What is the best way to create a Plone private site - plone

I would like to know every solutions and keep only the best one to "close a website to every anonymous user". An anonymous user should only have the login form.
Existing ways:
using zope security (remove View permission to anonymous on root plonesite)
using workflows (changing security mapping of published state)
using apache in proxy with http auth
Is there other solutions ? What is the best one ?
Note: I had an issue when trying using zope security even the login form was not accessible, so please details a bit your way to achieve this.

I would use http://pypi.python.org/pypi/iw.rejectanonymous. It adds a custom traversal hook to the Plone site and only allows access to the login form and the resources used by it for anonymous users.
Keep in mind that in this scenario you cannot cache any pages or listings in a frontend cache, as that would be accessible without authentication. Caching CSS, JS and image resources in Varnish is still a good idea and you can cache things in the browser cache.

My approach with this use case has been (and still is) always to deal with workflows.
Start customizing "intranet workflow" and than remove all options to anonymous.
Then give to authenticated (or members) privileges you want.
No need extra code.
No need extra product.
No need external configuration.
Only the power of Plone.

I once secured a Plone site so that only authenticated users could see anything (login form
was accessible). It was a Plone 2.5 and I know I modified (checked/unchecked roles) these permissions in the Plone Site root's access ZMI page (manage_access):
Add portal member
Allow sendto
Change portal events
Modify portal content
Set own password
Set own properties
I know new permissions have been added in next Plone versions so you might need to tweek other ones.
I think that the easiest way to achieve what you need is by doing this, although I'd recommend using GenericSetup and not TTW customization, like I did:
It's easier than modifying Published state of workflows.
If you configure Apache you'll need a double log in (to access the login form and then to log in to Plone). Unless you set a special PAS plugin. This approach, in my opinion, is more difficult than mine.
But given that I didn't tried any of these two last options I can not say my way is the way. I can just say that it worked for me, and hopefully it'll work for you.

You can also use the WebServerAuth plugin so users are only allowed access via basic auth. http://plone.org/products/webserverauth
That way you can, just by default, protect everything on the site and not worrying about the plone login forms.

If you're already running a virtual host with Apache then I'd use mod_rewrite to enforce this. The following configuration will direct all unauthenticated users to the login form and also allow users to use the forgotten password process. I've tested this with Plone 4.1 already I imagine it will also work with Plone 4.0
RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} !__ac=.*
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/acl_users/credentials_cookie_auth/require_login$
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/login_form$
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/login$
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/logged_out$
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/portal_css/
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/portal_javascripts/
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/login.js$
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/logo.png$
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/mail_password_form$
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/mail_password$
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/portal_registration/passwordreset/
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/pwreset_form$
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/pwreset_finish$
RewriteRule ^(.*) /acl_users/credentials_cookie_auth/require_login?came_from=%{REQUEST_URI} [last,redirect=temp]


Wordpress Site block Joomla URLs using hatches

I have a wordpress site on SiteGround and have hundreds of attempts entering looking for http://example.com/?option=com_k2&view=itemlist&task=user&id=93265
The old site used Joomla and it appears that bots still have the site on their list.
Please let me know if there is a way to prevent these requests from causing an "execution" of index.php as this has a 20,000 execution daily limit on Siteground shared host. Passing the limit causes the site to be disabled.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
Found this on http://botcrawl.com/how-to-block-incoming-traffic-backlinks-attempted-site-hijacks-and-multiple-urls-in-the-htaccess-file/
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} option=com_k2
RewriteRule ^ - [F]
It appears to working. I'll write back if not.

New WordPress Users registered while site is still under development

Recently I started a new WordPress blog and didn't add any forms for user registrations. But I got a email from my site saying that new users was registered. Still I haven't written any post or didn't advertise anything. still Im building it. When I check the site users it was as below.
Now my questions are,
1) What kind of attack is this. How did a attacker find my site while im just building it?
2)They are registered as subscribers, am I safe to just delete them?
any guideline from an expert will be highly appreciated. please advice me what should I do? Thanks.
Is it on WordPress.com or self-hosted? And yes, it's ok to delete them.
It may not be an 'attack'. If you are on WordPress.com (or even self-hosted) it may just be other users that came across the site. There are a lot of possibilities of who they are.
You can turn off allowing registrations in your Admin Settings and put up a landing page to show no content to unauthorized users while you're working on it.
If you're self-hosting it you can use your .htaccess to allow only your own IP address access while you're working on it.
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^(.*)?wp-login\.php(.*)$ [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^(.*)?wp-admin$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ - [R=403,L]
Also, just to make sure no one has tried an attack, you can use a plugin like WordFence to do a security audit.
You can use the Wordfence plugin to secure your WordPress installation. The Wordfence plugin protects against brute force attacks and allows blocking ips.

WordPress 4.5.3 and Visual Editor Not Displaying

We have a new multi-site WP install and for some reason on creating/editing posts, we are not seeing the default Visual Editor, as seen below.
Instead we see this, with a sub-set of the features:
We are using the default theme with no changes, no errors in the console, and stopping all other plugins makes no difference. We've also ensured that the user account (admin) does not have the Visual Editor disabled. Anyone else seen this before and or have recommendations on (re)enabling the default Visual Editor?
Did some searching, if you're running an Apache server try commenting these lines out of your .htaccess file.
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^[^=]*$
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} %2d|- [NC]
RewriteRule .? – [F,L]
Here is a link to where I found this solution.
Hope it helps.
After disabling plugins, directly querying the database to review user rich_editor settings, and injecting debugging code into the WP PHP source to trace the business logic around the Visual Editor's display, we deduced that this was due to the User-Agent header and caching (we have WP deployed on AWS Elastic Beanstalk behind CloudFront).
Allowing the User-Agent to pass through, essentially, resolved the issue as WP could then access the data and determine whether or not the Visual Editor should be displayed.
For reference (on WP 4.5.x), the business logic around Visual Editor display is done in user_can_richedit() function of the following file:

WordPress WP-admin IP check and redirect

I'm planning on using Wordpress on an upcoming project and the biggest question for me is security.
I will be having several users who will be able to update the site and I've given myself several options. I can build a static web page and then have a 'blog' page that is using a WordPress install for that page only. This seems a bit excessive just for a blog feature, but it's an option.
The other option I'm looking at is a full WordPress install to power the whole site. My big issue is blocking the /wp-admin from everyone but the people at a static IP that won't be changing. I'm thinking if I go this route I can use my .htaccess to check the IP and if it returns false, redirect it to the homepage. If it is true, then continue on to the wp-admin login page.
If I go with my second option, how do I use .htaccess to check the IP and if it returns false, redirect back to the homepage. And if it's true, continue to the WordPress login page.
Is this best starting point?
<Location /wp-admin/>
order allow,deny
allow from
deny from all
I appreciate any input ahead of time!
You cannot use Location in a .htaccess file. As you can see from the Context it is only allowed in the main server configuration file or in a virtual host section.
Furthermore, you shouldn't use it for security, if wp-admin is a real directory in the file system
<Location> Directive
<Location> sections operate completely outside the filesystem. This has several consequences. Most importantly, <Location> directives should not be used to control access to filesystem locations. Since several different URLs may map to the same filesystem location, such access controls may by circumvented.
If you use Access control by host, the order should be
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from
This ensures, that anybody is prohibited to access /wp-admin/, except the given IP addresses or domains.
I think this is documented here: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/trunk/howto/auth.html
You may need to couple it with this: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/howto/htaccess.html, and this: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/trunk/mod/mod_authz_core.html#require
But, it appears that something like this could work:
<Directory /wp-admin/>
Require ip
Full disclosure: I'm guessing.
I was able to use what Olaf Dietsche wrote to lead me in the right direction. By putting the below code in my wp-admin folder instead of the root, I was able to control who had access to my url/wp-admin login and if they didn't match the allowed IP, then I redirect them back to the home page.
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine on
#urls to exclude
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/wp-admin$
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/images$
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/$
#ip to allow access
RewriteCond %{REMOTE_HOST} !^111\.111\.111\.111$
#send to root. If you want a specific URL, use /yourcustomurl.html
RewriteRule .? / [R=302,L]
I appreciate the input everyone. And thank you much!

HTTP 404 Redirect

We have a multi-tenant web application where customers can set up custom domains for their site.
When an invalid domain is requested we need to display an error page on a different domain. What is the correct way to handle this? I thought perhaps issuing a 303 to a page on the other site that always returns 404. Will this keep search engines happy?
I am still trying to determine the need for this. As not a lot of information is provided to why its needed. There are many hosts that let users create places for themselves. When any error happens it simply links to the local 404. So why is it needed to go to another domain for 404? As setting a error document 404 with a domain and sub domains. The local 404 is called for all of them. It doesn't just 404 for the main domain, while leaving the sub domains clueless. As for allowing users to set up custom domains I'm guessing that was a typo. And you meant "custom sub domains". Unless that was correct, and its in some way to allow customers to buy hosting packages from you. For which they can sell back to their own customers. If the latter is correct. You would just need to set up their environment correctly. Though I figure you meant sub domain.
ErrorDocument 404 /404.html
There are a few better ways to do the below. Just supplying the quickest.
As for wanting to bounce the 404 to another domain you still can:
In .htaccess do :
ErrorDocument 404 /404.html
In the local 404.html use :
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=http://example.com/">
Mind you can use other methods.
First, try to find an application in your control panel on your web host, that will allow you to create an error page. If you're using cPanel, this application is named as Error Pages which heading with Advanced header. After finding this app., now create a file of 404 (Not found) error page. In cPanel, there are specific “Referring URL”, “Visitor’s IP address”, “Requested URL”, “Server name”, “Visitor’s browser” and “Redirect Status Code” tags for this SSI-enabled file, and after saving 404 error page, it will be saved into 404.shtml with an extension for a file that recognized by a web server as an SSI-enabled HTML file. If ever there's no Error Pages app. in your c-panel, try to create an error page manually with .shtml extension if your server is configured to allow this. If it's not allowable or if the file become unreadable, you can still use another extension, but for a web server, it's not recognized as an SSI-enabled HTML file.
The best way is to rewrite and not to redirect all the empty subdomains, into /404.shtml but first, make sure that there's a rewrite engine in your account. Now we will going to rewrite all those subdomains with mod_rewrite. Try to find a .htaccess file in your file manager. That file is often found in the same folder where your index page is located. If there's no file like that, you can create a new one in the folder where your index located. This code must be at the very top of your empty .htaccess source, and DO NOT REMOVE it while testing the following sets of conditions and rules below after this:
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine on
And try to paste this directives below the two-lines code above:
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
Rewrite ^(.*) /404.shtml
If the directives above didn't work, then try the following below:
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !-d
Rewrite ^(.*) /404.shtml
However, if you didn't want to redirect those empty subdomains, just add a [R] flag after the file extension of the rule, just don't forget a single space before the flag.
To keep the search engines happy, let the 404 appear to be from the invalid domain by Domain masking. This will prevent accumulating poor reputation owing to too many redirects over time. An occasional redirect to canonical document is good as it means you are practicing DRY(Don't Repeat Yourself) by redirecting to the canonical IRI qualified for search juice. Use meta noindex on the 404 page to prevent search engines from remembering the invalid custom domain IRIs.
