Flex 4: LineSeries AnimateColor not working - apache-flex

This is a fairly simple question I would think.
here is the code (I cut it down for an easy read)
<s:AnimateColor id="rw"
<mx:LineSeries id="targetRatio" displayName="Target" xField="Month" creationComplete="rw.play();" yField="targetRatio" verticalAxis="{v2}"
<mx:SolidColorStroke id="targetRatioCol" color="0xFFFFFF" weight="4" />
the chart shows the line but the animation doesn't work.
My question is why isn't this working?
Thanks in advance

I don't think that the Chart redraws when the animation is played. Charts are a very strange beast. If I were you, I'd create an item renderer for the line which has the animation within it so that you'd only redraw the line.


mouseSensitivity not working for ColumnChart in flex

I am trying to use "mouseSensitivity" property of ColumnChart in flex.
From the example tutorial I have learnt how this property works.
But In my program it seems not working. By that what I mean is even though if I give very less value say mouseSensitivity=1 and if I place mouse pointer far away from the data point, even then its attracted to the nearest data point. Which is not desirable in my program.
<mx:ColumnChart id="energyChart" mouseSensitivity="1" dataProvider="{energyXml.scenario}" selectionMode="single" chartClick="energyChart_chartClickHandler(event)" >
<mx:ColumnSeries id="energySeries" />
<mx:LineSeries id="lineSeries" />
Sorry guys...
I got why its going wrong, Initially I gave line series width as '100', so flex taking mouse pointer as in its range even though its not in the "mouseSensitivity" range....

ColumnChart: how to get rid of shadow behind columns?

I have few questions about ColumnChart please (screenshot and code below):
How to get rid of the shadow drawn behind each column? I've tried adding <mx:filters /> but it hasn't helped
How to get rid of the padding between columns, so that they touch each other sidewise (like stairs) SOLVED
How to get rid of the warning Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to "horizontalAxis"? I've tried moving that code block around to get rid of the axis parameter, but can't find the right spot. SOLVED
<mx:ColumnChart id="_chart"
dataProvider="{_ac}" >
<mx:filters /> <!-- doesn't remove shadows -->
<mx:CategoryAxis categoryField="yw"/>
<mx:horizontalAxisRenderers> <!-- warning -->
<mx:AxisRenderer axis="{_chart.horizontalAxis}" canDropLabels="true" />
displayName="Лидер недели"
<mx:Legend dataProvider="{_chart}"
width="100%" />
Sunil has helped with question #3, thanks!
And the problem #2 is solved by columnWidthRatio="1"
So now I just need to know, how to get rid of the shadows - as per question title :-)
For your first question, simple add seriesFilters="{[]}" to mx:ColumnChart attributes.

How to create Flex Wobble Effect for a component (VBox/HBox etc...)

Can anyone tell me how can we create a wobbling effect using flex 3?
I need something like the effect which is show in ubuntu when we see an alert or move a folder.
Thank you.
Not sure if there is anything specifically built in Flex to handle the "wobble" effect specifically, but you can combine the Flex Move and bounce effects to create a kind of "wobble":
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<s:Bounce id="bounceEasing"/>
<s:Elastic id="elasticEasing"/>
<s:Move id="moveRight"
<s:Move id="moveLeft"
<s:Image id="myImage"
<s:Button label="Move Right"
x="0" y="100"
<s:Button label="Move Left"
x="0" y="125"
Customize the code above to make smaller movements and link the left and right moves, and you have a wobble. You might also decide to add an event listener for the MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER to play the wobble effect when the mouse rolls over the component.

Weird display when scolling images inside List component in Flex

I have a list that displays photos like them:
<s:List id="thumnPhotosList"
itemRenderer="PhotoRenderer" >
<s:TileLayout orientation="columns"
requestedColumnCount="3" />
and PhotoRenderer has a code like this:
<mx:Image source="{_model.url + theAlbumPhoto.thumbPhotoURL}"
maxWidth="{Constants.DEFAULT_ALBUM_PHOTO_WIDTH}" maxHeight="{Constants.DEFAULT_ALBUM_PHOTO_HEIGHT}" />
Which works fine except when the number of photos get high and the scroll bar appears it starts behaving weirdly: it start showing photos different than the ones it supposed to and if I scroll back to beginning and scroll again to new photos other ones appears sometimes the correct ones and sometime not. Not sure how to resolve this, any ideas? you can also recommend different way than using s:List if that makes it easier.
I had the same problem with text List, i think its padding issue, organize the pading for all components it may help.
As I couldn't figure out what the problem was and couldn't reproduce it on stand alone application. I came up with the following code that solved the issue:
<s:Scroller id="photoScroller"
visible="{_model.photoAlbumToCreateOrUpdate.photos.length > 0}"
horizontalScrollPolicy="off" verticalScrollPolicy="auto"
top="50" bottom="0">
<s:DataGroup id="thumnPhotosList"
itemRenderer="AlbumPhotoThumbRenderer" >
<s:TileLayout orientation="rows"
requestedColumnCount="4" />
I had this same issue with an Image component in a custom item renderer I was using in a TileList. I fixed it without really knowing how, but the problem was the source property of the Image component in the item renderer.
The idea with item renderers is to use the data variable to access the item feeding the renderer. What do the _model and theAlbumPhoto variables refer to in your renderer? What I ended up doing was changing the source property to something more like data.image_path, and it decided to start working.
If you're happy with your solution, hopefully this can at least be of help to someone else.

Displaying data points in Flex Line chart

I have a flex line chart. Instead of the default behavior of having to hover over parts of the line to see the data points, is there a way to change the rendering of each point and have them always displayed? (almost like a connect the dots type view).
Try this
<mx:LineSeries dataProvider="{arr1}">
you can change CrossItemRenderer with DiamondItemRenderer or any other
For an example look at the bottom of this page: Using strokes with chart controls
you will need to set the 'showAllDataTips' property of the LineChart to true e.g.
<mx:LineChart id="linechart" height="100%" width="45%"
paddingLeft="5" paddingRight="5"
showDataTips="true" dataProvider="{expensesAC}"
That will display all of the data tips for that chart
I am constructing the line series using ActionScript and also using line mx:lineStroke in MXML to change the color of the line. The problem is that the CircleItemRenderer I am using with this line does not take the color of the line, instead takes some default color. Is there a way that, say orange triangles shown for a blue line can be changed to blue triangles, and thus being consistent with the line color.
<mx:SolidColor id="fillColor" color="0xbbbbbb" alpha="1"/>
<mx:Stroke id="lineStroke" color="0xbbbbbb" weight="2" alpha="1"/>
<mx:LineSeries yField="yvalue" xField="xvalue"
lineStroke="{lineStroke}" stroke="{null}" />
As posted in response to another question on the same subject...
If you're using <mx:LineSeries>, then set the following property:
When constructing a LineSeries in ActionScript, then set the itemRenderer style on your LineSeries object before adding to the series array:
lineSeries.setStyle("itemRenderer", new ClassFactory(mx.charts.renderers.CircleItemRenderer));
Don't forget to...
import mx.charts.renderers.*;
You don't have to stick to the circle item renderer either, you can use any of the item renderers found in the renderers package.
