Flex Spark Combobox displaying icon into the main combobox area? - apache-flex

I wish to display icon into the spark combobox main area.
I can display icons inside the elements list, but the icon doesnt appear into the main area.
How to do that ?

You could always add your own skin to add an icon depending on the currently selected item in your list.


How to change background colour of vaadin 8 combobox's dropdown items?

I am working with vaadin 8, and I have a com.vaadin.ui.ComboBox called "contacts" which is filled with a number of string-items. Whenever I click into the combobox, the items are displayed as a dropdown after I hit the space bar. The background against which the dropdown is displayed is transparent, and I would like to dye it blue. The F12-tools seem to be of no avail to find out which class I have to style. So what can I do to change the background-color of the pane on which the dropdown items are displayed?
Use the class .gwt-MenuItem for the dropdown entries. See https://vaadin.com/docs/v8/framework/components/components-combobox/#components.combobox.css

CSS: Bootstrap drowpdown hides behind grid cell

Hi Have a grid implemented third-party library AG-Grid. This grid has editable feature to edit rows.
And while editing I am rendering Bootstrap dropdown to update value of Year column as shown in below example:
Editable Grid - Dropdown Issue
When I click on the dropdown its li elements are not displaying properly as it is hidden behind the grid.
Is there any solution for this ?
This is a bit old, but for anyone else looking:
If you set the isPopup() function on your cell editor to return true you shouldn't have to fight with the CSS of the component. Allows the dropdown to render over the other cells without any CSS edits.
If you want your editor to appear in a popup (such as a dropdown
list), then you can have it appear in a popup. The popup will appear
over the cell, however it will not change the contents of the cell.
Behind the popup the cell will remain intact until after editing is
finished which will result in the cell being refreshed.

expanding widgets inside a Qtabwidget

Why does the widgets inside a QTabWidget don't resize?
All my widgets resize except for the ones inside the tabs, even the tabs resize, but not the items inside it.
Is this because of the type of layout as I show in the figure?
I can's assign a layout to it. this is before and after maximizing the window.
Why can't you assign a layout to it? You just have to give each tab a layout. Drag your widget into the tab. Select the tab, not the widget, click on one of the layouts in the top row of the designer. Your widget will fill the whole tab and resize nicely.

How to make a QTextEdit fill its parent dialog?

I've been using Qt for some times, but I'm quite new to layouts. I would like to create a dialog with a QTextEdit inside, and the QTextEdit would resize to fill the whole dialog. How can I use layouts to do that? Or is there some other technique that I'm missing?
I have tried adding a layout to the dialog, then put the QTextEdit inside. However, I cannot find any property to make the layout fit the whole dialog.
After adding the text edit to your form, right click on the form and you will see a "Lay out" menu item at the bottom of the context menu, select that and then the layout type you want to use. The designer will create a top level layout of that type for your form and the text edit should now expand to fill the form.

How to build a Flex FormItem with an image button in the label section?

I want to build a flex FormItem extension that adds a button into the item label section, such that there is both a text label and, to the right of it, a button that uses an image icon:
A form item http://img830.imageshack.us/img830/4411/screenshot20100730at331.png
Basically, I want to create that 'i' icon, such that I can click on it to display a help overlay for the item in question.
Is there an existing component that does this? If not, how do I do it?
Try to use grid, gridrow, and grititem, like the html table. and add the label and the "i" image into a horizontal layout container inside the griditem.
