How do I create a Treemap and depict it through flex? - apache-flex

So basically what I'm trying to do is make something like this:
I've searched long and hard to find a site that would show me some pseudocode (at least) or an algorithm as to how to implement this type of application. But everything I find are only applications that take in data and do all the work for me to create the graph. I need to actually create it for myself, just a simple one for now. Does anyone know where I can find this? What I want it to do is take data from a database and use it to create the treemap, then express it in a GUI like in the link above. If any specifics are needed I can provide it. I'm trying to do this in Flash Builder using Flex and using ColdFusion as the backend. Thanks!

Check this out
Axiis is a open source library based on Degrafa that enables you to make complex data visualizations.


Tool to make mindmap for test strategy

I need to draw a more elaborate Mindmap to present my test strategy to my client. I have no experience of creating mind map with any tool.
Can someone suggest any good mindmap making tool?
For "pure" mind mapping I would suggest Freeplane (free and open source). I know people using Freeplane for professional test case generation. Very helpful in this respect are
extensive scripting support that can be used to support testcase entry and for customized exports
multiple fields per node that can be used for different purposes: attributes (tabular data), notes, detail
If your primary focus is the generation of presentations then you should probably use a different tool.
For more elaborate mindmap I would suggest XMind.
With XMind you can even create testcases inside your mindmap using its matrix features. There are lots more features like:
Gantt view
Try , this desktop application provides features that you can create and manage mind map easily.
You may try online service MindMup or desktop ConceptDraw MINDMAP. Though the first one is not that professional and intuitive as ConceptDraw tool, it is free. The second product has a 21-day trial period, brainstorm mode, multiple hyperlinks, export to MS PowerPoint or Web pages and so on.

Knowledge Graph (Demo) UI using sigma.js?

Are there any beginner-friendly tutorials to display graphs in the way Knowledge graph has been done?
I have the data is JSON format presented from a graphdb
For eg:
The closest I have found so far is Gelphi. Which also can be integrated with unity to produce a 3d Graph like this one
Then there is
There is also . However, i have not tried to use/download their platform.
Finally, I am working myself on learning unity to build a simple GUI which a user can identify nodes and edges and entities easily and move them around. So instead of just reading from a data base, also write to it through a UI.

Does anyone know how to create a interactive graphs using flare or other visualisation classes?

Does anyone know of software or flex/flash/as3 source or visualisation software that could be used to make interactive graphs, where the user would enter a query that would pull data from a MySQL database and the user would build a sunburst or icicle graph by dragging and dropping items into a tree-like structure and they would be able to view the graph? i have attempted to use flare but my programming skills are pretty bad. So far from what i gather, flare only allows the graphing of defined datasets rather than allowing a user to modify the dataset and thus creating a new dataset.
This is far too big for the scope of a single question. You're going to need to write at least a few different pieces.
1.) Access to the database and a way to view datasets
2.) Control handlers to drag and drop datasets onto your chart object
3.) A chart object that can handle receiving dropped dataset items and render itself accordingly.
There are lots of good charting frameworks out there including Flare, Axiis, Flex charting, Fusion Charts, iLog Elixir. I'm not sure what you're trying to do but any one of those should be able to serve as your charting piece.
We worked on a project that used Flare and Flex. We had to provide the data to Flare in an XML format called GraphML, so we had code to convert the data into the required format in our C# backend, and then we passed it to Flex. There were naff all tutorials for it though, so took some time to figure it out.
There is a properly cool graphing tool (although its commercial) called Kapit. Check out their Diagrammer and Visualizer demos. It could be the case that its worth the spend.
But I agree with Mr Owen, theres some mad scope in that question:)

Graphical representation of data in flex

I am a newbie in flex.
Latest task is to generate a graph or a netwrok based on the data input.
What is the best way to do it. Also when clicked on a node of a network it should show the associated data with that node.
Hope to get some help soon!
You need to get a license to flex builder pro to use the Flex Graphing components. You can see what components are available with example code from this link
Open the data visualization folder to get to the charts.
You could also try:

What tool is this - or anyone got an alternative tool

I need to make a very simple drawing of a graph (NOT a chart but a graph, like in Dijkstra) with multiple nodes and multiple vertexes.
I once saw this guy using a tool where he wrote the data in notepad then compiled or something and then he had an svg to view in a browser - to me this should be the simplest tool to draw this graph in. Anyone know what this tool is? Or know a simple, open source/free tool to make simple graphes (need to be able to automatically rearrange it so it looks decent)
Try Graphviz:
