Pinging Computer through specefic route - graph

I have a network of computers connected in form of a graph.
I want to ping from one computer(A) to another computer(B). A and B are connected to each other through many different ways, but I want to PING via only a particular edges only. I have the information of the edges to be followed during pinging available at both A and B.
How should I do this?

You could source route the ping but the return would choose its own path.
Furthermore, source-routed packets are often filtered due to security concerns. (Not always, they are useful and sometimes even required at edge routers.)
If the machines are under your local administrative control, then you could ensure that source-routed packets are permitted. As long as you are able to start a daemon on machine B, you could also easily enough design your own ping protocol that generates source-routed echo returns.

Well, this is actually done by routing protocols that are configured on the media in between the computers (routers I expect). I think there isn't a way where you can say "use that specific route". The routers have different protocols (OSPF, EIGRP, RIPv2) and they do the load balancing. The only way you would be sure of one specific route is to use static routing, but this isn't dynamically done where your computer decides the route.
This is normal because :
if you would be able to chose a route, DoS would be quite easy to do to kill one route.


Floating IPs usage on Digital Ocean

I am looking for a basic thing yet I have not found not even a single good documentation on getting it done.
I want to allocate a floating IP, then associate it to a network interface of a droplet other than eth0.
The reason is I want to have the ability to very easily switch from one IP to the other with a programming language.
In a few words, I want to be able to do these two commands and both should provide a different response.
curl --interface eth0
curl --interface eth1
Also, I want to know what to do once I release the Floating IP, how do I roll back to the starting point.
All documentation I read, rely heavily on "ip route" and "route", most did not even work, some worked but replaced completely the old IP by the floating and that's not what I want, and also they did not show how to rollback the introduced configuration changes.
Please help, I spent 1 whole day now trying to get this to work for a project, and no results so far.
I guess there is no need to know DigitalOcean, how to make this work on other Cloud Providers would apply here too I think.
After asking this on DigitalOcean community forum (, they claim that is not supported, although there may be some solutions to this if somebody can provide such a "hacky" solution I would take it too. Thanks
In the cloud (AWS. GCP etc.) ARP is emulated by the virtual network layer, meaning that only IPs assigned to VMs by the cloud platform can be resolved. Most of the L2 failover protocols do break for that reason. Even if ARP worked,the IP allocation process for these IPs (often called “floating IPs”) would not integrate with the virtual network in a standard way, so your OS can't just "grab" the IP using ARP and route the packets to itself.
I have not personally done this on Digital Ocean, but I assume that you can call the cloud's proprietary API to do this functionality if you would like to go this route.
See this link on GCP about floating IPs and their implementation. Hope this is helpful.
Here's an idea that needs to be tested:
Let's say you have Node1( and Node2(
Create a loopback interface on both VMs and set the same IP address for both like (
Start a heartbeat send/receive between them
When NodeA starts it automatically makes an API call to create a route for and points to itself with preference 2
When NodeB starts it automatically makes an API call to create a route for and points to itself with preference 1
The nodes could monitor each other to withdraw the static routes if the other fails. Ideally you would need a 3rd node to reach quorum and prevent split brain scenarios, but you get the idea right?

DDoS prevention simulation

To be specific I want to check feasibility and direction for my current semester project.
The scenario is ,i have attacker , my system , and victim server.Whatever DDoS traffic i wanna send must go through my system and then forward to victim server. I want to filter the traffic to check whether they are from legitimate users or infected PCS by checking and filtering packets and to allow access to only legitimate users.
Is it possible to design such scenario without routers (which can apply filters for this purpose) by sniffing packets through my system and check them and send request to victim server ? (i am thinking of victim should point or match there nameservers to ours for it)
is it possible to do it on single system by using multiple ips (localhost alike) to simulate this scenario?
Do i have use Winpcap for sniffing packets or there are any better solution or library available?
You can very easily recreate this scenario with use of virtual machines virtualbox. Simply install it, create a victim VM, couple attackers, configure them on a separate network which will be routed by another virtual machine which will "emulate" the router.
This is as close to replica of your described environment as you can get without additional hardware. It will take a bit of time and research to set up properly, but that is the point of studying.

How to dynamically assign particular client (browser) to one of many servers?

I am building a service which requires me to dynamically launch and close servers at many locations around the world, (for example using AWS). When a user visits my domain they need to be assigned to a local server with the lowest latency.
By assignment, I mean that for example the client makes an ajax call to, it should go directly to one particular server that is has been assigned to. Different servers will be doing different computation, so it is not sufficient to have some kind of general load balancing.
What general mechanisms/technology would allow me to 1) Assess the latency between a particular client and any server under my control? 2) Assign a particular client to a particular server? I cannot use just the IP addresses for example, since javascript has domain name based restrictions.
Note: I do not have enough reputation to link all the technologies in the response, therefore sometimes you will see the links copied in plain text.
1) Assign users to a local server with the lowest latency is not always possible.
Sometimes the geographically closest server to a user is unexpectedly the one with the highest latency.
To find the lowest latency between your (running) servers and the users is not an easy task.
There might be many different hops (routers) between the client and the server, and any of them at any time can have problems, routes update, packet congestions and so on.
The quickest way to assess the latency is a ping, but it can be that the firewalls block this.
So the best way to achieve this is to use the anycast
All the major CDN providers implement this method. Some use the TCP anycast, which seems to be not recommended, and others UDP anycast. It is an open debate.
Anyway in order to implement anycast you need to be able to peer with the ISP routers, and normally this is not possible. Additionally there are good peers and bad peers.
Finally All this requires a deep knowledge of the routing protocols and the TCP/IP stack.
A quick and dirty solution could be to use BIND with the GEO-IP patch.
So you can define specific dns query responses per country.
What I mean is that, for instance, if you have a server in UK and one in US you can configure BIND to respond to users coming from europe to hit the UK server and users coming from US to hit the US server.
2) To assign a particular client to a particular server you can use the technique I described on the point 1 or you can use a proxy and sticky sessions.
HA-Proxy is a good product to achieve this. (the URL: )
3) if you use the point 1, you will not have problems with cross domain ajax calls. In fact it is completely transparant for the client. For instance for the same domain a user coming from US will resolve it to whereas a user coming from Germany will resolve to (ip addresses are fake and used just as an example).
On a side note, a solution to do cross domain ajax call is JSON-P which has though some drawbacks, like the lack of support for POST.
If I were you I would go with the BIND and GEO-IP, because it would solve all three problems in once. (a part for the latency because is not always true that the geographically closest server is the one with the lowest latency.)

How to detect router?

I am trying to write a program that scan an ip range and detect if an ip is address of a router or not.
Currently i used traceroute from my computer to all host in the network. However, i believe there must be some way to directly "ask" a host at an ip if it is a router or not?
by the way, do you know any program/ opensource already does this?
Routers are supposed to talk couple of protocols (actually a neat bunch) that regular IP nodes do not, and then there are some which are more common (i.e. even non-router nodes do).
Router-only protocols:
You could do active-probing on those, i.e. send a packet (behaving as if you are another router, or an end-node) and checking to see what kind of response the router (if at all) sends.
Alternatively you could do passive-probing, like 'sniffing', i.e. watching out for the kind of IP packets being sent out by various nodes. There are some which are usually sent out by Routers only (again, mostly from the above list).
Common protocol, but that can actually tell you a lot:
SNMP (esply the unsecure one's like v1/v2, are easy to deal with, without having to establish a secure session)
Other ways:
Portscanning (actually can tell you a real lot), for example all routers have some management ports (although, often they are locked down due to security concerns)
What you want to do is often what many 'Network Management' software do, to "discover" capabilities / functionality of other nodes in the network. And, there isn't a single size-fits all solution. They use bunch of different methods, heuristics to finally figure out what the other node is.
Any node which is hopped to and not just an endpoint is a router. However, this doesn't allow you to detect routers with no reachable devices hooked up. (Any input as to whether my answer has merit would be great!)

Best way to prevent denial of service attacks on a website

I have a web app and I would like to prevent DOS attacks by blocking an IP address if it make many request in a short period of time.
For example, if the same IP address makes 100 request in a second, I can assume that it's some kind of attack and I would like to block this IP.
However, making this check in the application layer seems too expensive - what is the optimal way to make this check?
Should I make this kind of check at my:
apache config
someplace else entirely ...
If you want to block IP addresses when they make a certain number of requests, this is best done at the Network layer. This would suggest that you do this either in your host machine's network stack or using a router (which operates at the network layer).
Some things you might want to consider though are:
- Are you really wanting to block access to the entire host based on an IP address, or do you want to block access to a specific application running on a specific port.
- Sometimes, by using NATs, one IP address may be making requests on behalf of many real hosts.
With any security application you need to have many layers of defence, so it would be a good idea to invest in a good firewall as well.
Some apps for generating APIs in django implement some methods for limiting the amount of request per second.
For example django-piston use throttling method to do that.
django-piston throttling
Thats an easy way to solve the problem.

