running partcover on a 64 bit machine generates 1KB output file - ccnet-config

When i run the partcover from the console on a 32 bit machine, i am getting 5 mb file generated as output. But when i ran the same on 64 bit machine's commmand prompt i am getting 1 KB file as the output.
I have used
CorFlags.exe PartCover.exe /32BIT+
CorFlags.exe PartCover.Browser.exe /32BIT+
But no able to generate a proper output. I am using Nunit 2.5 and Part Cover 2.3

I've successfully used PartCover with NUnit on a 64 bit machine, but it often requires some fiddling to get working. One of the key things for me was to ensure that the tests were being run using nunit-console-x86.exe.
I recommend using the most recent version of PartCover, which is a fork on GitHub - PartCover.NET 4 and read this and this.


32 bit jvm executing batch file fails with 'pnputil.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command

I am executing batch file from 32bit Java application.
This batch/cmd tries to install some drivers using pnputil.exe on windows 7 64 bit and fails giving - 'pnputil.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command.
Tried with changing dir to %WINDIR%/System32/ within batch file and calling pnputil.exe without any success.
However similar batch executes fine when run from 64-bit jvm.
What alternatives do I have to install INF files from 32-bit jvm executing batch file on 64-bit Windows 7 ?
I can execute pnpUtil via path %WINDIR%\sysnative\pnputil.exe for 32bit JVM.
Though sysnative is not visible via win explorer but it solved my problem.

Running Kurzweil 3000 Version 15 in Batch Mode

I'm trying to run Kurzweil 3000 Version 15 in batch mode. Kurzweil provides an "Automator" but it's not working.
It's essentially just hanging, doing nothing.
In Version 13, it used to work.
Any thoughts on how to troubleshoot? I've followed their instructions end-to-end, without success.
Also, is there a way for us to create a script and invoke Kurzweil 3000 from the command line? Ideally on a Mac, because I'm more familiar writing scripts in bash than windows scripts.
Thanks for your thoughts!

Using 32bit pintool on a 64 bit machine

I am new to pintool and I spent weeks on this problem:
I have a 64 bit architecture running ubuntu 14.04 and I try to use a pintool (source/tools/SimpleExample - trace.cpp) on a 32 bit binary. I used the following command:
make obj-ia32/ TARGET=ia32
to create the obj-ia32 folder including the (hopefully) compiled 32-bit version of trace.cpp. I think this worked, however when I then try to use
../../../pin -t obj-ia32/ -- /path/to/binary/binary.o
I receive the following error:
E: Unable to load obj-ia32/ Check the architecture type.
Do you have any idea how I can manage to use pintool on a 64bit machine on 32bit binaries? I know I need to compile the specific tool to 32 (which I thought I did above). I looked through the entire user manual multiple times, but I just can't seem to find the solution. Thank you so much in advance for any suggestions or hints you can give me.

:version shows "Dependencies: python27.dll, which is not on my computer

I downloaded Vim 7.3 and installed it on my Windows7 64 bit system. I coded a simple python 3.4 program and tried to run it without success using the :!python COMMAND. When I checked version, bottom of output said:
Dependency: python27.dll, python33.dll, x64-msvcrt-ruby200.dll, lva52.dll, libintl.dll, lidiconv.dll, iconv.dll.
When I checked, python27.dll is not found on my system at all, python33.dll is in a directory for a program called "Autodesk 123D Design". I didn't check for the others yet. Can someone explain if these are required and if so, where they go? I have no idea why they would not have downloaded with the program during install.
They are used for writing vim plugins in Python. They are not required for normal operation.
They are also unrelated to your problem; check the value of %PATH% to see if python.exe is accessible.

Memory limit in R Studio

I tried to decrease and give some limit to R studio but it didn't work.
I've read this article and this question.
My computer is running Windows 8 64 Bit with RAM 8 GB. I just want to give memory limit to R Studio only 4 GB.
The easiest would be to just use:
[1] 8157
If you are running a server version of RStudio, it will be a bit different. You will have to change the file /etc/rstudio/rserver.conf and add rsession-memory-limit-mb=4000 to it.
If you do find that RStudio is resetting the memory limit with every new instance, you could try and add memory.limit(size=4000) to your .Rprofile file that sets your with every start
