QListWidget adjust size to content - qt

Is it possible to adjust QListWidget height and width to it's content?
sizeHint() always returns 256, 192 no matter what its content is.
QListWidgetItem's sizeHint() returns -1, -1, so I can not get content width.
Problem the same as here - http://www.qtcentre.org/threads/31787-QListWidget-width , but there is no solution.
import sys
from PyQt4.QtGui import *
class MainWindow(QWidget):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
QWidget.__init__(self, parent)
list = QListWidget()
vbox = QVBoxLayout(self)
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
myapp = MainWindow()

sizeHint() always returns 256, 192 no
matter what its content is.
Thats because this is the size of the QListWidget, the viewport, not the items. sizeHintForColumn() will give you the max size over all items, so you can resize the widget like this:
If you don't want to force minimum width, then subclass and provide this as the size hint instead. E.g.:
class ListWidget(QListWidget):
def sizeHint(self):
s = QSize()
return s

Using takois answer I played around with the sizeHintForColumn or sizeHintForRow and found that you have to add slightly larger numbers, because there might be some style dependent margins still. ekhumoros comment then put me on the right track.
In short the full size of the list widget is:
list.sizeHintForColumn(0) + 2 * list.frameWidth()
list.sizeHintForRow(0) * list.count() + 2 * list.frameWidth())
According to the comment by Violet it may not work in Qt 5.
Also be aware that setting the size to the content, you don't need scrollbars, so I turn them off.
My full example for a QListWidget ajusted to its content size:
from PySide import QtGui, QtCore
app = QtGui.QApplication([])
window = QtGui.QWidget()
layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(window)
list = QtGui.QListWidget()
list.addItems(['Winnie Puh', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Minnesota', 'Dracula Calista Flockhart Meningitis', 'Once', '123345', 'Fin'])
list.setFixedSize(list.sizeHintForColumn(0) + 2 * list.frameWidth(), list.sizeHintForRow(0) * list.count() + 2 * list.frameWidth())

In order to effectively use sizeHint, you have to override it, at least in c++. In my experience, the default implementations for widgets can be pretty useless when you want a specific behavior. Attempts to force what you want with spacers or layouts end in disaster. If you can derive from QListWidget and override sizeHint, you can iterate through your items and find the longest string, then do some kind of magic to determine how wide it should be.
That's what I'd do, anyway.

First you should get your largest string in the list, that is easy to obtain.
After you get that string, do the following:
QFontMetrics * fm = new QFontMetrics(widget->font());
QRect rect;
rect = fm->boundingRect(string);
rect.width() has the width in pixels of the largest string
rect.height() has it's height.
Set the QListWidget width to that rect's width (plus the margins)
and it's height to that rect's height times the number of items
I didn't test the code, but hope it puts you on the right track

QListWidget *valList;
valList = new QListWidget(this);
valList->setSizePolicy (QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Ignored, QSizePolicy::Ignored));
valList->setMinimumSize (QSize(1111, 111));

You need to get the QHeaderView of your QListWidget and adjust its resize mode.
Read this documentation for more information


How to avoid over-packing non-srolling Qt layouts?

A Qt packing layout, such as QVBoxLayout, can pack widgets inside it, such as buttons. In this case, they will be packed vertically as shown in image below:
When we pack too many widgets inside such a layout, and since scrolling is not added by default, the buttons will eventually get squeezed onto each other up to a point that they will overlap, as shown below:
My questions are:
How to tell Qt to not show/pack widgets beyond the available viewing space in the non-scrolling layout?
How to handle the case when the window is resized? I.e. Qt should add/remove widgets accordingly. E.g. if there is extra space available, then perhaps Qt should add some extra widgets that it couldn't add previously.
To be specific: "too many packed widgets" is when the widgets start invading spaces of other widgets, including their inter-widget spacings or margins.
Images above are generated by this code below as run in a tile in i3, which is a modified version of this.
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtWidgets
app = QtWidgets.QApplication([])
widget = QtWidgets.QWidget()
layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(widget)
for i in range(40):
layout.addWidget(QtWidgets.QPushButton(str(i + 1)))
When too many widgets are packed:
If the window is tiled, you see them overcrowded as in in the image.
If the window is floating, the window will keep growing until it is no longer fully visible in the monitor.
None of these outcomes are acceptable in my case. My goal is to have Qt only pack as much as will be visible, and add/remove/hide/show dynamically as the window gets resized.
Try this code. It does not rely on QVBoxLayout but it basically does the same as this layout. It hides the child widgets which are outside of the area. There are no partially visible widgets.
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets
class Container(QtWidgets.QWidget):
_spacing = 5
def __init__(self, parent=None):
y = self._spacing
for i in range(40):
button = QtWidgets.QPushButton("Button" + str(i + 1), self)
button.move(self._spacing, y)
y += button.sizeHint().height() + self._spacing
def resizeEvent(self, event):
for child in self.children():
if isinstance(child, QtWidgets.QWidget):
child.resize(self.width() - 2 * self._spacing, child.height())
child.setVisible(child.geometry().bottom() < self.height())
app = QtWidgets.QApplication([])
w = Container()
w.resize(500, 500)
Note that is in fact does not add nor remove widgets dynamically, this would be much more code and it would probably be very depending on your specific use case. Moreover it feels as a premature optimization. Unless you really need it, do not do it.
I experimented with the code above and proposed some improvements. I especially wanted to make it responsive to changes in child widgets. The problem is that if the child widget changes it size, the parent container must be re-layouted. The code above does not react in any way. To make it responsive, we need to react to LayoutRequest event. Note that in the code below, I have created three types of buttons - one add a line to itself, other increases font size, and yet another decreases font size.
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtWidgets
def changeFontSize(increment):
font = QtWidgets.QApplication.font()
font.setPointSize(font.pointSize() + increment)
class Container(QtWidgets.QWidget):
_spacing = 5
_children = [] # maintains the order of creation unlike children()
def __init__(self, parent=None):
for i in range(100):
child = QtWidgets.QPushButton(self)
# these are just to test various changes in child widget itself to force relayout
r = i % 3
if r == 0:
text = "New line"
onClicked = lambda state, w=child: w.setText(w.text() + "\nclicked")
elif r == 1:
text = "Bigger font"
onClicked = lambda: changeFontSize(1)
elif r == 2:
text = "Smaller font"
onClicked = lambda: changeFontSize(-1)
def resizeEvent(self, event):
def event(self, event):
if event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.LayoutRequest:
return super().event(event)
def _relayout(self):
y = self._spacing
for child in self._children:
h = child.sizeHint().height()
child.move(self._spacing, y)
child.resize(self.width() - 2 * self._spacing, h)
y += h + self._spacing
child.setVisible(y < self.height())
app = QtWidgets.QApplication([])
w = Container()
w.resize(500, 500)
This code is satisfactory, however it is not perfect. I have observed that when the container is being re-layouted and some of the child widgets will change its visibility state, re-layouting is called again. This is not needed but I have not discovered how to prevent it.
Maybe there is some better way...

Window resizing based on label size doesn't consider title bar in pyQT5

I'm coding a simple image viewer and would like for the window to resize based on the image that I open.
The window I'm using is a QMainWindow and has a toolbar. The only widget I have is a QLabel which is set as the central widget. When I open the image I use self.resize(self.label.sizeHint()), but the window size doesn't take into account the size of the title bar and the toolbar, so for example if I open a 400x400 image the window will be of the correct width, but a little bit too short.
What would be the correct way to calculate the correct window size so that it resizes correctly on every platform? (Windows, macOS, Linux)
EDIT: the minimal code is:
import PyQt5.QtWidgets as w
import PyQt5.QtGui as g
import PyQt5.QtCore as c
import sys
class ImageViewerWindow(w.QMainWindow):
def __init__(self):
self.loadedImagePaths = []
self.imageIndex = 0
self.scrollArea = w.QScrollArea()
self.label = w.QLabel()
# Actions
self.openAction = w.QAction("Open...", self)
# Toolbar elements
toolbar = w.QToolBar("Top toolbar")
# Status bar elements
# Add actions to toolbar and menu
def showImageAtIndex(self, index):
image = g.QPixmap(self.loadedImagePaths[index])
self.imageIndex = index
self.angle = 0
def openMenuDialog(self, firstStart = False):
self.loadedImagePaths, _ = w.QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames(parent=self, caption="Select one or more JPEG files to open:", filter="JPEG Image(*.jpg *.jpeg)")
if self.loadedImagePaths:
if firstStart:
self.imageIndex = 0
elif firstStart:
a = w.QApplication([])
ivw = ImageViewerWindow()
ivw.openMenuDialog(firstStart = True)
If you try and open an image and then resize the window you will notice that some of the image is covered by the title bar and the status bar.
The main problem is that using setWidgetResizable():
the scroll area will automatically resize the widget in order to avoid scroll bars where they can be avoided
So you have to remove that line, or use setFixedSize() on the label using the image size.
Then, calling adjustSize() on the label is not enough, as you actually need to call adjustSize() against the top level window: this is because calling resize() with the image size won't consider all other widgets in the window (in your case, the toolbar and status bar).
Unfortunately, that won't be enough, as QScrollArea caches the size hint of the widget, and calling again setWidget() with the same widget is useless.
The easiest solution is to use a subclass of QScrollArea and reimplement the sizeHint().
Finally, the alignment only has effect on the label contents, but when the widget is added to a container the alignment has to be set for the widget.
class ScrollAreaAdjust(w.QScrollArea):
def sizeHint(self):
if not self.widget():
return super().sizeHint()
frame = self.frameWidth() * 2
return self.widget().sizeHint() + c.QSize(frame, frame)
class ImageViewerWindow(w.QMainWindow):
def __init__(self):
self.loadedImagePaths = []
self.imageIndex = 0
self.scrollArea = ScrollAreaAdjust()
self.label = w.QLabel()
# ...
def showImageAtIndex(self, index):
image = g.QPixmap(self.loadedImagePaths[index])
self.imageIndex = index
self.angle = 0
Note that the size hint of a top level window will only be respected until the size doesn't exceed 2/3 of the screen size. This means that if the image will force the window to a slightly bigger size, at least one scroll bar will be shown, even if it's not strictly necessary.
There is no obvious nor universal solution for that, and you need to find your own way. For instance, you can check if the scroll bars are visible after adjusting the size and eventually compare the size of the image and that of the scroll area's viewport, then if one of the image dimensions is just smaller by the size of the opposite scroll bar, force a resizing of the top level window by that scroll bar size.

controlling size of QItemDelegate dynamically

I have a couple of questions regarding the sizes of QItemDelegates in a QListView:
I have a QListView using a QItemDelegate which renders a widget in the delegate's custom paint() method like so:
self.thumbnail = MyCustomWidget()
self.thumbnail.render(painter, QtCore.QPoint(option.rect.x(), option.rect.y()))
This, however, shows the item with a 250x260 image in a QListView, even though the MyCustomWidget().sizeHint() is 250x250 and it's maximumSize() returns 250x250 as well.
I found that the culprit is the QListView's spacing, which I had set to 10. If I set the spacing to 100, I still get the QItemDelegates size of 250x260, but if I just don't use setSpacing() at all it renders as expected at 250x250.
The spacing seems to alter the option.rect that is passed into the paint method, causing the incorrect size.
I do need that spacing, so I'm a bit confused why the QListView's spacing alters the QItemDelegates's size? Is this a bug?
I can work around this by rendering a QPixmap first, then have the painter draw the QPixmap instead of rendering to the painter directly:
self.thumbnail = MyCustomWidget()
pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(self.thumbnail.size())
painter.drawPixmap(option.rect.topLeft(), pixmap)
This yields 250x250 images which is what I need, but I don't understand why the first method doesn't render the correct size when I use setSpacing?!
Now, the bigger challenge is how to dynamically scale the size of the QItemDelegate's via a QSlider:
I have a QSlider in the QListView that is supposed to scale the items so the user can chose to see smaller but more items in the current view. I tested the resizing of a standalone instance of MyCustomWidget() and it works just fine.
However, the delegates won't scale as expected. This is my delegate code:
class Delegate(QtGui.QItemDelegate):
def __init__(self, parent = None):
super(Delegate, self).__init__(parent)
self.scaleValue = 100 # size in percent (as returned by QSlider)
def paint(self, painter, option, index):
proxyModel = index.model()
item = proxyModel.sourceModel().itemFromIndex(proxyModel.mapToSource(index))
self.thumbnail = ElementThumbnail(item)
pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(self.thumbnail.size())
painter.drawPixmap(option.rect.topLeft() * self.scaleValue / 100.0, pixmap)
super(Delegate, self).paint(painter, option, index)
def setScaleValue(self, value):
self.scaleValue = value
def sizeHint(self, option, index):
return ElementThumbnail.thumbSize * self.scaleValue / 100.0
and in the QListView I am using this slot connected to the slider's valueChanges signal:
def scaleThumbnails(self, value):
The result is that the QSlider will crop the QItemDelegates but not scale them, because the QItemDelegate's sizeHint() is only called when the QListView is first shown.
Additionally, I need to make sure that when the widgets are (eventually) scaled down, the layout of QListView is recalculated and more items are fit inside the visible area.
So in a nutshell my questions are:
How can I scale QItemDelegates dynamically inside a QListView?
How can I force the QListView to recalculate it's layout after the delegate size has been changed?
edit: as for issue 2: QAbstractItemView.doItemsLayout seems to do the trick. Still wondering about issue 1 though
Turns out it was the context of my code that was the issue, not the delegate.
I was scaling the widget before rendering it to a pixmap, which of course made the editor scale properly, but not the item when it wasn't in edit state.
So the solution is simply to scale the pixmap after rendering it from the widget, e.g.:
scaledPixmap = pixmap.scaled(pixmap.size() * self.scaleValue / 100.0)
painter.drawPixmap(option.rect.topLeft(), scaledPixmap)

How can I set just `Widget` size?

How can I set just Widget size?
My code:
from PySide.QtGui import QApplication, QWidget, QLabel
import sys
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
mainWindow = QWidget()
gameWidget = QWidget(mainWindow)
#gameWidget.setGeometry(gameWidth, gameHeight) <-- I want to set size of gameWidget such like this. How can I do this.
gameLabel = QLabel("This is game widget", gameWidget)
This will create Window that contain Widget.
I want to set this Widget size. I know There is a method Widget.setGeometry, but it takes 4 parameter (x, y, width, height). I want a method like Widget.setGeometry which takes just size parameter (width, height).
Feel free to modify my question. Because I'm always learning English!!
Just use QWidget.resize(weight, height).
For example:
gameLabel.resize(200, 100);
Besides, you can also use QWidget.sizeHint() to get a proper size automatically, for example:

QVBoxLayout: How to vertically align widgets to the top instead of the center

In Qt, When I add widgets to my layout, they are vertically centered by default. Is there a way to "List" the widgets from top to bottom instead of centering them vertically?
If you have a QVBoxLayout and want your fixed size widgets to be stacked at the top, you can simply append a vertical stretch at the end:
If you have multiple stretchers or other stretch items, you can specify an integer stretch factor argument that defines their size ratio.
See also addStretch and addSpacerItem.
Add two layout.addStretch() before and after adding the widgets to center them vertically:
Not sure whether this answers your original question, but it is the answer to the one that I had when googling and being led to this page - so it might be useful for others too.
use void QLayout::setAlignment ( Qt::Alignment alignment ) method to set alignment according to your choice.
I find this a little more complicated than just using layout.setAlignment(). It kept not working for me until just now, when I figured out that if you have expanding widgets that you set a maximum height for, then that widget will not be aligned the way you want.
Here is example code that does not top align the QTextBrowser() widget even though I call layout.setAlignment(Qt.AlignTop). Sorry that it is in Python, but it is pretty easy to translate to C++ (I have gone the other way many times).
from PyQt4.QtCore import *
from PyQt4.QtGui import *
class MyWidget(QWidget):
Create a widget that aligns its contents to the top.
def __init__(self, parent=None):
QWidget.__init__(self, parent)
layout = QVBoxLayout()
label = QLabel('label:')
info = QTextBrowser(self)
# Uncomment the next line to get this to align top.
# layout.setAlignment(info, Qt.AlignTop)
# Create a progress bar layout.
button = QPushButton('Button 1')
# This will align all the widgets to the top except
# for the QTextBrowser() since it has a maximum size set.
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
widget = MyWidget()
widget.resize(QSize(900, 400))
The following explicitly calls layout.setAlignment(info, Qt.AlignTop) to get the expanding text widget to work.
from PyQt4.QtCore import *
from PyQt4.QtGui import *
class MyWidget(QWidget):
Create a widget that aligns its contents to the top.
def __init__(self, parent=None):
QWidget.__init__(self, parent)
layout = QVBoxLayout()
label = QLabel('label:')
info = QTextBrowser(self)
# Uncomment the next line to get this to align top.
layout.setAlignment(info, Qt.AlignTop)
# Create a progress bar layout.
button = QPushButton('Button 1')
# This will align all the widgets to the top except
# for the QTextBrowser() since it has a maximum size set.
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
widget = MyWidget()
widget.resize(QSize(900, 400))
After comparison between the two solutions, it seems that :
works for several widget alignement but :
myLayout.setAlignment(myWidget, Qt::AlignTop)
works only for the first widget you add to the layout.
After all, the solution depends also to the QSizePolicy of yours widgets.
If you are using QT creator, you just add a "Vertical Spacers" at the bottom of your widget.
In pyQt (and PySide) we have Qt.AlignCenter (align on main direction), Qt.AlignHCenter (align on horizontal direction), Qt.AlignVCenter (align on vertical direction), use one of it when you need it.
