application becomes unresponsive during directory listing in flex 3 - apache-flex

I have designed an AIR application that displays a list with all txt files located in C:\ directory. I have used following code:
var videoListsArr:ArrayList = new ArrayList();
var folder:File = new File(driveName+":\\");
folder.addEventListener( FileListEvent.DIRECTORY_LISTING, handleDirectoryListing );
private function handleDirectoryListing( event:FileListEvent ):void
for each(var item:File in event.files)
var itemExtn:String = (item.extension != null) ? item.extension.toLocaleLowerCase() : null;
item.addEventListener( FileListEvent.DIRECTORY_LISTING, handleDirectoryListing );
else if(!item.isSymbolicLink && itemExtn != null)
if(itemExtn == "txt")
This function works fine but it is being executed the application is hang and become unresponsive. Please tell me how to resolve this problem that it displays the list of txt file without making application unresponsive ?

from what i can see, you're getting a directory, looking at all the files in there, and if one of them is a directory, you look at all the files etc recursively, which could end up being very heavy depending on the start folder. remove the first if check and tell me if it's still unresponsive

I use a timer to break up the processing. My timer subclasses Timer to add a files:Array and a directories : Array.
The initial handler that processed the top-level directory (in my case, loadDirectoryHandler) loads the timer.files with all the files it cannot processes immediately as well as all the sub-directories,
On each cycle through the TIMER handler, it slices out a chunk of the files Array (e.g. 200 files), processes that, and then starts the timer if there are any left so they get processed on the next TIMER event.
For each directory, it takes the File object and
file.addEventListener( FileListEvent.DIRECTORY_LISTING, loadDirectoryHandler );


applying autosave features with javafx

I am creating an application for project management which has various features including saving and opening the saved file. My application is running smoothly but i want to add another feature in the application which will allow it to save the data after some time.
Here is my code for the save and save as functions.
private void handleSave() {
File userstoryFile = mainApp.getUserStoryFilePath();
if (userstoryFile != null) {
} else {
* Opens a FileChooser to let the user select a file to save to.
private void handleSaveAs() {
FileChooser fileChooser = new FileChooser();
// Set extension filter
FileChooser.ExtensionFilter extFilter = new FileChooser.ExtensionFilter(
"XML files (*.xml)", "*.xml");
// Show save file dialog
File file = fileChooser.showSaveDialog(mainApp.getPrimaryStage());
if (file != null) {
// Make sure it has the correct extension
if (!file.getPath().endsWith(".xml")) {
file = new File(file.getPath() + ".xml");
Is it possible to add autosave feature here ( using timer function )? if yes, How?
click here to get complete application code
Something like this should be easy to implement using ScheduledExecutorService:
ScheduledExecutorService executorService = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor();
executorService.scheduleWithFixedDelay(() -> mainApp.saveUserStoryDataToFile(file), 0, 1, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
For saving the data with a delay of one minute between saves (no initial delay).
Note that using this approach you need to take care of a few things:
Synchronize access to the data.
Prevent concurrent access to the file.
Making sure shutdown is called when (or before) the JavaFX platform exits.

Flex mobile : how to know it is the very first time running the application

I googled but didn't find a post for Flex mobile..
All I want for now is display an user agreement popup from TabbedViewNavigatorApplication when the user uses the app for the first time
var agreementView: UserAgreement = new UserAgreement();
PopUpManager.addPopUp(agreementView, this,true);
but maybe more later.
Please help..
What i did in my desktop air app;
I guess this will work at a mobile app also.
Make sure you have write access;
open yourproject-app.mxml scroll down to the end of the document. In the section, uncomment the following permission:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
Now you can create files like for example an sqlite database.
At the applicationcomplete call the function checkFirstRun:
// functions to check if the application is run for the first time (also after updates)
// so important structural changes can be made here.
public var file:File;
public var currentVersion:Number;
private function checkFirstRun():void
//get the current application version.
//get versionfile
file = File.applicationStorageDirectory;
file= file.resolvePath("Preferences/version.txt");
firstRun(); // create the version file.
public function getApplicationVersion():Number
var appXML:XML = NativeApplication.nativeApplication.applicationDescriptor;
var ns:Namespace = appXML.namespace();
var versionnumber:Number =Number(appXML.ns::versionNumber);
return versionnumber;
private function checkVersion():void
var stream:FileStream= new FileStream();,FileMode.READ);
var prevVersion:String = stream.readUTFBytes(stream.bytesAvailable);
// if the versionnumber inside the file is older than the current version we go and run important code.
// like alternating the structure of tables inside the sqlite database file.
//after running the important code, we set the version to the currentversion.
private function firstRun():void
// at the first time, we set the file version to 0, so the important code will be executed.
var firstVersion:Number=0;
// we also run the checkversion so important code is run right after installing an update
//(and the version file doesn't exist before the update).
private function saveFile(currentVersion:Number):void
var stream:FileStream=new FileStream();,FileMode.WRITE);
private function runImportantCode():void
// here goes important code.
// make sure you check if the important change previously has been made or not, because this code is run after each update.
Hope this helps.
Greets, J.
Some you need to store whether the user has agreed to the agreement or not. IF they haven't agreed, then show it.
One way to do this would be to store a value in a shared object. Another way to do this would be to use a remote service and store such data in a central repository. I assume you'll want the second; so you can do some form of tracking against the number of users using your app.

DirectShow .Net AddSourceFilter Release file

I have an application which plays video using DirectShow.Net and also records video. When I try to record to a filename that has just been used for playback by DirectShow it fails as the file is still in use. Sometimes it will work but take anywhere from 5 - 60 seconds until the file is unlocked. Before the recording is attempted the playback graph has definitely been destroyed. The code for creating and destroying the graph is below. If I stop and start my application following playback I can record to the same filename and there are no file locking issues.
Can anyone advise how I can correctly release the source filter so the file is not locked?
Creating the graph
graphBuilder = (IGraphBuilder)new FilterGraph();
// "Connect to remote graph" in GraphEdit
rotEntry = new DsROTEntry(graphBuilder);
hr = graphBuilder.AddSourceFilter(filename, filename, out baseFilter);
vmr9 = (IBaseFilter)new VideoMixingRenderer9();
hr = graphBuilder.AddFilter(vmr9, "Video Mixing Renderer 9");
FilterGraphTools.ConnectFilters(graphBuilder, baseFilter, "Output", vmr9, "VMR Input0", true);
Destroying the graph
if (vmr9 != null)
vmr9 = null;
windowlessCtrl = null;
if (graphBuilder != null)
// Remove and release all filters
graphBuilder = null;
baseFilter = null;
if (rotEntry != null)
rotEntry = null;
Eventually the graph is a set of connected COM objects, and successful graph termination depends on correct release, without any leaked references. References that you might have left unreleased are leading to objects kept alive and possibly locking certain resources.
The best you can do is explicit termination/removal of individual objects:
Stop the graph
Remove all fitlers explicitly using IFilterGraph2.RemoveFilter
Use filter dependent methods calls to possibly terminate individual filters, such as by putting empty path to file source/sink filters
If even leak takes place, the graph should no longer reference resources. Note that you sometimes can also reuse filters if you are re-creating the graph.

FileReference.load() does not as excepted

I used Flash player 10, and Flex SDK 3.4. The code as followings:
// Following comes callbacks
function imageLoadOpenCallback(evt:Event):void
function imageLoadCompleteCallback(evt:Event):void
var fr:FileReference = as FileReference;
function imageLoadErrorCallback(evt:IOErrorEvent):void
function imageSelectCancelCallback(evt:Event):void
trace("in cancel");
function imageSelectCallback(evt:Event):void
trace("in -- select");
for (var i:int=0; i<frl.fileList.length; i++)
frl.fileList[i].addEventListener(Event.OPEN, imageLoadOpenCallback);
frl.fileList[i].addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, imageLoadCompleteCallback);
frl.fileList[i].addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, imageLoadErrorCallback);
// Following comes UI handlers
function onAddPictures():void
var imageFilter:FileFilter = new FileFilter("Images", "*.jpg;*.png");
frl.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, imageSelectCallback);
frl.addEventListener(Event.CANCEL, imageSelectCancelCallback);
Only the imageSelectCancelCallback handler get called when I select some files in the dialog. But no load/open/io_error handler get called at all. I have Google some code example, in which it used FileReference instead of FileReferenceList. I don't know the reason, could you please help me?
In Air the fileReference objects in fileReferenceList do not fire the complete event when doing fileList[i].load(). In a Flex project it works fine. Adobe has not responded to bug reports on this appropriately.
Make sure in your compiler settings for flex, that you have at least 10.0.0 for "Use a specific version".
The main reason to use FileReferenceList instead of FileReference would be if you need to upload multiple files at once. If you only want to allow uploading one file at once, simply use FileReference.
Some clarification: imageSelectCallback(), and NOT imageSelectCancelCallback(), should get called when you select some files in the file browser AND click OK. imageSelectCancelCallback() is only called when you click Cancel.
Other than that, I never used the load() API, but I did use the upload(URLRequest) API. I am not sure what's your use case, but if you need to upload an image to a server, you should use the upload() method.
Speaking of upload events, I experienced some reliability issues when listening to Event.COMPLETE events, so I actually got better results listening to DataEvent.UPLOAD_COMPLETE_DATA.

Process Lock Code Illustration Needed

I recently started this question in another thread (to which Reed Copsey
graciously responded) but I don't feel I framed the question well.
At the core of my question, I would like an illustration of how to gain
access to data AS it is being get/set.
I have Page.aspx.cs and, in the codebehind, I have a loop:
List<ServerVariable> files = new List<ServerVariable>();
for (i = 0; i <= Request.Files.Count - 1; i++)
m_objFile = Request.Files[i];
m_strFileName = m_objFile.FileName;
m_strFileName = Path.GetFileName(m_strFileName);
files.Add(new ServerVariable(i.ToString(),
this.m_strFileName, "0"));
int index = files.FindIndex(p => p.Completed == "0");
files[index] = new ServerVariable(i.ToString(),
this.m_strFileName, "1");
The "ServerVariable" type gets and sets ID, File, and Completed.
Now, I need to show the user the file upload "progress" (in effect,
the time between when the loop adds the ServerVariable item to the
list to when the Completed status changes from 0 to 1.
Now, I have a web service method "GetStatus()" that I would like to
use to return the files list (created above) as a JSON string (via
JQuery). Files with a completed status of 0 are still in progress,
files with a 1 are done.
MY QUESTION IS - what does the code inside GetStatus() look like? How
do I query List **as* it is being populated and
return the results real-time? I have been advised that I need to lock
the working process (setting the ServerVariable data) while I query
the values returned in GetStatus() and then unlock that same process?
If I have explained myself well, I'd appreciate a code illustration of
the logic in GetStatus().
Thanks for reading.
Have a look at this link about multi threading locks.
You need to lock the object in both read and write.
