Drupal Taxonomy menu - getting it working with views - drupal

I want to create a taxonomy menu of tags which point to view of documents filtered according to the tag id.
Taxonomy menus can do this, but in the documentation it says it requires Taxonomy menu custom path, and taxonomy menu hierarchy modules. But they are nowhere to be found. So in my taxonomy edit page, under taxonomy menu, I don't get the complete options. Under 'menu path type' I only get one option, 'default'
This is in reference to Drupal 7.

This thread addresses the issue and (starting at comment #9) offers a patch and suggestion, though it looks like it's still acting buggy for D7.


Drupal 8 view works in preview but not showing on page

I am using Drupal 8.
I have created a simple view. It is designed so that content with a taxonomy term (category) has a contextual filter.
I am wanting that a user can click on a category in an a custom content type of HowTo, and go to that category page, and on that page they can see a list of all other HowTo articles with the same category.
In the view editor, in the preview, it is working, with the contextual filter.
However, when I try this on the category page, it does not work.
Any ideas on how to fix this?
The issue for me was the url alias pattern was category/[term:name] and my view url was category/%. I changed the alias to [term:name] and it started working. So now my terms can be viewed at category/term.
I think the taxonomy term node was overriding the view display.
I had the same problem. In my case, was caused by having multiple views with the same path.

Drupal 7 - Add a wrapper around related nodes on Taxonomy term page

On a taxonomy term page, the taxonomy term info is shown first, followed by related nodes. I want to add a wrapper div around the related nodes (ex. class="related-nodes").
taxonomy-terms.tpl.php controls the display of the taxonomy term's fields, but I'm not sure how the nodes show up. I was thinking about making a node template for the taxonomy and doing something like render($content['nodes']). However, I'm not sure what the $content key would be for the related nodes.
One approach is to enable the Taxonomy term view display (is disabled by default).
In the view config, you can add classes by clicking in Settings of Format option.
Hope it helps.

wordpress custom taxonomy display in post edit screen

I have installed the Custom Post Type UI plugin, and created a new CPT called 'Holidays'.
I then created a custom taxonomy called 'Type'.
Fine so far and both appear where they should in the menu.
What I then want to do, is add a few items in the 'Type' taxonomy (ski, sun, divng, camping etc...). With the normal WP categories, I know you add new ones when editing the post, these will build up, then you can select (or rather deselect) the ones you don't want the post to be associated with.
Q:I don't want the user to be able to add these, but rather offer a list of pre-defined choices, that I would input from the 'manage custom taxonomy' in the plugin menu. However any I add there just don't show up in the edit post page.
The plugin by default treats taxonomy as 'tags'... to get them to behave like 'categories' so you can select from a list, you must set hierarchy to 'true' in the advanced custom taxonomy options (in the plugin).

How to use one content-type as options for another content type

I'm trying to find a way to use one content-type's field as a list of options for another content-type.
For example, I'm trying to build an image slider for a specific product category. So on the one hand I would have a content-type "product category" which contains all categories, and on the other hand I would have my "product photo" content-type which would contain the image, title, alt text and a select dropdown with all product categories (directly loaded from the 'product category' content).
This way, it would also be possible for me to add a 'product category' to the main 'basic page' content pages and use that for the view which builds the photoslider, making it really easy to add a overview page to my website for a certain product category, while still keeping everything dynamics (so I don't have to fiddle with my views once the site is up and running).
Does anyone here know how to do that?
Using a Taxonomy is a common solution in Drupal to represent simple or nested categorizations.
Taxonomy vocabularies are very flexible and can also be combined with Taxonomy menu or similar modules to handle breadcrumbs, menu entries or permissions.
However you should be aware that by default each taxonomy term has its own additional menu entry.
Taxonomy is definitely the way to go. It's a Drupal 6 walkthrough but the example at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBdVW7fC2Tg should be helpful. Taxonomy + Views + Pathauto and you are good to go.

How to link taxonomy terms to view page?

I have enabled the taxonomy menu module and created a custom view from my vocabulary terms. However, the taxonomy menu terms are by default in the following structure [taxonomy_category]/[term-name] and link to the default taxonomy view.
How can I override the default taxonomy term links to link to my view page?I want to link the taxonomy term to this view page : products/term_id . I have downloaded taxonomy display module but either I didn't know how to configure it correctly or it doesn't work....
Anybody, who knows how can I change the links of the taxonomy terms?
there's a default (disabled) view that links to "taxonomy/term/term_id". You should enable that view and make the necessary changes to suit your needs.
Otherwise, you can create a view.
In the "Page Settings" you have the path.
Just put "/taxonomy/term/%" in the path.
It worked for me.
