How do I connect to the database from a Drupal 7 module? - drupal

I would like to connect to the database from a Drupal 7 module. Currently I only have the query I want to run which is:
$query = db_select('z_lists)
->condition('value', $country, '=')
What I can't figure out is how to establish a connection to the default database.
Any help?

In Drupal7 there is function called db_query(). you can use that function to run your queries.
You can use below syntex
$var1 = 1;
$result = db_query('SELECT n.title FROM {node} n WHERE n.uid = :uid', array(':uid' => $var1));
$result will be stdClass object so you can use it in foreach loop.

The only problems with the op's example code was a misuse of the db_select and a missing single quote.
Dynamic queries:
It would have been fine if you'd just used this instead:
$query = db_select('z_lists','z')
->condition('value', $country, '=')
That would return all fields for the matching record(s).
the ->fetchAssoc() chained to the end would ensure you only received the first matching record. If you expected multiple results you'd leave off ->fetchAssoc() and just loop through the results with:
foreach($query as $result){
... do something with the data here ...
But to answer the actual ASKED question, you're automatically connected to the default database. There is no need to declare any kind of DB connection before running any kind of query to the site db.
If you're trying to connect to an external database that's a different issue.


Drupal entityQuery multiple node types and join

Looking to join multiple nodes via a query and join. Let's say one node has a matching ID of another field in another node. I would like to join them into an array so that I can output other fields with them indexed together on the same ID. Example: node1.nid and node2.field.target_id
How do I do this?
$nids = \Drupal::entityQuery('node')->accessCheck(FALSE)
->join('node2', 'n2', 'n.nid = n2.field.target_id');
->condition('type', 'node1', 'node2')
$nodes = \Drupal\node\Entity\Node::loadMultiple($nids);
$response = array();
This is definitely doable and it looks like you're almost there, but it looks like you're combining the Database API with the Entity API, specifically trying to run Database joins on EntityQuery fetches.
Now, if you want to continue the Database query route, which may make it a little easier to join the values of multiple entities and output them, this is what I would recommend:
The first thing that I notice is that you're attempting to chain the join. Unfortunately, according to the Database API Docs
Joins cannot be chained, so they have to be called separately (see Chaining).
I have done similar to this with a join between two custom content types. Here is the code I used:
$connection = Database::getConnection();
if ($connection->schema()->tableExists('companies') && $connection->schema()->tableExists('users')) {
$query = $connection->select('companies', 'c');
$query->join('users', 'u', 'c.sourceid1 = u.sourceid1');
$results = $query->fields('u', ['destid1', 'sourceid1'])
->fields('c', ['destid1'])
return $results;
Now this assumes that you've brought in Drupal\Core\Database\Database, but let's walk through the process.
$connection = Database::getConnection();
This is fetching the database connection for your site
if ($connection->schema()->tableExists('companies') && $connection->schema()->tableExists('users')) {
This is a check I always do to make sure the tables I'm working with exist.
$query = $connection->select('companies', 'c');
One of your tables needs to be the "base" table. In this case, I chose companies.
$query->join('users', 'u', 'c.sourceid1 = u.sourceid1');
This line is where the join actually happens. Notice that it's not chained, but it's own command. We're joining these tables, users and companies, on this sourceid1.
$results = $query->fields('u', ['destid1', 'sourceid1'])
->fields('c', ['destid1'])
This is where I'm pulling whichever fields I want from both entities. In this case I want destid1 and sourceid1 from my user table and destid1 from my company table.
The ->execute() call actually runs the query, and ->fetchAll() returns an array of all matching results. This will get you to being able to JSONify all the things.
However, if you want to stick with the entityQuery route, that's also viable. My personal preference is to use a regular query for more complex things and an entityQuery if I just need to get a value from a single field or return a single entity.
For an entityQuery, well, that's a bit different. I wouldn't really recommend using an entityQuery for a join here. Instead, using entityTypeManager if you know or can get the matching value from both tables.
For example, let's assume that field_content_type_a_id on content type A matches field_related_type_a_id on content type B.
You could load one, let's go with type A for now:
// Get the current NID somehow... that's up to you
$entity_a = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('node')->load($nid);
// Get the value of the field you want to match to the other content type
$matching_value = $entity_a->get('field_content_type_a_id')->getValue();
// Get the entities with matching type A values
$entity_b_array = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('node')
->loadByProperties(['field_related_type_a_id' => $matching_value]);
// Do something with $entity_b_array.

Drupal 7: Query custom content type with no results

I am attempting to query a custom content type called players (machine name) in a Drupal 7 module and it seemed to be working fine up until an hour ago. Nothing has changed on my side but now the 'Select' works, when I remove all the conditions, but when I add a fieldCondition I am getting empty results.
Here is my query:
$query = new EntityFieldQuery;
$query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'node')
->entityCondition('bundle', 'players')
->fieldCondition('field_email_address', 'value', $email_address)
->fieldCondition('field_password', 'value', $password)
->range(0, 1);
$results = $query->execute();
I have verified and reverified the bundle name, each machine name for the fields, and the values being passed in, but when I dump and die the query results, they come up empty.
Any ideas? Thanks!
Ok, for some stupid reason you can query a whole database as an unauthenticated user but not with a where clause so you need to add ->addMetaData('account', user_load(1)) before the ->range(0,1). Hope this helps someone else.

How to set parameters in nested query in DQL

I'd like to get number of created articles by a user, the query used to work until I added some parameters filtering the query by "fromDate" and "toDate" dates, here's my query :
// query String
$dql = 'SELECT u.idUser,
(SELECT AVG(n.note)
FROM MyBundle:Note n
WHERE n.noteFor = u.idUser) AS note,
FROM MyBundle:Article a
WHERE (a.createdBy = u.idUser) AND (a.createdAt BETWEEN :fromDate AND :toDate)) AS articles
FROM MyBundle:User u';
// create the actual query
$users= $em->createQuery($dql);
// set filter date parameter
$users->setParameter('fromDate', $fromDate.'00:00:00');
$users->setParameter('toDate', $toDate.'23:59:59');
I keep getting this error : Invalid parameter number: number of bound variables does not match number of tokens.
I tried searching in the doctrine documentation for how to set parameters in nested queries without finding anything. first I need to know if it's possible to do that then find where the error come from, Please Help !
Use setParameters() instead of setParameter()
$users->setParameters(array('fromDate'=> $fromDate.'00:00:00','toDate'=> $toDate.'23:59:59'))
So after performing some tests, I found out that the query worked well the way it was and the problem wasn't there.
I'm using KnpPaginatorBundle to paginate my queries, it seems that the problem was that it couldn't paginate complex queries like passing multiple parameters in the nested query. so I found a solution. So this is the old code :
// Pagination
$paginator = $this->get('knp_paginator');
$users = $paginator->paginate($users, 1, 10);
And this is the new code :
// Pagination
$paginator = $this->get('knp_paginator');
$users = $paginator->paginate($users, 1, 10, array('wrap-queries' => true) );
Thanks to Nisam and Matteo for their time, hope this helps someone

Get the name of all the tables on my database

I need get the name of all the tables that exist on my database. I am usin Propel like my ORM. Actully i have been trying on this form.
$dbmap = \Propel::getDatabaseMap('data');
$tablastmp = $dbmap->getTables();
$tablas = array();
foreach ($tablastmp as $tablatmp) {
$tablas[] = $tablatmp->getName();
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
but this return an array that is empty.
And I need that return something like that:
array( [0] => 'clients', [1] => 'workers' );
Please someone help. I have been trying that for a few days.
Actually, you probably wouldn't use Propel to get this information as Propel only loads the table map information when the table is actually used.
The original Schema file is used during the build phase (running 'propel_gen om' etc). The runtime part of Propel never looks at the Schema file, so there is no way to query it per se.
The answer to your question is to look at the database, e.g. the MySQL query to list the tables in a database:
SHOW [FULL] TABLES [{FROM | IN} db_name]
[LIKE 'pattern' | WHERE expr]
This might help you (hopefully)
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
foreach ($em->getMetadataFactory()->getAllMetadata() as $md) {
var_dump($md->getName()); // dump the full class names
var_dump($md->getTableName()); // dump the table names

Drupal: Return SQL string from db_query

Is it possible to return the actual SQL query as a string from the result of db_query?
Or otherwise take the returned resource ID from db_query and get the SQL string?
As an addendum, I recently found out about db_queryd() from the Devel module, which echoes the query passed (as well as execute it). Doesn't return the string as this question asked, but really helpful for copying and pasting a complete query.
I don't think it is. However if you are only doing so for the purpose of debugging you can turn on the devel module and that will show you the queries run.
Actually you could just set the variable 'dev_query' to 1 and then access the global array $queries, but I wouldn't recommend it.
Drupal 7, if debug, you could find at \includes\database\
function query($query, array $args = array(), $options = array())
$stmt's queryString
If you have D7 but don't have Devel to hand, the following snippet could come in useful — it may not handle every type of placeholder however... it currently wrongly assumes all placeholders are strings (which has been fine for my usage).
function stringify_query( $query ){
$s = preg_replace('/\}|\{/', '', $query->__toString());
$a = $query->arguments();
foreach ( $a as $key => $val ) {
$a[$key] = '\'' . $val . '\'';
return strtr($s, $a);
It also rudely strips out Drupal's curly braces used to handle table prefixes, if you rely on table prefixes then you should find the correct Drupal function to have them replaced correctly.
I would recommend the use of the devel module. There is a setting devel offers which will show all queries run during the generation of a page at the bottom of the page, with data on query execution time and the function that called db_query(). If you have a general idea of what your query will look like or the function that called it, you could search for it within your browser and you can see what was actually send to the database.
Late answer, but you can often turn
$result = db_query($query, $arg1, $arg2);
quickly into
drupal_set_message(sprintf($query, $arg1, $arg2), "status");
And get what you want.
This doesn't help you if you are using an array as your argument to db_query as sprintf doesn't support that, but is often useful in your debugging toolkit.
For those using Drupal 7.x and the Devel module, the correct function to call to output the built SQL statement to the drupal message area is dpq(). It needs to be passed the query object though. e.g.
// to see the built SQL
$query = db_select('node', 'n')->fields('n');
// to see the results of the query
$results = $query->execute()->fetchAssoc();
Hope that can help!
D7 version with devel.
>= PHP 5.4
dpm(str_replace(['{', '}'], '', dpq($query, TRUE)));
< PHP 5.4
dpm(str_replace(array('{', '}'), '', dpq($query, TRUE)));
