What does this css selector do? - css

I spotted this (to me) curious css style in the default Site.css file of an ASP.NET MVC project:
height: 6.5em;
Is .text-box.multi-line just the name of a class that happens to have a dot in the middle of it, or is this a nesting of two classes? Or is it something else entirely? Can you explain?
And can you provide a usage example?
Thanks for all the answers. This seems to be an omission from the w3schools css reference page.

it matches an item with both classes, ie.
<textarea class="text-box multi-line"></textarea>
It will not match if the item only has 1 of the classes.
It will match if the item has those two classes plus additional ones.

It means that the element has both classes.
It will select an element with the class text-box that also has the class multi-line
This would be the same:
.multi-line.text-box {}
.text-box[class~="multi-line"] {}
An example:
<p class="multi-line text-box some-other-class"></p>

It's selecting an element like this:
<* class="text-box multi-line"></*>
Any element that has both the text-box and multi-line classes.

It will select this element:
<textarea class="text-box multi-line" />
Or any element with both the text-box and multi-line classes for that matter.

Here's a quick little fiddle to show the difference:
basically it'll match an element having BOTH classes!


Select a label with CSS

I already found threads about this topic like these:
How to hide <label for=""> CSS
How to select label for="XYZ" in CSS?
So I thought it's going to be easy, but for now I had no success.
The label I try to reach is this one:
Inside of code snippets I tried the following:
After a couple of Google sessions, I wasn't able to find any other way of writing. It also seems that you don't set a "." in front of it for this case, but I also tried it, of course.
I believe label[for="name"] is the correct format in general...
But it seems something is missing. Inside the label there is a text and an image, but I don't assume that this plays a role in selecting the label?
I put one in CSS and 1 in javascript
document.querySelector('label[for="ABC"]').style.color = 'blue';
label[for="XYZ"] {
color: red
<label for="XYZ">XYZ: </label>
<input id="XYZ">
<label for="ABC">XYZ: </label>
<input id="ABC">
Pierre's answer is good, I just want to clarify that label is an HTML element. Unless you have a CSS class "label", you would not be adding a period in front of the selector in CSS.
You're correct, the content (images and text) inside of a label will not affect the selector we're trying to use but there may be other CSS interfering with what you're trying to do.

CSS BEM syntax without element class name

I have to create a primary heading component, below is my markup along with CSS classes. I'm following BEM naming convention for class name.
I have h1 element consists of two spans. One span for main heading text, and second span for sub heading text. The main and sub are variations of my heading.
I have not specified the Element class (Which could be heading-primary__text ) and i have directly attached modifier classes to span elements.
<h1 class="heading-primary">
<span class="heading-primary--main">Video Background Option</span>
<span class="heading-primary--sub">One Page Parallax</span>
Is that a right way to follow BEM methodology without specifying Elements classes & attaching Block's modifiers classes to Elements(span)? Because i don't need elements classes.
Is there any alternate?
While this is subjective, and as per the convinience of the project . i'd recommend doing something like this- as you already have a header-primary_text element class
<h1 class="heading-primary">
<span class="heading-primary_text">Video Background Option</span>
<!--create a modifier -->
<span class="heading-primary_text--sub">One Page Parallax</span>
In this way you can make the sub a modifier class for the subtext.
More info can be seen here https://en.bem.info/methodology/quick-start/#modifier
Hope this helps :)
I think there is a much simpler way to do this just using basic HTML. You only want to have one h1 per page and since you said that your second span of your h1 is a "subheading" I feel like you would be way better off marking that one as an h2 instead of two spans of different context within one h1 heading! Always good to use the built in benefits of HTML first if you can.
No, it is not the right way. You cannot use block (or element) modifier alone on the HTML tag without specifying the block (or element) class itself.
Please refer to BEM documentation here: https://en.bem.info/methodology/quick-start/#modifier
A modifier can't be used alone From the BEM perspective, a modifier
can't be used in isolation from the modified block or element. A
modifier should change the appearance, behavior, or state of the
entity, not replace it.
Here is a code example from the docs:
<!-- Correct. The `search-form` block has the `theme` modifier with the value `islands` -->
<form class="search-form search-form_theme_islands">
<input class="search-form__input">
<button class="search-form__button">Search</button>
<!-- Incorrect. The modified class `search-form` is missing -->
<form class="search-form_theme_islands">
<input class="search-form__input">
<button class="search-form__button">Search</button>
You mentioned that you don't need an element class, this topic is also covered in BEM docs
semuzaboi's suggestion sounds as a good alternative to me.
First of all, elements are specified after two __ like block__element_modifier.
Secondly, yes. Blocks may not have any elemenets inside, but rather have modifiers (most common case a block with lang modifiers for Internationalization (block_lang_ru))
PS as well as element may not have any modifiers inside. But block can not be nested inside another one. They should be placed inside one directory on the same level.

How to select css id's with numbers in them?

So I want to target multiple html element(s) like the below using a regular expression in a css selector:
<input id="something_stuff_013_work" />
<input id="something_stuff_016_work" />
The following CSS selector doesn't seem to work:
I need to do something with digits in the regular expression because the inputs can be dynamically added and will be assigned ids with digits in them.
What am I doing wrong?
What about using the following selector:
It will get inputs with id starting with "something_stuff_" and finishing with "_work".
CSS does not support regexes in selectors. Use classes or starts-from and ends-with attribute selectors.
An approach to this problem would be to use classes instead of ids and have things that are styled the same to be classed the same. for example:
<input id="something_stuff_01_work" class="input_class">
<input id="something_stuff_02_work" class="input_class">
<input id="something_stuff_03_work" class="input_class">
Then select the class instead of the id.
.input_class {
Try prefixing the numeric id with \3.
I came across this today, it was the selector generated using chrometools, I'd not seen it before, and it works using Chromium Webdriver:
Full selector used is "#\37 > div > div.cell-text".
This was a selector to select an element with id = "7".
It (prefixing with \3) seems to work throughout the document I am looking at automating, with my current setup.

What does text before selectors in css mean?

Apologies for the beginner css question but it's rather difficult to find an answer for this.
I'm looking at the duckett book for html and css and it has a couple of selector syntax confusing to me.
I thought that the .x indicates that x is a class selector and similarly that #x indicates that x is an id selector but why did the author choose to put text before these? He didn't give an explanation as far as I can tell.
table.one matches all table elements which have class one.
input#web matches the input element which has id web.
This kind of selector is called "Type selector". You can read these resources:
CSS2.1 spec
Selectors Level 3
Selectors Level 4
MDN article
'[element type].[css class name]{}
'[element type]#[id attribute]{}
When an element type is specified, that means that definition will only work for that element type.
table.myCss{} for the Element, when class='myCss' then apply the css. Don't apply this CSS to <span class='myCss'> or any other element type.
Here is a link to the official specifications page for CSS3. http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/
Let me break it down:
table.one means, look for a tag with the name table, which also has the class one
input#web similarly means: look for an element with the name input and the id of web
In some cases, these selectors might not be necessary, especially on IDs, since they are supposed to be unique, as opposed to classes, which are reasuable. The usage of element names with classes, however, can help you make different elements look different than others, for example, if you want to center text and a div, you might only want to use one class for both, but since <div> elements are block level, they can't be center like text by default.
div.center {
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
p.center {
text-align: center;
<input class="x" ... >
<div class="x" ... ></div>
So now we have:
.x {} // To select both
input.x {} // To select just the input with class "x"
div.x {} // To select just the div with class "x"
This could be used to just make it more clear for what element the styles are for. Or to limit the elements affected.
Similarly we can do this with element ids.
<input id="a" ... >
<div id="b" ... ></div>
So we can write simply #a. Or we can write input#a. Currently these are equivalent.
With the div we would have either #b or div#b.
The use of table and input in front of their respective classes / IDs reference the type of element in the markup. For example:
table.one {
References a table with class "one" (in code: <table class="one">). This way, if the author has another element with class "one" (example: <div class="one">), the div is not affected by the rule of table.one.
Same idea for input#web, except the selector is targeted towards input tags with ID of "web" (<input id="web">)
Some additional reading from W3 may be of some help (it's from CSS2, but the main points are still present): http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/selector.html
DEMO: http://jsfiddle.net/uWkYL/

How to Prefix this Input element, using CSS

I have a form element generated by Zend Form as follows:
<dd id="website-element">
<input type="text" class="pre-http" value="bigshop.com.au" id="website" name="website">
Is there any way I can precede the input element with the text 'http://', using CSS? (I want the user to enter the web site without the leading 'http://').
Try this:-
Use :before pseudo element
:before creates a pseudo-element that is the first child of the element matched. Often used to add cosmetic content to an element, by using the content property. This element is inline by default.
So it needs to be on the parent of the textbox.
Depends: are you wanting the input value to be prefixed with http:// on submission? If so, you'll have to use Javascript for this one.
Otherwise, you could probably use something like this:
.pre-http:before {
/* any other styles you'd like to apply to the text */
