asp ERROR MESSAGE - asp-classic

How I can solve this error message
Microsoft VBScript runtime error
'800a01a8' Object required: 'lUATRef'
line 284
this is some source code that I wrote below
function checkUATReq(aUATRef)
Dim correctness,lUATRef,uatRef
correctness = False
lUATRef = aUATRef
uatRef = lUATRef.Substring(1,2)
rwriteln uatRef
'sqlCheckUATReq = "select * from PC_DETAIL where ID ='"&uatReqRef&"'"
'rwriteln uatReqRef
End function

Seems like your function isn't getting a parameter passed to it. Check whether aUATRef is getting initialized.

In VBScript, Strings aren't objects. You should use the Mid function to get a portion of a string:
uatRef = Mid(IUATRef, 1, 2)


LibreOffice CALC macro Hex2Bin and Bin2Hex functions

can anybody help me with solving my problem of Hex2Bin and Bin2Hex functions?
First I was trying to make the conversion Hex2Bin. I would like to call the AddIn function from macro so I called createUNOservice:
Function fcHex2Bin(arg as variant, NumberOfBits As integer) as string
Dim oService as Object
oService = createUNOService("")
sArg = cStr(arg)
fcHex2Bin = oService.getHex2Bin(sArg,NumberOfBits)
End Function
but all the time ends with fault message like "The object variable is not set.". I already don't know why.
My final goal would be to make all functions of Calc running in macros, but at this moment I would be glad to have two functions Hex2Bin and Bin2Hex running - anyhow.
My LibreOffice version:
Version: (x64) / LibreOffice Community
Build ID: 47f78053abe362b9384784d31a6e56f8511eb1c1
CPU threads: 8; OS: Windows 10.0 Build 19042; UI render: Skia/Raster; VCL: win
Locale: cs-CZ (cs_CZ); UI: cs-CZ
Calc: CL
Thank you for your help.
This way works.
Function fcHex2Bin(aNum As String, rPlaces As Any) As String
Dim oFunc As Object
oFunc = CreateUnoService("")
Dim aArgs(0 to 1) As Variant
aArgs(0) = aNum
aArgs(1) = rPlaces
fcHex2Bin = oFunc.callFunction("", aArgs())
End Function
As for why the other way does not work, many analysis functions require a hidden XPropertySet object as the first argument. The following code produces informative error messages:
REM IllegalArgumentException: expected 3 arguments, got 1
sResult = oService.getHex2Bin(ThisComponent.getPropertySetInfo())
REM IllegalArgumentException: arg no. 0 expected: ""
sResult = oService.getHex2Bin(ThisComponent.getPropertySetInfo(), "2", 4)
However I tried passing ThisComponent.getPropertySetInfo().getProperties() from a Calc spreadsheet and it still didn't work, so I'm not exactly sure what is required to do it that way.
The documentation at does not really explain this. You could file a bug report about missing documentation, perhaps related to

Exploding a string ASP

I have the following which is returned from an api call:
I need to parse this to just give me the <AVERAGE></AVERAGE> number, 93.
Here's what I'm trying but get error detected:
res = AjaxGet(url)
myArray = split(res,"AVERAGE>")
myArray2 = split(myArray[1],"</AVERAGE>")
response.write myArray2[0]
I'm brand new to ASP, normally code in PHP
VBScript doesn't recognise square brackets [] when accessing Array elements and will produce a Syntax Error in the VBScript Engine.
Try making the following changes to the code snippet to fix this problem;
res = AjaxGet(url)
myArray = split(res,"AVERAGE>")
myArray2 = split(myArray(1),"</AVERAGE>")
response.write myArray2(0)
On a side Note:
Parsing XML data in this way is really inefficient if the AjaxGet() function returns an XML response you could use the XML DOM / XPath to locate the Node and access the value.

What if TinyURL API doesn't work..?

I have a vbscript function to create a tinyurl from a regular url.
FUNCTION GetShortURL(strUrl)
Dim oXml,strTinyUrl,strReturnVal
strTinyUrl = "" & strUrl
set oXml = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.3.0")
oXml.Open "GET", strTinyUrl, false
strReturnVal = oXml.responseText
Set oXml = nothing
GetShortURL = strReturnVal
I have come across the problem when the tinyurl api is down or inaccessible, making my script fail:
error '80072efe'
The connection with the server was terminated abnormally
Is there a safeguard I can add to this function to prevent the error and use the long url it has..?
Many thanks in advance,
If you want to just return strUrl if the call fails, you can use On Error Resume Next
FUNCTION GetShortURL(strUrl)
on error resume next
Dim oXml,strTinyUrl,strReturnVal
strTinyUrl = "" & strUrl
set oXml = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.3.0")
oXml.Open "GET", strTinyUrl, false
strReturnVal = oXml.responseText
Set oXml = nothing
'Check if an error occurred.
if err.number = 0 then
GetShortURL = strReturnVal
GetShortURL = strUrl
end if
Obviously, you need some kind of error handling. In general, VBScript's error handling is no fun, but for your specs - get the right thing or the default in case of any/don't care what problem - you can use a nice and simple approach:
Reduce your original function to
assignment of default value to function name (to prepare for the failures)
On Error Resume Next (to disable VBScript's default error handling, i.e. crash)
assignment of the return value of a helper function to function name (to prepare for success)
In code:
Function GetShortURL2(strUrl)
GetShortURL2 = strUrl
On Error Resume Next
GetShortURL2 = [_getshorturl](GetShortURL2)
End Function
I use [] to be able to use an 'illegal' function name, because I want to emphasize that _getshorturl() should not be called directly. Any error in _getshorturl() will cause a skip of the assignment and a resume on/at the next line (leaving the function, returning the default, reset to default error handling).
The helper function contains the 'critical parts' of your original function:
Function [_getshorturl](strUrl)
Dim oXml : Set oXml = CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.3.0")
oXml.Open "GET", "" & strUrl, False
[_getshorturl] = oXml.responseText
End Function
No matter which operation fails, the program flow will resume on/at the "End Function" line of GetShortURL2().
Added: Comments on the usual way to do it (cf. Daniel Cook's proposal)
If you switch off error handling (and "On Error Resume Next" is just that) you are on thin ice: all errors are hidden, not just the ones you recon with; your script will do actions in all the Next lines whether necessary preconditions are given or preparations done.
So you should either restrict the scope to one risky line:
Dim aErr
On Error Resume Next
aErr = Array(Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source)
On Error Goto 0
If aErr(0) Then
deal with error
normal flow
End If
or check after each line in the OERN scope
On Error Resume Next
If Err.Number Then
deal with error
If Err.Number Then
deal with error
End If
End If
That's what I meant, when I said "no fun". Putting the risky code in a function will avoid this hassle.

DateTime parsing in PowerShell

I'm trying to write a PowerShell script that will generate a table of information with two columns: a name, and a date (which will be retrieved from a third-party application - in this case svn.exe).
The overall script works well, but I'm struggling to get the date that the server sends back into the DataTable. Here's a simplified version of my script:
# Set up a DataTable and initialise columns
$table = New-Object system.Data.DataTable “Test Table”
$col1 = New-Object system.Data.DataColumn Name,([string])
$col2 = New-Object system.Data.DataColumn DateFromServer,([DateTime])
# Create a new row and add the data
$row = $table.NewRow()
$row.Name = "Test"
$lastCommit = GetDateFromExternalApp
$lastCommit.GetType() # this returns DateTime as I would expect
$row.DateFromServer = $lastCommit # this throws up an error
# Output the table
$table | Format-Table -AutoSize
# This function simulates what the actual function does
# (the real one goes to SVN and pulls down data, but it
# ends up with the same resulting date)
Function GetDateFromExternalApp
$externalAppDate = "2012-09-17T16:33:57.177516Z"
return [DateTime]($externalAppDate)
The problem (noted in comments in the script above) is that while the function seems to be happily returning a DateTime instance, when I try to add this into the table row's DateFromServer column it's throwing up an error:
Exception setting "DateFromServer": "Unable to cast object of type 'System.Management.Automation.PSObject' to type 'System.IConvertible'.Couldn't store <18/09/2012 2:33:57 AM> in DateFromServer Column. Expected type is DateTime." At line:13 char:6
+ $row. <<<< DateFromServer = $lastCommit
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [], RuntimeException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : PropertyAssignmentException
However, the call to $lastCommit.GetType() shows that this is indeed a DateTime - and in fact if I add this line somewhere in the script:
then I can see a nicely formatted datetime, suggesting that it is indeed parsing it and converting it correctly:
Date : 18/09/2012 12:00:00 AM
Day : 18
DayOfWeek : Tuesday
DayOfYear : 262
Hour : 2
Kind : Local
Millisecond : 177
Minute : 33
Month : 9
Second : 57
Ticks : 634835324371775160
TimeOfDay : 02:33:57.1775160
Year : 2012
DateTime : Tuesday, 18 September 2012 2:33:57 AM
As such I'm quite puzzled as to why I'm getting the exception above. I realise that PowerShell does function return values differently than C#, but it looks to me like the function is returning the right type!
The issue here is due to a bug in PowerShell's type adaptation system (I would recommend reporting this to Microsoft if you have not already done so).
When you work with objects in PowerShell, you are actually working with a PSObject wrapper. Most calls (like GetType) are forwarded to the underlying object, though you can add additional members that do not interact with the object itself:
PS> Get-Date | Add-Member NoteProperty Yowza 'for example' -PassThru | Format-List y*
Yowza : for example
Year : 2012
Normally this is not an issue, as PowerShell has extensive type coercion capabilities. In the case of DataRow however, there appears to be a bug with the DataRowAdapter type used to support the property access syntax. If you use the indexer directly, $row['DateFromServer'] = $lastCommit instead of $row.DateFromServer, the value is correctly unwrapped before it is sent to the .NET type.
You can also get around this by unwrapping the value yourself, either using a cast (as vonPryz already showed: [DateTime]$lastCommit), or by retrieving the BaseObject ($lastCommit.PSObject.BaseObject).
I'd like to know the reason for this behaviour too.
Anyway, you can work around the problem by casting the date variable as DateTime or by explicitly declaring it to be one. Like so,
$row.DateFromServer = [DateTime]$lastCommit # Doesn't throw exception
[DateTime]$lastCommit = GetDateFromExternalApp
$row.DateFromServer = $lastCommit # Doesn't throw exception
I suspect the reason is as stated in the error message:
"Unable to cast object of type 'System.Management.Automation.PSObject' to type 'System.IConvertible'...Expected type is DateTime." At line:13 char:6
What that is saying is that PowerShell tried to convert $lastCommit into a date and time but failed. The best way is, as vonPryz suggests - cast it to [datetime]
To see the issue more clearly, try looking at the both:
$lastcommit.gettype() and
I don't have the GetDateFromExternalApp to check

Problems with If Statement (ASP.NET)

Dim custEmail As String
Dim inputEmail As String
custEmail = dt.Rows(0).Item("email")
inputEmail = email_add.Text
if (custEmail.toString() == inputEmail.toString() ){
label1.Text = custEmail
End If
This code is giving an error: Compiler Error Message: BC30201: Expression expected.
I just basically want to check if two values are equal but its saying something about expression expected although i've given the expression to evaluate.
The above is a mix of and c# syntax. You can use either in .net with success but not both at the same time. Get rid of the { and } to stick with vb.
Looks like you are mixing C# and VB.Net. Assuming you are using VB.Net
Replace the '{' with Begin IF and remove the '}'.
