QT Creator fails to build when TEMPLATE=subdirs is added - qt

I'm new to QT Creator. I want to create a QT project with an exe and a static lib.
If I create the exe project first, it builds/rebuilds fine for every build configuration.
However, when i add TEMPLATE = subdirs to the end of the .pro file it stops building correctly. But it appears that is necessary to add static libs to the project. Any idea what I may be doing wrong?

The idea is to have a .pro file with TEMPLATE = subdirs on the toplevel and then the executable in one subdirectory and the library in another. Add both directories to SUBDIRS.
AFAIK it is not (easily) possible with qmake to build something and also recurse in one .pro file.
I am not sure about Qt Creator support, but it is easy to create the TEMPLATE = subdirs .pro file by hand.

I'm sorry, I did not understand what you are trying to do, can you explain better?
Does this help:
The template can be overridden by specifying a new template type with the -t command line option. This overrides the template type after the .pro file has been processed. With .pro files that use the template type to determine how the project is built, it is necessary to declare TEMPLATE on the command line rather than use the -t option.
from here


Get a .pro file from a Makefile

I have a project that generates a Makefile by using a custom script.
I would like to import this project into Qt Creator but in a way that I can add new files and compile them automatically (without manually editing the Makefile every time).
To simplify, i need a .pro file that would create a currently available Makefile.
Is there a smarter way to do it but to manually check the dependencies for each source file and add them to the .pro file?
qmake -project
should create the project file. Then use the "Add new file..." from Qt Creator to maintain the .pro file automatically.

Set Additional Include Directories in Qt Creator

I am using Qt Creator to rewrite my former project which is developed in Visual Studio. In this project I need to use an external library (gloox for xmpp).
Here's what I did in Visual Studio:
Add c:/dir1/ to the Additional Include Directories, that's where the tons of .h and .cpp files are.
Add c:/dir2/ in the linker setting, that's where the .lib file is.
I want to do the same thing in Qt Creator, so I added INCLUDEPATH += c:/dir1/ to the end of my .pro file, but when I qmaked again I still could not include anything from dir1 successfully.
#include <message.h>
C1083: Cannot open include file: 'message.h': No such file or directory
What should I do?
Based on the comment discussion, the problem seems to be that, after the INCLUDEPATH and potentially other relevant modifications, you forgot to properly re-run qmake.
This is necessary when dealing with QtCreator unfortunately due to the following long-standing issue:
Creator should know when to rerun qmake
I found the solution: copy everything in the .pro file and delete the .pro file. Then create a new .pro file and copy everything back, then execute qmake then run.

How do I add an entire directory to a QT creator project

I have an existing QT Creator project. I want to add an entire directory to this project. I see that I can right click in the project file browser tree and "Add Existing Files..." However through this dialog box, I can only add individual files. How can I include an entire directory?
The simplest way is to directly edit your .pro file, add HEADERS += mydir/*.h and SOURCES += mydir/*.cpp and the contents of the whole directory will show up in QT Creator. Further reference: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qmake-project-files.html
Open a terminal, navigate to the folder where you want to have you project file, and then run the command
qmake -project
This will search the current directory and all subdirectories for files with extensions such as .c, .cpp, .h, etc. (the full list is found by typing man qmake).
But keep in mind that it will overwrite your current .pro file if you already have a project set up.
qmake provides a convenient files function for this very purpose. Adding the following line to your project file will add .cpp files inside the src/ directory:
SOURCES += $$files(src/*.cpp)
By default, this is non-recursive. Setting the second parameter to true recursively finds all files:
SOURCES += $$files(src/*.cpp, true)
The files function was introduced since Qt 5.10.
Nowadays you can just right click on project name and select Add existing directory

Can I get qmake -project to add LIBS += .... to my .pro file?

I have a project that uses Qt. So I have "qmake" make my Makefile from the .pro file. But Qmake can also make that .pro file: qmake -project . This worked until I needed to add an external extra library to my project.
I get lots of hits on google that tell me to add LIBS += ... to my project file, but I want to tell qmake -project something that causes it to add it for me. In effect of course I'll be doing it myself, but I don't think that it's proper that I am editing the generated project file.
If for example I add files to the project directory, I'll have to recreate it and add in the library again, or I'll have to manually add the files to the (almost completely computer-generated) project file. I'm now using a script to auto-generate the project file, and then add in the LIBS += directive, but is there a proper way to do this?
When you are developing without the Qt Creator IDE, unless the IDE includes by itself some automatic utilities, you must edit manually the .pro configuration file.
The generated .pro file is a skeleton file which YOU must fill in with the libraries that you need, then the qmake system figures out the other dependencies and compiles your project. It is a essentially a much better version of pkg-config of gtk + Makefiles.
When you add more source and resource files to your project then manually you must add them to the .pro file.
QT += core gui
TARGET = qtcp1
SOURCES += main.cpp\
mainwindow.cpp \
miwidget1.cpp \
HEADERS += mainwindow.h \
miwidget1.h \
FORMS += mainwindow.u
Alternately, you can issue qmake -project over and over again, but this can cause some unforseen accidents, since it includes everything that is in the current directory at the time, including the pre-processed files for conversion to standard C++ from QT dialect. This intermediate files must be erased (cleaned), before the remaking the project and the next make or can lead to tricky problems.
Using the official and free QT Creator IDE takes away most of this burden by adding automatically the new data to the .pro file and cleaning loose ends. Some other IDEs like Code::BLocks and Codelite provide some facilities for QT, but not to the level of QT creator. Some prefer to edit the .pro themselves for custom reasons, other like more other styles of IDEs, like Eclipse.
You should test the waters and decide by yourself what fits best to your needs.
ReEdited, to clarify a few things.

how to create header file and source file of a .ui file in Qtdesigner?

I have an application in which i have a mainwindow.ui file and i create a new designer file dialoge.ui in same application now how i can create source file and header file for dialoge.ui .I am using QtCreater(windows).
I am a beginner in qt , i think there should be a way for the same but i am not getting.
Help me.
You can create source & header out of .ui file externally & then import them into your application(Dont forget to reference then in the .pro file.). Create a executable(.bat or .exe) to execute following commands. Below is the shell script(I am a linux user.)
<path to your uic compiler>/uic -o form.h form.ui
<path to your uic compiler>/uic -i form.h -o form.cpp form.ui
For each file somewidget.ui, during the build process ui_somewidget.h and ui_somewidget.cpp will be created. The tool used to generate them is uic.
All you have to make sure that the .ui files are added to the .pro file of your project, along with the other source and header files, like this:
FORMS += somewidget.ui
qmake/make will automatically generate and build the .cpp and .h files for somewidget.ui.
you can do this:
Save your dialoge.ui file in a directory.
Use qmake to create the .pro file (qmake -project), qmake is smart enough to detect the .ui.
This will also generate the appropriate makefile rules to invoke uic, Qt's user interface compiler.
If you are using visual studio, you can call qmake -tp vc, this will generate a visual studio project, linked and ready to use.
The visual studio project will generate a ui_dialoge.h for you, you can copy this to another project and use it in another header file which will use this dialoge.ui
I'm not sure I've completely understood your question. You have an application developed in QtCreator in which you have 2 .ui files. And you want to generate the corresponding header/source files to these 2 files.
Using QtCreator you don't need to worry about generating header files. This is done automatically. During the build phase, the User Interface Compiler (uic) is called and translates the .xml files into c++ header files.
Additionally to the already correct answers: change from Debug to Release mode in the general settings. In my case, the header file wasn't created in Debug mode
