Explain R tapply description - r

I understand what tapply() does in R. However, I cannot parse this description of it from the documentaion:
Apply a Function Over a "Ragged" Array
Apply a function to each cell of a ragged array, that is to each
(non-empty) group of values given by a unique combination of the
levels of certain factors.
tapply(X, INDEX, FUN = NULL, ..., simplify = TRUE)
When I think of tapply, I think of group by in sql. You group values in X together by its parallel factor levels in INDEX and apply FUN to those groups. I have read the description of tapply 100 times and still can't figure out how what it says maps to how I understand tapply. Perhaps someone can help me parse it?

#joran's great answer helped me understand it (so please vote for his - I would have added it as comment if it wasn't too long for that), but this may be of help to some:
In quite a few languages, you have twodimensional arrays. Depending on the language, these arrays have fixed dimensions (i.e.: each row has the same number of columns), or some languages allow the number of items per row to differ. So instead of:
A: 1 2 3
B: 4 5 6
C: 7 8 9
You could get something like
A: 1 3
B: 4 5 6
C: 8
This is called a ragged array because, well, the right side of it looks ragged.
In typical R-style, we might represent this as two vectors:
names<-c("A", "A", "B", "B", "B", "C")
So tapply with these two vectors as the first parameters indeed allows us to apply this function to each 'row' of our ragged array.

Let's see what the R documentation says on the subject:
The combination of a vector and a labelling factor is an example of what is sometimes called a ragged array, since the subclass sizes are possibly irregular. When the subclass sizes are all the same the indexing may be done implicitly and much more efficiently, as we see in the next section.
The list of factors you supply via INDEX together specify a collection of subsets of X, of possibly different lengths (hence, the 'ragged' descriptor). And then FUN is applied to each subset.
EDIT: #Joris makes an excellent point in the comments. It may be helpful to think of tapply(X,Y,...) as a wrapper for sapply(split(X,Y),...) in that if Y is a list of grouping factors, it builds a new, single grouping factor based on their unique levels, splits X accordingly and applies FUN to each piece.
EDIT: Here's an illustrative example:
#Make this example unbalanced
dat <- barley[sample(1:120,50),]
#Suppose we want the avg yield by year/site:
#That's what they mean by 'ragged' array; there are different
# numbers of obs at each comb of levels
#In plyr we could use ddply:
#Which gives the same result (listed in a diff order) as:
melt(tapply (dat$yield, list (dat$year, dat$site), mean))


How can I assign a value using if-else conditions in R

I have this dataframe with a column a. I would like to add a different column 'b' based on column 'a'.
For: if a>=10, b='double'. Otherwise b='single'.
How can I do it?
Sample output:
a b
2 single
2 single
4 single
11 double
12 double
12 double
45 double
4 single
You can use ifelse to act on vectors with if statements.
ifelse(a>=10, "double", "single")
So your code could look like this
mydata <- cbind(a, ifelse(a>10, "double", "single"))
(Specified in comments below that if a=10, then "double")
Strictly speaking, if-else is assignable in r, that is
x1 <- if (TRUE) 1 else 2
is legit. For details see https://adv-r.hadley.nz/control-flow.html#choices
However, as this vectorizes over neither the test condition nor the value branches, it's not applicable to the particular case described in the question details, which is about adding a column in a conditional manner. In such a situation ifelse or the more typesafe if_else (from dplyr) can be used.

Multiple Matrix Operations in R with loop based on matrix name

I'm a novice R user, who's learning to use this coding language to deal with data problems in research. I am trying to understand how knowledge evolves within an industry by looking at patenting in subclasses. So far I managed to get the following:
# kn.matrices<-with(patents, table(Class,year,firm))
# kn.ind <- with(patents, table(Class, year))
patents is my datafile, with Subclass, app.yr, and short.name as three of the 14 columns
# for (k in 1:37)
# kn.firms = assign(paste("firm", k ,sep=''),kn.matrices[,,k])
There are 37 different firms (in the real dataset, here only 5)
This has given 37 firm-specific and 1 industry-specific 2635 by 29 matrices (in the real dataset). All firm-specific matrices are called firmk with k going from 1 until 37.
I would like to perform many operations in each of the firm-specific matrices (e.g. compare the numbers in app.yr 't' with the average of the 3 previous years across all rows) so I am looking for a way that allows me to loop the operations for every matrix named firm1,firm2,firm3...,firm37 and that generates new matrices with consistent naming, e.g. firm1.3yearcomparison
Hopefully I framed this question in an appropriate way. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Following comments I'm trying to add a minimal reproducible example
These three vectors thus represent columns in a spreadsheet that forms the "patents" matrix mentioned before.
it looks like you already have a 3 dimensional array with all your data. You can basically view this as your 38 matrices all piled one on top of the other. You don't want to split this into 38 matrices and use loops. Instead, you can use R's apply function and extraction functions. Just view the help topic on the apply() family and it should show you how to do what you want. Here are a few basic examples
# returns the sums of all columns for all matrices
apply(kn.matrices, 3, colSums)
# extract the 5th row of all matrices
kn.matrices[5, , ]
# extract the 5th column of all matrices
kn.matrices[, 5, ]
# extract the 5th matrix
kn.matrices[, , 5]
# mean of 5th column for all matrices
colMeans(kn.matrices[, 5, ])

R: Sample into bins of predefined sizes (partition sample vector)

I'm working on a dataset that consists of ~10^6 values which clustered into a variable number of bins. In the course of my analysis, I am trying to randomize my clustering, but keeping bin size constant. As a toy example (in pseudocode), this would look something like this:
data <- list(c(1,5,6,3), c(2,4,7,8), c(9), c(10,11,15), c(12,13,14));
sizes <- lapply(data, length);
for (rand in 1:no.of.randomizations) {
rand.data <- partition.sample(seq(1,15), partitions=sizes, replace=F)
So, I am looking for a function like "partition.sample" that will take a vector (like seq(1,15)) and randomly sample from it, returning a list with the data partitioned into the right bin sizes given already by "sizes".
I've been trying to write one such function myself, since the task seems to be not so hard. However, the partitioning of a vector into given bin sizes looks like it would be a lot faster and more efficient if done "under the hood", meaning probably not in native R. So I wonder whether I have just missed the name of the appropriate function, or whether someone could please point me to a smart solution that is around :-)
Your help & time are very much appreciated! :-)
By "no.of.randomizations" I mean the actual number of times I run through the whole "randomization loop". This will, later on, obviously include more steps than just the actual sampling.
Moreover, I would in addition be interested in a trick to do the above feat for sampling without replacement.
Thanks in advance, your help is very much appreciated!
Revised: This should be fairly efficient. It's complexity should be primarily in the permutation step:
# A single step:
x <- sample( unlist(data))
list( one=x[1:4], two=x[5:8], three=x[9], four=x[10:12], five=x[13:16])
As mentioned above the "no.of.randomizations" may have been the number of repeated applications of this proces, in which case you may want to wrap replicate around that:
replic <- replicate(n=4, { x <- sample(unlist(data))
list( x[1:4], x[5:8], x[9], x[10:12], x[13:15]) } )
After some more thinking and googling, I have come up with a feasible solution. However, I am still not convinced that this is the fastest and most efficient way to go.
In principle, I can generate one long vector of a uniqe permutation of "data" and then split it into a list of vectors of lengths "sizes" by going via a factor argument supplied to split. For this, I need an additional ID scheme for my different groups of "data", which I happen to have in my case.
It becomes clearer when viewed as code:
data <- list(c(1,5,6,3), c(2,4,7,8), c(9), c(10,11,15), c(12,13,14));
sizes <- lapply(data, length);
So far, everything as above
names <- c("set1", "set2", "set3", "set4", "set5");
In my case, I am lucky enough to have "names" already provided from the data. Otherwise, I would have to obtain them as (e.g.)
names <- seq(1, length(data));
This "names" vector can then be expanded by "sizes" using rep:
cut.by <- rep(names, times = sizes);
[1] 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 4 4 4 5
[14] 5 5
This new vector "cut.by" can then by provided as argument to split()
rand.data <- split(sample(1:15, 15), cut.by)
[1] 8 9 14 4
[1] 10 2 15 13
[1] 12
[1] 11 3 5
[1] 7 6 1
This does the job I was looking for alright. It samples from the background "1:15" and splits the result into vectors of lengths "sizes" through the vector "cut.by".
However, I am still not happy to have to go via an additional (possibly) long vector to indicate the split positions, such as "cut.by" in the code above. This definitely works, but for very long data vectors, it could become quite slow, I guess.
Thank you anyway for the answers and pointers provided! Your help is very much appreciated :-)

Different behaviour of intersect on vectors and factors

I try to compare multiple vectors of Entrez IDs (integer vectors) by using Reduce(intersect,...). The vectors are selected from a database using "DISTINCT" so a single vector does not contain duplicates.
gives the same length (and the same IDs w/o the length function) as
When I compare multiple vectors with
the result is not the same. I know that factor!=originalVector but I cannot understand why the result differs although the length and the levels of the initial factors/vectors are the same.
Could somebody please explain the different behaviour of the intersect function on vectors and factors? Is it that the intersect of two factor lists are again factorlists and then duplicates are treated differently?
Edit - Example:
> head(l1)
1 1
2 503538
3 29974
4 87769
5 2
6 144568
> head(l2)
1 1743
2 1188
3 8915
4 7412
5 51082
6 5538
The lists contain around 500 to 20K Entrez IDs. So the vectors contain pure integer and should give the intersect among all tested vectors.
> length(Reduce(intersect,list(c(factor(l1$entrez)),c(factor(l2$entrez)),c(factor(l3$entrez)),c(factor(l4$entrez)))))
[1] 514
> length(Reduce(intersect,list(c(l1$entrez),c(l2$entrez),c(l3$entrez),c(l4$entrez))))
[1] 338
> length(Reduce(intersect,list(l1$entrez,l2$entrez,l3$entrez,l4$entrez)))
[1] 494
I have to apologize profusely. The different behaviour of the intersect function may be caused by a problem with the data. I have found fields in the dataset containing comma seperated Entrez IDs (22038, 23207, ...). I should have had a more detailed look at the data first. Thank you for the answers and your time. Although I do not understand the different results yet, I am sure that this is the cause of the different behaviour. Can somebody confirm that?
As Roman says, an example would be very helpful.
Nevertheless, one possibility is that your variables l1$entrez, l2$entrez etc have the same levels but in different orders.
intersect converts its arguments via as.vector, which turns factors into character variables. This is usually the right thing to do, as it means that varying level order doesn't make any difference to the result.
Passing factor(l1$entrez) as an argument to intersect also removes the impact of varying level order, as it effectively creates a new factor with level ordering set to the default. However, if you pass c(l1$entrez), you strip the factor attributes off your variable and what you're left with is the raw integer codes which will depend on level ordering.
a <- factor(letters[1:3], levels=letters)
b <- factor(letters[1:3], levels=rev(letters)
# returns 1 2 3
intersect(c(factor(a)), c(factor(b)))
# returns integer(0)
intersect(c(a), c(b))
I don't see any reason why you should use c() in here. Just let R handle factors by itself (although to be fair, there are other scenarios where you do want to step in).

Find powerset of all unique combinations of vector of strings

I am trying to find all of the unique groupings of a vector/list of items, length 39. Below is the code I have:
x <- c("Dominion","progress","scarolina","tampa","tva","TminKTYS",
# Generate a list with the combinations
zz <- sapply(seq_along(x), function(y) combn(x,y))
# Filter out all the duplicates
sapply(zz, function(z) t(unique(t(z))))
However, the code causes my computer to run out of memory. Is there a better way to do this? I realize I have a large list. thanks.
To calculate all unique subsets, you are simply creating all binary vectors with the same length as the cardinality of the original set of items. If there are 39 items, then you are looking at all binary vectors of length 39. Each element of each vector identifies, yes or no, whether or not the item is in the corresponding subset.
As there are 39 items, and each can either be in or not-in a given subset, then there are 2^39 possible subsets. Excluding the empty set, i.e. the all-0 vector, you have 2^39 - 1 possible subsets.
That is, as #joran said, about 549B vectors. Given that the binary vectors are most compactly representing the data (i.e. without strings), then you will need 549B * 39 bits to return all of the subsets. I don't think you want to store this: that's about 2.68E12 bytes. If you insist on using the characters, you're likely to be in the many tens of terabytes.
It's certainly feasible to buy a system that can support this, but not very cost-effective.
At a meta-level, it is very likely, as #JD said, that this is not the path you really need to go. I recommend posting a new question and maybe it can be refined here or on the statistics-related SE site.
You might try using expand.grid.
Create a data frame from all combinations of the supplied vectors or
factors. See the description of the return value for precise details
of the way this is done.
