how can get image from a relative path -

i am working in asp .net mvc3.
i want to get a image which exist in this location in my project
CalcoWOMS is my project name. i want to fetch this calcologo.png in following line please check following line and tell me how should write this following line in correct way.?
iTextSharp.text.Image gif = iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance("~/calcologo.png");
means in place of ("~/calcologo.png"); what path i should write ?

You could use MapPath
var physicalPath = Server.MapPath("~/Content/pictures/calcologo.png");

You could try "%~dp0calcologo.png".
%~dp0 means current directory.

You could use the HostingEnvironment object along with Path.Combine
Path.Combine(#HostingEnvironment.ApplicationPhysicalPath, "calcologo.png");
Of course, #HostingEnvironment.ApplicationPhysicalPath will only take you to the root of your application, so you might need to use "Content/picturescalcologo.png".


How can I change this .NET code to File.Exists?

I am working with a framework written in .NET and I do not know .NET. I just need to change this one line where it checks to see if a variable exists, and I need to change it to instead just check on the server to see if the file itself exists.
Here is what is there now:
#if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.DrawingLink2){
Is this the correct code to change it to check if the file exists instead?
#if (File.Exists(/Portfolio/#(Model.FileNumber)/Images/Large_#(Model.FileNumber)_1.jpg))
You need to map that file, relative to the root of the web application, to the physical file system. You can use HttpServerUtility.MapPath for that. You also need quotes around string literals. The process running the code also needs read access to the directory (very likely the case, just mentioning it to be complete).
#if (File.Exists(HttpServerUtility.MapPath("/Portfolio/#(Model.FileNumber)/Images/Large_#(Model.FileNumber)_1.jpg"))

how to load image with relative path in bitmap

i want to upload image int the bitmap object from, the image is location under
whenever i use below code to load image in bitmap, i gets error saying Parameter not valid.
Bitmap b = new Bitmap("/uploadedimages/sampleimage.jpg") // this path is coming from database holded in variable
i tried to replace the slashes in path to "\" still that does not work.
can anyone tell me what could be the reason for the error and the possible resolution.
Use Server.MapPath. And it's a good practice to use the tilde char ~ to specify the web application root.
Bitmap b = new Bitmap(Server.MapPath("~/uploadedimages/sampleimage.jpg"));
if uploadedimages directory is in your App_Data folder then you should append the App_Data absolute path to your path:
Bitmap b = new Bitmap(Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/App_Data"), "/uploadedimages/sampleimage.jpg"));
You can use server.MapPath, pass Url string as given below.

Access compilation element in web.config [duplicate]

Is there any way to access the <compilation /> tag in a web.config file?
I want to check if the "debug" attribute is set to "true" in the file, but I can't seem to figure out how to do it. I've tried using the WebConfigurationManager, but that doesn't seem to allow me to get to the <compilation /> section.
I know I could easily just load the file like an XML Document and use XPath, but I was hoping there was already something in the framework that would do this for me. It seems like there would be something since there are already ways to get App Settings and Connection Strings.
I've also tried using the WebConfigurationManager.GetSection() method in a few ways:
WebConfigurationManager.GetSection("compilation")// Name of the tag in the file
WebConfigurationManager.GetSection("CompilationSection") // Name of the class that I'd expect would be returned by this method
WebConfigurationManager.GetSection("system.web") // Parent tag of the 'compilation' tag
All of the above methods return null. I'm assuming there is a way to get to this configuration section since there is a class that already exists ('CompilationSection'), I just can't figure out how to get it.
using System.Configuration;
using System.Web.Configuration;
CompilationSection configSection =
(CompilationSection) ConfigurationManager.GetSection( "system.web/compilation" );
You can then check the configSection.Debug property.
TIP: if you need to know how to get a value from a config file, check the machine.config file in your \Windows\\Framework\<version>\CONFIG folder. In there you can see how all the configuration section handlers are defined. Once you know the name of the config handler (in this case, CompilationSection), you can look it up in the .Net docs.
The easy way to check if you're running in debug mode is to use the HttpContext.IsDebuggingEnabled property. It gets its answer from the compilation element's debug attribute which is the same thing you're trying to do.
After all, you can always load up the Web.config file into an XmlDocument and use an XPath query to find out!
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
However, I suggest you use the Configuration.GetSection method for solution.
CompilationSection section =
Configuration.GetSection("system.web/compilation") as CompilationSection;
bool debug = section != null && section.Debug;
You can always check debug option on the compiler level by enclosing your code with
#if (DEBUG)
in case that was the idea...
Try using:
Cant you just load the file up as a regular XML File and use XPath to get the nodes?
Try using the ConfigurationManager.GetSection method.

What is the most efficient way to perform the reverse of Server.MapPath in an ASP.Net Application

I am building an MVC application in which I am reading a list of files from the file system and I want to pass the relative URL to that file to the view, preferably prefixed with "~/" so that whatever view is selected cab render the URL appropriately.
To do this, I need to enumerate the files in the file system and convert their physical paths back to relative URLs. There are a few algorithms I've experimented with, but I am concerned about efficiency and minimal string operations. Also, I believe there's nothing in the .Net Framework that can perform this operation, but is there something in the latest MVC release that can?
At the moment I don't know any built-in method to do it, but it's not difficult, I do it like this:
We need to get the Application root, and replace it in our new path with ~
We need to convert the backslashes to slashes
public string ReverseMapPath(string path)
string appPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~");
string res = string.Format("~{0}", path.Replace(appPath, "").Replace("\\", "/"));
return res;
Isn't this what UrlHelper.Content method does?
I did some digging, trying to get the UrlHelper class to work outside of a controller, then I remembered a old trick to do the same thing within an aspx page:
string ResolveUrl(string pathWithTilde)
Hope this helps!

how can an .ASPX page get its file system path?

I have a page something.aspx, with associated codebehind something.aspx.cs. In that codebehind, I want to know the filesystem location of something.aspx. Is there any convenient way to get it?
Update: I got several excellent answers, which unfortunately didn't work because of something else crazy I'm doing. I'm encoding some additional information on the URL I pass in, so it looks like this:
The server deals with this OK (and I'm not using querystring parameters to work around some other code that I didn't write). But when I call Server.MapPath(Request.Url.ToString()) I get an error that the full URL with the 'info' segments isn't a valid virtual path.
// File path
string absoluteSystemPath = Server.MapPath("~/relative/path.aspx");
// Directory path
string dir = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(absoluteSystemPath);
// Or simply
string dir2 = Server.MapPath("~/relative");
Server.MapPath is among the most used way to do it.
string physicalPath = Server.MapPath(Request.Url);
Server.MapPath( Request.AppRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath )
