Donation button/link in a free app - button

Good day all,
I've recently developed an app that will be submitted soon to the App Store. I want to submit this app for free and was wondering if I could implement a button with the PayPal donation logo where it basically says "Donate for developing" or something related to that. I've seen many posts going around donations and apps. What I haven't found exactly is if I am allowed to have a donation button that will take the user to a PayPal link in Safari where they can make a donation for my development.
Am I allowed to do it?
Will Apple reject my app because of this?
Do you have any experience regarding this situation?
Thanks a lot for your help!

Apple will likely reject apps with a donate button taking you to PayPal.
You could implement in-app purchase to remove ads or something. That takes you to Apple's App store, which Apple does allow. And I am not sure whether an app actually needs to display ads in order to have an in-app purchase button to remove ads.
Or put a donate button on your web site, not on the app.


Open messenger with product info

I have searched for this feature, but I'm not sure if it is possible and maybe someone has done this before. I would like to integrate chat messenger (facebook) with my website, and I would like to have a buy button on my products, and when someone clicks it, it would open the messenger popup with the info about the product clicked already filled in, so I can just follow up personally with extra questions (quantity, address,prices, etc)
Is it possible?
The website is being built with nextjs by the way.
You can not popup the chat extension provided by Facebook automatically the way you are wanting. But, what you can do to achieve your goal is to use Chatbot and referral codes. You can identify which product page the user have come from by checking the referral code. And your chatbot can then provide response of that product as per referral code.
Reference: Messenger Link

PCI Compliance with Paid Memberships Pro and Stripe

I'm posting this on multiple platforms because I understand that there may be multiple options. I just want to get as much feedback as possible.
So I have a website up with WordPress through Hostgator. My WordPress site has an option where people can sign up for paid subscriptions filling out payment forms generated by the plugin: Paid Memberships Pro. I have PMPro integrated with my Stripe account, and the payment page is protected by the SSL: Let's Encrypt. The page is also TSL 1.3. So I am almost 100 percent confident that I'm PCI compliant.
The reason I'm posting on here, however, is that a colleague is concerned that my payment forms are on my site, not Stripe. So there's concern over security in that respect. So my question: Is there a way to have the payment forms on the Stripe site instead of my site in a way to still be able to use Paid Memberships Pro? If not, am I safe as is or do I have to forget about Paid Memberships Pro and try to do everything through Stripe? If I have to do everything through Stripe, how do I get Stripe to have my website let my user generate a username and password for my site after paying?
If I'm asking anything that could be answered easily through a tutorial of some sorts, forgive me and give me a reference to that sort. I just want to make sure I'm doing everything correctly. So thanks everybody in advance.
You should review the PCI Compliance guide and reach out for support from the plugin provider to understand how their plugin works. All card information should be collected securely with Stripe.js & Elements. While this appears to the customer as though it is "on your site" it is actually inside a Stripe-hosted iframe for exactly this reason.
You can also use redirect-based products like Checkout to set up subscriptions, but I don't know if this is supported by your plugin.

Watson Assistant Wordpress Chat Plugin Not Focusing on / Scrolling to Newest Message

We have been developing a chatbot using IBM's Watson Assistant work spaces and conversation plugin for wordpress. Although we have nearly completed the actual chatbot, we have noticed an issue with the "customer" interface on our test page. For whatever reason, the chat window does not automatically focus on the newest messages. In other words, once the messages fill up the chat window, the user must scroll to keep up with the conversation, which is an obvious inconvenience for anyone wanting to chat. Any advice or suggestions would be welcome because.
I have tried several things to correct the issue, including clearing the site cache, but nothing has helped.
I also already posted on the WordPress support thread on 6/14/2018 (along with two follow up messages) have received absolutely no response from Cognitive Class. I'm just posting here to see if anyone can offer possible solutions.

Is there a PayPal API which allows for an embedded widget (iFrame) to process PayPal payments without leaving the iFrame?

I'd like to create an embedded point of sale using an iFrame that allows visitors to make one time purchases with PayPal. Presently the Express Checkout API will begin the secure login process before opening full frame.
Is a more robust PayPal solution an option? We'd like for the visitor to remain within that iFrame while completing their purchase.
Did you look into Express Checkout In-Context at all? I haven't played with it myself yet, but that's supposed to be exactly what it's for.

FacebookConnect integration with ASP.NET

I'm working on a site with a Facebook Connect integration on blog posts. I want a Facebook .NET SDK that will allow me to:
Authenticate that a user is logged into FB. The actual login will be done via the typical FBML login button and simple JS with the XD Receiver.
Be able to push data from my WebForm to the user's FB profile, such as a status update.
I do not need to:
Create an actual FB application that goes on your profile, like "Cheer for the Red Sox" app or whatever. I do completely understand that I need to create an app using the Developer application but I'm not indenting to create a real full app.
Do any special stuff other than know the user's basics and push data to the profile.
Now are there any good starting points or SDKs I should look at. I've tried Facebook.NET and also peeked into FBConnectAuth. It seems like the former is too much and the latter is too little of what I need. However, that was a quick glance so are there any people with good experiences that did simple things?
Help is much appreciated!
Have you tried this example?
Post status to Facebook profile without Facebook modal window using ASP.NET
If you have any feature requests for FBConnectAuth, please let me know.
For me, Raya's integration of Facebook Connect is the best example out there. The author also has a good blog post where he describes how he integrated it with his existing web application..
