How do I enable Directory Browsing for an virtual web directory using wix? - iis-7

I want to enable "Directory Browsing" for the for the following virtual web directory using WIX.
<iis:WebVirtualDir Id="LogsVirDir" Alias="Logs" Directory="ESGLOGFILES" />
How do I accomplish this using WIX?

Wouldn't a simpler solution be to use the web.config system.webserver property like :
<directoryBrowse enabled="true"/>

Based on my research Wix currently does not have any capability to enable Directory Browsing using the standard set of actions. The one way I have found to do this is using a combination of Wix Custom Actions and IIS's Appcmd.exe. Note this command will create a web.config file if one does not exist.
<CustomAction Id="EnableDirectoryBrowsing"
ExeCommand='[WindowsFolder]system32\inetsrv\APPCMD.EXE set config "ESG Website/logs" /section:directoryBrowse /enabled:true'
<Custom Action="EnableDirectoryBrowsing" Before="InstallFinalize">Not Installed</Custom>

Im using wix v3.8
try adding ConfigurableDirectory in your Feature
ex: <Feature Id='TestName' Title='Test Web' ConfigurableDirectory='INSTALLDIR' Level='1'>

Use the following code
<Control Id="Browse" Type="PushButton" X="304" Y="210" Width="56" Height="17" Text="!(loc.CustomizeDlgBrowse)">
<Publish Event="SelectionBrowse" Value="BrowseDlg">1</Publish>
Take the value of this in the variable you want and use it.


Using web.config from base folder and not bin folder

I have an mvc web page. I'm using config transforms with it. The config transform in the bin directory is correct. However, when I debug with IIS express, all the app settings being used are actually from the original web.config, not the transformed web.config in the bin folder. If I rename the web.config to something else in the root folder, debugging will halt as soon as it tries to read a connection string because it says it's not initialized. What is the problem?
Transformations only apply when you publish the project. However their is a hack to it
You can try using the below code. Your original configuration should be in Web.Base.Config
<Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v$(VisualStudioVersion)\WebApplications\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets" />
<Target Name="BeforeBuild">
Destination="Web.config" />
You can also refer to below URL as sometime it makes transformation twice and you need to add steps for beforebuild

IIS Express won't download .coffee files

I just enabled source maps because, sure why not, I'd like to try them out. However, I'm finding that IISExpress will not download .coffee files so it doesn't work.
I'm sure it's a simple web.config modification, I'm just not sure which one. How do I configure it to serve these?
All of IIS Express's configuration is done through the configuration files; in this case you want
In that file, there's a list of all of the static content types that IIS Express knows about and is willing to serve. You just need to add your extension to that list. The list starts about 1/2 down the file, in this XML element:
<staticContent lockAttributes="isDocFooterFileName">
It should be pretty obvious what to do from there: just files to the correct mime type.
<mimeMap fileExtension=".coffee" mimeType="text/plain" />
This element is found within the system.webServer element, which is one of the ones that supports delegation to individual web.config files, so you should be able to add a similar XML block to your project's configuration file:
<mimeMap fileExtension=".coffee" mimeType="text/plain" />

Adding custom section to web.config in ASP.NET 4

I've spent half of a day trying to understand why the following fails.
I can add section anywhere but never got it working like that ():
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mysection />
<compilation debug="false" batch="false" targetFramework="4.0" />
I think the error related to .NET 4, because when you put section without pre-configuration in applicationHost.config it shows error with gray border saying that config is incorrect. That is what I expect. Then I add section definition and everything seems to work I can edit config from console - this means it is parsed correctly now.
But when I try to reach Application, it gives:
Parser Error Message: Unrecognized configuration section mysection
with a piece of config on yellow background.
Or do I need to write a module to consume that settings ? At the moment I do not have any, just a text in config.
following links will help you understand for this.
Old topic but these links are very helpfull:
Edit (05/25/2016) :
The Details of how to store custom information in applicationHost.config file ... I hope this helps !
Note : These settings wont be visible on IIS Manager. There is a way to do that but thats beyond the scope of this response.
Need to extend the system.applicationHost/sites section of applicationHost.config file to allow a siteowner attribute at the site level. (IIS Does not allow us to do this by default). Nor can you manually edit the applicationHost.config file and add custom tags/attributes.
Create a custom schema ( xml ) file under %windir%\system32\inetsrv\config\schema\ . File name: siteExtension_schema.xml
Include the custom elements that you want to eventually save in the applicationHost.config in that xml and save it with a appropriate name. The crucial thing to keep in mind is the sectionSchema tag.So when extending the schema of an existing section, simply create a element and set the name attribute to be the same as an existing section. In the schema file (see below), we have defined a with a name of "system.applicationHost/sites" - this is the same as the sectionSchema name in the default IIS_Schema.xml file in the Schema directory. So in essence you are instructing IIS to add these
<!-- Contents of %windir%\system32\inetsrv\config\schema\siteExtension_schema.xml -->
<sectionSchema name="system.applicationHost/sites">
<collection addElement="site">
<attribute name="owner" type="string" />
<attribute name="ownerEmail" type="string" />
Test the modifications by adding values for the "owner" and "ownerEmail" attributes that we included in step 2 above and then check the configuration file (applicationHost.config) to see the changes. Simply run the following command (must be elevated as Administrator) from the command line (uses appcmd ) to do so:
C:\> %windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd set site "Default Web Site" /owner:"John Contoso" /ownerEmail:""
To see if the configuration was applied, run the following command and check the output:
C:\> %windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd list site "Default Web Site" /config
<site name="Default Web Site" id="1" siteOwner="John Contoso" siteOwnerEmail="">
To Read and Write your settings programmatically thru C# :
//this Will work with the ServerManager.OpenRemote("MyRemoteHostname") method also
using(var mgr = new ServerManager())
Console.WriteLine(mgr.Sites["Default Web Site"].Attributes["owner"].Value ); //Prints "John Contoso"
mgr.Sites["Default Web Site"].Attributes["owner"].Value = "New Owner";// Sets new value
mgr.CommitChanges(); // commits the changes to applicationHost.Config

Impersonating different users during install in WiX setup

I've just created a WiX v3.5 installer to install my Web application to IIS7. I have custom actions to allow the user to choose which website and app pool they want and to name the Virtual directory via the dialogs.
But now I've come to authentication and I'm stumped. I am trying to enable impersonation and allow the user to enter their impersonation login and password. I had this working fine in my Visual Studion 2010 setup projects so now I need to replicate the same in WiX.
Aparently this can be done via an appcmd as per this question: Is setting "ASP.NET Impersonation" possible using WiX 3.x with IISExtension? but I can't seem to get this working. Can i add this in my product.wxs and wrap it in a custom action? Any ideas anyone? Any help would be appreciated?
appcmd set config /commit:WEBROOT/section:identity /impersonate:true
Hi I managed to get this working myself , so if anyone else is having the same issue , i fixed this by modifying my web.config during my install:
To do this i added the following code to my product.wsx to edit my web.config , using properties which i assigned to text boxes in a new dialog to allow the user to enter the impersonation username and password on install :
<Component Id="Web.config" Guid="2ED81B77-F153-4003-9006-4770D789D4B6">
<File Id="Web.config" Name="Web.config" Source="$(var.SolutionDir)MyWebApp\Web.config" DiskId="1" KeyPath="yes" />
<util:XmlFile Id="system.webidentity" File="[INSTALLLOCATION]Web.config" Action="createElement" ElementPath="/configuration/system.web" Name="identity" Sequence="1" />
<util:XmlFile Id="system.webIdentityAttribute" Action="setValue" File="[INSTALLLOCATION]Web.config" ElementPath="/configuration/system.web/identity" Name="impersonate" Value="true" Sequence="2" />
<util:XmlFile Id="system.webIdentityAttribute2" Action="setValue" File="[INSTALLLOCATION]Web.config" ElementPath="/configuration/system.web/identity" Name="password" Value="[IMPERSONATIONUSERPASSWORD]" Sequence="3" />
<util:XmlFile Id="system.webIdentityAttribute3" Action="setValue" File="[INSTALLLOCATION]Web.config" ElementPath="/configuration/system.web/identity" Name="userName" Value="[IMPERSONATIONUSER]" Sequence="4" />
Note if you are adding your files automatically to your Wix project using msbuild and heat , you'll have to ensure you arent copying your web.config here , or if you are , remove my web.config your Target settings. Otherwise you'll get duplication errors .
<Target Name="BeforeBuild">
<MSBuild Projects="%(ProjectReference.FullPath)" Targets="Package" Properties="Configuration=$(Configuration);Platform=AnyCPU" Condition="'%(ProjectReference.PackageThisProject)'=='True'" />
<Delete Files="%(ProjectReference.RootDir)%(ProjectReference.Directory)obj\$(Configuration)\Package\PackageTmp\web.config">
<HeatDirectory OutputFile="%(ProjectReference.Filename).wxs" Directory="%(ProjectReference.RootDir)%(ProjectReference.Directory)obj\$(Configuration)\Package\PackageTmp\" DirectoryRefId="INSTALLLOCATION" ComponentGroupName="%(ProjectReference.Filename)_Project" SuppressCom="true" SuppressFragments="true" SuppressRegistry="true" SuppressRootDirectory="true" AutoGenerateGuids="false" GenerateGuidsNow="true" ToolPath="$(WixToolPath)" Condition="'%(ProjectReference.PackageThisProject)'=='True'" /> </Target>

Command to rebuild applicationHost.config in IIS 7

Is there a way to rebuild the applicationHost.config file in IIS 7 with a Windows command? Or if you can help me fix the issue by modifying this file, that's fine too. When comparing this file to other servers, I'm noticing very important sections that are missing or different after deleting a site and a few application pools.
I am by no means an expert in IIS 7, but I've been using it for 7 years now. I am confident have performed all of the proper steps for a new site configuration and it still gives me this error, "401.1 "You are not authorized to view this page. You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied."
This happened on a machine where IIS APPPOOL{app pool user} doesn't exist, so we've never used this user, like I normally do when configuring permissions. We did however add proper permissions to IIS_IUSRS (with IUSR in this group) last week, and the site worked fine. We're using Windows Authentication, and all other authentication methods are turned off. No virtual directories. We are using .NET 4.0, Classic, and 32 bit app (under advanced settings).
We had to manually update the host name by doing the following command in "C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv" on the binding because IIS would grey out the host name when the VeriSign SSL certificate was added to the binding.
appcmd set site /"himc" /+bindings.[protocol='https',bindingInformation='*']
Missing sections on "bad" web server:
1 - exists on "good" box, missing on "bad" box
<key path="LM/W3SVC/INFO">
<property id="4012" dataType="String" userType="1" attributes="Inherit" value="NCSA Common Log File Format,Microsoft IIS Log File Format,W3C Extended Log File Format,ODBC Logging" />
<property id="2120" dataType="MultiSZ" userType="1" attributes="None" value="400,0,,,0
" />
2 - exists on "good" box, missing on "bad" box
<cache diskTemplateCacheDirectory="%SystemDrive%\inetpub\temp\ASP Compiled Templates" />
3 - this section exists on the "good" box, but only 2.0 (first 2 lines) exist on the "bad" box.
<filter name="ASP.Net_2.0.50727.0" path="%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_filter.dll" enableCache="true" preCondition="bitness32,runtimeVersionv2.0" />
<filter name="ASP.Net_2.0.50727-64" path="%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\aspnet_filter.dll" enableCache="true" preCondition="bitness64,runtimeVersionv2.0" />
<filter name="ASP.Net_2.0_for_V1.1" path="%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_filter.dll" enableCache="true" preCondition="runtimeVersionv1.1" />
<filter name="ASP.Net_4.0_64bit" path="C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\aspnet_filter.dll" enableCache="true" preCondition="runtimeVersionv4.0,bitness64" />
<filter name="ASP.Net_4.0_32bit" path="C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet_filter.dll" enableCache="true" preCondition="runtimeVersionv4.0,bitness32" />
4 - this section exists on "bad" box, but is missing on the "good" box
<application name="Active Server Pages" groupId="ASP" />
5 - ssiExecDisable property is missing on "good" box
<serverSideInclude ssiExecDisable="false" />
6 - section missing on "bad" box
<anonymousAuthentication enabled="false" />
<windowsAuthentication enabled="true" />
Apparently, Microsoft keeps a history of these files in:
Do a backup of all config files first!
So apparently, IIS keeps a history of the config files in C:\inetpub\history. So what you need to do is remember the last known date IIS worked fine and then copy the contents of the config file from c:\inetpub\history and replace config files in c:\windows\system32\inetsrv\config.
Good luck!
If you just want to modify currently active applicationHost.config take a look at this article:
Editing Applicationhost.config on 64 bit Win2008
As the article says, for some reason applicationHost.config is visible only using Explorer (which explains why I wasn't seeing file from my custom file manager) and you can edit it without problems using Notepad (again, any other editor and you'll run into problems).
The inetpub history folder saved my butt. I simply restored the two files in the root folder and wallah problem solved.
To install a backup of an older configuration, you can use the command:
c:\windows\system32\inetsrv\appcmd restore backup CFXHISTORY_xxxxxxxx
where CFXHISTORY_xxxxxxxx is a sub folder of C:\inetpub\history\.
Not sure what the command does besides copying files from that folder to the current configuration, but you should probably use it in case it does do something special.
Or you can just copy the file from the backup as explained in
