Raw, unprocessed URL with ASP.NET Routing - asp.net

I'm using ASP.NET UrlRoutingModule directly (not through MVC) to map certain routes to their handlers:
RouteTable.Routes.Add(new Route("products/{name}", handler));
Then, at request time, I'm getting the values from each route:
RouteData routeData = HttpContext.Current.Request.RequestContext.RouteData;
routeData.Values.TryGetValue("name", out value);
Everything fine so far, I'm getting the proper values for each route. My problem is encoding: I want to get the raw value of a route data. Example: for the route above, if the requested URL is http://example.com/products/word%2Dword the resulted "name" is "word-word". What I want though is the exact value "word%2Dword".
I know that with ASP.NET I can get the raw unprocessed URL using Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_URL"] but unfortunately I cannot use this here.
Any help would be appreciated.
My specific problem is that I would like to get more products in a single request using their names. I have for example the following product names: "student,pupil" and "sick,ill" (their name contains a comma). I'm also using a comma to separate names in the request.
I handle the encoding on the client side so the GET request looks like this: http://example.com/products/student%2Cpupil,sick%2Cill (I'm encoding each name separately but I'm not encoding the separator).
On the server side the "name" parameter will be automatically decoded by ASP.NET and the result is: "student,pupil,sick,ill" so now I don't know which is the separator. Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_URL"] returns the URL as I want it ("products/student%2Cpupil,sick%2Cill") so I suppose there has to be a way to get the raw value as a route data.

The "raw value" you're seeing isn't actually the original value, it's what was encoded to make the URL safe for the HTTP Protocol.
http://example.com/products/word%2Dword for instance started out as http://example.com/products/word-word and is turned back into word-word as it comes out of the HTTP transport layer.
If you pass it through Server.URLEncode you will get back the same encoded value (%2D instead of -) - but if you can't use Server variables, are you going to have access to the Server object?


Purpose of tilde delimited values in URL fragment instead of GET params

I came across an unusual URL structure on a site. It looked like this:
It seems the category, pagination and sort options of a widget on the page injects and reads through these values. Does this format for storing data in the URL have a name, or is this an esoteric format someone made?
What's the purpose of doing this over using regular GET params, or at least using a more conventional format after the fragment?
If you inspect the URL carefully, you'll see that the parameters you describe are placed after the fragment (#), meaning they're not sent to the server but used by the client instead.
In this case, the client (JavaScript) builds them into something like an ElasticSearch query that's then POSTed to the server, in order to update listing you see on your screen.

Ratpack: Prefix binding with multiple "components" in past binding

I've got a Ratpack application and I'm trying to configure an endpoint for GET requests which delegates to a handler based on a prefix. However, my URL path may contain multiple slashes, which I'd want to capture and use in my handler.
Given the requests http://localhost:8080/myEndpoint/foo/bar/ and http://localhost:8080/myEndpoint/baz/qux/fred/, I'd like to delegate to my handler MyEndpointHandler in both cases since the request paths are prefixed by myEndpoint. Inside MyEndpointHandler, I'd need to retrieve /foo/bar and /baz/qux/fred/ respectively, since these are the remaining parts of the path after the /myEndpoint prefix.
My original thinking was to do something like:
chain.path("myEndpoint/:restOfPath?", new MyEndpointHandler());
However this only seems to work for one slash (i.e. a request to http://localhost:8080/myEndpoint/foo is fine and I have access to /foo, but a request to http://localhost:8080/myEndpoint/foo/bar returns a 404).
I have also tried:
chain.prefix("myEndpoint", c1 -> c1.path(new MyEndpointHandler()));
However this returned a 404 for all requests regardless of the path after /myEndpoint.
Looking at the docs, https://ratpack.io/manual/current/api/ratpack/core/path/PathBinding.html#getPastBinding() seems like exactly what I need to be able to get the /foo/bar part of these requests, but I'm struggling to bind my handler to the chain in the right way to be able to access this "past binding".
Thanks in advance for the help!

Using a substring of a return value in a subsequent request

I'm attempting to construct a series of Paw calls using the variables feature. I have one situation I'm unable to solve.
At authentication into the server I'm using, I get a JSON response, with one value that looks like this:
endpoint = "https://sub.something.com/thingone/thingtwo.php?token=sometoken&id=blahblah"
The endpoint portion "https://sub.something.com/" is then used as the base for subsequent calls, where a call might be "GET https://sub.something.com/data?id=123".
I don't want to hardcode the endpoint in Paw, as the endpoint will vary based on factors I can't predict at my end.
Is there a way to do basic string processing like this either in Paw, or by calling out to a shell script and using the return value of said script as a Paw variable?
That's doable using that RegExp Match dynamic value extension. Click on that previous link and hit Install Extension.
Type "Regexp" in the field you expect this value to be used. Pick Regexp Match from the completion results:
Then enter a regexp that matches your need, https?://[^/]+/? should be good:
I've put your example string in the screenshot above to show that it works, but you can instead put a "pointer" (Response Dynamic Value) to the response you want:
In the choices, pick Response Parsed Body if you want to parse a JSON or XML from the reponse. If the string is simply in plain text in the response body, pick Response Raw Body.
Once these steps are completed, you've got a working "Pointer" + "Parser" to the response that extract the part of the string you need. You can do the same operation with another regex for the token…
Tip: these dynamic value tokens can be selected like text and copy/pasted (Cmd+C/Cmd+V) :-)

How to reuse variables from previous request in the Paw rest client?

I need to reuse value which is generated for my previous request.
For example, at first request, I make a POST to the URL /api/products/{UUID} and get HTTP response with code 201 (Created) with an empty body.
And at second request I want to get that product by request GET /api/products/{UUID}, where UUID should be from the first request.
So, the question is how to store that UUID between requests and reuse it?
You can use the Request Sent Dynamic values https://paw.cloud/extensions?extension_type=dynamic_value&q=request+send these will get the value used last time you sent a requst for a given request.
In your case you will want to combine the URLSentValue with the RegExMatch (https://paw.cloud/extensions/RegExMatch) to first get the url as it was last sent for a request and then extract the UUID from the url.
The problem is in your first requests answer. Just dont return "[...] an empty body."
If you are talking about a REST design, you will return the UUID in the first request and the client will use it in his second call: GET /api/products/{UUID}
The basic idea behind REST is, that the server doesn't store any informations about previous requests and is "stateless".
I would also adjust your first query. In general the server should generate the UUID and return it (maybe you have reasons to break that, then please excuse me). Your server has (at least sometimes) a better random generator and you can avoid conflicts. So you would usually design it like this:
CLIENT: POST /api/products/ -> Server returns: 201 {product_id: UUID(1234...)}
Client: GET /api/products/{UUID} -> Server returns: 200 {product_detail1: ..., product_detail2: ...}
If your client "loses" the informations and you want him to be later able to get his products, you would usually implement an API endpoint like this:
Client: GET /api/products/ -> Server returns: 200 [{id:UUID(1234...), title:...}, {id:UUID(5678...),, title:...}]
Given something like this, presuming the {UUID} is your replacement "variable":
It is probably so simple it escaped you. All you need to do is create a text file, say UUID.txt:
(with sample data say "12345678U910" as text in the file)
Then all you need to do is replace the {UUID} in the URL with a dynamic token for a file. Delete the {UUID} portion, then right click in the URL line where it was and select
Add Dynamic Value -> File -> File Content :
You will get a drag-n-drop reception widget:
Either press the "Choose File..." or drop the file into the receiver widget:
Don't worry that the dynamic variable token (blue thing in URL) doesn't change yet... Then click elsewhere to let the drop receiver go away and you will have exactly what you want, a variable you can use across URLs or anywhere else for that matter (header fields, form fields, body, etc):
Paw is a great tool that goes asymptotic to awesome when you explore the dynamic value capability. The most powerful yet I have found is the regular expression parsing that can parse raw reply HTML and capture anything you want for the next request... For example, if you UUID came from some user input and was ingested into the server, then returned in a html reply, you could capture that from the reply HTML and re-inject it to the URL, or any field or even add it to the cookies using the Dynamic Value capabilities of Paw.
#chickahoona's answer touches on the more normal way of doing it, with the first request posting to an endpoint without a UUID and the server returning it. With that in place then you can use the RegExpMatch extension to extract the value from the servers's response and use it in subsequent requests.
Alternately, if you must generate the UUID on the client side, then again the RegExpMatch extension can help, simply choose the create request's url for the source and provide a regexp that will strip the UUID off the end of it, such as /([^/]+)$.
A third option I'll throw out to you, put the UUID in an environment variable and just have all of your requests reference it from there.

MVC3 Stripping Query String from my Parameter

I have an MVC3 Action that takes a parameter (a URL) that may have a query string in it. My action signature looks like this:
GetUrl(string url)
I expect to be able to send it urls, and it works every time unless there is a query string in the url. For example, if I navigate to:
the url parameter comes accross as "www.google.com" -Perfect. However, if I send
the url parameter comes accross as "www.google.com/" How do I get MVC3 to give me the whole URL in that parameter? -Including the query string?
It's simple enough to just URL.Encode the passed in URL on the page but you're opening your self to some possible security problems.
I would suggest you encrypt the url then encode it then pass that as your value, the protects you from having people just passing in anything into your app.
That's because system considers id=3 as its own query string. When you construct the link in the view, you need to use #Url.Encode to convert raw url string to encoded string to be accepted as parameter of the controller.
