Can any one tell me how to count table records in black berry sqlite.
Thank You
Actually Count(0) also doing a trick, and to get a result, it's the first and only row in cursor, first field, type int:
public static int selectRecordsCount(String dbUrl, String tableName)
throws DatabaseException, DataTypeException,
IllegalArgumentException, MalformedURIException {
int result = -1;
URI myURI = URI.create(dbUrl);
Database d =;
Statement st = d.createStatement("SELECT COUNT(0) FROM "
+ String.valueOf(tableName));
Cursor c = st.getCursor();;
result = c.getRow().getInteger(0);
return result;
I am trying to retrieve an integer from my SQLite database and my current query crashes my program. This is what I have so far:
public int getWin(String id){
SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase();
String query = "SELECT " + COL3 + " FROM " + TABLE_NAME +
" WHERE " + COL2 + " = '" + id + "'";
Log.d(TAG, "updateName: query: " + query);
int win = Integer.parseInt(query);
return win;
I am not sure why this will not work. Thanks in advance.
You are trying to convert the value SELECT ......... into a number as per int win = Integer.parseInt(query);.
For a SELECT statment you need you need to retrieve a Cursor (result set), via either the query or rawQuery SQLiteDatabase method and then extract the value(s) from the method and to then access the respective column from the respective row(s).
I believe that you would use something like :-
public int getWin(String id){
SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase();
int rv = -1; //<<<<<<<<<< ADDED default value to return if no row found
String query = "SELECT " + COL3 + " FROM " + TABLE_NAME +
" WHERE " + COL2 + " = '" + id + "'";
Log.d(TAG, "updateName: query: " + query);
Cursor csr = db.rawQuery(query,null); //<<<<<<<<<< CHANGED to get the Cursor returned
// ADDED the following IF construct
if (csr.moveToFirst()) {
rv = csr.getInt(csr.getColumnIndex(COL3));
//int win = Integer.parseInt(query); //<<<<<<<<<< DELETED (commented out)
csr.close(); //<<<<<<<<<< ADDED should always close a Cursor when done with it
return rv; //<<<<<<<<<< return the value (-1 if no row found)
This assumes that you just want the value from a single row as identified by the WHERE clause.
If possible it is recommended to a) not build the query with direct values (makes it vulnerable to SQL Injection) and to b) utilise the convenience query method.
Apply both a and b and your code could be :-
public int getWin(String id){
SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase();
int rv = -1;
String whereclause = COL2 + "=?"; //<<<<<<<<<< where clause without where and ? for value that will be passed
String[] whereargs = new String[]{String.valueOf(id)}; //<<<<<<<<<< arguments used by the whereclause ? replaced on a 1 for 1 basis
String[] columns = new String[]{COL3}; //<<<<<<<<<< the columns to extract as a String array
Cursor csr = db.query(TABLE_NAME,columns,whereclause,whereargs,null,null,null);
if (csr.moveToFirst()) {
rv = csr.getInt(csr.getColumnIndex(COL3));
return rv;
I am working on several rawQueries to use to parse data from a table in Android. The below code works fine and returns the lowest rowid in the table.
public void firstRecord(View v){
Cursor c = db.rawQuery("SELECT * FROM surveyDB WHERE rowid = (SELECT MIN(rowid) FROM surveyDB)",null);
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Sucessful Event. szRowid is: " +szList +".", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
I have two questions, and they are both extremely basic: 1) what is the best way to expand the above code to create language to capture the contents of other columns in this table at that specific rowid, (rowid, sampler, species, place), and display this in my application? Something like this perhaps:
with the proper reference replacing "" in .setText()?
String TABLE_SURVEY = "surveyDB";
String COL_ROW_ID = "rowid";
String COL_SAMPLER = "sampler";
String COL_SPECIES = "species";
String COL_PLACE = "place";
public ArrayList<SurveyRecord> getSurveyRecords()
ArrayList<SurveyRecord> records = new ArrayList<SurveyRecord>();
String query = "SELECT * FROM " + TABLE_SURVEY;
query += " WHERE " + COL_ROW_ID = " SELECT MIN ("
query += COL_ROW_ID + ") FROM " + TABLE_SURVEY;
Cursor c = db.rawQuery(query,null);
String sampler = c.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(COL_SAMPLER));
String species= c.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(COL_SPECIES));
String place = c.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(COL_PLACE));
String rowId = c.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(COL_ROW_ID));
records.add(new (rowId,species,place,sampler));
public class SurveyRecord{
String mRowId;
String mSpecies;
String mPlace;
String mSampler;
public SurveyRecord(String rowId,String species,String place,String sampler)
this.mRowId = rowId;
this.mSpecies = species;
this.mPlace = place;
this.mSampler = sampler;
//Goes to the first record in the dataset
public void firstRecord(View v){
Cursor c = db.rawQuery("SELECT * FROM surveyDB WHERE rowid = (SELECT MIN(rowid) FROM surveyDB)",null);
I am trying to store the result of query string
q = "select count(*) from test" ( c#)
in a string variable so that I can display the count on a label on button click.
int RecordCount;
RecordCount = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar());
string myString = RecordCount.ToString();
The value of ExecuteScalar can be null, make sure you check for null
int RecordCount = 0;
object retVal = cmd.ExecuteScalar();
if(retVal != null)
RecordCount = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar());
var result = (from p in productInQuery
join o in orderInfoQuery on p.refNo equals o.refNo
join x in productQuery on p.productNo equals
join t in productOutQuery on equals t.productInNo into productIn
from t in productIn.DefaultIfEmpty()
//let dateOut = (from m in orderInfoQuery where m.refNo == t.refNo select m.delivered).FirstOrDefault()
orderby o.processDate descending
select new
modelNo = x.modelNo,
mfgNo = p.mfgNo,
serialNo = p.serialNo,
poNo = p.poNo,
lbs = p.lbs,
width = p.width,
height = p.height,
depth = p.depth,
qty = p.qty,
dateIn = o.processDate,
dateOut = (DateTime?)(from m in orderInfoQuery where m.refNo == t.refNo select m.processDate).FirstOrDefault()
I want to add this result into iTextSharp table cell.
but I don't know how to do,
I tried,
int resultSize = result.Length;
for (int j = 0; j < resultSize; j++)
foreach (string[] test in result) //Error : Unable to cast object of type
int testSize = test.Length;
for (int j = 0; j < testSize; j++)
but I lost way :(
anybody knows, please advice me~
int resultSize = result.Length; //192
test does have a fields...
[EDIT 2]
Actually the result be returned from Model.
PJ.WebUI.Models Reports Class
public class Reports
public Array GetTransaction(){
OrdersRepository ordersRepository = new OrdersRepository();
var productInQuery = ordersRepository.ProductIn;
var productOutQuery = ordersRepository.ProductOut;
var productQuery = ordersRepository.Product;
var orderInfoQuery = ordersRepository.OrderInfo;
var result = (from p in productInQuery
join o in orderInfoQuery on p.refNo equals o.refNo
join x in productQuery on p.productNo equals
join t in productOutQuery on equals t.productInNo into productIn
from t in productIn.DefaultIfEmpty()
//let dateOut = (from m in orderInfoQuery where m.refNo == t.refNo select m.delivered).FirstOrDefault()
orderby o.processDate descending
select new
modelNo = x.modelNo,
mfgNo = p.mfgNo,
serialNo = p.serialNo,
poNo = p.poNo,
lbs = p.lbs,
width = p.width,
height = p.height,
depth = p.depth,
qty = p.qty,
dateIn = o.processDate,
dateOut = (DateTime?)(from m in orderInfoQuery where m.refNo == t.refNo select m.processDate).FirstOrDefault()
return result;
And in controller call the method to get the result.
Reports reposrts = new Reports();
var result = reposrts.GetTransaction();
foreach (var test in result)
Error 1 'object' does not contain a definition for 'modelNo' and no extension method 'modelNo' accepting a first argument of type 'object' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
I move the model method into controller method (put all together in same method) and run. then it works!.
but the result be used in the other controller too. so I want to keep the result in Model class to reuse.
I want to know why it does not work if the result query is not in same method.
could you help me a little more please?
Thank you very much!
'result' will be an array of the anonymous type you selected to, not an array of string arrays, which is why you are getting an error in the foreach loop.
Your loop should probably look more like the following:
foreach (var test in result)
// etc
#Edit 2:
Because the result of GetTransaction() is 'Array', the calling method has no idea what the type is, it just sees it as an array of objects, and, because it is an anonymous type, you can't (reasonably) cast it back to the expected type.
I think your best bet in this case would be to make a new class which has the properties you want to return, e.g.:
public class Transaction
public string ModelNo { get; set; }
public string MfgNo { get; set; }
public string SerialNo { get; set; }
// etc. - but with the correct types for the properties
Then change the linq query to select into this type, instead of the anonymous type, e.g.:
orderby o.processDate descending
select new Transaction
ModelNo = x.modelNo,
MfgNo = p.mfgNo,
SerialNo = p.serialNo,
// etc.
And change the return type of GetTransaction() from Array to Transaction[].
It's not clear what you are trying to do but I believe you are casting each element of your result as a string incorrectly.
Try this:
foreach (var test in result)
You will probably need to tweak your inner code since test isn't an array, but that should get you past your current error.
I have Doctor and Patient classes, where every doctor has some patients (1:m).
How do I find the doctor (or doctors) with the most patients in HQL?
Here the SQL query:
SELECT D.doctorName, count(D.patientId) AS tot
FROM Doctors AS D GROUP BY D.doctorName HAVING count(D.patientId)=
(SELECT max( FROM( SELECT count(D.patientId) AS pid FROM Doctors AS D
GROUP BY D.doctorName) AS A)
The main issue is that I cannot write a sub-query in FROM place.
Many thanks.
Solved! I've created a CRITERIA function to replace the subquery. Not elegant but works!
def myList = []
String tempName = ""
int patPosition = 0
int myListPosition = -1
int find = 0
int maxOcc = 0
def c = Doctor.createCriteria()
def pat = c.list {
patients {
tempName=pat[patPosition].lastName //Some constraints to add
print "\n\nLIST -> "+myList
print "MAX -> "+maxOcc
String queryToDo= "SELECT, count(p) "+
"FROM Doctor as d INNER JOIN d.patients as p "+
"HAVING count(p) = $maxOcc"
def query = Doctor.executeQuery(queryToDo)
render query
More synthetic:
pat.eachWithIndex{item, index->
if (index.equals(index2)){