Accessing properties of AdvancedDataGrid runtime vs. design time - apache-flex

I am new to Flex and trying to modify some existing code. I am trying to It uses and AdvancedDataGrid. In the click event, the ListEvent is passed in, and the code is able to access properties such as
I would like to check whether the user has clicked on a parent (group) record or the child record; at runtime, I can see that the property I want to access is event.itemRenderer.listData.hasChildren. However, the listData property of itemRenderer does not show up in intellisense, and when I try to access that at design time, the project will not build because of the error "Access of possibly undefined property listData". But the property .data.feature doesn't show up in intellisense at design time either, and that builds and runs just fine.
What do I need to do to access event.itemRenderer.listData without throwing errors when I build the project? Do I need to capture a different event, or cast the event object or one of its properties into another object that will have the properties I need at runtime (I've investigated these options but cannot find info on how to do that).
Many thanks for any insight.

You probably have to perform a cast using IDropInListItemRenderer and AdvancedDataGridListData. Something like this:
((event.itemRenderer as IDropInListItemRenderer).listData as AdvancedDataGridListData).hasChildren


Informing RactiveJS about new object properties in magic mode

I'm new to Ractive.js and using "magic mode" so that updates to my JS objects automatically trigger updates to my UI. Everything is working great except that I have some properties which are added to my bound objects after my Ractive instances are rendered. This means that Ractive doesn't see changes to those properties, so the "magic" doesn't work for them.
As a workaround, I've found that I can just initialize those properties with 'empty' values before passing them to Ractive, but it feels a little unnatural.
Is there a preferred way to inform Ractive that I've added a new property to an object that it should start tracking?
My experince is that you can du that in 2 ways.
The first is the one you describe in your post.
The second is to "add" the property through the template that you use to render the object.
What ractive actually do when you set magic mode to true is "wrapping/replacing" your field with a property wich monitores the changes to the field.
I have had som issues using magicmode when i use Object.DefineProperty on my data objcect. (stuff get called twice)
I would go for soulution 1, and define all fields ahead of time.
Also be aware of setting your field(wich is actually now a property replaced by ractive) to something that is not a valuetype as that will again overwrite the property and mess up magicmode.

Flex: PopUpManager giving "...null object reference" error

I have a main application calling several ViewStack states, each with popup windows. If I don't open any popup windows, I can move between states fine. If I open a popup window then try to change the state using currentState=... I get the error:
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at spark.components::Scroller/focusInHandler()[E:\dev\4.y\frameworks\projects\spark\src\spark\components\]
at flash.display::Stage/set focus()
at mx.core::UIComponent/setFocus() [E:\dev\4.y\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\core\]
I see others having the same problem, for example here:
But I haven't figured out how to implement the recommended solution. It sounds like I should just include:
import mx.managers.PopUpManager; PopUpManager;
inside my main application and it should work, but it doesn't work for me.
My application has each view state in a different file, each defined using <views:View>. Also, all of the popups are separate files defined as <s:TitleWindow>. Each file includes this line:
import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
I wonder if this means each file is using a different popup manager(?), when it's a singleton and only one should be used for the whole app (how to set that up?).
The code I use to call a popup is:
var _popupName:MyTitleWindowFileName = MyTitleWindowFileName(
PopUpManager.createPopUp(this, MyTitleWindowFileName, true));
PopUpManager.centerPopUp(_popupName); // call popup
Note that when the main application (the one defined as <s:Application>) runs, the ViewStack states have not been loaded yet (since they get loaded when they are used the first time). Not sure if that has any cause/effect here.
I've tried to follow Adobe's example code in the "Passing data to and from a Spark pop-up window" section here:
Any ideas much appreciated.
Based on your comments, it seems like the error occurs because the focus remains in the popup. I would expect the PopUpManager and FocusManager classes to handle this better.
One thing I can think of is that the FocusManager may be trying to handle this. But since the state changes, the item that originally had focus (in the view stack child, before the pop up was opened) may no longer be there when the view state changes. Just a hunch, w/out seeing your code.
Here's some things you can do to either work around the problem (or better) further debug it to understand what is happening:
Use FocusManager.setFocus() to move the focus back to an object in the view stack child before closing the pop up
Use FocusManager.getFocus() to debug and see where it thinks the focus is at various stages (before opening popup, before/after changing state, and before/after closing pop up).
It appears this is the situation I'm experiencing:
Adobe Air: scroller throws error when changes focus between different applications
It's an Adobe bug. Solution from Adobe is:
This bug is easily fixed by changing Scroller to do a null pointer check on focusManager before using it.
which is what the first link above attempts to do.
Another link:

How to specify in QTP's Object Repository, that I want to find Web Button object by title

I have rich web application with a lot of dynamic stuff (used ExtJS 3.0). I want to find Web Button using HP QuickTest Pro 10. This web button have only one property , that can uniquely identify it: title. But if I define that object in Object Repository with Description Property Title= it doesn't find it.
Please, advise me what can I do in that situation? I've tried to use object.title=Some value as well, but it doesn't helped.
Title is a DOM property not a QTP property, you can use DOM properties for identification by appending attribute/ to the property name.
Try adding a new property "attribute/title" to the button class, and make that an identification property in the object identification configuration.
The "attribute/" prefix allows you to use any attribute that you can access via the Object property.

Actionscript 3 Bind variables

I am trying to set one bindable variable to be bound to another. Essentially I want to create an alias. I would give up, but this seems like something that would be good to know.
essentially, I want changes in model.configView to be reflected in view, so that things bound to view.... behave the same as things bound to model.configView... in this example [Bindable]
var view = model.configView;
<mx:Label text="{}" />
at the moment it does not, and I am getting errors that say "unable to bind to property 'lblThisLabel' on class 'Object' (class is not an IEventDispatcher)"
Not quite enough code here to really say what's going on, however you have made view bindable and that does not automatically mean that all of view's children are bindable. You'll have to go into view and make lblThisLabel bindable too.
Also it is hard for the rest of us to know how it works in your head. Perhaps you should describe that too.
Moreover, I think that even if, with your actual code, view changes should be detected, view won't be updated if assigned model.configView property is not bindable as well...

Which event in the app's startup sequence is appropriate to trigger loading a config file in AIR/Flex?

I am working on a small AIR desktop application and I have some configuration infos that I want to store in a little file that's loaded at some point when the application starts and will be used to set public properties on the root application object. This should work just as if I had public variables declared in an <mx:Script> block at the beginning of my main MXML file.
I seem to have the choice of three events that could be used to initiate loading the configuration file:
Did I overlook some more? Which one is appropriate and why? Does it matter at all?
Example issues that come to my mind are:
are all components already accessible or will I get NULL references?
will some of my settings be overwritten in a phase that's coming after the event?
There's probably more.
If your handler needs to access UI components directly, you should wait for creationComplete; otherwise you'll get NULL references.
If you simply want to set properties on the root Application object, initialize seems the best place to do this. If you wait until creationComplete, and if the properties that you set are bound to your controls, then you might get a run-time resize or flicker as those components are updated.
