ASP.Net custom errors on specific hosts -

Is there a way to display custom errors on specific host(s) (eg: and display vanilla errors on others (eg:
I'm thinking along the lines of configuration syntax that can be added to the customErrors section of the web.config.
It's actually for MVC 3, if that makes any difference.
The sites are hosted on separate servers. is built and deployed automatically by appharbor and promoted to whenever it's ready for the wild.

what i would do is use customized HandleErrorAttribute to detect the request and show the custom error on the ?
basically, extend the HandleErrorAttribute ( HandleCustomErrorAttribute : HandleErrorAttribute )and put the logic to detect if the request is coming from and if so show a specified view.
I have not tried it this way, but shouldnt be impossible.

If this hosts are set on the same directory, you can't.
All you can do - use the customErrors="RemoteOnly" setting and beta test locally.
You really should use two different sites for the production and testing.


What is the recommended method of HTTP Redirection from multiple URLs to one URL?

I have a website that has a number of URLs that people use to connect to that site (uses the bindings on the IIS website and everything works as intended):
Now what I want to do is have all of the URLs go to - so if you type in "" or "" you should go to
The question is what is the best mechanism to do this? I have one possible solution (which I will put as an answer to this question), but I get the feeling that there might be another, better solution available.
One possible option via IIS settings would be to do the following:
Remove extra site bindings from website (i.e.,, etc...). This should leave just the web url you are trying to get all traffic to flow to (i.e.
Create a second website in IIS
In the second website create bindings that were removed from the original website
In the second website use the HTTP Redirect (option in IIS) to direct all traffic from the second site (where all the alternate urls now reside) to the goal site (
Set up a new website on the new binding, and then, on the old website, open the Http Redirect property page and set up your redirect.
That's in IIS Manager.

ASP.Net reverse proxy, what to do with external resources?

I'm currently working on a concept for a reverse proxy to basically relay responses and requests between the user and an otherwise invisible website. So basically the user goes to a site, let's say, where it is possible to access a website (in an iframe) in the webserver's intranet which isn't made public (for example
I've been working on a solution where I translate request objects to the desired location and return that response to the website. Works great, except for stuff like CSS links, IMG's, etc. I can do the translation of course, but then the link would go to and this will never work from the outside.
How to approach such a thing?
Are there any out of the box solutions maybe?
EDIT: I found this, which is very similar to what I have written so far, but it also lacks support for external images, css, javascript, etc.
You can change settings in IIS to route all requests through ASP.NET pipeline, not just .aspx pages. Then simply create an HttpHandler to handle those in your proxy.
By default, IIS doesn't run "static" content requests through ASP.NET engine.
Apache has a pretty slick reverse proxy built-in, I use it extensively.
See more here:

ASP.NET Friendly URLs

In my research, I found 2 ways to do them.
Both required modifications to the Application_BeginRequest procedure in the Global.Asax, where you would run your code to do the actual URL mapping (mine was with a database view that contained all the friendly URLs and their mapped 'real' URLs). Now the trick is to get your requests run through the .NET engine without an aspx extension. The 2 ways I found are:
Run everything through the .NET engine with a wildcard application extension mapping.
Create a custom aspx error page and tell IIS to send 404's to it.
Now here's my question:
Is there any reason one of these are better to do than the other?
When playing around on my dev server, the first thing I noticed about #1 was it botched frontpage extensions, not a huge deal but that's how I'm used to connecting to my sites. Another issue I have with #1 is that even though my hosting company is lenient with me (as I'm their biggest client) and will consider doing things such as this, they are wary of any security risks it might present.
`#2 works great, but I just have this feeling it's not as efficient as #1. Am I just being delusional?
I've used #2 in the past too.
It's more efficient because unlike the wildcard mapping, the ASP.NET engine doesn't need to 'process' requests for all the additional resources like image files, static HTML, CSS, Javascript etc.
Alternatively if you don't mind .aspx extension in your URL's you could use: http://myweb/app/idx.aspx/products/1 - that works fine.
Having said that, the real solution is using IIS 7, where the ASP.NET runtime is a fully fledged part of the IIS HTTP module stack.
If you have the latest version of IIS there is rewrite module for it - see here. If not there are free third party binaries you can use with older IIS (i.e. version 6) - I have used one that reads the rewrite rules from an .ini file and supports regular expression but I cant remember its name sorry (its possibly this). I'd recommend this over cheaping it out with the 404 page.
You have to map all requests through the ASP.NET engine. The way IIS processes requests is by the file extension. By default it only processes the .aspx, .ashx, etc extensions that are meant to only be processed by ASP.NET. The reason is it adds overhead to the processing of the request.
I wrote how to do it with IIS 6 a while back,
You are right in doing your mapping from the database. RegEx rewriting, like is used out of the box in MVC. This is because it more or less forces you to put the primary key in the URL and does not have a good way to map characters that are not allowed in URLs, like '.
Did you checked the ASP .Net MVC Framework? Using that framework all your URLs are automatically mapped to Controllers which could perform any desired action (including redirecting to other URLs or controllers). You could also set custom routes with custom parameters. If you don't have seen it yet, maybe it will worth the look.

Using HttpModule to Display Images

I have an HttpModule that displays images that follow a certain URL pattern. For example, /images/employees/jason.jpg is handled by the module, but all other images aren't. It works just fine on my local machine (Cassini and IIS 7). However, the IIS6 production server isn't working. I've had the hosting company map the images to the ASP.NET worker process. Now, all images are showing that they can't render except for the images that should be rendered by the module. They are working correct.
I ran an HttpWatch instance on one of the files and received the following error:
Any ideas?
Final Answer:
The module needed to be updated to transmit server files. So, I added an else to my original if and checked to see if it was an image type (by using a utility method) then use Response.TransmitFile() to pass on the file to the browser.
I then ran into a spacing issue with the images. This was because I forgot that I had .aspx files registered as an image type to perform the testing. So each page would crash during the debug process or add padding that was established from CSS. Doh!
Everything is just peachy now. Thanks to all!
There's doesn't seem to be anything particularly wrong with your module, so the issue must be coming from somewhere else. Have you got security that might be blocking the images? What actually gets returned when you request a static file?
I'd suggest seeing what gets returned (and its headers) using something like firebug to check things like the response code, content type, the actual raw response, etc...
check your web.config IIS6 / IIS7 have different places to add modules and depends on what mode your IIS7 is running in.

Multiple domains, same web application on IIS 6

On IIS 6, is it possible to have multiple domain names pointing to the same web application, and conditionally serve CSS from within the web application based on the domain name?
I need to host hundreds of different "skins" on the same web application, with the skin being dependent upon the domain name, and I really don't want to launch tons of web applications.
+1 to rhinof for adding multiple identities, but creating a HttpModule is a bit over kill. You can simply switch the URL of the tag in a Master Page by examining the contents of Request.Headers["HOST"]
1) add the desired domain names as website identifiers in the advanced property page of the Web Site Tab.
2) map the .css extension to the aspnet_isapi.dll
3) write an httpmodule that will re write the url for .css requests based on the domain name
4) enable your module via the web.config
If you use themes, you can change the theme, thereby changing the css, etc. in the Page.PreInit depending on the value of the domain in Request.ServerVariables["Url"] (note, there might be a better server variable to get the domain name, look it up).
If you aren't using themes, you can programatically swap out the css file by checking the same server variable.
MasterPages are going to be your friend here.
Hope that shoves you in the right direction. It is possible and common.
If you are going to have different core content on the sites then I suggest putting in a global identifier to track which site a user is on and put your data in a DB somewhere for reference against that identifier. This is by far the easiest way to extend the app if each instance is unique.
You can put this into a class and have one common pattern for figuring out where stuff should map to. I suggest that once you know the mapping to cache that and then you will be able to do what you want without the latency of a thousand apps or db calls.
You will also need to add this parameter on any general DB calls so that you only get results for the domain that is being hosted. I’ve got a bit of experience with this so just leave some comments if you want to see some specific coding examples.
You can apply this technique to any file, CSS stylesheet or object for referencing purposes.
Yes, this should be simple to do. I'd go with the approach of mapping the domain names to your app using host headers in IIS. Then, as Martin said, interrogate Request.Headers["HOST"] in your app to switch the stylesheet.
