CSS woes in IE6/7 - css

I have created a Wordpress child theme based on Thematic and I'm currently trying to debug the site in IE 6/7. My suspicion is that the problem is hasLayout, as that seems to be very common and the symptoms are congruent, however I have checked many of the broken elements and added hasLayout properties to those that did not already have them with no advancement.
I did have z-index set in several of the CSS classes, which I have now removed, and I'm wondering if any of you have some other suggestion about other debugging approaches.
The site is: http://032b4a6.netsolhost.com/WordPress/
I have posted here instead of the Wordpress forum as I believe my problem is more related to a standard CSS issue than anything specific to WP.
To detail the kind of errors I experience in IE6/7:
The header, which is an anchor with a css background property, pushes down on the search box, causing large gaps.
The nav displays as if it has an extra 75px of margin under it, causing another large gap.
The right sidebar is missing. It can be found just barely peeking from the left side of the container below the left sidebar.
The left sidebar appears to have an extra 15px of left margin, pushing it onto the main content div.

To check if a layout problem in IE6 / IE7 is hasLayout-related problems, I sometimes find it useful to use a rule like this for debugging - it's propably not something you want to use in your final stylesheet (as it will probably introduce new problems), but often it can reveal what elements needs to be given layout:
* {
zoom: 1 !important;

Welcome to the world of conditional comments and IE stylesheets: http://codex.wordpress.org/Conditional_Comment_CSS You need to tweak the CSS for IE and test with native IE, not browser shots.
Try taking the slider out for a minute to see if there is a CSS conflict.
And you have a few minor html errors, one having to do with an inline style sheet:
[Invalid] Markup Validation of 032b4a6.netsolhost.com WordPress - W3C Markup Validator. Scroll down in the validation report to see line numbers and source code.


Chrome Scrollbar Bounces from bottom

So while working on a project I noticed that when I scrolled to the bottom the scrollbar would bounce back up a page.
Originally I had to make the front page have less vertical space for the footer and add the space for every other page.
So I moved:
body {margin-bottom: 150px;}
body:not(.home) {margin-bottom: 150px;}
I'm answering my own question here though it's very clear Chrome has widespread issues with the scrollbar behavior in general. For people who aren't web designers it is possible to override the behavior on a live website and in some cases (with extreme subjectivity) programs (e.g. maybe the bookmarks page) though the issue in browser pages is overriding the browser's internal CSS which isn't always possible.
The fix, at least in the scenario I faced, was to split the margin in two and give the other half of the spacing to the padding-bottom.
So in example, this:
body {margin-bottom: 100px;}
Would become this:
margin-bottom: 50px;
padding-bottom: 50px;
This is however generally not an acceptable solution as there are very explicit reasons why margin and padding are two different contexts however the project I'm working on is very graphically heavy and requires breaking proper CSS conventions.
For non-web developers/designers who may come across this issue and page, as I mentioned in the question above, it is possible to override a website's CSS code if the CSS selector can be specific enough to only effect one website. The code would then have to be applied to the browser's master style sheet. I've done this in the past to negate Google forcing ads even around my Adblock Plus filter subscription and won. Each browser has it's own way of applying default styling, since this is a Chrome specific issue and I'm not as familiar with Chrome I did some digging to provide some bread crumbs and hopefully make someone's life just a bit easier:

ASP.NET Margin issue in Chrome

I've got a fairly simple design that I'm working on in ASP.NET.
The problem is when I take the design from flat HTML which works fine, to asp.net, it adds what looks to be a 20px blank margin at the top of the page and around certain elements.
I presumed this was to do with the not having set my margins to 0px on the body and form elements in the CSS. I've done this, and it still has the problem in Chrome and Firefox, but not in IE7 or IE8.
Any ideas?
I've seen some unwanted margins on ASP.NET pages and they had something to do with invalid markup (might have been because of a missing div end tag or something similar - I can't remember the exact reason). So check your markup. Also make sure that you are using a valid doctype (i.e. not in quirks rendering mode).
Firebug is often a great help in this kind of situations. You can inspect exactly which element is causing the extra margins. Chrome has a similar "Inspect element" functionality built in.

Wordpress Over-riding My Formatting

I've ported the Wordpress app from wordpress.org to my web site. I've changed the html and the css to conform to my existing design. I've placed the entry data in my 'main' div, which has a left margin of 19em to keep it to the right of my navigation div. This margin appears to be overridden somehow by the generated html within the 'main' div. I've patched some of the elements by adding the margin back to them, but would prefer a cleaner fix. I've looked at the page using Firebug, but I can't identify the appropriate entry. What is overriding my margin setting?
The problem page is here. Notice the Tags at the bottom.
Another page that doesn't use WordPress code doesn't have this problem. It is here.
Thanks for any help
I want to keep my acceptance rate high so I don't appear ungrateful for all the great help on this site. The answer was that the css was defined as a class and the html was using 'id='. Sometimes it helps to make sure the computer is plugged in.

Problem with header form position

So I have a signup form on the top of my website and in safari/firefox it looks perfect but on ie7 for some reason it is pushed down so it does not look right. I tried removing all padding/margins on all of those elements but it still seems like there is something pushing it down when that happens. Does anyone know why this is happening. You can see it at the top of this page:
A <form> needs to have padding & margin set to 0. Then setting the vertical alignment to center may help too. If it still doesn't work; try changing the doctype to HTML instead of XHTML, since IE uses different renderers for each doctype.
There are two likely cuases:
It's always a bit tricky to debug these issues but this could be a problem with line-height. I would try specifying an explicit line height of 1em or so to elements in the form.
In your case it's more likely that the submit button is causing your issue. The different web browsers render submit input tags improperly. Try hiding your submit button by styling it with display none to see if this is in fact causing your display issue in IE. If it is you can create a stylesheet specifically for IE via conditional comments and apply alternative styling to the submit tag. OR you can use absolute positioning for the submit input which should allow you to avoid resorting to a browser specific stylesheet.

Paragraph tags in Conflict with Meyer's Reset in IE7?

Working on a rather small, and simple layout, I decided to use Meyer's CSS Reset rules to clear some of the expected discrepancies between browsers. All was working fairly well until I decided to add a few paragraphs into a couple nested divs.
Once I placed the paragraph-tags within the second nested div, the background images of both the parent, and the grant parent divs vanished in IE7.
Removing the paragraph tags (and going with untagged-text) returns the background images. Additionally, leaving the tags and removing reference to the reset.css file restores the background images.
Obviously I don't want to go with either of those routes to solve this issue. Any CSS gurus here know what is taking place?
Demo: http://www.sampsonresume.com/projects/patriot-depot/
It looks like a version of the disappearing content bug in IE.
Add zoom:1 to div.pd_horiz_content and div.pd_horiz_content_b. That will invoke 'hasLayout' in IE and your background will show up.
You can also invoke hasLayout by adding a dimension (width:960px) to the divs. This would probably make more sense in your case since your divs have a fixed width based on the background images.
Oddly enough, when I remove the following rule from the reset.css file, the issue is resolved:
This rule is applied to the first large block of matched elements, so I'm not sure the implications it will have in the long run. Hopefully there's a better solution, as I'm a little uneasy about editing Meyers' reset.css in order to "fix" my problem.
