flex 4.5 + wbservice .net - asp.net

Im working on a example that im trying to use a webservice make it in .net c# and i have a some questions. I have a method in webservice like that:
public string login(string user, string pass)
//string msg = "";
string res = "";
person n = new person(user, pass);
if (n.login())
Session["user"] = Server.HtmlEncode(u);
res = u;
// msg = "Error";
return res;
now with this I return a string with a unique user for flex to make a state of user.
my doubt is how can I work properly on flex with session?
Other question and problem having here, and is a big one:
when is made any request to webservice the flex only answer the second ask. for example:
public function LogUser()
var name:String=Login.text;
var pass:String=Password.text;
Service.login.send(name, pass);
public function checkLogin():Boolean
var boll:Boolean= new Boolean;
boll = Service.checkLogin.lastResult;
return boll;
<s:operation name="login"> </s:operation>
<s:operation name="checkLogin" result="checkLog()"></s:operation>
this simple operation only respond rightly for the second time.
Any thoughts?
Sorry for the trouble

Webservice calls are not like website calls. You will not be able to set a user session that will persist and only be available to your users session. You may want to check out FlorineFX I dont think it will do exactly what you want but I know you can do some of this stuff and interact with the asp.net more like a website. We used this for several projects a couple years ago.


DNX Core: Encrypt/Decrypt?

I'm porting a website to dnx core/aspnet5/mvc6. I need to store passwords to 3rd party sites in the database (it's essentially an aggregator).
In earlier versions of mvc, I did this using classes like RijndaelManaged. But those don't appear to exist in dnx core. In fact, I haven't been able to find much documentation on any general purpose encryption/decryption stuff in dnx core.
What's the recommended approach for encrypting/decrypting single field values in an mvc6 site? I don't want to encrypt the entire sql server database.
Or should I be looking at a different approach for storing the credentials necessary to access a password-protected 3rd party site?
See the DataProtection API documentation
Their guidance on using it for persistent data protection is a little hedgy but they say there is no technical reason you can't do it. Basically to store protected data persistently you need to be willing to allow unprotecting it with expired keys since the keys could expire after you protect it.
To me it seems reasonable to use it and I am using it in my own project.
Since the IPersistedDataProtector only provides methods with byte arrays I made a couple of extension methods to convert the bytes back and forth from string.
public static class DataProtectionExtensions
public static string PersistentUnprotect(
this IPersistedDataProtector dp,
string protectedData,
out bool requiresMigration,
out bool wasRevoked)
bool ignoreRevocation = true;
byte[] protectedBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(protectedData);
byte[] unprotectedBytes = dp.DangerousUnprotect(protectedBytes, ignoreRevocation, out requiresMigration, out wasRevoked);
return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(unprotectedBytes);
public static string PersistentProtect(
this IPersistedDataProtector dp,
string clearText)
byte[] clearBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(clearText);
byte[] protectedBytes = dp.Protect(clearBytes);
string result = Convert.ToBase64String(protectedBytes);
return result;
I also created a helper class specifically for protecting certain properties on my SiteSettings object before it gets persisted to the db.
using cloudscribe.Core.Models;
using Microsoft.AspNet.DataProtection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using System;
namespace cloudscribe.Core.Web.Components
public class SiteDataProtector
public SiteDataProtector(
IDataProtectionProvider dataProtectionProvider,
ILogger<SiteDataProtector> logger)
rawProtector = dataProtectionProvider.CreateProtector("cloudscribe.Core.Models.SiteSettings");
log = logger;
private ILogger log;
private IDataProtector rawProtector = null;
private IPersistedDataProtector dataProtector
get { return rawProtector as IPersistedDataProtector; }
public void Protect(ISiteSettings site)
if (site == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("you must pass in an implementation of ISiteSettings"); }
if (site.IsDataProtected) { return; }
if (dataProtector == null) { return; }
if (site.FacebookAppSecret.Length > 0)
site.FacebookAppSecret = dataProtector.PersistentProtect(site.FacebookAppSecret);
catch (System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException ex)
log.LogError("data protection error", ex);
// ....
site.IsDataProtected = true;
public void UnProtect(ISiteSettings site)
bool requiresMigration = false;
bool wasRevoked = false;
if (site == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("you must pass in an implementation of ISiteSettings"); }
if (!site.IsDataProtected) { return; }
if (site.FacebookAppSecret.Length > 0)
site.FacebookAppSecret = dataProtector.PersistentUnprotect(site.FacebookAppSecret, out requiresMigration, out wasRevoked);
catch (System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException ex)
log.LogError("data protection error", ex);
catch (FormatException ex)
log.LogError("data protection error", ex);
site.IsDataProtected = false;
if (requiresMigration || wasRevoked)
log.LogWarning("DataProtection key wasRevoked or requires migration, save site settings for " + site.SiteName + " to protect with a new key");
If the app will need to migrate to other machines after data has been protected then you also want to take control of the key location, the default would put the keys on the OS keyring of the machine as I understand it so a lot like machinekey in the past where you would override it in web.config to be portable.
Of course protecting the keys is on you at this point. I have code like this in the startup of my project
//If you change the key persistence location, the system will no longer automatically encrypt keys
// at rest since it doesn’t know whether DPAPI is an appropriate encryption mechanism.
services.ConfigureDataProtection(configure =>
string pathToCryptoKeys = appBasePath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar
+ "dp_keys" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;
// these keys are not encrypted at rest
// since we have specified a non default location
// that also makes the key portable so they will still work if we migrate to
// a new machine (will they work on different OS? I think so)
// this is a similar server migration issue as the old machinekey
// where we specified a machinekey in web.config so it would not change if we
// migrate to a new server
configure.PersistKeysToFileSystem(new DirectoryInfo(pathToCryptoKeys));
So my keys are stored in appRoot/dp_keys in this example.
If you want to do things manually;
Add a reference to System.Security.Cryptography.Algorithms
Then you can create instances of each algorithm type via the create method. For example;
var aes = System.Security.Cryptography.Aes.Create();

Adding username to groups in SignalR

Is it possible to use the IUserIDProvider instead of ConnectionID when working with Groups? I have already found an answer here, but that concerns the SignalR 1.0 version. I wonder, whether things have changed in 2.0.
So far, I was using the conventional
Groups.Add(Context.ConnectionId, "groupName");
However, it was difficult to keep track of the connected users when their connectionID was changed (the client is a Xamarin Android app and somehow, reconnection always resulted in creation of a new ConnectionID). Thus, when the client is connecting, I have added a header:
public async Task<bool> Login(int waitMilis, string name)
var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
_connection.Headers.Add("userName", name);
await _connection.Start();
return true;
catch(Exception ex)
return false;
And on server side, implemented the IUserIdProvider:
public class MyUserProvider : IUserIdProvider
public string GetUserId(IRequest request)
if (request == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("request");
else if (request.Headers != null && request.Headers["userName"] != null)
return request.Headers["userName"].ToString();
else return null;
Now, I would like to do something like
Groups.Add("userName", "groupName");
but the Add method does not have an overload for IUserIdProvider. So, is there a possibility to combine the IUserIdProvider and working with Groups, or am I stuck to creating a ConcurrentDictionary and then calling this?
foreach(User user in group.Users)
It ruins the whole beauty and simplicity of the SignalR code :-/
Unfortunately, there isn't currently a method like Groups.Add("userName", "groupName"); in SignalR.
I suggest adding users to their appropriate group(s) in OnConnected:
public class MyHub : Hub
public override async Task OnConnected()
var userName = MyUserHelper.GetUserId(Context.Request);
foreach (var groupName in GroupManager.GetJoinedGroups(userName))
await Groups.Add(Context.ConnectionId, groupName);
// ...
If you need to add an already connected user to a group, then you will likely need to send a message to the user using something like Clients.User(userName).joinGroup(groupName). Each client with userName could then call the appropriate hub method to join groupName.

How to persist SignalR connection ID

I’m trying to build a chat apps whereby users id are represented by their auto generated signalR connection id. On page refresh, the connection id changes when a new connection is instantiated. Is there a way to persist the state of the connection id of a user until the browser session is ended (i.e until he ends his session on client).
Any guide or documentation? It really would help.
i am new in signalr. so trying to know many things searching Google. from this url i got a similar snippet http://kevgriffin.com/maintaining-signalr-connectionids-across-page-instances/
they are saying it is possible. the problem is signalr often create a new connection id if we referesh the page. i want to prevent this but how.......
this code snippet.
public class MyConnectionFactory : IConnectionIdFactory
public string CreateConnectionId(IRequest request)
if (request.Cookies["srconnectionid"] != null)
return request.Cookies["srconnectionid"];
return Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
$.connection.hub.start().done(function () {
var myClientId = $.connection.hub.id;
setCookie("srconnectionid", myClientId);
function setCookie(cName, value, exdays) {
var exdate = new Date();
exdate.setDate(exdate.getDate() + exdays);
var c_value = escape(value) + ((exdays == null) ? "" : "; expires=" + exdate.toUTCString());
document.cookie = cName + "=" + c_value;
my doubt is does it work in all signalr version? if not then how to handle it in new version specially for not generate a new connection id if page gets refreshed. looking for suggestion.
if we work with Persistent connection class instead of hub then what happen.....in this case connection id will persist if we refresh the page at client side? please guide.
SignalR allows you to send messages to a user via their IPrincipal.Identity.Name. Just use Clients.User(userName) instead of Clients.Client(connectionId).
If you for some reason cannot address a user using their IPrincipal.Identity.Name you could create your own IUserIdProvider. This is the replacement for IConnectionIdFactory which no longer exists in SignalR >= 1.0.0.
The equivalent IUserIdProvider would look like this:
public class MyConnectionFactory : IUserIdProvider
public string GetUserId(IRequest request)
if (request.Cookies["srconnectionid"] != null)
return request.Cookies["srconnectionid"];
return Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
public class Startup
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
var idProvider = new MyConnectionFactory();
GlobalHost.DependencyResolver.Register(typeof(IUserIdProvider), () => idProvider);
public class MyHub : Hub
public Task Send(string userName, string message)
return Clients.User(userName).receive(message);
It would be really trivial to spoof a user given this MyConnectionFactory. You could make it more secure by using an HMAC.
Ideally you would just use the default IUserIdProvider which retrieves the user ID from IRequest.User.Identity.Name.
The user id provider doesn't work, because the connection id doesn't come from it. I implemented a solution (https://weblogs.asp.net/ricardoperes/persisting-signalr-connections-across-page-reloads) that uses a pseudo-session id stored in session storage. Every SignalR connection id is then mapped to this pseudo-session id.

asp.net mvc global variables without cookies and session[""]

Is there any method for storing global variables without using cookies or session[""] in asp.net mvc ?
I know that cookies and session[""] have some disadvantages and I want to use the best method if exit.
If they are indeed global variables, you should implement the singleton pattern and have an Instance globally accessible that holds your variables.
Here is a simple example:
public sealed class Settings
private static Settings instance = null;
static readonly object padlock = new object();
// initialize your variables here. You can read from database for example
this.prop1 = "prop1";
this.prop2 = "prop2";
public static Settings Instance
lock (padlock)
if (instance == null)
instance = new Settings();
return instance;
// declare your global variables here
public string prop1 { get; set; }
public string prop2 { get; set; }
The you can use them in your code like this:
var globalvar1 = Settings.Instance.prop1;
This class with its variables will be initialized only once (when the application starts) and it will be available in your application globally.
Basically you have following options:
Cookies - valid as long as you set, must be allowed by client's browser, can be deleted by user, stored on user's PC.
Session - valid for all requests, not for a single redirect, stored on server.
ViewData - after redirect it's cleared (lives only during single request).
TempData - it's useful for passing short messages to view, after reading a value it's deleted.
ViewBag - is available only during the current request, if redirection occurs then it’s value becomes null, is dynamic so you don't have intellisense and errors may occur only in runtime.
Here - http://www.dotnet-tricks.com/Tutorial/mvc/9KHW190712-ViewData-vs-ViewBag-vs-TempData-vs-Session.html - you can find fantastic article which describes them.
Sure: HttpContextBase.Application (no expiration) or HttpContextBase.Cache (with expiration). You can access the HttpContextBase instance through the HttpContext property of the Controller class.
So... HACK ALERT... There is no good way to do an MVC 5 or 6 web app using session variables that I have found (yet). MVC doesn't support Session variables or Cookies, which are implemented via session variables. Global variables will be set for ALL users, which is not how Session variables work.
However, you can store "session variables" based on the User.Identity.Name or the underlying User.Identity.Claims.AspNet.Identity.SecurityStamp into a database along with a timestamp and viola! You have implemented primitive session variables. I had a very specific need to save two weeks of programming by not interfering with the GUI that our user interface specialist had written. So I returned NoContent() instead of the normal View() and I saved my hacky session variable based on the user's login name.
Am I recommending this for most situations? No. You can use ViewBag or return View(model) and it will work just fine. But if you need to save session variables in MVC for whatever reason, this code works. The code below is in production and works.
To retrieve the data...
string GUID = merchdata.GetGUIDbyIdentityName(User.Identity.Name);
internal string GetGUIDbyIdentityName(string name)
string retval = string.Empty;
using (var con = new SqlConnection(Common.DB_CONNECTION_STRING_BOARDING))
using (var command = new SqlCommand("select GUID from SessionVariablesByIdentityName md where md.IdentityName = '" + name + "' and LastSaved > getdate() - 1", con))
using (SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
while (reader.Read())
retval = reader["GUID"].ToString();
catch (Exception ex)
return retval;
To save the data...
merchdata.SetGUIDbyIdentityName(User.Identity.Name, returnedGUID);
internal void SetGUIDbyIdentityName(string name, string returnedGUID)
RunSQL("exec CRUDSessionVariablesByIdentityName #GUID='" + returnedGUID + "', #IdentityName = '" + name + "'");
internal void RunParameterizedSQL(SqlConnection cn, SqlCommand cmd, object sqlStr)
string retval = string.Empty;
BTW: The SQL table (named SessionVariablesByIdentityName here) is fairly straightforward and can store lots of other things too. I have a LastSaved datetime field in there so I don't bother retrieving old data from yesterday. For example.

Check if user exists in Active Directory

I need to check if an user exists in AD and if so, retrieve some user information. I have been able to do this as shown below. But, it is very slow. Is there any way to do this faster?
using System;
using System.DirectoryServices;
using System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("Enter AD account name...");
string strADLoginName = Console.ReadLine();
using(PrincipalContext context = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain,"DEVMC"))
using (UserPrincipal user = UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(context, strADLoginName))
bool userExists = (user != null);
if (userExists)
Console.WriteLine("User exists");
Console.WriteLine("User doesn't exist");
Well, the only real approach you could tak to make this faster would be to have the "PrincipalContext" be constructed once somewhere and cached for future use, so you don't have to re-create that context over and over again, every time you call that function.
Other than that - no, I don't see much room for improvement right here and now. What kind of app is this?? ASP.NET web apps, or Winforms, WPF, Silverlight??
