Unittesting a Save function using MVP pattern and RhinoMock - asp.net

I am trying to get a better code coverage with my unittests, and recently I switched to using RhinoMock for my Mocking needs.
But I have got a question with how to write a specific unit-test, the Save() function.
I have an IView interface with several functions to retrieve values from the view (aspx page), examples are GetUsername(), GetPassword(), GetAddress() and GetCountry().
When the user clicks the submit button I want to have tests that tests if all these functions are actually being called. So I wrote this test:
public void MainController_Save_ShouldRetrieveLUsername()
//Initialize the IView and Controller
//Trigger the Save function triggering the controller
//to collect information for storage
_view.AssertWasCalled(s => s.GetUsername(), o => o.Repeat.Once());
Now finally comes the question, considering the aspx contains 15 input fields that needs to be saved, is there a better way to test this behaviour that writing and maintaining 15 of these tests?
On one hand test should be simple and optimally only one Assert, but 15 of these functions feels like a waste.

Instead of testing whether these functions are called (they look more like properties instead of functions, BTW), you should check the results of the Save function. You should treat your test code more like a black box and try not to insert too much of its interior knowledge into your tests. This way your tests will be less brittle when the Save code changes.
Google for "state based testing".


Is there any way to get the c# object/data on which NUnit test is failing?

I am writing unit tests for a complex application which has so many rules to be checked into a single flow by using NUnit and Playwright in .Net5. Actually the case is, to save the time for writing the test scripts for Playwright (front-end testing tool), we have used a library named Bogus to create dummy data dynamically based on the rules (because the test cases has numerous rules to be checked and it was much more difficult to write fresh data to every case). I am using Playwright script into the NUnit test and providing the data source by using [TestCaseSource("MethodName")] to provide dynamic data object for different cases.
Now, we are facing a problem that some of the tests cases get passed and some are failed and we are unable to identify that particularly which test case is causing the problem because the testcase data is being provided by the dynamic source and in that source the data is being generated by the Bogus library on the bases of the rules which we have generated. Plus, we cannot look at the tests for a long time that's why we have automated the process.
public async Task Test_SubmitAssignmentDynamicFlow(Assignment assignment)
using var playwright = await Playwright.CreateAsync();
await using var browser = await playwright.Chromium.LaunchAsync(new BrowserTypeLaunchOptions
Headless = false,
private static IEnumerable<TestCaseData> GetDataToSubmit()
//creating data for simple job
var simpleAssignment = new DummyAssigmentGenerator()
yield return new TestCaseData(simpleAssignment);
Now, my question is, is there any way so that we can view that what were the actual values in the object in the failed case, when we see the whole report of the testcases? So that we can come to know that which certain values are causing problems and eventually fixed those.
Two approaches...
Assuming that DummyAssignmentGenerator is your own class, override its ToString() method to display whatever you would like to see. That string will become part of the name of the test case generated, like...
Apply a name to each TestCaseData item you yield using the SetName() fluent method. In that case, you are supplying the full display name of the test case, not just the part in parentheses. Use {m}(YOUR_STRING) in order to have it appear the same as in the first approach.
If you can use it, the first approach is clearly the simpler of the two.

Dealing with DB handles and initialization in functional programming

I have several functions that deal with database interactions. (like readModelById, updateModel, findModels, etc) that I try to use in a functional style.
In OOP, I'd create a class that takes DB-connection-parameters in the constructor, creates the database-connection and save the DB-handle in the instance. The functions then would just use the DB-handle from "this".
What's the best way in FP to deal with this? I don't want to hand around the DB handle throughout the entire application. I thought about partial application on the functions to "bake in" the handle, but that creates ugly boilerplate code, doing it one by one and handing it back.
What's the best practice/design pattern for things like this in FP?
There is a parallel to this in OOP that might suggest the right approach is to take the database resource as parameter. Consider the DB implementation in OOP using SOLID principles. Due to Interface Segregation Principle, you would end up with an interface per DB method and at least one implementation class per interface.
// C#
public interface IGetRegistrations
public Task<Registration[]> GetRegistrations(DateTime day);
public class GetRegistrationsImpl : IGetRegistrations
public Task<Registration[]> GetRegistrations(DateTime day)
private readonly DbResource _db;
public GetRegistrationsImpl(DbResource db)
_db = db;
Then to execute your use case, you pass in only the dependencies you need instead of the whole set of DB operations. (Assume that ISaveRegistration exists and is defined like above).
// C#
public async Task Register(
IGetRegistrations a,
ISaveRegistration b,
RegisterRequest requested
var registrations = await a.GetRegistrations(requested.Date);
// examine existing registrations and determine request is valid
// throw an exception if not?
return await b.SaveRegistration( ... );
Somewhere above where this code is called, you have to new up the implementations of these interfaces and provide them with DbResource.
var a = new GetRegistrationsImpl(db);
var b = new SaveRegistrationImpl(db);
return await Register(a, b, request);
Note: You could use a DI framework here to attempt to avoid some boilerplate. But I find it to be borrowing from Peter to pay Paul. You pay as much in having to learn a DI framework and how to make it behave as you do for wiring the dependencies yourself. And it is another tech new team members have to learn.
In FP, you can do the same thing by simply defining a function which takes the DB resource as a parameter. You can pass functions around directly instead of having to wrap them in classes implementing interfaces.
// F#
let getRegistrations (db: DbResource) (day: DateTime) =
let saveRegistration (db: DbResource) ... =
The use case function:
// F#
let register fGet fSave request =
async {
let! registrations = fGet request.Date
// call your business logic here
do! fSave ...
Then to call it you might do something like this:
register (getRegistrations db) (saveRegistration db) request
The partial application of db here is analogous to constructor injection. Your "losses" from passing it to multiple functions is minimal compared to the savings of not having to define interface + implementation for each DB operation.
Despite being in a functional-first language, the above is in principle the same as the OO/SOLID way... just less lines of code. To go a step further into the functional realm, you have to work on eliminating side effects in your business logic. Side effects can include: current time, random numbers, throwing exceptions, database operations, HTTP API calls, etc.
Since F# does not require you to declare side effects, I designate a border area of code where side effects should stop being used. For me, the use case level (register function above) is the last place for side effects. Any business logic lower than that, I work on pushing side effects up to the use case. It is a learning process to do that, so do not be discouraged if it seems impossible at first. Just do what you have to for now and learn as you go.
I have a post that attempts to set the right expectations on the benefits of FP and how to get them.
I'm going to add a second answer here taking an entirely different approach. I wrote about it here. This is the same approach used by MVU to isolate decisions from side effects, so it is applicable to UI (using Elmish) and backend.
This is worthwhile if you need to interleave important business logic with side effects. But not if you just need to execute a series of side effects. In that case just use a block of imperative statements, in a task (F# 6 or TaskBuilder) or async block if you need IO.
The pattern
Here are the basic parts.
Model - The state of the workflow. Used to "remember" where we are in the workflow so it can be resumed after side effects.
Effect - Declarative representation of the side effects you want to perform and their required data.
Msg - Represents events that have happened. Primarily, they are the results of side effects. They will resume the workflow.
update - Makes all the decisions. It takes in its previous state (Model) and a Msg and returns an updated state and new Effects. This is a pure function which should have no side effects.
perform - Turns a declared Effect into a real side effect. For example, saving to a database. Returns a Msg with the result of the side effect.
init - Constructs an initial Model and starting Msg. Using this, a caller gets the data it needs to start the workflow without having to understand the internal details of update.
I jotted down an example for a rate-limited emailer. It includes the implementation I use on the backend to package and run this pattern, called Ump.
The logic can be tested without any instrumentation (no mocks/stubs/fakes/etc). Declare the side effects you expect, run the update function, then check that the output matches with simple equality. From the linked gist:
// example test
let expected = [SendEmail email1; ScheduleSend next]
let _, actual = Ump.test ump initArg [DueItems ([email1; email2], now)]
Assert.IsTrue(expected = actual)
The integrations can be tested by exercising perform.
This pattern takes some getting-used-to. It reminds me a bit of an Erlang actor or a state machine. But it is helpful when you really need your business logic to be correct and well-tested. It also happens to be a proper functional pattern.

how to unit testing cache layer

I have added a cache layer to my project . now I wonder if I could unit test methods that manipulate cache ? or is there a better way to test Layer's logic ?
I just want to check the process , for example :
1- when the item is not in the cache , method should hit the database
2- the next time method should use cache
3- when a change is made to database , cache should be cleared
4- if data retrieved from databse is null , it shouldn't be added to cache
I want to ensure that the logic I have placed into the methods are working as expected .
I'm presuming the cache is a third party cache? If so, I would not test it. You're testing someone else's code otherwise.
If this caching is so important you need to test it, I'd go with an integration or acceptance test. In other words, hit the page(s)/service(s) in question and check the content that way. By the very definition of what you wish to test, this is not a unit test.
On the flip side, if the cache is one you've rolled yourself, you'll easily be able to unit test the functionality. You might want to check out verification based testing in order to test the behavior of the cache, as apposed to actually checking stuff is added/removed from the cache. Check out mocking for ways to achieve this.
To test for behaviour via Mock objects (or something similar) I'd do the following - although your code will vary.
class Cacher
public void Add(Thing thing)
// Complex logic here...
public Thing Get(int id)
// More complex logic here...
void DoStuff()
var cacher = new Cacher();
var thing = cacher.Get(50);
To test the above method I'd have a test which used a mock Cacher. You'd need to pass this into the method at runtime or inject the dependency into the constructor. From here the test would simply check that cache.Get(50) is invoked. Not that the item is actually retrieved from the cache. This is testing the behavior of how the cacher should be used, not that it is actually caching/retrieving anything.
You could then fall back to state based testing for the Cacher in isolation. E.g you add/remove items.
Like I said previously, this may be overkill depending on what you wish to do. However you seem pretty confident that the caching is important enough to warrant this sort of testing. In my code I try to limit mock objects as much as possible, though this sounds like a valid use case.

why would I unit test business layer in MVP

i created the following sample method in business logic layer. my database doesn't allow nulls for name and parent columns:
public void Insert(string catName, long catParent)
EntityContext con = new EntityContext();
Category cat = new Category();
cat.Name = catName;
cat.Parent = catParent;
so i unit test this and test for empty name and empty parent will fail. to get around that issue i have to refactor the Insert mathod as following:
public void Insert(string catName, long catParent)
//added to pass the test
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(catName)) throw new InvalidOperationException("wrong action. name is empty.");
long parent;
if(long.TryParse(catParent, out parent) == false) throw new InvalidOperationException("wrong action. parent didn't parsed.");
//real bussiness logic
EntityContext con = new EntityContext();
Category cat = new Category();
cat.Name = catName;
cat.Parent = parent;
my entire bussiness layer are simple calls to database. so now i'm validating the data again! i already planned to do my validation in UI and test that kind of stuff in UI test units. what should i test in my bussiness logic method other than validation related tasks? and if there is nothing to be unit tested why everybody says "unit test all the layers" and things like that which i found a lot online?
The techniques involved in testing are those that you break down your program into smaller parts (smaller components or even classes) and test those small parts. As you assemble those parts together, you make less comprehensive tests -- the smaller parts are already proven to work -- until you have a functional, tested program, which then you give to users for "user tests".
It's preferable to test smaller parts because:
It's simpler to write the tests. You'll need less data, you only setup one object, you have to inject less dependencies.
It's easier to figure out what to test. You know the failing conditions from a simple reading of the code (or, better yet, from the technical specification).
Now, how can you guarantee that you business layer, simple as it's, is correctly implemented? Even a simple database insert can fail if badly written. Besides, how can you protected yourself from changes? Right know, the code works, but what will happen in the future if the database is changed or someone update the business logic.
However, and this is important, you actually don't need to test everything. Use your intuition (which is also called experience) to understand what needs testing and what doesn't. If you method is simple enough, just make sure the client code is correctly tested.
Finally, you've said that all your validation will occur in the UI. The business layer should be able to validate the data in order to increase reuse in your application. Fail to do that and whenever you or whoever make changes in your code in the future might create new UI and forget to add the required validations.

Designing a Generic Toolmanager

I want to handle multiple operations on a UI Component (button ,textfield, swfs,custom objects etc)
in like scaling,skewing ,color,rotations etc etc and save them too. Earlier the actions were done
using a single tool and single mxml file but now the tool is separated into different tools.
Was wondering how i can design / use something like Toolmanager class to handle actions etc?
Also the tricky part is that some objects can have more operations defined for them .
Like 'object1' has 3 operations that can be performed on it and 'object2' has 5 operations defined on it.
We are using MVC design pattern but no frameworks as such.
What are the different design patterns that can be used to do this?
To be more precise i want implement this in AS3 OO way.
The application is similar to drawing application which supports addition of various images,text,audio,swfs etc. One added user can perform various operations of the objects..like
adding color,scaling skewing,rotation etc etc and custom effects and after that export the drawing as PNG.Likewise some effects that are applicable to text are not applicable to images
and vice versa. and some effects can be common.
Any ideas?
Probably you could have a toolbar, tools(inheriting from a common base), and some kind of property panel, these objects are accessible from a manager class which wrappes them together and makes some variables accessible for all classes.
Probably you want a selection array or vector in the manager class and a select tool to manipulate this collection
like (in the manager)
protected var _selection:Vector.<EditableBase> = new Vector.<EditableBase>();
public function get selection() { return _selection;}
and a collection about the editbase extensions and the tools avaiable for them.
every time the selection tool updates the selection collection (probably calling a method on manager from the select tool's onMouseUp method) you can update the toolbar to display the apropriate tools for the current selection
(in manager)
protected var _ToolsByType:Object (or Dictionary) = {"EditableAudio": ["toolA", "toolB", etc]};
protected var _defaultSet:Array = ["toolA", "toolB"];
and after the selection has benn manipulated (in manager also)
public function onSelectionChangedCallback():void
var toolsToDisplay:Array = _defaultSet;
if(_selection.length == 1)
//not actual syntax
var type:String = getQualifiedClassName(_selection[0]);
if(type in _ToolsByType) toolsToDisplay = _ToolsByType[type];
the ancestor for the tools should look something like this:
public class ToolBase
protected var _manager:ToolManager;
function ToolBase(manager:ToolManager)//and probably a bunch of other params as well
_manager = manager;
function onSelect()
//you can manipulate the properties panel here
function onDeSelect()...
function onMouseDown(mouseData:event/whateverWrapperYouHaveCreated)...
function onMouseMove...
function onMouseUp...
and so and so on :)
kinda straight forward.
check photoshop plugin tutorials, or google around "extending {any adobe stuff here, like flash or something}
thats javascript but the concept can be applied here as well
maybe you could use the Strategy Design Pattern by creating some extra classes in your MVC implementation
algo, check this tool for images:
bye! :)
