Wordpress: Sort posts chronologically by custom field - wordpress

I have some posts used as events, with a custom field for the event's date. I'm looking for ordering thoses posts by event's date (chronologically).
I'm wondering:
Is it possible to set the event's date custom field as a "date" format
(for now, it's a simple type=text).
Howto order thoses posts if i always
use the same format (like
dd/mm/yyyy). I need to get the 3 close coming events (not the last 3).
Did wordpress has a built-in function who could compare a date to the today's date?

I just did this! (www.wherewordsgo.com)
okay, i only got it working for 'pages' but.
but if you make a meta box for 'deadline' and then put the date in yyyy/mm/dd format and add this to your functions.php it might help:
add_action('wp', 'check_page');
function check_page () {
if (is_page()) {
add_filter('get_previous_post_sort', 'sort_it');
add_filter('get_next_post_sort', 'sort_it');
add_filter('posts_orderby', 'sort_it' );
add_filter('posts_join', 'join_it' );
add_filter('posts_where', 'where_it' );
function sort_it () {
global $wpdb;
return " $wpdb->postmeta.meta_value ASC ";
function join_it( $join ) {
global $wpdb;
$join .= " LEFT JOIN $wpdb->postmeta ON($wpdb->posts.ID = $wpdb->postmeta.post_id) ";
return $join;
function where_it( $where ) {
global $wpdb;
$where .= "AND $wpdb->postmeta.meta_key = 'deadline' ";
return $where;
I got that from some site (which I have lost the link for... big WP dude though I think) and changed it as needed. Like I said it works only for custom pages on my build (I'm using a custom type), but may well just work for everything if you change the 'is_page()' function at the start to whatever is relative for you.
Hope that helps


How to bulk change external column values defined in Orders table and stored in database?

I am working on return processes in Woocommerce. I am getting returned or not returned information from table named return_table. I added this information to a new column in the orders table. The table is simply as follows:
I need to make changes to the column I just added. For example, I want to update the value from no return to returned. For this, I should make a new definition in the default actions column or add a new bulk action. I decided to add bulk action as it is more functional:
However, I was unable to make any progress after that. I've done research on Stackoverflow or other platforms. I found an answer to add buttons (new actions) but still couldn't solve the problem:
Others I've found are mostly geared towards changing the "Order Status":
Source-2, Source-3, Source-4...
So, i've been researching this for a while and haven't found a solution. I will be grateful if anyone can help.
My Code:
// Add new column
add_filter( 'manage_edit-shop_order_columns', 'return_column', 11);
function return_column( $columns ) {
$columns['return_column'] = 'Return Status';
return $columns;
// Add the data to the custom columns
add_action( 'manage_shop_order_posts_custom_column', 'return_column_content',11);
function return_column_content ($column){
if($column == 'return_column'){
// Create required global variables
global $post, $wpdb;
$order = wc_get_order( $post->ID );
$order_id = $order->get_id();
$result = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT return_status FROM {$wpdb->prefix}return_table WHERE order_id ='$order_id' LIMIT 1");
echo $result[0]->return_status;
echo '-';
//Add new order status to bulk change
add_filter( 'bulk_actions-edit-shop_order', 'refund_register_bulk_action' );
function refund_register_bulk_action( $bulk_actions ) {
$bulk_actions['mark_returned'] = 'Returned';
$bulk_actions['mark_not_returned'] = 'Not Returned';
return $bulk_actions;

Woocommerce Get the order_id from one of the item_id?

I try to get the related order (the order id) from one of the line items id.
One case for example:
When editing an order, and deleting a line item (done by Ajax) the Woocommerce only provide the hook "woocommerce_before_delete_order_item" and passes $item_id only. (The woo function performs sql and not WP enviroment). I need the "belonging" order id to make some action!
My solution so far, is to loop through all orders and compare the Items ID, and break and return order ID when the match occurs.
This is way to slow, or "bulky clumsy", when keeping 10000 orders and more alive in the current shop.
This does NOT work:
wp_get_post_parent_id ( $item_id )
But Im hoping there is a similar call, or do I need to make a DB SQL search? Any answer involving mySQL, please make it "copy and paste ready". Im great at PHP but dont handle or never write my own SQL.
Thanks for any help! Below is my solution so far:
$order_id = my_wc_get_order_from_item_id($item_id);
function my_wc_get_order_from_item_id($id) {
$orders = get_posts('post_type=shop_order&numberposts=-1&post_status=publish');
foreach($orders as $obj) {
$order = new WC_Order($obj->ID);
if ( count( $order->get_items('line_item') ) > 0 ) {
foreach($order->get_items('line_item') as $item_id => $item ) {
if($item_id == $id) $return_value = $obj->ID;
if(isset($return_value)) break;
if(isset($return_value)) break;
if(isset($return_value)) return $return_value;
else return 0;
Your approach didn't work because order items are not posts in the wp_posts table, so they can't have a post_parent.
However, all is not lost and this was easier than I expected considering that my SQL isn't that strong. Looking at the woocommerce_order_item table in the database you can see that order_id and order_item_id are both there:
so I borrowed a little SQL statement from WooCommerce and modified it to find the order_id given a particular order_item_id row. Let me know how that works.
function so_38286531_get_order_item_order_id( $item_id ) {
global $wpdb;
$order_id = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare(
"SELECT order_id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_order_items
WHERE order_item_id = %d",
) );
return $order_id;
Use the built-in woocommerce function wc_get_order_id_by_order_item_id($item_get_id) to get order ID
// define the woocommerce_before_delete_order_item callback
function my_func_before_delete_order_item( $item_get_id ) {
$order_id = wc_get_order_id_by_order_item_id($item_get_id);
// do what you need...
// add the action
add_action( 'woocommerce_before_delete_order_item', 'my_func_before_delete_order_item', 10, 1 );

wordpress remove post status count from cms

I want to remove the post status count from WordPress edit.php.
My WordPress CMS have more than 500,000 posts. The publish count is loaded every time you open the page. The following query is fired every time.
This makes my Wordpress CMS loading very slow.
SELECT post_status, COUNT( * ) AS num_posts FROM wp_posts WHERE post_type = 'post' GROUP BY post_status
By tracing the code, I've worked up the only solution that I can see.
The filter bulk_post_updated_messages is ONLY called on the edit.php screen.
The counts are not calculated (in class-wp-posts-list-table.php, get_views method) if the global variable $locked_post_status is not empty.
By gluing these two pieces of information together, I've got a solution that you can use by dropping it into your theme's functions.php file:
// Hook this filter, only called on the `edit.php` screen.
// It's not the "correct" filter, but it's the only one we can leverage
// so we're hijacking it a bit.
add_filter('bulk_post_updated_messages', 'suppress_counts', 10, 2);
// We need to let the function "pass through" the intended filter content, so accept the variable $bulk_messages
function suppress_counts($bulk_messages) {
// If the GET "post_type" is not set, then it's the "posts" type
$post_type = (isset($_GET['post_type'])) ? $_GET['post_type'] : 'post';
// List any post types you would like to KEEP counts for in this array
$exclude_post_types = array('page');
// Global in the variable so we can modify it
global $locked_post_status;
// If the post type is not in the "Exclude" list, then set the $locked variable
if ( ! in_array($post_type, $exclude_post_types)) {
$locked_post_status = TRUE;
// Don't forget to return this so the filtered content still displays!
return $bulk_messages;
i came up with this solution.
//Disable Article Counter - query runs for about 1-2 seconds
add_filter('admin_init', function () {
foreach (get_post_types() as $type) {
$cache_key = _count_posts_cache_key($type, "readable");
$counts = array_fill_keys(get_post_stati(), 1);
wp_cache_set($cache_key, (object)$counts, 'counts');
}, -1);
add_action('admin_head', function () {
$css = '<style>';
$css .= '.subsubsub a .count { display: none; }';
$css .= '</style>';
echo $css;
the post counter uses the wp-cache, the idea behind this approach is, to prefill the cache with the "correct" object containing 1's (0 would skip the status from being clickable) - at the earliest moment.
it results in all stati being displayed - with 1's and the query is not run et-all
in addition it returns a css snippet to hide the (1)

Search functionality that also searches the keyword in custom fields of posts

The default search functionality in wp searches only the content of the posts/pages. But I have categories which have posts with custom fields (I have used advanced custom field plugin for it).I tried using many plugins as Relevanssi but still did not find a way to search in custom fields too. Maybe I am missing something. How to get the search results which include the custom fields too? Please help.
Try like this
function custom_search_where($where) {
// put the custom fields into an array
$customs = array('custom_field1', 'custom_field2', 'custom_field3');
foreach($customs as $custom) {
$query .= " OR (";
$query .= "(m.meta_key = '$custom')";
$query .= " AND (m.meta_value LIKE '{$n}{$term}{$n}')";
$query .= ")";
$where = " AND ({$query}) AND ($wpdb->posts.post_status = 'publish') ";
add_filter('posts_where', 'custom_search_where');

Get three posts before a certain date in Wordpress

I was wondering how I can get the last three posts before (and after) a certain date.
I was looking at query_post but I can't figure it out.
I'm looking to do this in functions.php. Ideally, it would return just basic home page stuff.. title, first image, num_comments, etc. I don't need to query the whole article.
EDIT: I would also like this all done in one function.. there are explanations out there on how to add a filter function.. which I don't want to do. If the functionality could be simply placed in add_filter(...) that would be fine.
Any help would be very much appreciated!
Got'er. Uses AJAX. Thank you for being a baller PHP (inner functions).
function ajax_get_next_posts($wp) {
if(!$_POST['date']) return 'error';
function filter_where($where = '') {
$where .= " AND post_date <= '{$_POST['date']}'";
return $where;
add_filter('posts_where', 'filter_where');
$posts = query_posts('posts_per_page=3');
