change to black text. When I inspect it with Dev Tools, what's happening is WP is ignoring my hard-coded <p>, and creating new <p> of its own WITHOUT the black-font formatting.
My second question:
Am I even doing this right?? It displays fine on my local development, but am I doing this all in the correct way? Basically, I have a front-page.php that displays my Home Page. Then I have an index.php that shows the main blog page with small excerpts. Then, when a user clicks on a single blog post to open it, the individual post is shown with the single.php template. Is this right?
If a reference would help, you can see it here: www.uptowndownentertainment.com/blog
The code is missing from your post, you need to indent it with four spaces to make it show up. Looking at this page you seem to have added this before the content:
<p class="black-text" style="color:black !important;">
But the actual text is inside another paragraph element so it's not affected by that code. Wordpress automatically does this when writing posts. The easiest solution might be to add this to your style.css:
.container p {
color: black;
And then remove the style markup from the headers and paragraphs. It's always better to keep styles in the CSS instead of right in the code.